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what was the town called again?


Sunset Bird!


thank you because I was making song lyrics dedicated to him!😆😆

(1 edit)

Hello! I am having some problems with downloading these files onto my Mac. When I extract the files and put the rpa files into the game file, it does not work. The files just say dlc_step3.rpa and when I open Our Life is says files are not installed. Please the picture down below!!

Putting the rpas in the game folder is all you need to do and they are meant to be called dlc_step_3.rpa. Is your build of Our Life the most version version? Maybe it's out-dated and doesn't work with the DLCs.

I loved playing the extra moments with Cove but I was wondering if the old cg art would be added to the cg gallery. I miss seeing the old cgs :'DD

They won't be, I'm sorry. I'm glad you liked them, though!

I absolutely love this game 

I replay it all the time and re fall into love with the character I wrote a review already when I first  finished the game. but I just final got the wedding part can't wait to play it! 

but I want to share I found this playlist on Spotify that literally the best thing ever highly recommended!!! 

its here the link:

or type in: spending your entire life with cove holden. 

such a good playlist it feels like your fall into the world! 

Have amazing day ☀️! 


Deleted 287 days ago
Deleted 287 days ago

hmmmm I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've bought it and installed it on mac and tried my best to import the rpa file into my original game build, but it still isn't showing up for me. is there a tutorial of sorts I could follow? I'm not the best at following written directions to begin with haha :/

oh!! it's working now haha! can't wait to play :3

guys i buyed but i dont understand anythin here... how do I play the Game cause its a little to hard to understand with how choose the files etc...

Which version do you have? And the install Steps are on the page, which part of the process is confusing? Unfortunately, if adding the DLC into the game files is too hard than it'd be best to ask for a refund from Itch and to just play the free base game.

So I just got this dlc but something keeps going wrong when I try to play the game with the dlc installed. I have both of the other step dlcs and they don't have this problem, I took out the step 3 dlc and then the game worked normally. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Hello! You need to update the base game and other DLCs. The old builds of the game can't play the newest DLC, I'm afraid.

Ah that explains it. Thank you

No problem :D

This made me enjoy jeremeys character a lot more than I thought it would. I kinda wanna see more of him

Love the game! I just had a question, if I bought the dlc off of my laptop would I be able to move the android dlc to my phone or would I have to buy the dlc again on my phone?

If you buy on you get the DLC for computers and android devices by default! It's not a separate cost. However, save files aren't transferable. You'd have to start the game from the beginning if you played on your phone.

Thanks alot!!

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Deleting the game and re-downloading it won't erase saves or progress! Things like save data are stored separately on your device. The build itself can be replaced/updated as often as you want.

oh okay thank u <3

Hello ! First of all ; I LOVE your game, thank you for this ! I bought step 2 and 3 but I can't open the files ? It's not a zip it's just bland. It seems I don't have the good app for it ? Do you know which one I have to download to opening  the files please ? Thanks ! 

The DLCs don't need to be opened! You add them to the game folder exactly as they are ^^

It's working ! Thank you :)

I bought step 2 instead of step 3


Hey! I just brought step 3, opened the game and still says it's locked, after lots of resets. Any way to fix this? I downloaded it from the website and I'm also on android!

I'm sorry I missed this. I don't check the individual pages as much as the DLC ones. It's possible the DLC file isn't in the right place and that's why it's not unlocking. Were you able to add it to the game folder of Our Life?

Sorry for the horribly late response!

I was not able to find the files, weirdly enough only the first 2 steps worked and then last 2 did not.

I even downloaded multiple file mangers to try and see the problem. The problem is that I seem to not have a game file like at all, unless that hows it's suppose to operate on andriod.

You know what yes, I got it...I was just a bit slower than usual. I didn't even realize I moved the game file out of the yeah. Don't even mind the last reply I sent I was being very dumb. Thanks for your time!

Oh, I'm glad it worked out!


help why is there no reference sheet on the internet of cove. i REQUIRE-


I have no money for any of this 😭

Hi! I bought dlc 3 a while back and went to download it but i keep getting a download error?? I dont know whats happening it worked fine the first time :/

Are you downloading through the Itch app? For some reason that doesn't work. But downloading using the normal website does.


No, I've only been trying to download it from the website but I  have had no luck

In that case you may have to contact Itch support. Unfortunately, we only upload the files to their site and can fix problems in the files. We can't access their site back end to make their download system work. Using another browser type or just waiting to see if it's a blip that'll go away tomorrow are things you can try if you don't want to reach out to them.

