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Is it just me or does like barely anyone use the preset cranberry color in their characters to match with Opal? Am I the only one noticing this?


wait, we can match with Opal?! how the hell did i not know this?!


Yes!! You can choose the cranberry color on the saved colors here:

(1 edit) (+3)

i would kindly like to thank you both for enlightening me to this information


I've done a quite few playthroughs fully matching both eyes and hair color and it heals my soul


I got a new OC for ya'll life corners!! 


this might seem odd but would she like pumpkin spice because she looks like she would like pumpkin spice things

infact, she does LOVE pumpkin spice !! :DD

thats good to know, and makes me wonder if qiu n tam would like pumpkin spice 🤔


*throws oc at you and runs*

Meet Elias, he's a little guy who doesn't  really trust other kids due to him being bullied at his previous school for being thin and short.. He's usually reserved and a bit sultry in general but he's pretty nice if you manage to get past that.

For Elias, Tamarack is a 'they're so annoying but i still somehow like them' kind of friend and Qiu is a 'I love you and will actively show favoritism to you' kind of friend (he has a crush on them)


It has nothing to do with it but doesn't it happen to you that they are quiet out there and someone throws their oc at them and runs away?

(1 edit) (+1)

yep, not like it's a bad thing 🤠👍



*male scream*

(2 edits) (+5)

thats serenity!! i think shes around a year younger than we are in the story?? also friends with tamarack, we'll see more of her in step 2 !! :> i love her smmm



Wait it's that a new character??

I never saw her in any playthrough :0


yes !! we get to see her in step 2 and 3 (and probably 4 too!!)


may you settle on a profile pic, it is rather annoying(not really) searching someone that changed their PFP.

Also i guess it's time to admit that you are definitely more popular than me on the N&F page so, i declare i give up, val has won the( quite possibly one sided) rivalry, id say it was a close match but it was not at all.

(1 edit) (+2)

YEIIIII I WIN...wait since when are we competing?

and I don't know why people here like me

remember the post long ago when i told you i was disappointed at you for not knowing about the November update? Since then.

I thought it was a joke and I simply commented as I normally would, although at the end of November I was not active since the amount of people there was overwhelming.


Her mother saw new opportunities in Golden Grove and decided to live there for a better life. Maddie has moved a lot in her life, so she got used to moving around. After moving to Golden Grove, she met Qiu and Tamarack. Initially, she didn't care to become friends with them, but later became best friends with them because of spending time with them for so long.

Fun fact: Maddie has a much stronger connection with animals than with humans because animals don't judge about what you think or say. This made her have an obsession with nature and wildlife.

Maddie only talks casually to people she feels comfortable with. While alone she acts (or with someone she trusts) she acts more herself. 

Maddie has an extremely quiet personality, consistent with her appearance of looking like a mannequin. Many describe her as beautiful yet uncanny, as she was born with skin as white as paper, sharp facial features, paranoid eyes, long white hair, and very tall. Her appearance brought a lot of unwanted attention to her. Despite all that she was still the best hide-and-seek player known to man.

This led her to become very clingy to Qiu and Tamarack. She was especially clingy to Qiu, as they were popular too and she wanted to learn how to navigate popularity. Aside from this, she felt distant from them because she cared about how people thought of her while Qiu did not. Qiu gave up trying to please everyone, as Maddie hadn't done so herself.

Due to school stress, Maddie would lie to her mother to rebel against her. Lying about after school clubs and having after school tutoring. With having extra free time, she would hang out with Qiu on the days they skip their ballet classes or hangout in the forest. Maddie would remove all her frustration in the forest, shedding all her outer clothes and only wear her inner clothes which are tank top, and some shorts. Throughout the forest, she walks barefoot, climbs trees, and swims in a nearby lake near the forest. She got used to the cold autumn weather at Gloden Grove and became resistant to poking twigs, sharp rocks that got between their feet, and the feeling of dirt.

Fun Fact: Maddie nicknamed Qiu xióng which means bear in Chinese, as he's always wearing a fuzzy jacket. Tamarack's nickname is Biene which means bee, because when Tamarack was child, she was a very 'busy bee' in Maddie definition.

Maddie only calls out Qiu and Tamarck with their nicknames (yes even in public). This is because she feels like she can talk freely to them.

