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Can't wait for the full game, the characters and art are beautiful and the customization is very great!


I already LOVE the game. lts so cute!!! Im so looking forward to the full release <3


Looking forward to the full release. I absolutely enjoyed the demo, it brought me so much warmth playing it and calmness, I'm loving the characters and the amazing music as well. Very excited for more! ^^

That was great! Looking forward for the full release :D 


I absolutely loved the small demo. The characters are already so fun and amazing and I'm so looking forward to seeing more progress on it! :) 10/10




Great demo. I really hope this much effort is put into the rest of the game, because all the small details add a lot to the big picture. The amount of variety there is to this game is staggering, and for that variety to be meaningful in the long run is super cool. I do have some questions: will this game be released step by step or all at once, and will save data from the demo carry over?


Seriously in love with this game already. Not only for the charming characters but also multiple options for responses, abundant looks for MC, and the calming music. The gameplay is unique than any other visual novels as it lets you choose the type of relationship you want for each character. The concept of having your relationship in each 'Step' in life be changed or improved is fascinating to me. I'm excited for what this game will bring once it is finished. This demo really made me want to crave more of the story and the wonderful characters.

Keep up the amazing work.  *thumbs up*


I, I just can't explain how much I love this game ㅠㅠ

I love the music, the visual, little details, AAAAAAAA I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE FULL RELEASE 😆


I really love the demo waiting for the full release ♡♡♡


furiously debating if I should play it now and never stop thinking about it, or wait for the full release

I'm already in love with this game. It's so cute!!! Can't wait for more :3


THIS DEMO... it was so cute it nearly brought me to tears! so glad i finally got  the chance to play it. super excited for more comfy content to come!!!


it's so adorable I've been replaying the mini-demo excitedly waiting for the full game release. :D 


I'm so excited for this to be fully released, I'm already in love with the demo and characters! Little things like my character's ribbon being commented on just make the game so full of life and just that much more amazing. 



(I'm already invested in the mini-demo ALONE so much and the music tone is lovely)


I just looked at this and saw that there was a mini demo and got really exited!


I played the Demo and am already attached to these characters. The full game will be worth it (I plan on buying all DLCS for the game). They said they'll have the full game out  'when the season is right' which makes me feel like it will be available to all in fall of 2022 (or depending on crowdfunding, delay, ect). Anyways, can't wait I need to see Tam and Qiu again <3


I absolutely cannot wait for the full game!! If the demo was this good, I can't imagine how awesome the actual game will be. 
I would love it if in the full game, we could have both of them as partners at the same time- but even without that feature, ik the game will be great!
Music,  art, characters... 
*has flashbacks to Our Life: Beginnings and Always*
Keep doing what you're doing, GBPatch, because you're certainly doing something amazing <3

i keep trying to open both this game and beginnings and always but both say "the classic environment is no longer supported".  i have a MacBook Pro, btw. I'd really like to play. :(


Did you download itch, I couldn't play it until I actually did. Not great with computers, but if you come across the problem again, I suggest using 'Play on mac' where I used to play OL: beginnings and always (its safe, no malware, been using it for almost two months, followed a tutorial on youtube)


yeah, i've been playing since the demo so i wasn't worried about that. thanks for the help, though. 


this is so adorable and fun already! can't wait for the full release <3

omg the music is so cute


sooo cute and pretty!! too excited for the full release <33

can't wait for the full release !!!

Omg the demo is out yay!!


This game is really good. I can't wait for the full release!

This is so good!!!


this game is so sweet!! i love it already, i can't wait for the full release



i love all of your games especially xoxo droplets i can't wait for this to come out !!


Right all the games are just amazing.  Also I love your pfp.


OMG i just played through the demo and it was so nice?? i love how much customizable options there are, especially the custom pronouns and the fact that you can choose so many different answers!

i can't wait for the full game to be released, i feel like it's gonna be great aaa


Just played the demo and I am IN LOVE!! Super excited for what's to come! <3



i cannot wait for the full release i hope its free i am poor!.. (assuming its gonna be alot cause you guys did a great job on this demo)


I believe it's supposed to be free with optional paid DLC, like with the first game! Aaaaaaah I'm so excited :D


oooh! awesome!



Loved it so much! Can't wait for the full release! Shared it with my friends and hope they'll enjoy it as much as I did. 

OMG, ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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