thank youu!! ngl i just based him off of me almost fully especially his clothing style. Like i have the red button up shirt and star jeans in my dresser right now and just re-dyed my hair red (minus the bangs)
for me probs a 3 or 4 cuz (i; me personally) i dont really see you comment that much but you've commented on my art a few times so yeah 🫶🏽🫶🏽 and i love vale even tho i havent seen much of him ☹️💔
ngl id say youre a 3 cuz youre MUCH less active than back then and i dont think newcomers would think youve been here much 😭😭 srry but id say back then youd prob be a 4 or even 5 maybe idk 🤷
A curiosity about Leonard, he has several moles not only on his face but also spread throughout his body.
(This is just a rough draft to get a good idea of where each of the moles is on his body, is not yet complete. My idea is for him to have several on his body)
how feels after not letting me upload the pic on my phone and making me take a whole trip to my laptop ... anyways !!! redesigning step 2 kojo … here is his emo concept (im currently making a scenemo and js plain guy one too 🙏🙏) ignore how his right eye isnt there it dont matter)
Is step one really just walks and wheels? Or will there be more content or dlc's once the full game is out? I was really hoping I could spent more time in the childhood phase
Oooo, I can answer that! In step 1 there's 10 moments, 5 free and 5 DLCs. They're just in the beta build at the moment (Patreon) but will be released to the public! I'm not sure when, but they will :D
yall qq what fashion style should step 3 mari have??? cause like the og idea was to have like boring random clothes like the collab but then i remembered that fashion sense is real and i can dress her up like a victorian twink like this-
so do i do it cuz the og idea is more in character BUT STILL IWANT HER TO LOOK LIKE THIS EKURELUVHRUIFH
i imagine Mari switching it up every week like one day shes wearing plain old outfits and then the next shes wearing a classy, royal, victorian lookin fit
OMG she'd wear it for like a day at school for funsies but then get sent to detention 😔💔💔💔(dw she wears it at the mall but has to take a break from them for a week due to the HORRIBLE sensory stimulation 💔💔💔😭🥲)
(IVE BEEN CALLING ETHAN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NAME HELP ME) Did the shading before realizing I couldn't get rid of it after closing out of the drawing for a moment cause my blur glitched. Anywhoozle, here. I rushed it but it's Ethan. Who's the lucky person Ethan is fond of, though🤔
Step 3 Ethan the type of fella to give you this if your his Valentine:
He bought it himself. His mother had nothing to do with this. He just thinks he's funny.
Welp my phone of 4 years just got fricked (software got nuked due to old age). I'm not mad that I don't have a phone anymore, I'm more mad about 3 years of save files for OLNF and OLBA being unretrievable.
Late Valentine's drawing (it has a tiny part of a really small heart I'm counting it) except I drew it without reference and it looks small and bad and it's uncolored and finished. It will probably REALLY change or not change at all.
(If you don't know, in my OL universe, Leonard (MC OL2) lived near Sunset Bird before moving to another state in the middle, or end, of Step 1 of OL1)
He wouldn't have met Thomas Golden (MC OL3 - If he existed) and he wouldn't have met the characters from OL2 either (noooo Tamarack!!!!).
He would have overcome his fear of water much earlier (After a certain incident in OL1 he acquired a certain thalassophobia).
He would be more hyperactive and playful than he is in OL2 (Due to Elizabeth's company).
He would only meet Baxter in Step 2 or 3 and, unlike OL2, I wouldn't like it very much.
He would be a more closer friend to Samantha (MC OL1)
He would start to have a crush on Elizabeth because she was his first closest friend before he moved. (He probably wouldn't be reciprocated...)
He would have hated even more the way Shiloh acted in Step 3, pretending she didn't know the main characters.
Your fashion style would be lighter due to the environment, such as shorts, lighter shirts, etc. (Noooo he lost the drip he has in OL2...).
He wouldn't have gotten the scars he acquired in OL2.
He wouldn't have dyed his hair black at 15-16.
Due to Derek's presence, Leonard would have focused more on training than he has in OL2.
He wouldn't focus so much on his oil paintings, he probably wouldn't become a painter.
Instead of a skateboard he would have a surfboard.
He would probably still go through his sad stage in Step 3, but not as strong as he would have been in OL2.
He doesn't do very well with the Jeremy in step 2.
He would probably remain living in Sunset Bird in step 4, he would probably date Elizabeth or not at that point.
His career in Step 4 is still not very well decided by me if he stayed in Sunset Bird, but he certainly wouldn't become a painter like he was in OL2 Step 4.
