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(1 edit)

hey, i really want to play the game but it crashes when i go to the next page of the tutorial. does anyone know how to fix it? btw i use the 32 bit version

is your computer 32 bit


It's so good!! Amazing art and writing, and the freedom is great! Does anyone happen to know who the artist is?

Deleted 314 days ago

I didn't believe in love at first sight until playing this demo.

Okay, grandiose statements aside, this is was the most fun I've had playing a demo in a while!! I came fresh of binging Our Life 1 this week, and took a breather before Derek's route. Said breather did not give me time to intake air because this game took my breath away!

Customizing the MC is always fun! I nearly teared up at having multiple pronouns as well as the frequency of them. It made me incredibly happy to see "he" and "they" being interchanged often. The little doll makers so cute too. I admire yall's effort in all the little details!

Speaking of, I love everyone's little icons! The UI is just so charming and cute!! The character sprites are also so adorable! I loved Cove's side profile CGs and I'm happy to see more!

The music always slapped but aaa I really loved the piano and the strings here! "Qiu" and "Smooth" were my favorite tracks so far.

The writing is also so cool! I love the descriptions of nature and comparing the characters to such! And of course the leads are such cuties! Qiu is so charming and Tamarack is a delight, I can't wait to see more of them! [Spoilers I guess?] But Darren is so endearing, and Baby Baxter's so damn funny ashfkfk I'm excited to meet the rest!

I really love the subversions from OL1. From MC being (one of) the latest newcomers, an LI being the local, the charming school setting... it's something exciting and entirely new while keeping the spirit of the first game.

All in all, thank you guys for your hard work! I am very excited for this!

Ehmm.. guys i just read this... Is it true?


No, it's not I'm afraid. Instead, a ton more OL1 content came out these past couple years and OL2 doesn't even have the prologue finished yet, aha.


Oh man I'm so excited for this game!!! I'm so grateful for the nonbinary inclusion and representation in your games. It was amazing being able to play as a nonbinary MC in OL1, especially since we could really talk about it and express ourselves in a way I haven't seen in any other games. So I'm super excited to see a gender fluid love interest in this game and am looking forward to being able to witness parts of their journey!!!(Don't get me wrong I love Tamarack too! But Qiu just makes me feel so validated :')) OL1 was pure comfort to me and it seems like OL2 will be the same if not more. Thank you so much for the lovely game and I'm looking forward to playing the full version<333

I love this game WAY too much! can not wait for the full release of this <3

(2 edits) (+5)

I don't now how but this game is even better than the first one, which I really liked. The new art style feels warm and nice, the UI is a big improvement and the fact that the story isn't interrupted with a moments screen and flows uninterrupted and naturally is my favourite change! While I didn't mind the "moment" scenes being separated in the previous one having it joined into the story and just going thru it feels so much more natural :D (If that isn't the case and the demo just didn't get to that point then thats fine tho)

I'm looking forward to this when it is completed with more customisation options, dynamic choices, the possibility of getting into a relationship with both characters and everything else that may be coming in ^-^


I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far, though I'm afraid we haven't changed the format of the series. The demo only shows the prologue which does set things up in a particular way so you get to know all the characters, but after that the bulk of the Steps will be separate Moments. I think that's a unique and important part of OL games because it really lets you create your own experience rather than going through a creation of someone else.


That actually made me wonder: are the moments going to be per-character like the DLC's in OL1 or are all moments going to have options for both love interests?

(1 edit) (+2)

The Moments won't be separated by character. Both will show up in the Moments, though there will be times when you can go off and do things with just one. I wouldn't want someone to have to skip entire Moments because it only includes a lead they're not interested in and having to double the amount of DLCs people needed to buy isn't something I want to do. They're not going to have one single DLC like Derek and Baxter do as separate side story routes, they're like Cove and will have DLCs for all three of the main Steps. Six DLC purchases would be needed to get all of the Moments if they were separate. So instead, just like the first game, there will be 5 free Moments in Steps 1-3 and additional 5 that can be added to each through a DLC for a total of 30, plus a Step 4 epilogue with no Moments.


So far I love this. A lot more than the first one, and that's not to say ol1 is bad, but I went through an experience similar to the ol2 protag when I was ten so the nostalgia just hits so much more here.

The art and writing is so beautiful and I'm so excited to see the finished product, however long it takes. I think this game will turn out equally if not more amazing than the first and I'm so happy there's a female LI in this one so I can get more people I know into it.

