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I'm so excited to play this! But I'm having a little trouble installing the DLC. When I download the file, I only get and rpa file instead of a ZIP file. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong :/


That just means one stepped was skipped for you and it was already unzipped, possibly by the browser/app or device you downloaded it through. All you need to do now is put the rpa in the "game" folder of Our Life!

(2 edits)

How do you get Derek DLC step4?? I thought I was pursing his romantic route ig i did something wrong?


To get Derek’s version of Step 4 you need to:

-Play all five of his Moments from his Moment selection screen. Pick his version of Soiree, not the one from Cove’s Moment screen. And to be safe attend with Derek rather than going alone or with Cove. That wasn't meant to be a requirement, but it seems there may be a bug where if you don't bring Derek, you might not unlock his Step 4 content.

-Choose to keep in touch with him long distance during the start of Step 3

And then in Step 4, you can choose to do his Step 4 story or the default Step 4 story. If one of those steps is missed, it’ll go automatically to the default version.

(3 edits)

Hi, I got the DLC on Android and it keeps saying this, I'm not really sure what it means though:


Just download all the DLCs you own and at the end download the main game. Even if you already downloaded the main game in the past, you will just keep opening the DLC file until you download the real game again.

Okay! Thanks for the help

No problem!


My looong review from someone who wanted Derek before there was even a Step 3; 

I understand where some might be coming from, a bit disappointed it's not as fully fleshed out as Cove is but Derek's DLC hits HARD. Just because it's not Derek's game it doesn't mean that it isn't throughly enjoyable as it's own thing, whether you wanted to romance the spunky, sporty small gentleman, or just thought that he deserved more depth as a friend. 

I played Cove twice and I sort of felt in Dreamland, I loved the character to bits don't get me wrong, but it mostly left me wondering about what life is like for people lucky enough to be raised in close knit communities, in stable, healthy families, to have someone with you through thick and thin and never having to feel alone.

Derek hits closer to home, maybe it's the eldest sibling syndrome, but even with his story not being even a half of the length of Cove's, and his being away for the whole of Step 3 basically, I felt he had a much bigger impact on me as a character. I dont want to go into the specifics to avoid spoilers, but this digged deep into what I feel is common overachiever millennial kid trauma and I want to thank the devs for portraying it so openly, and in a way that shows that even when you feel like an absolute failure, that's definitely not how the people that love you see it, and you're still worthy of good things in life.

Heavy stuff aside, I really loved the Suarez brothers' character development and dynamics, as well as the addition of lovely nonbinary representation. Started annoyed with Nico and he ended up being my favorite character 💖 It also made me a little homesick for SoCal; Knotts Soak City, Santa Monica Pier and Chula Vista are so blatantly accurate it made me laugh. I think it's been discussed before, but I have this theory that Sunset Bird is Solana Beach.

Anyways, thank you guys for your wonderful job, these are stories that will stay with me for a very long time and that I enjoyed throughly, worth every cent! 💖

Glad I'm reading this before playing, really put things into perspective and glad that I'll go in with this mindset. Thank you, super helpful review!

(1 edit)

Edit: OMG I completely agree with everything ;_: I just finished playing a few hours ago and I'm already missing Derek like he's a real person LMAO. He was way too relatable an his struggles hit very close to home. I agree in that while Cove's story was very sweet and I loved every thing about it, Derek's felt more grounded and real. Except literally Derek himself....he's is a total hunk with a heart of gold which is a rare combination. ;_; As with Cove's story, I really felt like I was a part of their family and the writer(s) did a good job of really fleshing out his character and his actions that reflected that.

And to your last bit, I always wondered the accuracy of that "small coastal community" vibe that often gets portrayed in games like this. Not sure if you will see this comment, but if you do, I was wondering if you feel that San Diego gives off this same energy this this game does? It's always interesting/amazing for me to see an artist capture the "vibe" of places, people or things they see in real life and be able to re-create that in their art.


I'm having a blast with this DLC! But for some reason, Derek's version of the "Soiree" is giving me an exception error. It says: "ScriptError: could not find label 'soiree_walk_meet_cove'."

So far, all of Derek's other DLC moments have played through fine & the rpa file is in my game folder, alongside all the other DLC files. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone have a fix for it? 

Ahhh, solved my own issue. I updated the base game to 1.6.0, but forgot to upload the other DLC files to match :). It's fixed.


The dlc moments for him are locked, I've downloaded the latest version of the game (and instead the rpa file in its folder) as well but it still is. 

Can you show me what your folder looks like? It's pretty easy to have it be in the wrong spot.


this is so good! i absolutely loved this. derek is such a sweetheart. 

the amount of screen time the other family members of derek's have might be a turn-off to some, but in my opinion, it's needed to show you how the dynamics are and how derek's mind works.

anyways, bottom line is, i loved this and love derek. stayed up til 2 am because i was so enraptured with the story!