That's all I've been able to think of so far, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Possibly peach, still thinking. As for whether our MCs get along or not, I don't know. If your Mc can handle a hyperactive and playful child, maybe yes.
OMG i feel like my MC (a version of me) WOULD LOVE your MC. Sometimes she can get to hyperactive tho... And occasionally eat your food.. with your permission ofc! sometimes..
For songs I haven't thought much about it yet, but his clothing aesthetics are.
If he stayed in Sunset Bird: Lighter clothes, shorts, tank tops, dress shirts. He would still have some of the same style of clothing he would have in Golden Grove but nothing too heavy due to the hot temperatures in Sunset Bird.
He goes to Golden Grove: The ones that appear in his drawings, heavier, especially hooded jackets, fingered or fingerless gloves. Warmer clothes for cooler fall temperatures in Golden Grove.
I don't know how to explain it well, but it would basically be this
I finished step 2 valentine special =3 I didn’t know what I wanted to do for the background 😔she stops having a crush on Tamarack a year before step 2. So then it’s just a qiu and Maeve romance (I changed it from poly)
fun fact: Maeve was struggling with her identity (she identifies as a Demigirl now) and cut her hair impulsively. They were really insecure about it so Qiu and Tammy cut their hair to support 💕
OUGH ALL THIS ART 😭😭💗💗💗 MAEVE MY SHAYLA SHES BEAUTIFUL 🙏☹️ only 1 singular apple tall here 😞😞 they dony even exist but i’d give them my lofe oh theyre so cutieful .. ough
yeah, bc Maeve thought she looked ugly with her hair cut short and Qiu wanted to show her that she didn’t and cut his hair with her (so did Tammy) :3 but she does miss playing with his long hair, (she still does it tho)
Yes my OC will torture Qiu if he even cut it she love to brush it and style it hehe and tam for her is jast a frend.... Amilia like but don't fall for hehe but still tam grow her hair long bc i tink it will fit her welp how to say it ... Hair hold memorys~
Aww, that would be so cute!!! They would all like to befriend your MCs, don't worry ^^! ... Except for Caleb, he's just angry and mean during step 1 ;-;
Yes please! Haha! Charlie is highly social so she would absolutely love to make new friends and compliment the heck out of them! Glad you like both Charlotte and Robin tho! ^^
IVE BEEN CALLING ETHAN BRENDAN BY ACCIDENT🙏🏻😓 Step three Ethan has summer, winter, fall, and spring depression. He also has horrible humor. I ALSO CANT DRAW WITHOUT A REFERENCE/TEMPLATE WHY CANT I. ITS AN UNREACHABLE GOAL OF MINE HELP.
He never grew out of wearing them damn jackets. I didn't draw his outline like my other ones cause honestly I think it looks good as and also because I'm way too lazy.
awww ur art 💕, and I love jealous qiu and Tammy ahhh that’s it’s I’m making headcanons for my ocs if they all coexisted, the only problem is would Maeve would date a man or a woman hmmm 🧐 (haruki’s aroace so know worrying about that 🙏)
she’s just a cutie patootie with a gravitational pull on ppl 🥰 Qiu is a lucky guy (Haruki returns the high-five with cool guy sunglasses on) she prob will end up with Qiu then
ough … eating this art and im NOT sharing 🙁🙁 i am eating it ,, i have eaten it ,, it’s gone now .
gonna make non-mc characters now for the mcverse au 🙏🙏 (and for canonverse step 3 kojo cuz college yahoo he’s not a pathetic wet cat anymore and actually has FRIENDS everybody cheer ‼️‼️‼️ also might redesign step 2 kojo idk yet 🤷🏽♂️)
Aww go run runie, your art Really Good what's your secret tell me! (Yurim just gonna watch the scene an folding in front of them while eating popcorn with other mcs😋 I'm also Filipino)
EYY Mona tayo 🤙🤟 But Yurim not always a Boy though… they finding and confirming about their self in step 2 since he told Qiu and Tamarack when they meet back then thats not always been it's can change later or maybe now
The Valentine's is already pass… I still not finish my drawing of My mc and Qiu Date😞 (coloring and food are only missing. I also changed my mc look in step 2)
Wait.... Hmm My Qwin (Qiu) like to eat cheze even wen thay are lactose intolerent hehe is not me is on Them! ... And my poor charkter try to stop them 🥲
I finished!!! Finally 😭 Maeve drinking choco milk, the best of all milks, and their low-key concerned for Liam and Mari but yeah :3 everyone’s ocs are so amazing I’m glad i got to share my step 3 with y;all :)
SHE DOESSS ✨ ngl it took me forever to get her outfit to look decent 😭 she’d gladly dress up anyone who asks, also I love Runie’s outfit an the idea she’s matching with Damien and that they’re together in an alternative universe where our our Charachters co-exist, it’s giving me ideas….
