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(4 edits)

I'M LITERALLY CRYING DEREK IS SO SWEET!!!! The DLCs are so worth it and I NEVER spend money on games. I've only done the Step 2 moments so far, but baby Derek is so thoughtful and selfless and I just adore him so much. The sleepover and boardwalk moments were my favorites, I loved how much emotion and depth each character had (and I just love anything with soft Elizabeth). The Derek epilogue had me BEAMING. I didn't think the game could get any better but seeing the "side" characters' storylines have made me appreciate the writing and worldbuilding even more.

Hey! do you mind if i ask how you got the dlc to download? ive tried what the creator said but im still a little lost.. Im not the bright when it comes to really appreciate the help. I love this game and i really want to play this dlc

Before I consider buying this DLC are there any requirements besides being having  a Fond relationship with Derek to access his Step 2 moments?

You also need to start playing before Step 2, either loading a save in Step 1 or starting a new game. You can't load a save that's already in Step 2, otherwise you'll miss the chance to choose your relationship standing with Derek and won't be able to play his Moments.

So I don't need to invite him to the Soiree or something to access his other moments?

You do need to play Derek's version of the Soiree to get Derek's Step 4 epilogue, you can't do Cove's version. But that doesn't unlock his other Step 2 Moments. There's a yellow button on the right side of the Moment screen. You click that to switch over to Derek's Moments.

So heyy!!<3 I hii just wanted to say i love the game. but i have a silly question... So I purchased this game a LONG time ago. but...i never been able to open it. and ive tried everything in the book so ..i kinda just stopped trying. I was wondering if you can help me? I really wanna play Derek's story!! so it would mean a lot!:3

What Ive done;

- Ive clicked on the document and then get this (Now am not really the best with computer terms but most of the time it just gives me a blank sheet of paper? i dont even know what rpa. means)=

I try to open it and i can only open it with these apps=

Then if i even open it in one of the apps i always get some error or this for ex;

I really really..wanna play Dereks route!! and i swear to god ive tried everything TwT but it just never gives me  a file leading to the actal game or route. always something like the picture above.. so please please what else can i do?



Hello! The .rpa isn't a game build file, clicking it or trying to open it won't do anything. You have to add the rpa into the main Our Life: Beginnings & Always "game" folder to unlock Derek's content.

1. Download the zip file after purchase and extract the zip to get a folder

2. Open the folder of your current Our Life Build and find the "game" folder inside. To view folders on Mac you might have to right click the application launcher and select "view package contents" and you may have to open a couple different folders before you find the "game" folder tucked away inside

3. Move or copy/paste the rpa file into the Our Life "game" folder After that, the build you already had will now include all the extra content this DLC gives.

Will you guys ever make a another DLC for Derek's storyline like maybe for a wedding?

I'm afraid not. We've gotta work on newer projects now.

So I played this dlc a while ago, but I wanted to play it again so I redownloaded our life and tried to copy and paste the rpa but it seems to be having the hardest time doing that :/

All I get is this tab and the bar doesn't seem to even move. I retried this 3 times now. And I turned on and off my computer. So Uhm what do I do?

I'm sorry, that would have to do with the device. I can only guess what might be causing it. Maybe moving the original file into the folder instead of copying/pasting it would work better. But you could try searching for the specific type of computer you have and searching if there's an explanation for not being able to copy over files.

Yeah, I guess my computer won't let me copy and paste files for some reason, but I just had to move a bunch of files around and I got it to work! So I'm good :D

I'm glad you found a way!


SO SWEET!!! I adore the Suarez brothers with my whole heart. Nico is adorable and Jorge is so quietly caring!! the heart to heart they had legit made me tear up, it was so sweet. and I LOVE being able to treat Mr. Holden as a dad figure. its so funny because on my Baxter route, Mr. Holden was my first crush LOL but in Derek's route I keep making him tear up with how I treat him like a dad. its so cute. Obviously I love Derek too, but his character and his route wouldn't be as interesting without the care he has for his brothers 

I'm confused on how to install the Derek/Baxter/Wedding DLCs. The other 3 were zip files I extracted a game folder from. These 3 are rpa files. I'm using MacOS. I can't tell if I also need to extract them, or the rpa files can be placed directly in the MacOS folder?

