ik the updated beta version is on patreon (tots not cuz i stalk for new upd) but when will the new upd come ? like for itchio im too broke 4 patreon :sob:
I just played through this and was so impressed. The way it's all so accurate to how I was/my freinds were in our childhood, how many options, what great character and story building... its amazing.
Also gave me depression BECAUSE OF STEP TWO. AND NOT FULL GAME.
GBPatch I will give you my money once I have money. That is a threat.
if you're looking to romance baxter, you should check out the dlc on OLBA instead 🗣 i don't really see baxter getting an OLNF dlc after he already got one over there haha 😭
i am devastatingly stuck between wanting to play the demo now or waiting until its finished ;-; does anyone have any opinions on this topic because im almost done with the OG 'our life' and absolutely ADORE it and this looks AMAZING ESPECIALLY CUZ MY FAVORATE SEASON IS FALL AND ORJFNEOSILTTEJG *sits in my corner conflickted
I say, play it, you won't be disappointed, and it'll show and let you experience a small amount of what will be in the future. I keep on replaying the demo and the first OL.
you're not wrong it is torture after playing the demo but I think it was completely worth it. ugh I can't wait for this game to come out, does anyone know if there's an estimate on the release date? and will it have purchasable expansions like the OL1?
Same here. I check for updates almost daily I swear. I replay what's currently out to see if I'm missing any cool scenes. They've done an amazing job on this game so far!
im so sat for this game, the first our life holds such a very special place in my heart and i replay it so often, i cannot WAIT until this comes out. i know that it won't be until late next year at the earliest but i will wait. i will wait FOREVER if i have to.
Ok.. so quick question. I notice that the game is REALLY good, and very detailed. so, I was wondering if the User was going to have the option to have some sort of illness, kinda like the first Our Life where you could have body Dysphoria. Maybe things like depression, anxiety, or even suicidal thoughts. Not sure because this is normally very wholesome but i feel like it would be a nice addition. ^^
What you propose is interesting but I doubt that they will do it since they would have to add a lot of dialogues and that these would have a follow-up throughout the story, I think it is a good addition but they must already be somewhat advanced in the project, but it is never lost that possibility of being included
Heya! quick question, but is there any way to keep Tammy and qiu friends in the step 2 preview??? I kinda want us to all stay as friends rather than us breaking up lol
There is no way per se, since our choices are just an interaction between us and another character, but in the story it will end up being the same no matter how hard we try.
I know this is such a small detail to ask about, but how are the more blunt choices taken by the other characters? I don't wanna choose them and end up realizing that whichever character I was interacting with took the bluntness in a negative way :'))
(If the question makes sense; I find it hard to word things sometimes)
It depends on your relationship and dynamic and the specific choice. Usually, you have to be unambiguously rude for them to think you're trying to be unkind, otherwise they take it as normal. Or they can like your bluntness if you have a close bond!
I have a question is walks and wheels playable. By that i mean do you have buy it is it free? Like for examples for step 2 preview a sneak peak or is it free?
So, I'm in like, my 10th playthrough and still haven't managed to get to the rain scene with tamarack with a red umbrella, is it just not on the demo? Cause I tried to say no to the dinner and just managed to invite someone to it.
So hello hi hi 🤗 ... I loved the game 1mil out of 1mil but but but here's the problem now When is the full version gonna come out 😭 cause oh my god the story was just getting good and bam that was the end of the demo, bruh y'all really left me on a the hugest cliffhanger I've ever seen,. I so totes gotta know FAM when Is the full version coming out cause I gotta be the first one to download it🥰. Really amazing game❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is a question I intended to ask on Tumblr but for some reason it is giving errors. Since I am very anxious, I decided to ask the question here. I hope this doesn't get in the way in any way 🙏.
A few days ago I saw your post on Kickstarter talking about the wedding DLC for Our Life: Now and Forever that you had made after the fundraiser. In it you explained how to unlock the DLC and that you could get engaged to Qiu/Tamarack in step 3 or 4 but, that you couldn't have the wedding in step 3 because by default Qiu/Tamarack expected to get older. This honestly confused me, since in OL1 (with the wedding DLC) you could only propose to Cove at the end of step 3 to the beginning of step 4. So in theory you asked him to marry you in step 3 but soon you were already in step 4, so it didn't take long for you to be married to him (if you chose to be legally married). I don't know if you fully understood what I'm trying to say. But it made me wonder if OL2 will follow the same line of events as OL1. By this I mean in matters of confessions, dating, engagement and marriage. Or if there will be a more direct way compared to OL1 where you just declared, dated and got engaged in the transitions from one step to another?