i wonder whos doing it this time, since last time the only confirmed culprit is Val (the other one) (there were other people that were not revealed but if you were there during the sacrificial ceremony you'd have a good guess on who they were)
There is NO way I get two days off of school then immediately get sick then when I finally feel better I get an EAR INFECTION. IM GONNA DIE THIS MUST STOP(I'm actually crying like a baby over my ear it hurts so bad I want it to stop please.)
I sometimes forget how old the mirror in my parents room is , that thing is somehow older than me well don't mind the funky reflections i was never good at drawing realistic stuff anyway
AWWW THEY'RE SO CUTE I WANNA SQUISH THEM (gently ofc) it's such a good idea to edit the character profile to change their hairstyles I especially like I'm assuming Zaira's (the one with albinism I think) hair, what are their personalities
Totally don't blame you, lol! She's supposed to be albino, and I read online that some albino people can have a violet eye color? So I went along with it and the final eye color just seemed more cute! So glad you and others like them ^^
DONE WITH THE BASE!! (Also Runie is matching with Damian!! In a world where all of our MC’s are living in the same universe, he’ll end up with the Damian neehee)
dooms your gays or wtv 😒 (said i'd never pull a tillivan on minqiu but i LIED #keepit99not100🙏) ignore how lazy this is i'm not feeling very motivated to put my all into it
(btw,, i actually wanted to draw kojo as ivan but then realised i do NOT have the skills to draw his hair in the position ivan is in atm so ... also having urges to write an alnst au with y'all's mcs but i CANT bcs i have to finish my minqiu fic first 💔💔💔)
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im also jumping on this little train for funsies :D
For me you are a 4 or 5!! Cause I can immediately recognize you the moment I see you or your art :3
omg thank youuu!!!!!
4!! ur oc is an icon that everyone should know
thank you (val is about to start running around screaming "IM FAMOUS WOOOHOOO "[He is NOT popular in OL:NF])
3-4 cos Val is part of the top MC'S who is fashionable and their sense of fashion is unique that I can recognise it hehe :>
thank youu!! ngl i just based him off of me almost fully especially his clothing style. Like i have the red button up shirt and star jeans in my dresser right now and just re-dyed my hair red (minus the bangs)
My lad you are a solid 5
AAAGGHH THANK YOUU!!! ngl i was expecting ppl to say 1 or 2 💀 💀 💀
1 .... Sorry i never see you hehe ig i rerly look at nick 🥲
for me probs a 3 or 4 cuz (i; me personally) i dont really see you comment that much but you've commented on my art a few times so yeah 🫶🏽🫶🏽 and i love vale even tho i havent seen much of him ☹️💔
i would post him more often but that little gay boy is so hard to draw for no reason (also tyy vale is giggling and kicking his feet rn)
Idk man…. You give off 3 vibes but a 4 in general terms (you should prob get a pfp lol)
Steals your idea cause I'm bored 😻😻😻😻😻😜 I'd love to see what y'all think of me 😻😻
3 now because everytime i see your MC i will immediately assume hes wearing rainbow shoes. A rainbow leprechaun 🫶
Rainbow leprechaun 😻😻😻🎀🎀
ngl id say youre a 3 cuz youre MUCH less active than back then and i dont think newcomers would think youve been here much 😭😭 srry but id say back then youd prob be a 4 or even 5 maybe idk 🤷
Yeah rn I post every few days but I might start being more active like I used to 😈😈😈
3 bc u post not a lot and i know Liam with the fruit loop crocs, :D but i instantly know it’s u js by seeing the pfp
to me probably 3 cuz i havent been here very long but liam is very recognisable and therefore so are you 🫶🏽🫶🏽
ngl i feel like you're a 4 or 5 for me i have no clue why you just are maybe its bc I'm Liam's no.1 fan idk though
thank you 😁
4 hehe
you is a 3 because SOMEHOW you found my tumblr and because Mari is easily recognizable heheheh
MWEHEHEE i only found ur tumblr cause i toggled on the olnf tag and found you on my fyp (or maybe while scrolling the olnf tag lolz)
you're probably 3 or 4 cuz yah 🙏🙏 you're not a lurker so definitely higher than 2 ,, to me it's deffo 4 but i think in general you're like a 3
he..hehe... bold of you to assume im not a lurker hehe...