You don't need to extract them. We simplified the DLC process, so you just put the rpa files into the folder. But if you have older versions that were zips, you should update the base game and those DLC to be the latest versions. The new DLCs can't work with old builds. Removing the old versions won't delete your save files!

Ok. Hm The Step 1-3 bonus DLCs had rpa files and folders. I downloaded everything yesterday for the first time so they should all be updated. I never got Dereks ending in Step 4 so idk what happened. I did take him to the dance in Step 2 which someone on reddit said that means the DLC is in just fine.

In that case they should be fine. But you don't need the folder, just the rpa. I'm not sure why a folder would appear for some of them but you can ignore that part.

Is there any guide? I never flirted with Cove, did every Moment during each Step, did any choice to flirt with Derek and even took him to the dance, and Step 4 never gave me the option to pick Derek.

Did you choose to keep in touch with him while you were apart during Step 3? And did you do the Moments on the second page? There's a button on the right side of the Step 2 Moment select screen that lets you switch to five Derek Moments.

La verdad me decepcionó con su aptitud fría y alejada haciendo que sea difícil conseguir por lo menos un beso por qué abrieron la puerta sus hermanos, no hubo final jaja la remato con trotar así sin más jaaaaaa :"7

Pensé que era romántico cuando están ya grandes , bueno aparte su familia metiche 

Creo que lo único romántico,aclaro: a mi no me gusta de niño pero pasaron momentos lindos juntos pero cuando creció yo quería más y nadaaa 

Tenía una duda si al momento de cambiar su personalidad en la ruta le puse opciones estudioso y frio a cove eso también aplica a Derek? La verdad en la ruta de Derek lo evite por qué me sentía infiel perdón jejee

I downloaded the game but i don't know how to play it im on  laptop

To use DLCs, you just place the rpa file into the "game" folder of the Our Life folder you downloaded.

Hi super dumb question but if I downloaded the game on and finished it on another computer do I have to start the game over on this laptop to play the dlcs? Or does the game give you the option to skip to the DLC part I really loved the game and want to play the dlcs but I don't know if I want to go through the earlier stages all over again. Thanks :)

I'm afraid there's no way to skip Steps entirely, however you can fast forward through the opening and ending scenes for a Step while not doing any of the actual Moments.

Thank you for answering! I might just replay the game with different choices then up until the DLC point bc I really love the game  :)

Idk why but I still haven't gotten the last cg for derek since I bought this dlc around when it first came out. I've played his route the least but still played through it a fair amount of times and i still haven't gotten the last one?? How do I get it? A guide I saw just said to play through the whole thing but I've done that like 3-4 times so... like where exactly is it?

Derek's last CG just appears at the end of the game when you run out of his apartment together. Step 4 has an intro CG the first time you see him and an ending CG for the last time you see him. No specific choices are required.

i dont understand this isnt working and i really want to play it

I'm sorry I missed this. Can you let me know what you're trying to do that's not working and if you're Mac, PC, or Android?


did i do something wrong or something? like my character is engaged to cove, derek is set to 'fond' not 'crush' the game knows this. but i'm getting close to what is probably the end of the dlc and suddenly he wants to uproot his life for me!!!! he does say 'i know you're with cove' but i got the impression that it was implying we were roomates. and i picked the don't move option. but i really wanted to say something like 'you know we're just friends right? that i'm not interested in you like that, really sorry if what i did led you to that conclusion'

AND NOW in the car the game would like me to choose between 'telling people we're together now or waiting until we get the details worked out?!!??!

i know that sometimes some of the interactions might be construed as us liking derek and i feel like i always chose the least flirty option if all options seemed forward. but i assumed that some of the dialogue is just written that way because the intended way to play this would be romantically. i assumed the game mechanically would know that we were engaged to cove!  and so not interpret them that way.  especially since everywhere says you can run through it platonically 

i don't want to 'be' with derek. i just want to be a close supportive friend and marry my best boy cove!!!

