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I was enjoying the demo, but it crashes after 30 minutes or so every time I try to use the app. Now, it doesn't open at all. The app loads then closes and opens a notepad with data.

I'm sorry it is struggling to run. You could try clearing more space on the device or turning off the animations on the setting page to make it easier to load!


I am using a laptop so it has plenty of space! The app won't even load anymore, and I cannot get to the settings page. The app's loading screen pops up with the paper airplane, then it just shows the notepad with a bunch of text. I am able to play the first Our Life, as well as many other games (mmos, vns, etc) without issue.


Try reinstalling the game, run it as administrator or run in compatibility mode.

if you have a steam account to can add it as a game, that usually works for me


B&A had a male love interest (or multiple, if you have the DLC), and N&F will have a nonbinary (Genderfluid) and female love interest (Plus whatever DLC will come out). In other words, GBPatch is single-handedly fueling my bisexuality


this game is actually going to be so peak, I can feel it


this game is to cute! I cant wait for the full one to be out (I will literally wait forever for it) Our life B&A has been my favourite forever, Im so glad I found this one!


SAMEEEE, I absolutely love this game <3


1. This update is sooooo cool! And i love how i was able to move the pictures in the moments. I cant wait for more linked moments.

2. Seeing Qiu and Tamarack change from 1 to 2 hurt my heart! Poor babies


I do not know how to explain this. But, this is the most enjoyable game throughout 2024! The characters are cute, especially Tamarack. She feels huggable!

(1 edit) (+1)

Just general feedback, I wish I could make the text bigger on the phone version I currently have it set to maximum size and it's still very small for me. I also don't see a way to switch from comic version to visual novel version. It would also be nice if the colors were named on the character creator.


I'm sorry about the text size. If you want the VN version of the textbox, you can click "simple textbox" on the settings page. And the character creator can show you the names of colors if you turn on color assistance from the settings page. 


Thank you so much, I really like the comic style I just wanna compare the styles. I'm glad the color assistant names the colors, I struggle with my greens and blues.


I'm using the apk, and when I open the app, it shows the loading screen, and then just a black screen. It doesn't do anything afterthat. I'm using android 10 is that helps.

I'm sorry for that. You might need more space or to change the settings of your device/firewall to allow the game to be launched since it is a third party app.


I can't be Patience,🤣🤣🤣I just wait to see my baby Qin and my Best friend Tammy i am OL:B&A, fan  I made posters and bodypillows of them i can't i have dreams of them. until then my friends Heart,  Heart, Kiss,  Kiss, Love, Love, can't wait to see you guys💖💖💖😁😘🤗🤩 


Awesome sauce, 10/10! I had a small question though, as a OL:B&A player, when changing step you have the option of changing Cove's looks and personality, will it be the same in this game? ( Qiu is pretty with every haircut anyway but im still curious )


PRETTY SURE YEAH GBpatch said that it will be possible to change small accessories and hairstyles


You can change the dynamic they have with you and alter small accessories/their hairstyle. But you can't change the full outfit like you could with Cove.


played the game before when it was only up to where you first meet baxter and came back 2 years later and SO FAR I LOVE IT GADSJGHASGHA 




How many memories are you gonna make per step is it gonna be 5 like the previous our life or different


It's the same as before! There's five free Moments and five more you can unlock by getting a paid DLC in Steps 1-3. Step 4 is an epilogue and doesn't have separate Moments.


This is worth everything. The game itself is so immersive, I love every characters and damn...

spoiler alert

The massive difference in terms of Qiu and Tamarack's personality back when they were kids... qwq It's too freaking relatable and I love it... I hope that the full version of the game would be released soon or at least step 2! It's amazing, seriously! Regardless of the massive shift in personality, I'm still on my tippy-ties for more!!! Thank you for the game devs for bringing such a wonderful game!!! A massive salute! ૧(ꂹີωꂹີૂ)(❁´◡`❁)

Hey quick question how to get that Ballet scene with Qiu?

(1 edit) (+2)

That's not in the demo, I'm afraid. Sometimes the stuff we share on socials are just sneak peeks of the full game.

Deleted 297 days ago

same question tbh 😭 

You can't in the demo content. But there will be chances in the full game!

is step 2 out yet?
i tried to google but it gave me nothing.
love this game so much.


It's not. The only scenes of Step 2 that I've written are in the demo. Nothing else of it exists right now, aha.

tysm. love your game. 🫶🏽


Hello, I wanted to know if our protagonist, Qiu or Tamarack, will have any birthday events?


No, I don't want to do birthday Moments again and again every Step, but it'd be odd if it didn't come up some years. So none of them will have birthdays during the months of the game.


Got it, thanks for responding

Deleted 297 days ago

No, I'm afraid I haven't heard of that.


From all the visual novels I play this your games are my favorite I played the other game u made I like this one cause its more realistic ! But overall I love ALL your games 



🇧🇷 Hello, I don't know if you will answer me but I loved this game it was my first light novel game I was impressed because here in Brazil we lack such good games so keep up the great work and thank you for bringing such a game with a lot of customization keep it up great work 

I don't know how to speak English so sorry for any typos

(1 edit) (+13)

This is mainly to complain, but dang it this game has forever ruined other visual novels for me. The characters are the most endearing characters in any game I've ever played. The writing is so good, and the idea of the game in general is something I've barely ever seen. I love the game, but it's set the standard for visual novels for me. Also, I swear this game has given be diabetes just because of how sweet it is. 


late to the update party but yippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!



