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theyre such a strawberry-coded kid, a raspberry blower, a green apple hater.


They look so silly /pos i love them


gbpatch please let the update be here already 🥲

(1 edit) (+4)

 Don't ask why I just felt the need to do this oh I feel tamarack would probably do this or qiu hmmmmmmm



I love every male mc here it's very adorable and cute XD. I do have a male mc way before my female one. My oc is Abit rude and blunt at times but very soft to tamarack while to qui, He is very annoyed at him but at the same time. He love spending time with him. He doesn't really like how naggy is his mother was but doesn't mean he hate her. Despite his hatred of the forest cause it was annoying, he find it enduring that Tamarack loved the forest and play along with her. Overall, he is just a kid who have a puppy crush trying to be tough.




He looks like an F1 racer... and would have the world record for the fastest time chugging a dr pepper

he would debate in yt comments fanchen style (if yk yk)

(1 edit) (+2)

Pomegranate... Yes, pomegranate. (Idk why we compare others oc to food every single time)

i mean he does look like a pomegranate




the way you colour things makes me want to implode, its so yummy 

I Bestow upon him the Title of Tough Love!


Hello lifecorns sorry for not showing up When there are a lot of people I get... strange I don't know 

aaaand how are you? I can't sleep


Pretty good, also can't sleep


Pretty a cold.. thankfully i can sleep


SAME I HAVE A COLD TOO and i totally bombed my maths exam tdy bc of it LOLZERS 





I might have Found My spiritual twin


My body clock is getting weird, I get sleepy at 9 PM and then the next day, I get sleepy at around 2 AM T^T But anyways, I've been fine!! ^^


I just got home from school. Been busy but very excited to see people in the comments section!

Hey val!Its so great to see you i've been busy these last few days trying to focus on school so i had to restrict myself to check on updates and see if you commented or not😅. But how are you i've noticed that you've been down lately if that's the right term. (No i didn't go on your account and read every coment you said.. Btw! i added you on discord i'm sorry if my username is cringe 😓) Hope you're doing better than i am cause i feel pretty terrible.


(Almost forgot 😓) Day four of posting my kitty until the update (probably even after) 

(+ wildlife park animal picture)


Baby kangaroo :3


KANGAROOO?!?!?!? also your kitty is eating up that pic ngl

Yeah, I got a ton of kangaroo pictures. It's a perk with living in Australia

(1 edit) (+4)


So, here's the gist. I'm making some sort of story or dialogue. It's for school lol. And the one I'm making is a fanmade "moment" of onlf in step 1 !! But the problem is i don't know what to put in MCs turn. Here's the summary of the one I'm making.

It’s a chilly autumn afternoon, and the trio—Qiu, Tamarack, and the MC—are wandering through the forest after school. Tamarack, fascinated by how their voices echo off the forest, suggests a game where each person shouts something they've never said aloud before. Qiu jumps into the game immediately, treating it like a fun challenge, while the MC feels a bit hesitant, unsure how personal they want to get.

Qiu shouts something silly, like how they secretly love eating peanut butter with crackers in private, making everyone laugh. But for a brief moment, the MC notices that Qiu’s eyes soften, hinting at a deeper thought that remains unspoken.

Tamarack, normally the energetic one, surprises the group by revealing a small, vulnerable fear—how they’re afraid of being forgotten, an emotion they’ve kept hidden. The group falls silent for a moment, feeling the weight of Tamarack's honesty. Qiu, sensing the shift in mood, cracks a joke about how they’d never forget Tamarack, using humor to ease the tension and giving them a reassuring smile.

So because I don't know what to put in MC's turn, I'll ask ya'll instead !! What would your MC say outloud, and what would you think Qiu and Tamarack's reaction would be?


mine would say something like how they once ate their own booger (o like,  tell a funny lie cuz that just seems in character for them)


Mine would just slightly raise their voice (or not at all), saying "I hope we can always be together."


"9 out of the 10 voices in my head are telling me to act like I forgot you, but we both know that could never happen." *wink*


my oc would pretend to forget her then laugh


Honestly i'd say "Who are You again?" Just for the Funny


everyone here is so cool, it encouraged me to share some doodles of the two best neighbours :) I also did small doodles of my three ocs - hopefully I’ll be able to get actual drawings soon! 