What you say worries me knowing that I have no intention for my MC of dating Derek and that I was actually going to buy the dlc after reading that it could be just platonic... 

I really hope the devs respond to your comment with more explanation as to why the game thinks you're in a relationship with Derek when you're engaged to Cove.

yeah me too. if you're interested the baxter dlc didn't do this and i ran through platonically just fine (:

Oh, I see. Thank you for the info! :D

(4 edits) (+1)

The game doesn't think you're in a romantic relationship with Derek when he wants to be where you are. This story is about Derek and prioritizing him. Whether it's platonic or romantic, the goal is to have him become a much bigger part of your life and to no longer have to be apart so much like you have been the past few years. I'm sorry that was more than you wanted, though it is the intended point of the story that Derek wants to be part of the MC's life and will make the effort/leap to try doing so. If you don't want him to be a really, really significant person to you, it is better not to play his epilogue instead of Cove's.

But the part about telling people you're together or not does sound like a bug. That line is meant to be only for the romantic version of the story. I'm sorry for that confusion with that!

Basically though, people who love Derek get to make him special. We didn't want to make those who cared about him disappointed by making it feel less meaningful than what you could have with Cove when doing Cove's story.

yeah no i get it. might even just be a me thing. i just felt like we'd spent so much time trying to get him to do what he wants and his immediate reaction is 'i want to be where you are!' was kind of scary for me. not really a big deal though and i wouldn't have been bothered by it if i hadn't hit that bug.  i'll try running through it again and hopefully avoid that.


bro just cheated on cove

can the mc still date cove during this? 

Yes, you don't have to romance Derek to enjoy his scenes. But Cove almost never appears on screen during Derek's Step 4 story. It's referenced that Cove is your boyfriend if you are dating, though.

almost? are you saying he appears with lines then? Devious Smile GIFs | Tenor

You get to talk to him over the phone in Step 4 and he hangs out with you sometimes in Step 2, haha.

for some reason this isn't working and it wont let me extract

You shouldn't need to extract the DLC. It's just a file you place into the game folder. Or you install it and then install the base game again on Android.

thx sorry for bothering you, and I was wondering what was wrong 😅 I got it though 

That's great!


i put the rpa file in the game folder but it's not working :C

i keep getting this when i try to open it:

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 277, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 425, in main


  File "renpy/", line 261, in index_archives

    index = handler.read_index(f)

  File "renpy/", line 133, in read_index

    index = loads(zlib.decompress(

error: Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream


Do you have the updated version of the base game an all other DLCs you own? If parts of the game are old, the new DLC won't work. It's okay to delete older versions of Our Life, it won't erase your saves. So, deleting everything, downloading it all again, and then putting it together might work out the problem.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm replaying Derek's Step 4 storyline (my version is 1.7.1) and I'm getting a traceback error as follows: 

   File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen
       store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
   File "game/DLC_Derek/screens_relationship_derek.rpy", line 7, in execute
   File "game/DLC_Derek/screens_relationship_derek.rpy", line 7, in execute
   File "game/DLC_Derek/screens_relationship_derek.rpy", line 44, in execute
   File "game/DLC_Derek/screens_relationship_derek.rpy", line 48, in execute
TypeError: Unexpected keyword arguments: 'derek'

This prevents Derek’s Comfort/Interest screen from showing up and naturally locks me out of forming a romantic relationship with Derek. Is there any way to fix this?