I can't get it every time i do it fails to download so could you help me with that please i really want to play it

This is happening to me too :(


It might be a problem with going through an issue right now, or your internet connection not being strong enough, or maybe a virus scanner/firewall is blocking the download. Sadly, I can only fix problems in the file itself. If it simply won't download, the problem is with the host site, connection, or device settings. I'm sorry for that, and I hope you can figure out what's going on!


i love qiu!!!!looking forward to the final version


This is my first comment ever on and I can't thank you guys enough for this and Our Life: Beginning and Always!! I love dating sims and usually only like otome games and I was hesitate to play Western style dating sims?? (Idk how to describe lol). So I decide to start with this one because the art is just *chef kiss*

And I'm SO glad I did!! The amount of choices make me feel like I really am in control of the story! After finished the demo I know I have to start Our LifeB&A right away and I finished it in one sitting lol.

Def my top two games on rn! Thank you guys so so so much!!!


I’ve been playing the demo again for a while and i cant thank you enough for releasing it! I first played it when i was going through a hard time and it really helped me calm down meanwhile with its atmosphere, music, story, everything! I still listen the soundtracks whenever i can and i check here without getting bored of it even if i know it wont be out soon. So thank you because your games are really helping and entertaining people even if its not thousands, its just full of kindness and i find it amazing and inspiring how you’re able to do that. I cant even imagine how much work this must be taking so i hope you dont rush yourselves because too many people are waiting for the release. Even if it fully comes out at 2025 or 2030 i will be still waiting with the same excitement from back then. Please keep up your good work! <333 




Did you abandonee this game?


its still being worked on, devs are just focusing on the dlcs for our life beginnings and always! 

i dunno where to drop it, but could i ask in the future a simple option to hard-reset all saves? because in the files there's just a couple of autosaves and it's not really doing anything, and i filled up the entire thing, and there's no deletion, it's.. kinda eh??? i dontknow howtoword????

it's just kind of messes with me when i do reruns, because i stupidly filled it all with unneeded saves and i can't properly remember where's okay saves and where's random stuff

what  are u talking about ?? u have so many slots to save

that's the thing - i can fill everything, but i can't delete it....


if you go to the save/load screen and hover your mouse over the slot and press the delete button on your keyboard at the same time you can delete the save.

(2 edits)

ty, while i was fiddling with OL:B&A i also found out that the appdata/renpy folder contains all renpy saves


dont usually comment but 10/10 to this, the game makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Aesthetic wise, its so calming, the artstyle is great, the interactions are so cute and the charactdrs are so likeable ✨️ cant wait for the full game soon ✨️✨️

(1 edit)

please update I dying to see more intereactions with Qiu :(


i remember when the first our life game was just a demo. so excited to see this one when it comes out, no matter how long it takes! enjoying the derek dlc while we wait. :)



It did change wording, but the release plan didn't change. Saying it'd be out in the right season was never meant to say it would be out during 2022. Since some people were thinking the game would be coming soon, I decided to use a different flavor text phrase. The game is far from completion and I had to come up with something other than "coming soon" because sadly it is not coming soon. But what I went with backfired and some players did still end up thinking the release was near. It's still a long way off and I'm sorry for the confusion.

it cool it takes a while to develop a good game


new release frame pog




Let me in, LET ME INNNNN (In all seriousness, I love the demo, and I love both Our Life games so darn much. Thank you for making them <3)



This year fall, apparently, starts on the 23rd- so im assuming it will come out then.


the devs are currently working in other projects related to the first OurLife game so this one is expected to release next year :)


i've replayed the demo for 2384576th times now im aware with how much time itll take to write a really well-made story BUT IM SO DESPERATE FOR THE WHOLE GAME I CANT WAIT!!!😭😭😭😭


AHH this is so cuteee 😭😭




I don't know if GB Patch will respond, but do you think you will drop more small updates to the game as parts get finished? (Like you did a little bit ago with the house/beginning school.) Just curious because, as you've stated several times, it's not going to be done until *at least* 2024, maybe longer, and it would be nice to see the progression of the game over time.