This is so cute >w<!


Come here Bae, come sit next to me, come on take your draws off.(fanart of spice by my friend)


Seeing drawing of everyone oc I wanted to draw mine to. Can't wait for the future steps. I love qui and their long hair >w<.  Can you all show your interaction with your other oc or the canon character's? Like are they friends? Crush? Maybe rivals?  


I love your art style!

(1 edit) (+2)

Your mc is so cute... If mine and yours are in the same class, they will accidentally glance at yours at least 10 times a day XD (Just appreciate the look, nothing more) 

(2 edits) (+1)

Also, about the canon characters, my MC thinks of Tamarack as their best friend / a precious younger sister that they have to protect, Darren as a loud kid, and Baxter as a cool brother. About Qiu... It would be a bit complex. At first sight, the only thought in their mind is, 'That kid's eyes are really beautiful...' As time flows, they realize Qiu and have many familiar things about how they both like chocolate, and both have lactose intolerance,... etc. They admire Qiu as a person, how he lives, how he brings everyone together, and how open his mind is. They never forget the first time they met; Qiu introduced himself as "Mr.Qiu,” it's childish, yes, but as a nonbinary, they finally have the courage to say out loud that they are themselves, without any fear. They were a careless person, disconnected, and didn't pay much attention to the outside world. But when Qiu knocked on their house's door, confidently dragging them to 'his world' - the outside world, their entire view changed, as so did their life. To them, Qiu was a friend, a brother, a leader, everything. At younger ages, their feelings for Qiu haven't developed into 'love'. They don't believe in such childish thing like ‘crush’, but I would say they have a huge crush for Qiu. (This is only for step one, so I use he/ him for Qiu.) Well, that’s all XD sorry for the long ahh text

I like your oc. That sounds so adorable! But yeah we have been waiting really really long XD. I'm interested to hear more.

I'd love to say much more... You know, we all here are that kind of people who could yap forever about our beloved ocs 🥹

(1 edit) (+1)

My oc if she met her other Mc, would probably light up that they all knew the same person. She thinks Qiu and Tamarack as her immediately crushes. She finds Darren/Reene very cute and and Baxter was handsome to her.  She looks like Sua from Alien stage. 

she'd like tea tbh, (doesn't matter what type, she just likes tea)


ur mc would be my mc’s highschool crush 


so like... since we making ocs and posting them. What would yalls ocs put on their hotdog.


mine would probably just put cheese on it


Mine is based off of me when  I was little so she wouldn't even be able to have the hot dog lol but if he did he'd probably put ketchup on it


Mustard but not ketchup, she's odd like that lol!


Mine would put ketchup, or nothin


ketchup and mustard. What can I say, she's into the classics lol


TOOONSSSS of cheese definitely


Mine probably wouldn't care, they will just copy whatever Qiu put if they're eating it together


Okok for minee id say she'd just have whatever her mom would put on it in step 1.. step 2 shes def a classic ketchup and mustard gal !!

(1 edit) (+1)

Nothing, mine is too shy to ask for something.

(But he will put whatever is offered to him or directly, whatever Qiu puts in his.)

since my main one is based off me... 

ketchup, honey mustard and spicy sauce. also maybe cheese and whatever tam and qiu suggests lol


where do yall live where yall put cheese on a hotdog?


ice cream. she would to generally piss people off.

(2 edits) (+16)

Meet Mx. Emery Darlee, the Detective of the Park :3 (She/They)!!

This picture is a few months old, and I changed her a wee bit to add layers in her personality. Emery's entire life has been dedicated to solving mysteries because they couldn't even solve their own greatest case; their missing father. Emery is aware that said father was never in the picture, but all their favourite detectives always talk about how much their fathers helped them, are famous, etc.. so Emery starts to pretend her father is a famous detective and is too busy solving the greatest cases to be there for them.. yikes ToT She is also a bit more of a jumpy person since I think its funny for such a mystery solver to become so easily defeated.