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I fully understand. You can propose in Step 3 but the actual wedding will only ever happen with their Step 4 versions. But you don't have to do things during the transitions. If you play the DLC Moments, you can propose to Cove in Step 3 with an actual scene. If you don't have the DLC or just want to wait, you can propose to him in Step 4 itself or Cove can propose to you in Step 4. There's tutorials on how to get those scenes in an FAQ- https://gb-patch.tumblr.com/faq
WWont lie was looking for adult games when saw this. And it was the most adorable game that completely flipped my plans for the night. I stayed up all night reading and loving every second of this. Also no I saw it was not an adult game. But note to creator It came up in a erotic search for some reason?
I'm glad you enjoyed it for what it was! I know some adult-oriented sites like to re-upload Our Life simply because it's a semi-well known VN that people look for and those listings appear on search engines. But if it was listed with adult games on Itch itself, I don't know what happened there.
Yes it was a third party game so that makes more sense, but if it wasnt for that i wouldnt have found it. IT WAS SO GOOD! about to play as many paths as possible!
Hi! I love this game! I was just wondering if there will be an IOS version. My android phone recently broke and now all I have is my iPad. I would LOVE if I could still play, even if I have to start over. Also yes, there is the apple ICON but it said it’s only for COMPUTERS. So I was wondering if you might be able to add that feature. 😁✌️
Any news on when the full game will release? I am in love with these Our Life games. Gonna buy the Beginnings and Always dlc's soon. So i can do my 3rd playthrough. And am super excited for this one to fully release.
think they said- that they're gonna release it 2025, if not, finals of this year cuz they're totally into programming this masterpiece,dunno if im right tho that's what I heard😭😭
Ok, I don't really know what to say about the game since I don't know where to start.
~the artistic section: which in my opinion is beautiful, the amount of details and how pleasant it is to look at and how well implemented it is for the setting.
~the music: there's not much to say, it's incredible, relaxing and a bit sentimental, I genuinely shed a few tears with such a beautiful soundtrack.
~The characters: I love their presentations and how charismatic they are, the sweetness, tenderness and kindness of Tamarck, and with Qiu how "cool" friendly and above all pleasant that he becomes, they do steal the attention and it is even difficult choose one of the two and about some secondary characters like Tamarack's grandparents or Qiu's parents, I don't know how to describe them so I'll leave it to the discretion of whoever is reading this.
~Before finishing let's talk about the content of the game and here it stands out having multiple options to make it more immersive such as the different hairstyles, clothing, etc. and even details that many games overlook such as height, skin color or even which hand is dominant! That is undoubtedly dedication and love for detail and that shows the love with which the game is being made. Sorry if it's long, the truth is that I loved this game. If I had to describe it in a short summary, it would be difficult since this video game hugged every fiber of me and accompanied me by the hand. It saw me cry It saw me laugh, until the end. This deserves 5 stars and a lot more support. Without a doubt a great game and I literally can't wait to play the full version.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry again and thanks to those who read until the end!♡
this might just be overthinking, but is the towns name (Golden Grove), as well as the sign a reference to Mystery inc. tv show? (where the towns name is Crystal Cove, and the town has a similar sign by the entryway)
It's not a reference to that. The lead of the first Our Life game is Cove Holden. So "Grove" and "Golden" match his naming convention! But that is a neat coincidence.
Really Good game,so Far im liking this one more then the First one,i really Like Tamarack,but i have a question:
Do you guys plan on making a scene/memory/moment where we meet out father? Even if it was a really short thing,i think It would be really nice,in the First game,our parents are dead,but i this one (if i got it right) he was a sperm donor or something alike,so i really think it would be Nice knowing him
I think this is quite difficult because if he shows up he will have to rely on our appearance right? (I used translation to write this comment sorry if it has bad grammar)(╥﹏╥)
I'm glad you like the demo! But I'm afraid you won't meet the dad. He's not in the MC's life specifically so we don't have to create another highly customizable character, aha.
I'm amazed by how much content there was in the demo! I had a lovely time experiencing these friends meet, among other things. One particular favorite facet of this is how specifically it remembers your choices: Tamarack asked if my character was a girl. I replied "sometimes" to match myself, and throughout the remainder of Step 1 my character was introduced as "sometimes a girl." It's peak. Can't wait to play more! (Note: I have not yet investigated the Step 2 preview.)