The demo will be keep being updated with more scenes as time goes on!


yay! (thank you for responding :))

(1 edit) (+4)

Hello this is a wonderful demo you have set up, and I love to see some of these systems in the original game they are so good. I got a good review, lets jump into

Improvements from our life now and always-
I love the new character customization system custom pronouns, gender terms, the ability to choose your birth sex from the start as well as height and weight(in the original birth gender as well height and weight(Minus hand size) was exclusive to step two and above which is both in optional chapters you may or may not skip.) plus mini features like dominant hand, clothing and accessories and even heterochromia and the ability to tune the shade of hair and eyes are wonderful additions to the start of our life
Another thing there are way more choices at any one time, and a bunch of them help you define your character, like there is so many choices it takes up the whole window in one case, and usually on average compared to the original game there are more choices even if just based around tone or personality then the original game.
One thing I also like is the fact you can customize your relationships in detail so you can for example be a teasing idolizing, and teamworking crush, I wish you can change mid game in between the chapters so for example complete prologue you can have the chance to select a crush or upgrade someone to friend or even become a follower from a timeworker.
I am poor at writing reviews honestly, and hopefully you understand this... Sorry if not...

Obligatory "I NEED MORE" comment:
It's fall, I heard that the release window is 2024 at the latest.
But is there any release window for a possible demo expansion, I don't care if it is a expansion of dialogue/choices, a couple of associates or hairstyles, or a couple of alternative dialogue lines for some choices.
It doesn't need to be the full first step, I am just waiting for the release date of the prologue part of "step 1"
This is assuming a demo expansion is planned when prologue, and/or step 1 is fully completed and/or stable and up to the "planned" standard.

there actually will be moments mid game where u can change relationship standing, in the prologue u can choose to be neighbors with Qiu and upgraded to friends later when he comes by ur house

(1 edit) (+1)

This is really great. Cant wait for it to be finished! I love the artstyle sooo much! 😍


maaan i love the nonverbal/shy options!!! as a kid i was so anxious and rarely responded 'normally' for my age in social situations, so being able to play kid me as i really would have acted has been genuinely so wonderful, especially with the other characters still being kind and receptive!! i love it, so excited for full release


OH MY GOD!!!!! i adored game one and have had this one on my steam wishlist forever, seeing a demo here is so exciting!!!


I WILL wait to the end of the world for the whole game. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!


its supposed to come out in fall, which starts tomorrow :)


Wait- Really?


scroll up to release frame


Where do they say that? All I see is “When the season is right”.


the game is heavily centered on autumn, so the phrase "when the season is right" implies the game will be released in autumn!! which is very exciting



I'm afraid it's not coming out this fall. Sadly, it's gonna be a 2024 launch at the earliest, but maybe not even then. So we say "when the season is right" rather than "coming soon" like usual because it isn't coming soon. I'm sorry, aha.


aww, im so excited for the eventual release anyway!! the fact you're making such an indepth and heartfelt long game with so much customization to play for free???? genuinely so awesome,  however long it takes everyone is so excited for it!! 

Thanks for making this. I enjoyed the demo a lot. Cant wait for the release when its time. 😁


Alright, i am sure that the full game will be something amazing, you make such a good work on your visual novels ^^


Small price to pay for a great game


I'm constantly wishing for the slightest update bc i love the characters, story, art style, customization, EVERYTHING. I'm so excited for the full thing. 😭


i check this page almost everyday, im literally addicted to this game!! cant wait for the release


Me too. I'm so exited!


We would be three then lol




ahem, five :)


Six :))


im having issues trying to figure out how to download and run this game...are there by any chance any intructions? ive tried to search for some..Im very sorry..


Scroll down until you see the word "Download" followed by your device type, and the download should start. If you're using a phone, you may be asked if you're sure you want to download; just click yes and install. And boom, it should be on your device!


i love this game so much, i wonder if there will ever be/if its possible for there to be an option or route where you can play your character mute the entire time? idk I think it would be so cool and there's already tons of nonverbal options I think being able to replacing saying stuff with just gestures or looks would be such cool representation (as someone whose a nonverbal neurodivergent :) )


Oh that would be an awesome addition, I suppose we'll have to see with later updates, however I can totally see either Qui or Tamarack jumping in to speak up for the character if they got in a really uncomfortable position.


It would quite fit with the patronizing attitude toward MC present in the game. I have also in one of my demo playthroughs tried playing super shy boy who got a hard time talking to strangers, so I like your idea.


That sounds really cool! I usually had my character pick the nonverbal choices so it'd be interesting to see it available throughout the story.


I've really enjoyed this so far! And I'm looking forward to more updates, but I do have a question as I tend to get heavily into the character as if we're the same person and I am wondering if there might be a routes where our character might distance themselves from the other characters, for example maybe the mc might be uncomfortable with the confidence or enthusiasm of another character or perhaps certain events or information may have an opportunity for the mc to misinterpret or assume something and cause a drift between them and the others. Without spoilers there was something that I saw near the end that my brain went instantly "hope this kind of path might be available later"

Anyways keep up the good work and sorry for me being me

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