For Step 2, meet Emery "Em" Darlee, but exclusively goes by Em! (They/Fae/She)

That earlier scaredy cat nature mixed with the shyness created an intense feeling that is called anxiety, this ex-detectives the greatest feat yet! Em has an online blog dedicated to writing stories (mostly fanfic) and is actually well-known within said communities. (I have yet to do her character art.. pray for me, brothers 🙏) Those earlier issues with her dad caused insecurity with her self-worth, that delusional idea of her dad being out of the picture was because of her. Still, whenever she tries to talk to Opal/Mum about it, it is unproductive since Opal sees her child as more as a teammate then a child at times.. Oh well, at least fae has faer's neighbours!!1!! (who dislikes each other...)

She is on the Qiu BFFs + Crush route and is friends with Tamarack, with some issues since both become very nervous around each other.

I never realized how active these comments were AAAA, so I want to join the fun and share my MC ^^

AND THATS EM!! Ty for reading/listening, and I hope we all will feast soon. 🙏


Your mc feels like chocolate, the bitter one XD Mine would admire yours from afar their whole childhood 




AAH TY <33 My MC would be so flattered and would offer to listen to whatever urs wanted to talk abt


literally the most creative mc ive seen here by FAR, and theres was an anime mc down here in the comments.

shed beg to try decaf tbh...


REALLY?? THATS SO NICE TYSM :,( i smiled so big aaa

and how'd you figure her put so fast.. shes counting down the years until she can finally get her hands on that bitter liquid 


one of my hobbies is figuring out flavor profiles of  the mcs yall send... haha

(1 edit) (+10)

Asuka kinnie

(1 edit)

shed eat spaghetti with a chopstick just to piss off italians (she doesn't even know how to use chopsticks)

Tots Didn't do That once or twice myself hahaha

(Don't tell Them Where i am)


Here's a quick drawing of my MC !! ^^


Those brightass yellow eyes are staring into my soul i do not know how to feel about that

would they eat flowers? like.. in general? would he eat white linen poppies from a hill field? is that why his hair is white? burger?


Don't judge the Yellow Eyes he is Just a Justice filled Boy!

Ive considered your consideration, and ive decided to agree, though he still looks like he eats flowers (and mushrooms ha)


They're so cool looking! Like the main character of an animated series, the good kind of course.  :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Am i trippin or did i just see a post disappeared right in my face when im reading it? "Days 6 in posting tamarack pics until the update is out"

Edit:  take two, I think im tripping cuz the photo suddenly disappeared on my phone😭


Because of ya'lls WONDERFULL MCs, I'm tempted to show mine! I've showed her here before but I did a little fixing with her design ^^ But anywayss...

Here is Theia Jacobs, my main MC !! ^^

And here's her step 2 design !!


the more i look at her the more i wonder if shes a vegeterian or would like cooked meat specifically from a claymore pot

something tells me she would like space-themed food and would collect astronaut food to try (yknow those uh... uh dryed ones? y'know the ones in a very small ziploc bag? that they eat from a straw or smthn?)


For the first one, as much as she loves animals, she unfortunately cannot let go meat in her diet :(

As for the second one, she absolutely LOVES space themed food and would love the chance to go to a space-themed restaurant. And she hasn't tried any of those astronaut packed foods, but she has been planning to try those someday when she gets the chance !!

she cant eat meat? is it like an allergy or something else?


ahh no no !! ^^; what I meant was even though she loves animals, she doesn't have the power to be a vegetarian because she loves meat !!

sorry, my wording was a bit messy with that one hehe.. 

oh, ok then ^^


It's 5:50 in the morning in my country, so gentlemen we can cross the 19th off our list for the update to come out. I'm actually betting on the 22nd and 27th. (The 27th is the end of the exams at my school). 

Use traductor, lo siento, no soy lo suficientemente valiente para escribir con los pocos conocimientos del ingles que tengo :( 

Deleted 117 days ago
(1 edit) (+2)

he would pair dark chocolate with black coffee tbh.. he seems like the type to unironically love bitter tastes


When he was younger he loved sweet things but as he got older he started to prefer more bitter tastes, he still likes sweet things once in awhile



(supposed to say Step 1)

For some context, N was originally a boy but socially went as a girl as a kid, thinking the world was sunshines, rainbows, and anime plots. When he gets older, he detransitiones and gets a whole much meaner.


bro lost his childhood innocence

also i feel like hed hate japanese food after detranstioning lol


Japanese food, Japanese shows, people who are obsessed with japanese culture. He hates it all.