(1 edit) (+6)

This game made me realize how gay i am

No seriously tho


i feel the same  (for me is serious)

This game made me realize i can be aroace repulsed awesome sauce


It just occurred to me that with all that fun after school, MC completely forgot to do the homework :)



forget about baxter, i absolutely love qiu 😭

Tamarack is soo adorable, i love how she went from bubbly as a kid to shy and reserved as a teen, i can relate to that c:


I CANT wait for step 2 any idea on how long its gonna take. (Side note: Child Tamarack is an illegal amount of adorable)

Full game released late 2025, AFAIK any demo updates will only be in step one (Or the very start of step 2)


Is there like an option to make like Daxter or Darren flirting jokingly with us and that makes one of the LI jealous just some small add-ons if you guys could add!


oo a jealous scenario would be really cutee



THIS GAME IS THE BEST  I WOULD RATE THIS A 10/10. the reason why is because of this stuff.

character design: 9.5/10, why? it would be nice if we could have a full body for us? or at least have it come up to our arms :) it's okay if you don't want to do it

Relationship: 10/10! Why: I didn't like tamarack at first so i would always make her envious of me and I still do- 

Qiu: HE IS A 10/10 is because he also makes me happy and for the first time...he made me giggle and kick my feet (AS STEP 3 and STEP 2) 

Tamarack: SHE IS A 10/10 she is so cuteeeeee she reminds of me of my friend! also lively and cute! (sorry for my bad grammar I'm lazy)

things you could do to make the game better: maybe add on step 3 where if Daxter and (forgot his name) would become besties with you!! (which i think is already coming and stuff...)

CHILDERN!!!: if you could  make your own best friend to move in a new house and you can design them!! 


ALSO ITS A 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10


It's insane how much this game means to me much already!

Everything is so warm and cozy and nostalgic in Part One, and the Part Two preview just cemented this game being one of my most anticipated games ever. I love every character so much--Tamarack is just the sweetest and it's been so fun being her BFF. But also, my love for Qiu is beyond this world. 

Thank you to the developer for the amount of thoughtfulness and care that seeps through literally every line of dialogue! I have tried playing other IFs/visual novels after this and sadly nothing compares.



the fact that our little trio split up in S2 is kinda breaking my heart, like we were so precious</33. still, i'm in love with this game and can't wait for the next update!!


waiting for the full game..

it wont let me download it, it says error? (im using a brand new pc, so i dont think it's the pc..(could be wrong))


I have a question that I've been DYING to know since I first played, how do you pronounce Qiu? I want to promote this game and talk about him to my friends but I don't want to say his name wrong!

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

You pronounce it like this-

Thank you!


Sorry GB-Patch Lad, hope you don't mind me adding my two-cents. If Qiu's name means Autumn in Chinese, then actually the video below shows the more accurate tonal pronunciation for the character 秋(qiū)  or Autumn! Chinese has four different tones, so this one follows the 1st tone of high and flat. 

The one above is 裘(qiú) which can be a surname or mean 'fur coat' (which also suits Qiu honestly haha). This one follows the second type of tone, which is rising.

Please correct me if I interpreted the character for Qiu's name wrongly! If it is the one you showed above then I'll delete this comment :)

(2 edits) (+1)

The first of the four pronunciations(The meaning of this word is the season of autumn)Qiu(秋)


Thank you! I've heard what the name sounds like in the past but I don't speak any Chinese myself, so I can sometimes mishear different tones. I appreciate the more accurate reference.

(>ω<)Because I am Chinese

tysm!! I was talking about this game to some friends and I was mis-pronouncing it so badly!! my mistake lol!!

(1 edit) (+2)

秋霖(q i u“秋”and l in“霖”)These are two words, the first word (Qiu“秋”, you can pronounce "chew" in English“This should be the most similar one?”)(Lin“霖”,Just pronounce it as lin, and if you want to make a comparison, just pronounce Linda's first three letters correctly.)Connect them together(chew lin)The Chinese characters are written in Qiulin's Chinese style. I'm not sure if these two characters are the same, but this name is very beautiful(✨✨)


just want to ask can the game updates itself? Do i have to redownload? i rlly just want it to stay in my phone 😔

You'll need to delete the old version and download it again if you're using Android! There's no way to make it so the game updates itself on that system.


oh so the data will also be deleted? 😔 is it the same for pc?

Your saves won't be deleted, but the demo has been updated so old save files might not work anyway. I'm sorry for that.

Can anyone tell me if the game already updated to step 2 bcs i last played it when i was abt to walk to school with qiu in part 2 and that's the end of it 😞 i rlly want to fully play this game


They added a small part for step 1 we don't know anything about what's next for step 2 😔 

unfortunately no



This game it's amazing, i can't wait for the complete game!!!.

But I think this could be even better if the game counted with more languages options. :'(

I'm trying to be a professional translator and would be amazing if I were your official member for Spanish language.  :D 


I love the game so much can't wait to play the full


will there be any other date-able characters in OL2? like in the possible dlcs? I would personally love to date Baxter again cuz his new art is *chef's kiss* :3


im sure GBpatch said that in this part of the OL the only love interests will be tamarack and qiu


The other comment is right. There won't be any DLCs for new date-able options. The game is just gonna be so long already without that. There's no time to do even more, aha.

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