*insert verr sneaky face*
for me your like a 3 or 4 bc i literally have the words cheapcoconutjam stuck in my head all day and night
HUH????? HOW???? WHY???? I MEAN??? HWHAT????
i dunno man i just wake up at 5 AM and immediately the words "~cheap coconut jam~" haunt me
… should I find the comforting or indicative of something 😭
if im being honest i dont even know anymore
3 or 4 for me :3 I recognize you immediately even though my bad memory lol 🤗
maybe its cuz of the dark ahh pfp lol 😭
Prolly lol 😭😭
about a 3.5 I’d say u and ur mc are recognizable as soon I see u tbh also ur username is very vibe
Fun fact: I got my username from an Indonesian company that made coconut jam since since their name is also the second part of my name hehe 🕺
i honestly never head of coconut jam til I met u and now i really wanna try some...
Not even gonna lie y'all are straight 5 s
Like i can recognise y'all by Just scrolling or reading the comments
I just realised something gang in our life Beginning and Always, there is a choice to get red eyes and brown hair right?
And if you download the voiced names free dlc you will get A Chara name in the C get where this going right?
( | ‿ | )
That leaves one small detail , did the Adoption of Chara by Lani and Pam prevent Chara From hating humanity thus the Legend never happening?
Hold on i think i am cooking some lore here
holup he's cooking cookin
I did this quick sketch to figure his whole outfit out.mostly the shoes i think these fit his personality well.
he looks like a chill english or hirstory teacher PURELY bcs of the crocs and socks ngl
I was going for that 😻😻
i was NOT expecting those shoes when I scrolled down but I am here for it, it's just *chefs kiss* 🤌
I love giving him goofy shoes 😻😻
saw the handsome boy and did NOT expect those gay crocs HAHAHAHHDHSS I LOVE IT
TY!!! :D
he looks like my history teacher Mr. Table( his nickname) the only difference is the hair and Mr. Table wears a new goofy tie every day
why thank you for the idea :3
you're welcome
the fit: classy autumn english teacher
the shoes: mwehehehehe queerios
A curiosity about Leonard, he has several moles not only on his face but also spread throughout his body.
(This is just a rough draft to get a good idea of where each of the moles is on his body, is not yet complete. My idea is for him to have several on his body)
reminds me of that one myth where moles were a symbol of where your lover kissed you in your past life!! If so Leonard was very loved 😭
Past Life Leonard must have been really loved, because only true love would make you kiss the person here:
this reminds me of my friend who also has multiple moles all over her body ;u;
I cannot take going to school in a heat of 36 celsius/96,8 fahrenheit. Help.
lucky mf i had to go to school in -24 Celsius weather while it was snowing
how feels after not letting me upload the pic on my phone and making me take a whole trip to my laptop ... anyways !!! redesigning step 2 kojo … here is his emo concept (im currently making a scenemo and js plain guy one too 🙏🙏) ignore how his right eye isnt there it dont matter)

u made him EMO (it's okay tho he's so pretty, i like megumi too we can rant ab jjk and percy jackson) please give him therapy tho
emo loser boy 💔💔 bro had a satosugu type break up with qiu and now look what happened ,, geto who 😒😒 he WILL get therapy do not worry.
he will gladly yap abt pjo and jjk too . he is NOT quiet when it comes to his interests
I am NOT quiet either, not the satosugu break up tho 😭 🤚
I feel like him and SrPassaros MC would match eachothers vibe because theyre both emo LMAO
Dont worry Kojo, maybe Damian and Maeve could help sing the songs to make it even more sad.. making Kojo have more flashbacks about the breakup 🫶
Maeve will definitely help sing the sad songs to make it even sadder 🫶
Damm right!
i think so too lol 🤭🤭
damian, maeve, and kojo are now discount paramore trust 🙏🙏
😭 discount paramore, now someone needs to draw them as parsmore
More about Leonard if he had stayed in Sunset Bird (I'll call him Leonard SB)
(You can already notice some changes in his clothing style and hair, although he still maintains some things he has in OL2)
I love her. I love you Zuri 💋💋💋(She beat Ethan's ass once then decided to be his friend and basically protector from bullies in Step 1 🙏🏻)
yasss Zuriiii 👑
she's so 💗💗💗💗 she's MOTHER TRUST 🙏
Is step one really just walks and wheels? Or will there be more content or dlc's once the full game is out? I was really hoping I could spent more time in the childhood phase
Oooo, I can answer that! In step 1 there's 10 moments, 5 free and 5 DLCs. They're just in the beta build at the moment (Patreon) but will be released to the public! I'm not sure when, but they will :D
thank you. I'll be here waiting till then
I forgot to comment. So, yeah. 🕊️
I miss a lot TwT ahh poor me
yall qq what fashion style should step 3 mari have??? cause like the og idea was to have like boring random clothes like the collab but then i remembered that fashion sense is real and i can dress her up like a victorian twink like this-
so do i do it cuz the og idea is more in character BUT STILL IWANT HER TO LOOK LIKE THIS EKURELUVHRUIFH
Give your characters the clothing style you want.
