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(1 edit) (+7)

I played this on a whim yesterday when looking through games and I'm AMAZED by the amount of options, paths, and the dialogue that gets remembered and stressed. The different relationships dynamics and attitudes is such a good concept, and it helps to create new dynamics that feel real every time! I'm so interested in all the different things you can make your character feel, think, and say. In my first run, I used it as a chance to think about what what I would have done as a kid, and went on to think about how I acted as a teenager in the step 2 demo. The way the characters develop and change is incredibly interesting and real, too. 

I also like the options for different dynamics with your mother, and the level of complexity there as well. It was hard trying to think about things from a (innocently selfish) child's perspective, while also empathizing with Opal as a single mother in a new place without any familial support. 

I'm so excited to follow this game as it develops!

ETA: ALSO i wanted to say I was so pleasantly surprised at the ability to play a child who speaks very little/is quiet! It's rare that that's an option in general but I really appreciated that the quiet options werent necessary sullen or cold!


omg YES as a super quiet person irl I love that we have that option


(1 edit) (+1)

Are we going to meet Baxters parents in this? Ive finished his dlc for OLBA and I lowky wanna know what his parents look like


No, aha. I don't like Baxter's parents and am not gonna make content about them.

Soooo hello howdy i wanna ask how to transfer saves i got a new phone and oh boy is it confusing

You on PC or mobile?



(1 edit)

So you're on Android? If you are you first gotta go to the "android" folder on /storage/emulated/0/ once you are on it you gotta go to the "data" folder once you're there look for the "com.gbpatch.ourlifenowandforever" folder and open it there should be a file folder and a save folder inside it, your safe files are located there, once you have located your save files simply copy and paste them on any folder you want,I recommend you to be one of easy access like documents.

Now, it may happen that your files cannot be  copied, it happened to me on my tablet but, didn't on my phone, my guess is your chances of being able to back up your save files depend on your android build, if it's older than 11 you should be fine, if it is 11 or newer,  your chances are on your android build being pure, the less "pure" it is the more chances you got at it.

This is just a theory and I haven't proved it so make of it what you want, and good luck

(1 edit)

We Gotta love Gambling..... however...i lost 🥲,well at least i get to replay the game from zero that's a thing i cannot get tired of

What went wrong?

(1 edit) (+4)

I present to you my humble collection of heart-textboxes of Tamarack, may or may not have leaked one of my next "uploading a tamarack pic per weekend til game updates"but oh well

Got dat 12AM motivation goin'

(2 edits) (+2)

Bruh, I didn't noticed that on my first playthrough,

This may be a nice chance to ask about the people here about theirs so,

Hello people, how was your first OL:N&F run?

Puedes traducir el idioma a español Por favor 🙏 

lamento darte la noticia pero aunque se pueda no lo van a hacer el proyecto en su totalidad es texto eso retrasaria mucho la salida ademas de que pueden surgir fallos que tendrian que arreglar si quieres jugarlo en español te recomiendo usar tap to traslate


Hello everyone, I hope you had a nice week.


Me To Qiu: Hello My name Is Rose Lin 

Qiu: oh that's nice! 

Me: i am 10 years old 

Qiu: OMG FR?!?


he's s real for that


This makes me think we'll see a green haired folk sometime on the full game...

I know it is less that plausible but, come on? A guy can dream right?... right?!

(Also sorry for the comments hyperactivity but I just can't help it)

(1 edit) (+1)

i would love to see cove in ol2 but i dont know how would it make sense, unless we would meet him in step 3 or 4


If we can see cove in the next steps, I will be shocked, and maybe a little guilty (after all, he is my first love)(´∇`)


If we can see cove in the next steps, I will be shocked, and maybe a little guilty (after all, he is my first love)(´∇`)

(2 edits) (+1)

How can't you love a game with this soundtrack

Also I know random drive links may be sketchy for some people so I'd appreciate if someone let me know of a way of getting audios here without making it a video

(I'm to lazy to do it)


Also In my mind will always live the chance of Qiu and tamarack being together, change my mind.


I am Making a camp in this place...the Fandom is Pleasantly lovely......not to mention this game literally kicked out Undertale from my top 1 under a week... Yup i think i found my new Fav creator for the next 8 years!


My happiness is gratifying to hear your statement and the truth is that I think it speaks a lot about the fandom that manages gb patch. Anyway, I hope to see you here until the full game comes out.

(1 edit) (+1)

As long as i am Alive and well i will be found here....there is no way i am missing out on something soo grand and beautiful! 

(1 edit) (+4)

Weekend one of posting tamarack pics out of my tablet until game updates

(Help now I can't live without her, am I cooked? 😟)

(1 edit) (+4)

You are cooking a 5 stars gourmet you aren't cooked





i'll just let this.. here.


Bro they're kids 💀

i know, the onlt inage thatcan explain how i feel abour the game, not the characters (im sorry if it came out as weird.) 😭😭

omg my writing is worse.


I know, you doing that to the idea of the game, not the characters I'm just joking fam


I would CHOMP DOWN this game :33

yo ma computer just said this shi hyad a virus, just hope its good tho imma try iyt


Hello, how are you guys and girls? :] 

(I ran out of ideas)


I'm fine, and you? It's great that you keep commenting, the only reason I keep looking at the page is to see if you commented or someone else did XD

(I'm using translator :b) 


 Sorry if I don't comment so often but I love knowing that someone has fun with what I say although I would like to comment on random things until the update comes out.

(1 edit)

(I'm losing)

Dude you are like The Christophermoon of this game

The Undertale dude?