Maddie will fight physically and emotionally for Tamarck and Qiu. As Maddie sees them very dear to her, and if something wrong ever happens to them she assumes the problem could lead Qiu or Tamarck to disappear from her. This could cause problems if the fights are physical. Despite her looks, Maddie is surprisingly strong, and she can fight well, but she lacks self-control when fighting. Resulting in many consequences for her.

Cute fun fact: Maddie unknowingly would get very close and snuggly with Qiu and Tamarck when by their side. Hugging them without any thought, grab hold of their clothing, leading on them, or rub her head against them when she has a lot of energy. This sometimes comes off as teasing or flirting to many. 

(IDK why I did this, but it was fun to write out my character in the game.)


thought about doing something nice, so from now, everyday i will make posts about how amazing and beautiful the character designs are. yesterday i talked about step 3 renee's design, so today i'll talk about the other side of the coin (kinda);step 2 baxter's design

i absolutely love it, he looks amazing in a sweater, love the white and black rings, love his hair. one of my favorite design's in OL:N&F


Hmmmm a White and Black ring me an Irl idea

(+1) that the wedding bells i hear .. Baxter I miss you so much I am going to play the Baxter dlc all over again:)))))))


I just LOVEE how different step 2 olnf baxter's design to step 2 olba baxter LMAOO


He is so handsome that it is impossible not to fall in love with him🗣🔥


i was actually introduced to olnf first so seeing how different he looks in olba was an experience lolol


At some point will they translate the game into Spanish? I like it a lot but it takes me a long time to translate the dialogues :'3

I'm really sorry, we aren't going to have the game translated to any other language. It's just too large of a script for that to be possible.


Played the other ourlife game like 20 times and cant wait for this one

(2 edits) (+4)

lifecorns, i'm going for my 10th playthrough in the past week. am i perhaps... mentally ill


According to experts who are totally experts and not people I made up that's a normal behaviour towards ourlife game


According to me Mind the other cool guy that outran me to you.... that's normal behaviour i am at my Seventh can never have enough Children 


according to me who's definitely not going insane while playing the game multiple times, I confirm that this behaviour is absolutely normal 

Who are you? and why does he call you vel? Are you going to be my clone or something?

And no one aw go crazy here it is socially accepted to replay the game as many times as you want even if it is because of a different dialogue that you didn't know

BAHAHAHSJ nono but the similarities MIGHT get us mistaken for eachother, who knows,,,


confuse us? Whoever does it is going to make me angry... and I will continue to love him... BUT I WILL DO IT WHILE VERY ANGRY


I see that the majority calmed down after the warning but they are still excited hahaha 

I'm glad to see them happy

Pats pats for everyone,enyway goodbaaaay


what warning?

I was referring to the notice


Seeing this character gave me some Feelings of Slight Fear and Hunger

(1 edit) (+1)





i LOVE, absolutely adore Renee's step 3 design


Me in my way to Download the Entirety of OL because of y'all




renee is darren


*Audible confusion noises*

I accounted for Every Possibility 7 times ....I wasn't yet ready for this


She's Darren!! She turns trans in step 3 ^^




Seriously... now I think twice before saying something about Darren

(1 edit) (+3)

OMG SHE'S SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I can't wait for the game to finish completely  〒▽〒


I saw a lot of people posting their ocs sooo here's mine!

I can't wait for the next update! Does anyone know when it is?


mid-late november !! 

Oohh, thank you!😌

(1 edit) (+2)

Here is my oc I wanted something to match my username but i might change it when I have time this month

Hmmmm My Post seemed kinda funny so I sent it to the Shadow realm


Saw people posting their ocs, and these are mine(both are loosely based off kid me and what I wanted to look like back in highschool)

This is Step 1:

This is Step 2:


This is my Oc. I saw a lot people posting 

Actually his name Rim but my friend suggest a name Yuri but I got an idea I add the M so his name Yurim and I use the Rim as nickname 


This should be GoTY


I want to share my ocs so bad But I don’t have any cool lore on them 💔

They don't need to have a story here you can share your cute ocs with us

(1 edit) (+3)

I'll dissapear from existence to a world full of unicorns if keeps telling me they have problems with the server and to try again later 



Hello lifecorns, sorry for disappearing, although I see that I didn't miss much.


Fandom is Entering the hibernation stage because of schools lmao


Omg i see you everywhere but recently you've disappeared 😞 I've missed seeing your comments hope to see ya more!