I love the "Boy meets World" reference in Step two! He kind of gives me vv small Gumball vibes (in the best way possible). BUT I love ur OC, he's vv creative 


THANKS FOR CATCHING IT!! I kind of based him off of Gumball. Even his name like how Gumball's real name is 'Zach' lol


Since everyone is sharing their mc i'll share one of mine! shes the one ive developed the most

Lilian's whole story is going from a mature and put together young girl to a messy confused teen, When the morals and who she thought she was is shattered. 

Lilian's personality is determined, intelligent, put together, protective, and a leader. She believes she needs to protect those around her by being the leader in every situation, as she wants most things done her way. she hates change and things that break her schedule she has made for herself. The move is stressful for her, still she refuses to take it out on those around her.  She doesn't like being a kid, she likes preparing for her future. She wants to be a political figure since she can be in power and do good things. 

When she meets Tamarack she sees her as annoying and childish, she tries to keep her distance but cant help but be driven closer by her childish nature. I see Lilian and Tamarack as opposites attracting. Tamarack teaches her how important friendship and childhood is, playing in the forest with her, walks, and daily play sessions. Tamarack also helps get her out of her leadership mindset. She teaches her its okay and healthy to listen and learn from others. and people don't constantly need her help. They become best friends for life, and because of tamarack she becomes less extreme.

When She meets qiu shes hesitant about his carefree scatterbrain nature, she immediately feels obligated to "fix" him. She picks up his papers, tries to make him more tidy and less forgetful. She is always trying to keep him on track. Later in the year she somewhat accepts its just the way he is, hes constantly having her question herself on accident. Saying a sarcastic remark or something that makes her question everything she stands for. Later Qiu is the main person she can relate to.  As she starts questioning everything about herself even more

Thanks for reading my info about Lily! I basically just went on and on about my ideas for step 1 Lilian. So i apologize if things are a bit messy and confusing. as you can tell her favorite color is pink, as the steps go on i want her colors to muddle down to green and grey to kinda represent her gender identity and moral struggles.


its on top actually but go on

candied apples girl

(1 edit) (+1)

What 😭 


Oh I didn't get what you were saying earlier 😭 thanks for the grammar fix!

(1 edit) (+8)

(not so) Weekend 6 of posting tamarack pics till game updates 

Sorry, i fell behind a day but, to make it up i have an extra special pic today... 

and to val: you thought only you could be bad? I'm not even supposed to have this pic! HAHAHA!


 Since i saw people talking about Mc, i wanted to show mine, she's a goober. In step one she's more shy around the two as they shine like stars to her, and when they fight she tries to fix it because she likes both of them. So in step two she starts acting more like a leader than she would like too but it's all worth it for her friends. 


I love her sm! her step 2 design is so pretty, i love the character dynamic too! great work!!


spice is such a pookie bear...

green apple girlie



this is literally me and I am NOT complaining ^^


Somehow my Grades got higher after i discovered OL


Same I gained back some motivation to live lol

(1 edit) (+12)

Okay.... all the cool mcs here convinced me 😔

here's my goofy mc, she's very unoriginal but i love her :3


I think she's very cool, I love the art! 



Aaa tysm :DD

(1 edit) (+3)

The art is beautiful! i'm absolutely obsessed! her design is very appealing too!


Tysmm !!


so happy to see more artists in the comment fandom

id think shed like strawberries, only the fruit though. everything else is some variation of chocolate and kiwi


Ok wait ur actually so right





(1 edit) (+8)

Made an account because I wanted to also show my silly little OL oc (very much based off me can't lie) Warning: Unnecessary explaining, nerdiness, yeah just me.

I didn't know what to put in description so I went off the fact I said she was sour (I suck at grammer mb). Madam Kingston Clevenger, basically she is very closed off and anxious, as she has only ever really had her Ma, meeting new people is too nerve-wracking for her. So she's often drawn towards more confident or open people, people she can easily mimic. It's easier to act like someone else or someone else's friends than being herself.