Alright I'll contact them, thank you for the help!

I hope it works out!


D-do we get the chance to have a child w Cove? Asking for a friend obvi!


.....ur so gross

Deleted 166 days ago

Thank you for the report! We'll check out what might be wrong.

Deleted 166 days ago

I'm glad that was the only major problem you had.

After downloading the Cove Wedding DLC and trying to follow the new RPA thingy for Android, I've encountered the problem of the game insisting that the Step 1-3 DLCs are all not installed despite being in the right folder.


There needs to be a Cliff route reeee


what the fuck

(1 edit) (+1)

So I started playing this, Immediately loved it and got the DLCs the next day. After launching the game I realized all my saves were gone. I don't mind that much since I wasn't that far off in the game, I was just wondering if that was supposed to happen? I play on android. :c

I'm sorry that happened! It's not usual. If you have an older version of the game sometimes saves won't carry over when you update. but it is strange that adding the DLC caused the saves to disappear. I don't think it will happen again.

Just figured it out. Somehow my phone identifies my saves as junk files and deletes them whenever it cleans them out. 😭

Oh that's not good, thank you for letting me know. I'm not sure if we can fix that on our end but we'll look into it.

Thanks. You guys are the best! c':

(1 edit)

I guess the game updated so all my save files are gone, Is there any way to get them back? The DLCS also aren't working even though they worked fine before

Unfortunately, if the build was too old they won't carry over to later versions. For the DLCs, were the files re-downloaded and added to the new folder for the updated build? If old files are being used or the DLCs weren't put in the new version than there will be errors for them.

(2 edits)

I don't think the build was old since I was able to play step 4 and earlier before posting I had all my saves. The game just suddenly closed then everything was gone, and no I hadn't tried that since everything was working before the close so I'll do that. Thank you for the help!

If the game suddenly closed and then things were gone, unfortunately I don't think that's an update issue. Something went wrong while running it and it's possible your info was corrupted in the process. Downloading the DLC files again will hopefully get them back to normal at least, but I'm not sure if there's a way to regain the lost info.


I need help if its not to much trouble I bought the DLCs and this is actually my first time actually buying stuff from a game so I'm not very good with this stuff  and I'm having trouble putting the DLCs into the game. do you guys have any thing to say that might help me?

All you need to do is download the file, open it with a file unzipper, copy the files inside and then put those files into the "game" folder of Our Life! Depending on if you have Mac or PC it'll look like this:

thank you!  :)

(1 edit)

Hi! I absolutely adore this game and have already bought the step 2 and 3 DLCs. I encountered a problem though when I downloaded the step 3 DLC via android. When I booted the game up and started a new save, the step 2 DLCs were greyed out even though I already had it installed prior to step 3 :((

buying now!! im so excited :D love your work!!!

(1 edit)

I got DLC step 3 and when i went to play the dlc options just disappeared? but only in step 3. i tried deletin an old save file and makin a new one but it doesn't work?

Edit: NM I didn't realize i didn't have 1.3.1 set up! This game is amazing and i love it

Oh, great. I'm glad it worked out :D

hey i was wondering if you figured out some sort of like half fix to this because I’m having the same issues it’s just only with reflection in step 3, I can do everything else except when I click on it, it goes gray like I completed it and I’m positive Im pretty sure I have 1.3 and up but I’m not sure how to check

You can see what version you have on the main menu of the game! And it's likely that save file probably isn't salvageable unfortunately, something went wrong with it. Making sure you're at 1.3.1 and then loading a different save/starting a new game will hopefully fix that issue. I'm sorry for the trouble.

Hey, I added everything as instructed, but the dlc's aren't even grayed out anymore, just... gone. I tried re-adding them, uninstalling and reinstalling. I added the first and second dlc's and they're working perfectly fine, so I'm not sure what's happening

Are you using an older save or older build of the game? Or did you ever have an older version on your device but replaced it? If they're gone than old stored data could be hiding them, since in older versions they weren't available. Starting a brand new file or deleting any old saves could help get the game to be the fully current version.

Yeah, that did it. Thank you so much:) I didn't even think of that!

That's great :D!