← Return to game
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Watching a game getting developed over the years is like cutting onions..... The tears never cease to fall :'D
Whoever voted me down i hope your pillow is hot tonight.
Whoah Whoah that's a bit Underwhelming now.....personally i'd prefer them Stabbing their Toes in the Table >:)
There should be a demo update in November!
oh okay thank you!!!
The Beta version on Patreon has more content, def recommend!
When the update
I just played through this and was so impressed. The way it's all so accurate to how I was/my freinds were in our childhood, how many options, what great character and story building... its amazing.
Also gave me depression BECAUSE OF STEP TWO. AND NOT FULL GAME.
GBPatch I will give you my money once I have money. That is a threat.
"You're gonna take my money, and you're gonna LIKE IT!" lmaoo
Am I the only one who would like a Darren and Baxter romance option?
Of course not and maybe they will do it in a DLC, I mean, who wouldn't want to be with Baxter?
I was leaning more towards Darren but yea honestly, who wouldn’t? Lol
Darren? He who treats my tamarack badly, he does not deserve my affection
but people love tsunderes :3
if you're looking to romance baxter, you should check out the dlc on OLBA instead 🗣 i don't really see baxter getting an OLNF dlc after he already got one over there haha 😭
Actually!! There's a Baxter DLC in GBPatch other game! In this one, it's just Autumn and Tamarack!
i am devastatingly stuck between wanting to play the demo now or waiting until its finished ;-; does anyone have any opinions on this topic because im almost done with the OG 'our life' and absolutely ADORE it and this looks AMAZING ESPECIALLY CUZ MY FAVORATE SEASON IS FALL AND ORJFNEOSILTTEJG *sits in my corner conflickted
I say, play it, you won't be disappointed, and it'll show and let you experience a small amount of what will be in the future. I keep on replaying the demo and the first OL.
if im being honest, id wait till the full release!! idk waiting or each update is fr torture to me so unless you wanna be left wanting more, PLAY IT!!
you're not wrong it is torture after playing the demo but I think it was completely worth it. ugh I can't wait for this game to come out, does anyone know if there's an estimate on the release date? and will it have purchasable expansions like the OL1?
There is no exact date but they say that it will be at the end of 2025 and that it will have DLCs
sits sadly in the waiting corner
I need this now
this is unfortunately too real..
lord i want this game to be out so badly
not sure but are there any dlc for this oneee?
they said there will be, but not yet lol
I have heard of a new color update................
During the day I'm just a man but at night I transform and end up being someone who suffers because this game hasn't come out yet
You are so real for this
Same here. I check for updates almost daily I swear. I replay what's currently out to see if I'm missing any cool scenes. They've done an amazing job on this game so far!
exactly im here because im checking updates
im so sat for this game, the first our life holds such a very special place in my heart and i replay it so often, i cannot WAIT until this comes out. i know that it won't be until late next year at the earliest but i will wait. i will wait FOREVER if i have to.
Ok.. so quick question. I notice that the game is REALLY good, and very detailed. so, I was wondering if the User was going to have the option to have some sort of illness, kinda like the first Our Life where you could have body Dysphoria. Maybe things like depression, anxiety, or even suicidal thoughts. Not sure because this is normally very wholesome but i feel like it would be a nice addition. ^^
i just like the way it said "suicidal thoughts", in such a nice way, lol. BUT YES GBPATCH WE NEED AT LEAST ONE OF THESE IMPROVES!!!!
What you propose is interesting but I doubt that they will do it since they would have to add a lot of dialogues and that these would have a follow-up throughout the story, I think it is a good addition but they must already be somewhat advanced in the project, but it is never lost that possibility of being included
YES PLEASE> it would make it feel so much more real especially considering the fact stuff like that is through the roof
The sound track for this game is so good I just leave it open for background music, can't wait til the soundtrack gets uploaded
Someone uploaded the soundtrack to YouTube, yes I'm not mistaken, but it is not cropped (that is, the entire soundtrack in the same video)
I love this game sooo much!!! I can't wait for the full release! And the art is so good as well!! Does anybody know when it will be fully released?
so it will be released at the end of next year, you have to be patient as patience is essential.
Heya! quick question, but is there any way to keep Tammy and qiu friends in the step 2 preview??? I kinda want us to all stay as friends rather than us breaking up lol
There is no way per se, since our choices are just an interaction between us and another character, but in the story it will end up being the same no matter how hard we try.
I mean a canonical event.
NOT THE SPIDERMAN REF LMAOO, but ty for the clarification!