Yes, sorry, I've been having problems lately. I don't want to talk about my private life, but I'll tell you that I'm taking medication, so if you cared about me, don't worry, I'll always come back.


Oh i'm sorry and it's fine you don't have to tell me and i hope your doing A-okay!!I really do hope to see you around and if i do i might not be able to stop myself from saying Hi😿And i'm really glad you were able to text me back after whatever is going on, i truly hope you feel better Loves and kisses Byee!!

I should have said that if you want, talk to me on my discord if you want to know about me, anyway, have a nice day baaay

I would love to get your discord!!

By the way your pfp is soo fricking adorable😸😸


My daughter <3 <3 <3

(1 edit)

mood. lover her. ty


hellaur. saw some people posting their ocs and i decided to do the same :] i have like another one and a self insert but ill post those later if i want to

meet koi! shes chill and want to be popular (also plays an instrument if you were wondering about the sticker)

okay nf chat, I decided to change the name of my OC Thea to Artemis!! Also here's her background and design on step 2!! ------


Hi, is there only step 1?what about step 2 and 3.When will the full game release? I'm eagerly waiting😭😭


Helloo!! So currently, we have the Step 1 prologue and 2 moments. For Step 2, we only have the preview. But there will be an update on mid-late november that includes the transition of step 1 to step 2 and intros to opal, tam, and qiu on step 2! The full release is on 2025!! ^^


Thanks for Replying, i can't wait for it to release.😭^^ 


Quick question when is the update?


I think it will be mid-november or late november

Okay thanks! and i ADORE mob hes so adorable🥰🥰


i saw a lot of people posting the Oc this is mine 

Hey name is Clover Kinley 

Guh My Daughter got a Secret Twin????


Really lol thats so cool

My daughter is Called Rosy Lin (thought It would be a Pun that would lead to the name Rosalin eventually i don't know what i was thinking that night) 


GB waiting for people to ask Them Questions be like 

Hey, was the game hacked? Because I almost got a virus when I entered the game. (I'm sorry if my English is bad, it's not my first language.)

No, the game worked fine for me, maybe u clicked on smth wrong.

It's really weird, because I re-downloaded it many times, and it still said it had a virus. It was out of nowhere, like, I didn't click on anything, it just suddenly appeared.

I'm so sad, because I love this game so much :(

it do be like that just download it bruh

are u playing on a mac? if u are, then it's normal lol

just go on settings --> privacy and security --> scroll all the way  down and click on the button that lets you open the app

the device you're playing on is most likely just trying to protect itself

I did that a while ago, but it wasn't a warning, it was my antivirus saying that it had protected me from a virus and then there was the virus name and the source of the virus was the game. For example:

"We protected you from a virus!

Virus: (Virus name)

Source: Our Life: Now & Forever"

I tried downloading the game again today, and it still said there was a virus. It wouldn't let me play no matter what I did, then the antivirus warning appeared. I have no idea what to do

The antivirus I use is McAfee, by the way.


vertical cove

also is it just me or he looks like link here?

(Hopefully last post of the day)


that's not cove, that's damn link fanart 😰

(1 edit) (+5)

I didn't realized val posted something just 3 days ago until making this and now I feel dumb.

I find the low res pic inherently funny


I wonder what happened to him?

(2 edits) (+2)

I too wonder, random stranger that coincidentally has the same three letters on their username...


I think there's a glitch on my game because when I try to nickname Qiu. I simply can't.

I'm sorry. Does the option not appear or do you click it and the game just continues without letting you pick? I'm not entirely sure what is going on.

I click the option, and I simply can't name the character. 


What option are you clicking? Does it continue to the next dialog? Are you trying to type in your own answer?

Is it just me or does my skip button just not work properly sometimes?


There's a ton of chances for there to be text you haven't seen before because of all the alterations. That causes the skipping to stop even if it is just one different line. So, it can be awkward to skip through this game.

OHH yeah now that i think of it that is rlly plausible, its just sometimes theres text I KNOW ive read and i click the skip button for it to not work 

The same text can appear in a different context. Sometimes lines are reused in a block of lines that does have differences, so even a line you saw in a different alteration branch counts as having "not been seen" in this new alteration branch.

Deleted 108 days ago


I think Emery likes cute things.♡. (actually is adorable 🗣️‼️)


Weekend 4 of posting tamarack pic til game updates.

