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Just finished the game and Our life: beginnings and always I'm literally crying can't wait for the full version

Deleted 79 days ago

Um. Pansexual means no preference lol. But I agree as a bi female with a preference

(4 edits) (+8)(-2)

that's not the only definition of pansexual :)

pansexual can also be a preference for 3 or more genders.

good rule of thumb is not to correct someone else's identity for them. it's pretty rude. they've probably put a lot of time into finding themselves, it's not nice to police that.

Deleted 79 days ago

I got my own identity wrong, I'm pan. Too and that's what I said basically.

I got my own identity wrong, I'm pan. Too and that's what I said basically.

Deleted 79 days ago

I'm already hooked on this game! The art style and the concept got my attention initially , but after playing the first bit, I just can't wait to see what's in store for us and the characters! Definitely gonna go back and play it a few more times. This is also awesome because after playing Our Life: Beginnings and Always I talked non-stop about it to someone I know, again mostly about the concept of it as a whole: Growing up with your neighbor, and getting so many choices to customize your experience. They were kinda bummed when there were no non-male LI's, and I was reading into it because I wanted them to understand my obsession over it and stumbled across this, I somehow never heard of it!!

Talking personally, I can't wait for future updates. Thank you


I LIVE THE GAME AAAAA. i cannot wait for the whole game! :] ♡♡♡♡♡♡


i played our life beginnings and always, and now that i've heard this games coming, i wonder how it will grip my heart and the fact that im so,,, very,,,, sentimental,,,


this game is so cuteee <3


any body know when the full game will be release by any chance


I asked the same a few days ago. Apparently it will come out around fall 2024 but I also read somewhere that it could come out in spring 2023 :'). However it will take a while but you can check their Twitter for more updates!

thank you very much

(1 edit)

I absolutely ADOREEE this game, I’m so excited for the full release <33333


i loved this game, im REALLYYYY exited for the full game!


couldn't make it work using the shell script on linux. Probably some missing python libraries, but it works normally under proton 👍


Does someone know when the full version will be out? Did they even annaunce it yet?  I'm desperate. :')


you can follow updates on their Twitter! but it seems like they're working on OL beginning and always atm

Thank you, I will make sure to check that out!

(1 edit) (+3)

I saw this comment from The creators on another persons comment saying they predict around fall 2024

That's disappointing... But thank you for telling me :)

Making a game like this takes time x)

Oh no, you're totally right, it's just hard to contain all the excitement :)


I have played through like 70 times, trying different responses and such. I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THE MAIN CHARACTERS PLEASE- I cannot wait for the full game. <3


YESS I LOVE IT!! so exited for the full game :D




do you know when its coming out?? :0

no i dont  sadly :/ 

(1 edit) (+3)


(1 edit) (+5)

This game came up as a recommendation and I thought nothing of it at first. I was going on a  road trip when I decided to download it and give it a try for the first time.

This game was very entertaining and I ended up playing it the entire time! The designs are amazing, the plot is awesome, and I loved the fact that the other characters notice things that you choose about you.

 When I first met Tamarack she said "Wow! your hair is two different colors?" and I thought that was really funny.

Most visual novels let you pick options once every 30 minutes if ever, but this one lets you respond in your own way whenever someone talks to you and I think it's really cool that you get to build your own personality just as if it were real.

If your bored and you like these types of games, give this one a try, I promise it will be worth it!

looking forward to the next update!

- max :)


Play the first one if you haven't, it's good as well


  Unknowing that the demo was about to end, I saved my old game before the update at the last possible screen, the "thank you for playing the demo" screen. After installing the new update and loading the largest file option presented (the 200KiB one), fairly confident that was the correct one, I loaded up my old game and it sent me to the set character relationship screen. Barely remembering my character, I did my best to put it as I had chosen before, and then pressed "done" and it went to the title screen. 

  Attempting to roll back shows a script error. Is there any way to fix this and preserve my old data, or is the old script and/or my save incompatible in a way that's too difficult to fix? Is there someone I could give the error information (exactly where in the script things went wrong) to? 


I'm afraid saves from the older version rarely work with the updated build. Starting a new file is recommended.

(1 edit) (+6)

I am so incredibly excited for the full version! :D 

Btw love the character customization! <3

I absolutely love this game! it's so relaxing to play and I love the character creation part! can't wait to continue playing  😊

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm stoked for the full version! I absolutely adore the 1st game, so I'm sure I'll love this one too. Here's to hoping it's just as good if not better! <3


My literal heart omg this is such a cute and fun experience


finished the other our life and I loved it and this one seems even more adorable! cant wait to see it finsihed


hoping to see the full one soon !!


I loved the last our life, It was so good! Im very excited for when this comes out. I will be sure to play it!!


I have played the first our life game for 40+ hours, and I am literally in love with it. I have also played this demo for over 14+ hours, I AM SO EXCITED I AM LITERALLY MARKING DAYS ON MY CALENDER HAHAKJSJKD


Well the update did not disappoint me at all! Just left me wanting soooo much more! I can't wait for the game release.  Doing a great job!

i cant wait for this game to be finished soon bc its just so good i love the art the colors and even the characters everything im really looking forward it 


I really cant wait for this game to come out, I have several of my friends who are so in love with the OL1 game that were all literally buzzing through our day to day lives just waiting for the announcement :')

I absolutely loved the last Our Life game!! I lowkey cried and I even ended up loving the song that played when it ended so much that I downloaded it on Apple Music and added it to my playlist. I'm so happy this was released and I hope there's plenty more to come! Ily <3

I love your games so much!!


I played Our Life : Beginnings and Always for the first time in about March of last year on my floor with an old, barely alive computer. And I'm so happy I downloaded it then. 

I woke up around a week after the demo for Now and Forever dropped, checked twitter and saw that it was out and nearly screamed getting to my laptop.

 Now and Forever is exactly what my poor soul needed after finishing Beginnings and Always and I'm so happy to be able to watch it grow.

Everyone working on this game is going beyond amazing and I can not wait to see how much further this goes<3

Beautiful game, 10/10. Have recommended to friends and even the ones without my love for visual novels are absolutely in love. I love this game so unbelievably much.

(1 edit) (+1)

This game brings me so much joy
I will be watching this game most closely

Qiu and Tamarack, I would kill for them. Precious.


1. I'm so glad we're allowed to have multiple sets of pronouns and more complex options for gender identity because that pained me in the previous game

2. I'd die for Qiu and Tamarack

3. As a part chinese cisn't person Qiu's while existence is very cool for me, though I vaguely remember that GB patch has been told this before

4. I'm aware that it might not be possible because of mortal limitations, but the possibility of poly is very appealing and I hope it happens

5. Honestly I'm just very happy about this game in general




Sorry if this is a stupid question, I haven't started the game yet, but how do you pronounce Qiu?

Deleted 2 years ago

Love the demo so far , i honestly don't shut up about it too my friends can't wait for the whole game to come out :)

Does anyone else have any problems with downloading the file again for the update? Each time I download it it would only take longer, so I keep on stopping the process.


Awwww I absolutely love this! I had already played OL1 and I knew this was going to be good, lo and behold I was right! This is honestly so good just from this Mini-Demo and I absolutely love Tamarack and Qui, I can't wait to grow up alongside them!!



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