You're welcome friend, it never hurts to clarify some doubts.
kinda rude to say this but when is the update :( i always check this game every now n then
ok I'm already very confused, it will come out at the end of this or the next one
that looks literally like my cat... did i just found out his twin..?
I know this is such a small detail to ask about, but how are the more blunt choices taken by the other characters? I don't wanna choose them and end up realizing that whichever character I was interacting with took the bluntness in a negative way :'))
(If the question makes sense; I find it hard to word things sometimes)
It depends on your relationship and dynamic and the specific choice. Usually, you have to be unambiguously rude for them to think you're trying to be unkind, otherwise they take it as normal. Or they can like your bluntness if you have a close bond!
Ohh, alright. Thank you very much!! ^^ I'm glad it's set up that way :))
HELLO GB!!! One question, are you planning to upload the soundtrack of Our Life somewhere? I would like to enjoy it more often
Someday the soundtrack might be uploaded somewhere! But it'd only be after the game has fully released. Glad you like it.
you are cruel but fair
I have a question is walks and wheels playable. By that i mean do you have buy it is it free? Like for examples for step 2 preview a sneak peak or is it free?
It is in the base game if that is what you were asking
It is in the base game and some more moments will be free, the base game will be free but the expansions will be paid where they will add more scenes.
Great demo, a good introduction to the game. Can't wait to see what's in store for the full game!
So, I'm in like, my 10th playthrough and still haven't managed to get to the rain scene with tamarack with a red umbrella, is it just not on the demo? Cause I tried to say no to the dinner and just managed to invite someone to it.
There are no scenes with Tamarack's umbrella in the demo, I'm afraid. I post a lot of screenshots from the full game just as previews.
So, a "sprite" of tamarack holding an umbrella does exist, just not in the demo?
I tried seeing the "sprite" ever since I watched a yt thumbnail, and been thinking it was like a Mandela effect or smthg
Yes, she does have an umbrella! But you'll have to wait for the full game to launch to play that scene, or join the Patreon beta testing,
It's a nice story demo so far.
So hello hi hi 🤗 ... I loved the game 1mil out of 1mil but but but here's the problem now When is the full version gonna come out 😭 cause oh my god the story was just getting good and bam that was the end of the demo, bruh y'all really left me on a the hugest cliffhanger I've ever seen,. I so totes gotta know FAM when Is the full version coming out cause I gotta be the first one to download it🥰. Really amazing game❤️❤️❤️❤️
The full version, if I'm not wrong, will be released at the end of next year😭, but don't worry, the wait will be worth it.
Well now that is quite the long wait 🥲but YEAH! You're right, it's so totally gonna be worth the wait and wait.I.Shall 😌
frr i've been following this game for over two years now i'm so impatient for the final release of ittt xD
it can be!!
You could be the lesbian!!
Become the gay lesbian >:)
I hope you are well :D
This is a question I intended to ask on Tumblr but for some reason it is giving errors. Since I am very anxious, I decided to ask the question here. I hope this doesn't get in the way in any way 🙏.
A few days ago I saw your post on Kickstarter talking about the wedding DLC for Our Life: Now and Forever that you had made after the fundraiser. In it you explained how to unlock the DLC and that you could get engaged to Qiu/Tamarack in step 3 or 4 but, that you couldn't have the wedding in step 3 because by default Qiu/Tamarack expected to get older. This honestly confused me, since in OL1 (with the wedding DLC) you could only propose to Cove at the end of step 3 to the beginning of step 4. So in theory you asked him to marry you in step 3 but soon you were already in step 4, so it didn't take long for you to be married to him (if you chose to be legally married). I don't know if you fully understood what I'm trying to say. But it made me wonder if OL2 will follow the same line of events as OL1. By this I mean in matters of confessions, dating, engagement and marriage. Or if there will be a more direct way compared to OL1 where you just declared, dated and got engaged in the transitions from one step to another?
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I fully understand. You can propose in Step 3 but the actual wedding will only ever happen with their Step 4 versions. But you don't have to do things during the transitions. If you play the DLC Moments, you can propose to Cove in Step 3 with an actual scene. If you don't have the DLC or just want to wait, you can propose to him in Step 4 itself or Cove can propose to you in Step 4. There's tutorials on how to get those scenes in an FAQ-
It will be the same kind of thing for OL2.
WWont lie was looking for adult games when saw this. And it was the most adorable game that completely flipped my plans for the night. I stayed up all night reading and loving every second of this. Also no I saw it was not an adult game. But note to creator It came up in a erotic search for some reason?