I try to make my characters look stylish because I think they're modeling for fashion magazines or something like that.
BOTHHHH Victorian outfits are everythinggggg 🙏
i imagine Mari switching it up every week like one day shes wearing plain old outfits and then the next shes wearing a classy, royal, victorian lookin fit
OMG she'd wear it for like a day at school for funsies but then get sent to detention 😔💔💔💔(dw she wears it at the mall but has to take a break from them for a week due to the HORRIBLE sensory stimulation 💔💔💔😭🥲)
Also, enjoy my monthly check in it's probably happening just once in a month, or not idk ,idc
this is what they mean
(IVE BEEN CALLING ETHAN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NAME HELP ME) Did the shading before realizing I couldn't get rid of it after closing out of the drawing for a moment cause my blur glitched. Anywhoozle, here. I rushed it but it's Ethan. Who's the lucky person Ethan is fond of, though🤔
Step 3 Ethan the type of fella to give you this if your his Valentine:
He bought it himself. His mother had nothing to do with this. He just thinks he's funny.
Im sorry but does that say cheese gummy candies 😭 I have never heard of this but ill take 23 please 🤚
sorry but the absolutely BROKEN anatomy is funny asf 😭🙏
real like why is bro settled like that. Actually though I have no idea how the human body works when drawing it's just, poof, gone😭😭
ill take one squishy macaroni :3
Welp my phone of 4 years just got fricked (software got nuked due to old age). I'm not mad that I don't have a phone anymore, I'm more mad about 3 years of save files for OLNF and OLBA being unretrievable.
Is it possible if you could add a box haircut?
Late Valentine's drawing (it has a tiny part of a really small heart I'm counting it) except I drew it without reference and it looks small and bad and it's uncolored and finished. It will probably REALLY change or not change at all.
He's tryna catch them all and failing but it's okay cause he's got spirit💪🏻
[What if Leonard had stayed in Sunset Bird?]
(If you don't know, in my OL universe, Leonard (MC OL2) lived near Sunset Bird before moving to another state in the middle, or end, of Step 1 of OL1)
That's all I've been able to think of so far, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
whats his favorite fruit :3 also do u think our mcs would get along??
Possibly peach, still thinking. As for whether our MCs get along or not, I don't know. If your Mc can handle a hyperactive and playful child, maybe yes.
haruki definitely can, Maeve might be scared of him at first but then they’ll warm up to him =)
OMG i feel like my MC (a version of me) WOULD LOVE your MC. Sometimes she can get to hyperactive tho... And occasionally eat your food.. with your permission ofc! sometimes..
"HASIE, put my PUDDING back in the fridge." - Leonard said calmly.
"My mom won't let me eat those PLEASE LEO!"
oh dude I wanna know what his music taste is AND his aesthetic for fits in general ^^
For songs I haven't thought much about it yet, but his clothing aesthetics are.
If he stayed in Sunset Bird: Lighter clothes, shorts, tank tops, dress shirts. He would still have some of the same style of clothing he would have in Golden Grove but nothing too heavy due to the hot temperatures in Sunset Bird.
He goes to Golden Grove: The ones that appear in his drawings, heavier, especially hooded jackets, fingered or fingerless gloves. Warmer clothes for cooler fall temperatures in Golden Grove.
I don't know how to explain it well, but it would basically be this
fun fact: Maeve was struggling with her identity (she identifies as a Demigirl now) and cut her hair impulsively. They were really insecure about it so Qiu and Tammy cut their hair to support 💕
OUGH ALL THIS ART 😭😭💗💗💗 MAEVE MY SHAYLA SHES BEAUTIFUL 🙏☹️ only 1 singular apple tall here 😞😞 they dony even exist but i’d give them my lofe oh theyre so cutieful .. ough

they’re js a cute lil thing, she don’t even know 😭 🫶
MY HEADS EXPLODING AHHHH HELP ME AHHHHH💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 anyways this is really cute. 😼🫶🏻
THANK UUUU 💕✨ I really had to take a moment to gasp like, did my hands slip or smth?? Did I really draw this???