Yeah that dude

Can you make a bottom half just wondering it would be really cool


waiting for the next part ! this game is so good ! there's so many choices but the change in characters for the next part is STRESSFUL what happened to them ! Crying


I legit almost cried, it hurt my soul watching Qiu loose hope at school and watching tamarack grow insecure, fortunately step 3 looks good!



:DDDDDD (genuinely, i visit this page every morning and night, im starting to go crazy 💀💀💀💀)


Crazy? i was crazy once....


I finished playing Our life now and forever demo. Since its now fall, I thought it would be great for the season! Its super cozy like the first game. Young Baxter is in it! He's so cute!!

A kid name Darrien who is just side character, is my type. I hope they'll allow us to date him in a future DLC or sth 

In this game, starting from Step 2. you can change the character dynamics and have one of the main characters being jealous over you if you want. I only got a gilmpse of it in Step 2, before it ended, but its a feature Im excited for

Def excited to play the full game when its out!!


I've seen gbpatch say that they won't be making any DLC's for olnf so there sadly won't be any


That's not entirely true! They won't be making any DLCs for additional love interests but they'll still be making a wedding DLC for Qui and Tamarak (or both if you go the poly route)

Oh, yeah, I'm sorry! That's what I meant to say


I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS GAME I CAN'T EVEN WAIT. GBPATCH UR AMAZING 😭 . Also I love how we go from summer to fall what's next winter?


HOLD ON A MINUTE people are saying an Update is coming in November....... That Means. ...... BEST BIRTHDAY EVEEEEER!!! 




Thank You! 


happy early birthday random person on the internet :3

Thank you Lovely  stranger!

Im a bit late than the others but happy birthday too

It's alright it's still not November soo it's all good :P



Tamarack you sweet Autumn Child please remain kind

(1 edit) (+5)

Hola!! I love this game so much! I can't wait for the November update! I remember my first time being introduced to your games. I was at my grands house looking for some games to play when I stumbled across Our Life Beginnings and Always. I played it for maybe a couple hours, and I LOVED it! It made me cry at the end 😅. I even brought the dlcs for it! I also then started to play your other games like Xoxo droplets and thr messed up version of it! I'm so happy that I found your games! I hope you'll be able to grow 🫶! Oh and I was happy to find out Cove was autistic as I am too, I was glad to play a game with a character that had the same type of brain as me.

-sorry for the semi long comment.


i love qiu lin sm please don’t abandon this game 😞


love the story


Help I've been playing beginnings and always at 12 AM+ for several days by now

Omg Twins! This game is great for The Heart to be honest


Another day, another night without sleep and another review of the updates, the wait is killing me😭



(1 edit) (+7)

A slowly dancing purple flower...

That reminds me of my lover...

She is waiting for me at home and I am here dying to get back...

wait isnt that the lyricis I THINK that is?

;)  🪻


so cute!! i cant wait for the full game to come out!

also this is so stinking cute<3333
MY LITTLE GUY- Biased him off an existing character i have<333


I don't know who did the designs for the game but I would give anything for him to teach me how to draw everything he did is so beautiful.

YEAHH, the designs are so cute- i love them sm

ATSUSHI (but with long and darker hair and a sweater) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?



Activity obsessed now. Can't wait for the full game.


Replaying the demo every time Autumn rolls around is one of my favorite things EVER!!! It's funny because I live in a place more similar to Sunset Bird, so you'd think I'd love Summer more- but nope! Autumn's the best <3 (both the season and the person, I suppose >:P ) eagerly awaiting the next update!




Each moment of

Not being in my blood is suffering.

Literally same

(2 edits) (+5)

Question: does someone else think that pamela from beginning and always looks creepy af? I mean... those eyes...

Pd: while searching for her photo I saw the other mom with gray hair and... bruh 😭(I was only on step 2)

Edit 1: So I just finished "family" the memory where Elizabeth ask about her biological parents and ended up with cove on my window, then mc, Elizabeth and cove went downstairs and I was honestly expecting a 

"Wait cove?" Moment anytime but then I just finished 


It looks quite disturbing, it must be because of the eyes and the smile that, to be honest, remind me of Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club.

Deleted post

Sometimes I asked myself if it was worth living but then I realized how stupid that is and that things like this make me appreciate things better. 

thanks gbpatch

I'm so glad your perspective has changed. Living is worth it. Sometimes it sucks so much... But there are people here who care about you. Not only Qiu and Tamarack, but me as well, even if we are strangers, I don't mind, you can talk to me over here and I´ll listen to ya. Have a great day/night!!

Sorry, I really never knew how to respond to this comment but it is very rude of me not to thank you for your kindness. Thank you and I appreciate that you care about me.

(1 edit) (+17)

Val, I as my self proclaimed arch nemesis as the most active member on this game page I cannot believe you have not posted anything on the upcoming update on November, I expect a better Performance from now on.


I'm also a little excited about other things like Stardew Valley 1.6 so I got distracted


I’m glad that it has android or else I wouldn’t be able to play this cute, innocent, relatable game❤️


I binged the whole thing in one sitting and I just wanna say how bloody awesome this is. I've had more fun with this than AAA studio games I've played. Kudos to dev and good luck on the rest of the game! I can't wait to play through it all one day!


this is so cute wtf i'm shooting myself 😔😔😔

anywya rate my guy do yuo like him i named him slug


hes so cute im gonna eat him/


Looks like Dazai Osamu 🫶🫶🫶🫶

This game is so silly


about 2 drops of oil!🗣🔥🔥

what does this even mean I'm scared 😰

someday you will understand but not today son


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