(2 edits) (+1)

I played it last week and it was really amazing. I even ended up buying XOXO Droplets after seeing Jeremy and i just finished his route today, so thanks again for another amazing game :)

(It was also fun to experience the events that Shiloh and Jeremy mentioned in ''Our Life'' haha)


same, I finished the dlc and got xoxo droplets because I just fell for Jeremy lol

If you haven't played Nate's route already, then I totally recommend it as well. I played him after Jeremy and I find them both great in their own ways haha.  Also Nate's reaction to everything is always so unintentionally funny 

i played everyones route and i loved them, theyre always hilarious no matter how many times i play lol

(1 edit)

Hi there! with the itchio app, do you have to start a new game to play the new dlc? i've downloaded it and tried loading various saves but they are greyed out still. i've also updated the base games/other dlcs. thank you!

You shouldn't have to start a new save. It sounds like the DLC just isn't being unlocked. It's possible the Itch app isn't properly updating/installing things. Maybe downloading it all directly and putting it together yourself would fix that. Sometimes using the app is the solution and for other people using the app is what's causing the problem, aha.

I’ve played 80 hours of our life I can’t even be qualified as a functional human being. The dlcs are amazing and I’m basically attached to cove so, I’m very excited for step 4 

Hi! this is my second time playing Our Life, I was waiting the 3 DLC to buy the others one too cause i'm so in love with Cove. 

My problem is, I bought the three DLC two days ago and tried to installed on my android, but it shows like i don't have the DLC's of the first Step ( i didn't try to pass the game to see if the other ones are there :( )

What can i do?

Can you try reinstalling the base and all the DLCs now? We just released a patch that should make it so everything is compatible! I'm sorry for the trouble.


Hi! I tried yesterday and download the base game and the dlc and installed in my phone again, but i still have the same problem: the dlc doesn't work :(

Did you start a new file or load a save? You may have to play the game from the beginning for the Moments to appear on the screen. I hope you're not still having troubles!

heya, so its my first time playing with android, I already brought the dlc step 1 and 2 long ago (seperately, not in one bundles). I want to play all the dlc in android. Do I have to download the step 1 and 2 again in order to play it on android?

Sorry, if it was explain somewhere, I just confused idk which one that I should download.

Yeah, I would recommend re-downloading the Step 1 and 2 DLC. There's been errors fixed as time has gone on and the older versions may not be fully compatible with the brand new Step 3 DLC.

Hi I recently tried buying your entire DLC bundle....twice. I've been charged, and haven't received the DLC at all. I've tried everything I possible could, like contacting itch, but the only outcome is that ONE of the payments have been cancelled, and I STILL don't have the DLC. Is there anyway I can cut itch out of this process and just directly pay ya'll for the DLC content? I'm getting tired of wasting my money, and I'd really like to see the extra content

I'm sorry that's happening for you! Have you bought things on Itch before and this is only happening now or is this your first time buying off the site? Itch doesn't always do a good job of showing where you can download files. You look for the "my library" page and find the "things you own section" and there you can access download pages for things you've bought in the past. Unfortunately, we don't have a way to sell the game without using some kind of hosting site (Itch, Steam, Patreon, and for very brief periods- Kickstarter). We can't take a payment for the DLCs unless they're through one of those places. I hope Itch helps you with this problem and you're able to get what you paid for, or at least another refund.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the info. I've looked in all those places and they aren't there. I guess I'll have to use steam and just replay it all. This is my first time purchasing off of itch though I can't imagine why it keeps saying my zip code can't be validated.

But if I get everything, game included, from steam, will I be able to transfer my save data? Or will I have to just start over? I'll be okay either way, I just wanted to see if It were possible to be able to continue from where I've left off. Ofc I could also just finish on itch and them get the stuff from steam and go through for a second playthrough.

(3 edits)

Had this issue during dlc step 3, reflections on Android. Any help would be great.

It happens right after this frame. I use the no voices copy for all if this helps at all.

I up loaded the voices one and it works now. I'm confused about it being 2.0.6 and 3.0 what does that mean?

We've fixed that error. Please uninstall the version you have and reinstall the base/DLC with the current builds uploaded to Itch!

if i need only the DLC 3 which one do i purchase?

This one!


Loved it, of course. I just wish there was a way to get Cove to propose. 

Looking forward to Part 4! I'm hoping for a wedding, babies, pets. The whole shebang! Lol.


oh my god step 3 dlc was so short. the hapinness one. omg it was stunning we love a proactive boi

(2 edits) (+2)

Omg is the group  with difficult personalities a reference to XOXO Droplets?



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