SUKDHSIAJ i finished the dlc a little bit ago and everything just set in, derek, even though i love cove, is adorable (and also dorky lol), and amazing and JUST SO CUTE LMAO.

also the part right before everybody comes over for the pizza party is 😏


What will it take to get more "pizza party pre-game scenes" ;_; 😔😔😔😔😔 I'll pay whatever they want just take my whole wallet, ANYTHING to get more scenes. 😂😂 I'm STARVING idcidc


late reply but: there's a patreon :)


Yeah but I think they said they aren't making any 18+ content for Derek 😔😔


OMFG I LOVED THIS DLC. I just finished it and let me tell you it was so worth the money. not only the sincre tlks both dereks little brothers were adorble. Cove has some competiton for my favorite our life caracter.


i usually never write comments but i could not NOT send a message here to express my happiness about this DLC. i've been so excited over it since the release date was announced, and now that i just finished the game i can confidently say that i'm far from disappointed. this was such a great experience, it really did a great job at getting to know derek and made me love him so so much. his relationship with his whole family was so endearing to me and i just felt like i was getting a gigantic hug when i played this dlc. the whole team did such a great job on this, thank you for your hard work <3


Just finished the DLC, and oh my god I love Derek so much, I love how much you get to be involved with his family, they all really make you feel loved and accepted, and Derek is just such a sweetheart, I loved getting to know his character better, I cant wait for the Baxter DLC too I wanna know his story better too.


im shaking and crying over derek HE'S SO SWEET AND CUTE AND POLITE I WANT MORE OF HIM TT

Thank you so much for this!!! now im just gonna go and cry in the corner goodbye


is there a way to add this to steam? Instead of buying the copy from steam.

Deleted 2 years ago

i agree! Maybe a scene in step 3 of still hanging with Jorge and Nico while derek is busy so theres more than suddenly  its 10yrs later and you show up at their house when all youve spent is like 2 1/2 months of summer vacation knowing them in step 1...... or more phone calls/texting; but i guess some people might find that boring....

...... and the story is kinda open-ended so that feels weird 


I'd also love a little bit in step 3 to flesh it out, but there definitely are references to you still being in the Suarez's lives during that period, like spending Father's day with them every year.

I kinda wish when we choose to keep in touch with Derek in Step 3 there are occasions where Derek calls or texts though, other than during the beach picnic. That would be swell~


It might be an issue on my end, but every time one of the suarez's (excluding Derek) come on screen the game opens this menu.

You could try removing and reinstalling everything and making sure your virus scanner isn't removing files when they're installing. Also, make sure all the DLC files are up-to-date, not just the main game. And you can also try updating your drivers. I hope you're able to work it out!

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

I played the beta like 5 times... ive completed this dlc from start to finish twice( 2 different routes).. and i dunno what to think of it..... its a great addition dont get me wrong..... its just less... less story... less personalization/options.... i get its a dlc; but it lost what OL- Cove feels like... what made it different than other games... and I cant explain it without spoilers XD 


Just Take my money!



Hi, I'm on a mac, and instead of getting a zip folder when I download, it downloads as a .rpa file. How do I open that? Thanks in advance!

you just put it in the game just the same as the other files . im pretty sure

Thank you!

You don't need to open it. You only need to place the .rpa file into the "game" folder. 



my lemonade and board walk are not unlocking how do i fix this?

Hello! Someone else had that problem and they fixed it by updating the main game. You can delete the older build, down the new version of OL + all the most recent DLC, and then put the DLC into the new "game" folder.

It keeps opening as a word document, I have a mac. How do I fix that?

You need to use a program that can extract the zip file, like Winzip or any other zip opener.

Ohh ok thank you so much!

the lemonade and boardwalk are not unlocking how do i fix this??

Hello! Someone else had that problem and they fixed it by updating the main game. You can delete the older build, down the new version of OL + all the most recent DLC, and then put the DLC into the new "game" folder.

Deleted 1 year ago

That's not a crash, you just can't play the DLC file. You have to download it to get the DLC but then download the actual Our Life game.

1. Download the apk file after purchase.

2. Locate the file in your file manager and install it. You may have to give your file manager additional permissions to install from external sources.

3. Open the app after installation. You should see a message confirming you've successfully installed the DLC.

4. If you have any more DLC to install, repeat steps 1-3 with any other DLC you're installing.

5. Download and install the base Our Life game (the voice or no voice version). When you open the app, any DLC you installed through steps 1-4 should be available.

Deleted 2 years ago

You have to reinstall the base game at the end. It goes: install DLCs to unlock them, install main game to actually play the game.


A lovely birthday present. I've been waiting for this!!!




IT’S HERE!!!!!!!!!


Let's GoooooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!








Shaking in my boots


Got online class at 10, but def not missing out on this. I cant wait!! 


Still Waiting.....


i cant wait ^__^


I'm on the edge of my seat... I hope this is released soon ahhhh!


Seriously can't wait to get my hands on this!!


Just woke up, I'm ready to spend my last dollars on this DLC, who needs to eat when you can have Derek ?


Woah, it seems people is crazy for this DLC! I´m happy for it too but sometimes it looks like they´d run over me if it was irl when it is released-
Just came arpund to say that, stay hydrated.


i would in fact run you over

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