Patting both of them on the head because theyre so freaking cute im going feral
IKRRR i made this drawing and im still freaking out about it 😭 🙏 i need someone who looks at me like qiu looks at Maeve
adorbs awwwwww
Awwww i love it! But Qiu cut his hair!? Nooo 🥲
yeah, bc Maeve thought she looked ugly with her hair cut short and Qiu wanted to show her that she didn’t and cut his hair with her (so did Tammy) :3 but she does miss playing with his long hair, (she still does it tho)
Yes my OC will torture Qiu if he even cut it she love to brush it and style it hehe and tam for her is jast a frend.... Amilia like but don't fall for hehe but still tam grow her hair long bc i tink it will fit her welp how to say it ... Hair hold memorys~
Bleeehh,, I'm back with the rest of my MCs (they're so many... lol) O.o

Meili Wu (she/her)
Charlotte "Charlie" Anderson (she/her)
Caleb Wilson (he/him)
Robin "Hood" Page (they/them)
Katherine "Kat" Woods (she/they)
alll of them r so prettyyyyy 🫶
Hehe, thank youuu!
I love all of these they're so cute(人*´∀`)。*゚+
Aww, thanks! I tried my best to make them rather cute! u.u
ough theyre all so cutesy and patootsie im gonna 🙁🫶🏽🫶🏽 THEY ARE ONLY 2 (TWO!!!! ☹️☹️☹️) APPLES TALL 😞😞😞💗💗
Ermm akshually ☝, Meili is quite tall, so I would say she's about three apples tall! lol, and thank you!!!
oh my god all of them are such cutie patooties i just wanna PAT AND SQUISH AWUEU 😭🥹
Aww, that would be so cute!!! They would all like to befriend your MCs, don't worry ^^! ... Except for Caleb, he's just angry and mean during step 1 ;-;
Yes please! Haha! Charlie is highly social so she would absolutely love to make new friends and compliment the heck out of them! Glad you like both Charlotte and Robin tho! ^^
they are so pretty..
Thank you!!
IVE BEEN CALLING ETHAN BRENDAN BY ACCIDENT🙏🏻😓 Step three Ethan has summer, winter, fall, and spring depression. He also has horrible humor. I ALSO CANT DRAW WITHOUT A REFERENCE/TEMPLATE WHY CANT I. ITS AN UNREACHABLE GOAL OF MINE HELP.
He never grew out of wearing them damn jackets. I didn't draw his outline like my other ones cause honestly I think it looks good as and also because I'm way too lazy.
i feel ya Ethan its every season depression now 😔✋
Also same man, the one time I DONT use a reference the anatomy goes poof and somehow the elbow ended up near the knee 😭
Real like why is their hand suddenly at their knees。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
ethan is such a mood bro
Any Filipino OL fans ? Cause Ik damn well you know the song in the title LMAO
Anyways!! This is an AU where both my MC’s Runie and Damian are dating (in a world where all our MC’s exist neehee)
(I might post the fully colored one on my tumblr or here)
+ jealous Step 3 Qiu and Tamarack in the OG verse
awww ur art 💕, and I love jealous qiu and Tammy ahhh that’s it’s I’m making headcanons for my ocs if they all coexisted, the only problem is would Maeve would date a man or a woman hmmm 🧐 (haruki’s aroace so know worrying about that 🙏)
Thank you!!! 🥹🥹
Also i saw your valentines art so maybe Maeve will end up with Qiu? If so he’s lucky as hell man, he bagged the cutiest patootie ever T3T
High five to Haruki cause I too am aroace YIPPEEE!!!
she’s just a cutie patootie with a gravitational pull on ppl 🥰 Qiu is a lucky guy (Haruki returns the high-five with cool guy sunglasses on) she prob will end up with Qiu then
Leonard is emo in Step 3 in other universes!!! Hell yeah!
I love his fits btw i WILL ask him for outfit advice because i wanna have cool fits too 😭😭
My bro Leonard isn't having the best time of his life in Step 3 but he still knows how to pick out clothes XD
ough … eating this art and im NOT sharing 🙁🙁 i am eating it ,, i have eaten it ,, it’s gone now .
gonna make non-mc characters now for the mcverse au 🙏🙏 (and for canonverse step 3 kojo cuz college yahoo he’s not a pathetic wet cat anymore and actually has FRIENDS everybody cheer ‼️‼️‼️ also might redesign step 2 kojo idk yet 🤷🏽♂️)
"how much do you love this art?"