Kiba is trans! Probably should say that Step 1 Kiba goes by she/her and is a 'kinda girl'(its an option in the game swear), Step 2 Kiba goes by he/him with specifically certain friends. Step 3 and so on would be he/them and identifies as a Demiboy. So, Kiba in step two is popular. As said in step one, he copies others personalities and such as he feels uncomfortable in his own skin. Hence why he found it so easy to get popular, act like popular people, be recognized as someone popular, makes popular friends, make friends with older kids with higher status, boom, he's there. He also has a crush on Qiu and keeps denying it (He's a little loser guys). Also calls Qiu 'Snowdrop' (it's a pretty flower okay) and Tamarack 'Tweety-bird'.

Anywhos here's Kiba!!!??!!? He likes cats and sweets and dislikes bugs and drama. Easily makes friends as he seems so open. Step 3, in my eyes at least, I wanna make him angsty af. Like, yeah, I live for peeking in 6-10 grade then burning out and slowly having trouble keeping up the fake act anymore. Okay, bye bye!! (First comment on ever and it's nerdy and fairly lengthy, sigh)


He is adorable, we love queer losers here :3




Kiba looks so sweet, great work! the character is beautiful and i love their personality and story!


Thank you!! Their a little nerd I love them B⁠-⁠)


the real question here is whether or not he'd actually like sour candy 

(he'd love marigold and lotta biscuits)


He loves sour candy, or any candy really! Definitely the person to ask for a piece of gum after just opening it in class😔

(4 edits) (+5)

I think I've been far to nice to Fable. She's far too watered down to be based off me (I admit it, I know, it's so surprising that she's actually based off me)

Instead of doing Fable's step two character card info, I've instead done an entire script for a small angst Fable x Tamarack comic 😈 (It may or may not be based off of something that happened to me...)

Should I actually attempt draw it? :3 I want opinions on it before doing it!

If I can't be happy, neither can she


tbh as long as you have good lighting and a scale and pencil i think ur good to go!!! :]


Progress report on my little drawing:

It's... Something... I'll probably add more or even redo Opal's part... I don't know, I'm trying... I'm still attempting Tamarack because I hate myself and want to do a small comic on this prompt...

I can't draw animals! :(


day 12, we have something special, mr. and mrs. Murray!

i love mrs Murray so much! she's so pretty! how did mr murray pull such a baddie?! it should have been me!

i dont realy like mr murrays design, theres nothing else for me to say, the only design i dislike


Nah 'cause you're so real for that (wanting Mrs. Murray i get it even though I'm gay she's a pretty lady) also i agree HOW DID MR MURRAY PULL HER OF ALL?!


t... that's mr murray? i thought that was just another one of his kids... what the fuck.... how to fuck did he pull mrs murray....

Image result for disgusted emoji meme


Mr Murray Looks Like a Nice guy! 

Look at him ..... it's like That Meme of the Boy Talking about dino nuggies and The woman singing "From The day I saw you"


Day three of posting my kitty until the update (+extra animal)

Extra puppy picture :D




Maybe I'll even throw in an evil bird tomorrow with the kitty pictures (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧




You know what, evil bird just for you <3

This was taken a few minutes after he bite my thumb so bad, that it took months to heal. He only likes attacking me, and now I'm scared of birds cos of him :(




he looks like hes gonna peer pressure into going drinking lol


*explodes into glitter*

Image result for giving love emoji meme


I shall take part in sharing, so here's my cool little guy. 

Isn't he just the coolest? Well, he certainly tries to be at least. 


I don't know what but he would grow up to be an F1 racer... and he would like ube flavored things, mostly because it shares the same color as his hair :)

(2 edits) (+2)

I love this comment so much :')

(Liking ube flavored things is now canon for him).


Lets all take a moment to appreciate the wave of new mcs coming from the comments

(2 edits) (+5)

Seeing so many people draw their OCS made me want it do it too

Sorry if it looks bad it's my first time drawing since 4 years ago (and on my phone too😭)

And yes it's not Asher, I have too many ocs rn and I don't even know who I should make my main one :')

(1 edit) (+3)

1. nice hair shading

2. he looks like mr krabs

3. they... they like strawberry.... and raspberry... and would unironically prefer oat milk for.. whatever reason.