I'm glad you enjoyed it for what it was! I know some adult-oriented sites like to re-upload Our Life simply because it's a semi-well known VN that people look for and those listings appear on search engines. But if it was listed with adult games on Itch itself, I don't know what happened there.
Yes it was a third party game so that makes more sense, but if it wasnt for that i wouldnt have found it. IT WAS SO GOOD! about to play as many paths as possible!
Hi! I love this game! I was just wondering if there will be an IOS version. My android phone recently broke and now all I have is my iPad. I would LOVE if I could still play, even if I have to start over. Also yes, there is the apple ICON but it said it’s only for COMPUTERS. So I was wondering if you might be able to add that feature. 😁✌️
That's just not gonna work, big bro. If you're asking about MACOS, then you're all set, but for iPhone/iPad iOS... 💀 Ggs.
I'd suggest you save up and get a new android phone
Maybe someday it'll work for IOS mobile, but I don't know when we'd be able to get approval from Apple for that. I'm sorry!
Its okay :) ty anyways
Any news on when the full game will release? I am in love with these Our Life games. Gonna buy the Beginnings and Always dlc's soon. So i can do my 3rd playthrough. And am super excited for this one to fully release.
think they said- that they're gonna release it 2025, if not, finals of this year cuz they're totally into programming this masterpiece,dunno if im right tho that's what I heard😭😭
I know it will definitely be worth the wait, but whyyyy does 2025 have to be so far away 😭
Ok, I don't really know what to say about the game since I don't know where to start.
~the artistic section: which in my opinion is beautiful, the amount of details and how pleasant it is to look at and how well implemented it is for the setting.
~the music: there's not much to say, it's incredible, relaxing and a bit sentimental, I genuinely shed a few tears with such a beautiful soundtrack.
~The characters: I love their presentations and how charismatic they are, the sweetness, tenderness and kindness of Tamarck, and with Qiu how "cool" friendly and above all pleasant that he becomes, they do steal the attention and it is even difficult choose one of the two and about some secondary characters like Tamarack's grandparents or Qiu's parents, I don't know how to describe them so I'll leave it to the discretion of whoever is reading this.
~Before finishing let's talk about the content of the game and here it stands out having multiple options to make it more immersive such as the different hairstyles, clothing, etc. and even details that many games overlook such as height, skin color or even which hand is dominant! That is undoubtedly dedication and love for detail and that shows the love with which the game is being made. Sorry if it's long, the truth is that I loved this game. If I had to describe it in a short summary, it would be difficult since this video game hugged every fiber of me and accompanied me by the hand. It saw me cry It saw me laugh, until the end. This deserves 5 stars and a lot more support. Without a doubt a great game and I literally can't wait to play the full version.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry again and thanks to those who read until the end!♡
this might just be overthinking, but is the towns name (Golden Grove), as well as the sign a reference to Mystery inc. tv show? (where the towns name is Crystal Cove, and the town has a similar sign by the entryway)
It's not a reference to that. The lead of the first Our Life game is Cove Holden. So "Grove" and "Golden" match his naming convention! But that is a neat coincidence.
oooo I see, thanks!!
this game is so good but I’m sadly hoping for the game to release fully because it’s so good and I want to know what happened next
I fell in love with the game. I really loved it. Keep up the good work, I'm so impatient to see the step 2 and the step 3.
Really Good game,so Far im liking this one more then the First one,i really Like Tamarack,but i have a question:
Do you guys plan on making a scene/memory/moment where we meet out father? Even if it was a really short thing,i think It would be really nice,in the First game,our parents are dead,but i this one (if i got it right) he was a sperm donor or something alike,so i really think it would be Nice knowing him
I think this is quite difficult because if he shows up he will have to rely on our appearance right? (I used translation to write this comment sorry if it has bad grammar)(╥﹏╥)
Indeed,it would be neat tho
I'm glad you like the demo! But I'm afraid you won't meet the dad. He's not in the MC's life specifically so we don't have to create another highly customizable character, aha.
I'm amazed by how much content there was in the demo! I had a lovely time experiencing these friends meet, among other things. One particular favorite facet of this is how specifically it remembers your choices: Tamarack asked if my character was a girl. I replied "sometimes" to match myself, and throughout the remainder of Step 1 my character was introduced as "sometimes a girl." It's peak. Can't wait to play more! (Note: I have not yet investigated the Step 2 preview.)
Hello, I'm wondering if the game will still be free after the other 2 steps? I hope it's not going too be paid or anything 😊
There will be optional paid dlcs, but ir soptional, not needed