Aaaa i cant wait to see College Kojo and your new non-mc characters! jdbdjsjdnsnd BE PREPARED BECAUSE I WILL DEVOUR THEM TOO
Aww go run runie, your art Really Good what's your secret tell me! (Yurim just gonna watch the scene an folding in front of them while eating popcorn with other mcs😋 I'm also Filipino)
I become obsessed with my characters,, therefore drawing them so much they become my muse 😼
YURIM THE BEST BOY!!! PAT PAT PATS its been a while since ive seen him! Also YOURE FILIPINO?? OY GENG GENG 🫶🫶
EYY Mona tayo 🤙🤟 But Yurim not always a Boy though… they finding and confirming about their self in step 2 since he told Qiu and Tamarack when they meet back then thats not always been it's can change later or maybe now
The Valentine's is already pass… I still not finish my drawing of My mc and Qiu Date😞 (coloring and food are only missing. I also changed my mc look in step 2)
Awww i love it hehe my Qwin is lazy as hell and cudly hehe
I agree with you but Qiu was such a cutie (ʃƪ^3^)
Wait.... Hmm My Qwin (Qiu) like to eat cheze even wen thay are lactose intolerent hehe is not me is on Them! ... And my poor charkter try to stop them 🥲
awww so cute!I to have not finished my valentine drawing 😔
Here let me give you a Big hug⊂(・▽・⊂)
yayyyyy I love hugs ⊂((・▽・))⊃
such cutieeess!!! I’ll play romantic music in the background for the both of you 🎶🎶🎻🎻
You know what song will go best with this situation?
"It's raining somewhere else"
I finished!!! Finally 😭 Maeve drinking choco milk, the best of all milks, and their low-key concerned for Liam and Mari but yeah :3 everyone’s ocs are so amazing I’m glad i got to share my step 3 with y;all :)
she looks so SLAY
thankkkk youuuu 🥰 I tried to make her at her pretty but since she’s SLAY I guess I hit the mark ✨ (ps Mari slays too)
ty <3
Nice~ hehe
thank uuuu 🥰
THANK UUUU 💕 she is wonderful she sings in English AND French, a bilingual queen 👑 I bet kojo is an AMAZING singer too 🤩
Maeve looks so CLASSY ✨✨Personally i would ask her for outfit advice because she looks stunning man 😭
SHE DOESSS ✨ ngl it took me forever to get her outfit to look decent 😭 she’d gladly dress up anyone who asks, also I love Runie’s outfit an the idea she’s matching with Damien and that they’re together in an alternative universe where our our Charachters co-exist, it’s giving me ideas….
Thanks to everyone who participated, I'll let you know if I do another one.
tyyy for the template! It was so fun 😊
SHES SO SLAY!! i love their outfit!! while liam looks like a homeless english teacher..
ahem, a SLAY homeless English teacher ✨ and thanks it took me forever to draw it right 😭
it keeps sending me error messages when I finish eating at the dinner
any guess on what could be doing that
I want to play !!!
I need help !
Well maybe save it and redownload?
Sorry about that! What does the error message say? Hopefully I can help.
y'all is it just me or we're having another downvote epidemic exactly like a few months ago...
I was thinking the same thing, there’s always like one downvote on someone’s post that’s not even bad 😭
Yes like idk why
i wonder whos doing it this time, since last time the only confirmed culprit is Val (the other one) (there were other people that were not revealed but if you were there during the sacrificial ceremony you'd have a good guess on who they were)
anyways its prob Val jus lurking n stuff lmao
There is NO way I get two days off of school then immediately get sick then when I finally feel better I get an EAR INFECTION. IM GONNA DIE THIS MUST STOP(I'm actually crying like a baby over my ear it hurts so bad I want it to stop please.)
DAMNN good luck bro but you need to get that ear checked daily, plus i hope you get better!
Behold! I've been thinking... After this Art Collab I did, I might do another one on Step 2 or 3! With 4 characters this time.
But not now, when I'm less busy I'll do it, which can't be early.
Tried to draw one of my many ocs in one of my styles since i already opened my sketchbook ended up with a silly goober 😭
How dare someone downvote for this, Silly lil Goobers are the best! :3
I sometimes forget how old the mirror in my parents room is , that thing is somehow older than me
well don't mind the funky reflections i was never good at drawing realistic stuff anyway
Hehe dis is lion cub Qiu Lin hehe who Want to Hawe him?
(The art is not my)
im kidnapping him with Zip and making them live in my attic
artist is @xrsjbx on twt im p sure 😭😭 so go there if u wanna see more of their lovely art‼️‼️
qiu my beloved 😭
Who the hell down vote Qiu (nick name Qwin) lol !