1. Thanks :D

2. He IS money hungry 😂

3. Unfortunately he's lactose intolerant 😔

but do he like oat milk and berries?


He doesn't hate oat milk but doesn't like it very much too and he's a SUCKER for berries (he just like fruits in general) 

i see

(2 edits) (+5)

Hire is my OC bc i see evrbody is stending it

Step 2:  wen she got older she bekon more friendly and not lonely she Hawe Qiu as her BFF and still crush on him she still a little not much off a talk and she still stuborn and clumsy and thay time she do art for fun and she verry good at lering and she somting com to Qiu to drag him to school litly... drag him she pick him up on her bag she is strong she only 160cm tall 

 step 1: dis is amilia Iko she shy and a hell off a clumsy she Kind but can be verry stuborn she love flowers and she verry emosonal at her age and cry a lot she Hawe a crush on Qiu bc she admier him a lot ,she 136cm tall

PS: sorry for my Broken english....


she would like mint chocolate chip icecream wouldn't they...

(1 edit) (+1)

She do like mint choklet chip ice cream and she alergic to strawberrys strongly 🙂 she is my Oc that i cerfuly craftid she Like my baby ik evering about her and i can Ancer the qwescons 

(1 edit) (+2)

Like a Wise person once said ... Cannot go wrong with Chocolate Milk


Im gonna start posting daily comments abt my oc now😋

Step 2 sketch.

Name: Aki Lilac

2nd random oc lore: Insecure. We know where that RED ROUND glasses came from. Personality comes from people around her. Was quiet, shy, and rule following at step 1 but in step2 she became more idk, I'll fimd out when step 2 is actually out lol


Let bro cook!!! 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️⁉️


She cooked and she ate 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I see Nikolai, i love🫶 


*Slaps table aggressively*

(1 edit) (+6)

why is he so freakin cocky? my good sir for the love of the new november update please you look like the main character of a malaysian movie for goodness sake

Image result for malaysian boy

(muffin boy)

(1 edit) (+4)

popping by to say hi again after a bit of inactivity,,, blessed with the sight of these STUNNING mcs i love them all so much!! don't be shy to post more about your characters lifecorners, they deserve as much love as all of you do <3


Since everyone is sharing their mc... Here's mine, too! I even decided to let them be my personal :)

(1 edit) (+2)

God theyre so blueberry coded

(froyo cups?) (froyo cups.)


They definitely love blueberries XD


okay since we are talking about our mc. Here is mine XD.

hi she would be a beige mom 


(its giving... its.... okay now what type of food does she like?)
(no seriously like i cant detect any sign of preference anywhere for this greyed character you call mc)



My apologies. She is kinda like a timid character . I don't want to make my mc Abit to much of design since it's to hassle to draw.  Her name is Mona Donna. ^^ she is Abit shy and care about her appearance more than going all to it(she wanted to look Abit proper atleast to adults) She mostly cling to tamarack, since she saw tamarack as someone comfortable. As for qui, she is Abit shy since he is really an outgoing guy compared to her.  As for her favorite food, she like more  soft and beefy  food like (siopao or  anything that have meat inside.) her personality I would say is maybe blunt and little shy around with strangers. Her favorite color is pink. (She thinks white and pink goes well together). Anyways, sorry if my mc kinda looks Abit grey. It's my taste on character. 

(1 edit)

I'd like to kindly apologize for that brash previous statement I made the previous day, for oh the heavens-

*eats up drawing and runs*

(seriously thats like one of if not the greatest depiction in this comment section, love from asia n stuff)

She looks Like chocolate dipped  Hazelnut......i like her!



(1 edit) (+6)

AAAAaa More ocs are showing upp!! I love them all omg they are so adorable
You guys cant do this to me-- it makes me wanna grab my stylus pen to draw-- 

biting my hands rn

(I am the one upvoting all of your creations btw, I cant comment on all of them, but I SWEAR YOU GUYS ARE GOOD)

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