Are the base game and every other DLC you own at the latest version as well? It seems something in the build is missing info it needs to work. Deleting all of Our Life and downloading everything from scratch to make sure it's up to date would be good. Deleting the OL folder won't erase your saves.

Derek’s Comfort/Interest screen shows up now. Thanks for the help!

No problem!


The derek dlc comes as a .rpa file after 1.7.1 and I'm unsure of how to extract it.


You don't need to extract it! You just put the rpa file into the Our Life game folder as is.

Oh… well I feel dumb now. Thanks for the reply!

No worries ^^

i dont understand how to do it and its not working ...


One of the most amazing things about this game is my character's ability to refrain from shouting "DEREK'S BACK" anytime he shows up. I know I can't help it.




I am absolutely obsessed with Derek and the whole Suarez family... it is rare that a visual novel makes me cry nowadays but omg the tears were flowing throughout the DLC. 

Seeing Derek as a lil 13 year old caring for his family and being so selfless, craving someone to take care of him in the same way. Then being able to help him with various activities and care for him in Step 4. Watching him learn how to accept Jamie's love. My heart just kept melting over and over again.

I loved it and I'm so excited to dig into Baxter's DLC next!! Thank you GBPatch for such a beautiful Our Life universe and such complex characters!!! 


I love this DLC so much! I wish Derek and Jamie could have a wedding DLC too.

(1 edit) (+8)

The more I get to know Derek and his family, the more I like this guy. Probably even more than Cove (Sorry!)

While his story is not as much as Cove's I really enjoy it. I like how adorable he is and his family. They're so sweet and welcoming towards our character. One of the things I like when we get to know them all is that Liz has someone else to hangout with. I feel like while we have Cove in the main storyline, Liz practically only hangs out with Shiloh, until he's gone. And later, she has no one, considering we never really see her friends and Lee is not around that much. I feel like this is especially true when Nico said he couldn't talk to anyone about feeling left out as the last to grow up, but in this DLC, he got Liz too~

I'm pleasantly surprised how well Liz is getting along with Jorge and Nico, considering their only interaction is only in one Step 2 moment. It feels as if by being friends or dating Derek, Liz gets two more younger siblings (in addition to Cove). I really enjoy the trouble trio's antics~

I wish we get a little more about Derek though. While he does have a happy ending, part of his future remains unclear. Besides potentially moving away or in with us, he still doesn't know what he wants to do in his life, whether he wants to keep doing sports as a career or something else. And that worries me a bit about him

I know there's not going to be more Derek-related content, but I wish there is a little, additional further story after Step 4. Maybe an engagement or wedding too~

And also I feel like he and Baxter should have five CGs instead of four. Seems like a good number and I'm pretty sure there are a few scenes in Baxter DLC later that warrant one more additional CG. For Derek, I feel like there should be a CG for him in the waterpark

And if I may also offer one more suggestion, even if it's late, the waterpark could use some tweak. Maybe, instead of not being able to visit the place when we choose to help Mr. Suarez with his business luncheon, the final date could have Derek take us there (if we choose to date him since the beginning of Step 4)? So that it feels like there's a reward for helping his dad. And Derek instead take us to boardwalk if we choose to go to waterpark first and not starting as his partner since the beginning. I don't know, but I feel like it's more interesting that way

In general, I really like this DLC. And Derek as a person. Thanks!


Omggg, I really loved getting to know more about Derek and his family, I really wish for a DLC wedding now. I am so excited about Baxter´s DLC and can't wait to play his. Thanks so much for this game and their wonderful characters!

(1 edit) (+5)

I never thought I could love anyone more than Cove. I was wrong, I love Derek soooo much. I wish there was more romantic moments with him. Thank you for this wonderful game.


I brought this DLC yesterday and just finished it, I loved it. It was a great purchase and seeing what Derek's life was like was so emotional ( in a good way). I loved everything about it and I am so excited about the Baxter DLC! Keep up the great work

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