I see people sharing their beautiful MCs here, and I don't really know where else to share this... So here's some edits of my main three MCs dolls :D!
I think they turned out quite nice... I love my babies so much 🫶 (their names are Zaira, Lydia and Evangeline)

AWWW THEY'RE SO CUTE I WANNA SQUISH THEM (gently ofc) it's such a good idea to edit the character profile to change their hairstyles I especially like I'm assuming Zaira's (the one with albinism I think) hair, what are their personalities
Hehe, thank youu! ^^ and yeah, she's Zaira and is very shy, while Lydia is more active (and a bit of a brat lol) and Evangeline is more polite!
I like the first one hehe
Thank you!! Hehe, she IS quite cute! My favorite, actually... Just don't tell the other two 🤫
AAGHHH I LOVE ALL OF THEMMM ALSO YOUR EDITING IS GREAT (im kidnapping all of them you included)
Oh no!! Will I continue to play Our Life? lol, and thank you! I wanted to costumize them more and add all of my silly headcanons of them 🙂↕
no worries we can share the computer
Totally don't blame you, lol! She's supposed to be albino, and I read online that some albino people can have a violet eye color? So I went along with it and the final eye color just seemed more cute! So glad you and others like them ^^
Aww, than you!! Hehe, Zaira and Evangeline are adorable if I may say so myself... But Lydia is a little devil 😨
DONE WITH THE BASE!! (Also Runie is matching with Damian!! In a world where all of our MC’s are living in the same universe, he’ll end up with the Damian neehee)
AWWW OMG EVERYONES OC IS SO ADORSBLE RUNIE SO SQUISHY 😭 if things go according to plan I should be done by today
AAA THANKYUU I hope we can see yours too !!
Let his sunflower beam blind you >:D
Coca Cola and Fanta, let the war begin!
Personally i think both are good , aren't they made by the same company too?
That Gotta count for something
never had cola so FANTAAAA !!
Hi i'm back nobody miss me?
hello :3
Hi back I'm nobody 😼
XD hi nobody~
yooo its Back!!! missed you
XD hi
hi Back is back!!! Missed u buddy :)
Lol wth evrbody make it a joke
Hi hi!! Welcome back :3
🥲 Hi.... You know is rude to call sobody from ther last name?
Oh sorry I didn't know TwT!! hello then Back! XD
Welcome Back back !
I have one thing to say to describe what i said , i should stop writing stuff after i come back from school, yeesh
Sounded like a Troubled teenager there 😶🌫️
[It was simple, you are sweetness, let’s just stay a while.]
Step 3 Runie and Qiu (thank you asante for starting the angst train 🫶)
Angst noooooooooo 😿 ( I kinda want more angst...)
(Evil laughter 👹) get ready for my AU with Runie,, “Goodnight, Sunflower” where he has a terminal illness MUAHAHAHAH
Noooo not the Runie :((((((
ANGST ‼️‼️ yippee!! yeah!! even a little yahoo!!! #ILOVEANGST
yw for the angst train btw 🫶🏽🫶🏽 might contribute a little more 😚😚
perhaps … perhaps … 🤔
Wait for me I’m hopping on the angst train to 🚊🏃♀️
dooms your gays or wtv 😒 (said i'd never pull a tillivan on minqiu but i LIED #keepit99not100🙏) ignore how lazy this is i'm not feeling very motivated to put my all into it

(btw,, i actually wanted to draw kojo as ivan but then realised i do NOT have the skills to draw his hair in the position ivan is in atm so ... also having urges to write an alnst au with y'all's mcs but i CANT bcs i have to finish my minqiu fic first 💔💔💔)
STOPP LET THEM BE HAPPYYY 😭😭 (Amazing art but eueueueuuehdhdhs 😢😢😢)
thank you for being a victim of my shallow emotions or wtv ivan said before he was silenced for making too many bangers 🙏🙏💔
cory my goat 🙏🙏
Cory my kingggg 🗣️
NOOO LET THEM LOVE EACHOTHER (i say as im obtaining ideas for angst that i will choose to use…)
oh jaa i love doomed gays
doomed gays yahoo 🙏
1. Happi ( nooo forgot her glasses :,[ )
2. Completed the collab!!! I like to think that her fashion sense gets duller over the years
3. Moodboard cuz yeah
Awww ty :)
TYSM i must say kojo is an angel too ;D
That was an unexpected reaction BUT I'LL TAKE IT TYSM!!!
Awwww she so PRETTY 💕
tysm :)