Wow, its already been a month huh? There's been a lot of new people around here, new gen lifers are something else... I feel like I'm falling behind... anyway see you next weekend!

(6 edits) (+7)

... Loading character...

Leon Maerkins - [Step 1]

Character description: [STEP 1]

Lion was a nickname people used to mock him but Leon didn't know that so he continued encouraging people to use that nickname of him.

Leon is a very extroverted kid, he always loves hanging out with random people but after an incident he stopped talking to people and occasionally has panic attacks, he also wants to find out about his father and maybe live with him. He is attracted to Autumn (Qiu) and feels that Tamarack is a good friend- After four years, Autumn becomes distant to everyone and Leon finds it hard to talk to him them; But he and Tamarack have grown to be Best friends.

Opal and him used to be really close and no one could separate them but after a while as Leon grew he started having difficulties and stopped talking with his mother as she didn't help him with his panic attacks, he feels as if his mother doesn't acknowledge his mental illnesses and is victim blaming- he still loves her and would love to rebuilt their relationship if he could.

Leon had questioned his sexuality from childhood and after having several panic attacks and getting frustrated for not knowing his sexuality he finally comes out as 'Bisexual' in Step 2, but he never said that to anybody except his best friend, Tamarack.

Leon saw Qiu as crushes in step 1 but then it turned to 'DO I LIKE HIM OR NOT?!' this was because of Qiu's overgrowing rudeness and distance in their friendship, Leon truly misses 10 year old Qiu, But somehow even if he finds Qiu 'Rude' he still finds himself falling in love all over again just like in Step 1. In summary he find's Qiu as 'Annoying but I love them.' 


Leon Maerkins [Step 2]


Character has not been Updated.


-[ System closing ]-


{English isn't good}



I really like your drawing it's sooooo cute! And the character look so interesting

Awh thanks <3



I love it.

thankkssss <3

step 2 leon is and looks amazing and i will love him for that

Awhh thanks but unfortunately he's taken... BY ME !! (I only said that becasue i spotted the word- 'love')

(1 edit) (+3)

This is Shi. He was homeschooled by his mother since kindergarten because he was made fun of for looking girlish. He's sort of rebellious, but stops just short of inconveniencing his mom. He has bad circulation, so he wears a jacket all the time. (Based on my own condition) his mom was strict when it came to his studies, so he's quite intelligent. He also has a tendency to forget people's names. Plus Narcolepsy. Yay. (Edit) sorry I forgot to crop it.

(6 edits) (+6)

hi this is my MC, his name is Asher and i wanted to share him since I saw a lot of people doing that lol.

I may have gone a little overboard with his story XD but he's actually a little bit inspired by me (I have ADD too) so yeah and also I only wrote some of the bad things that happened to him (I didn't have enough space for the rest) but another one is that he was treated as a freak because he didn't have a dad which caused him to really want one (in step 1) but even so he still love his mom the most. In my headcanon it's one of the main reason why they changed town, and also because she was relocated so she took the opportunity and went to another place XD 

Because of his past bullying he only got truly close with Qiu and Tamarack in step 2 (they were more like acquaintances/friends in step 1).

The reason why he's seen as a liar is because sometimes he may say something and the next time that people ask him about that, he might have totally forgot that he said it and will deny ever saying that which caused many people to view him as a liar.

Anyway that's all and I'm going back to play this demo for the 12375th time 

(1 edit) (+1)


I also suffer from ADD so hi!

and btw pls pls pls update this when step 2 is confirmed and finished

(1 edit)

I also love yours he's so cute <3

and yeah hello fellow victim of ADD  :')

Sure I was thinking of doing that too (I'm waiting for the demo expansion who'll come this month)


awh thanks!
(Tbh same, i've been rotting in my room and this game gives me life lmao)

I have a question does the game make the description or do you make it yourself like the little info about your avatar (btw your charcter is so adorable!!)

Thanks you <3

And no you make your own description :')

I feel so foolish i just saw it a few days ago but thanks!!


Error Cannot Post character(s) 

Creator is socially awkward


okay I just read that OL2 isn't gonna have any LI DLC's cause this game is gonna be much longer than OL1 and the LI DLC'S there COMBINED... oh my... I CAN'T even BELIEVE this game is gonna be free with it's content... GB patch you are one hell of a developer for making this game free, kudos to you!!


may i ask where you've learned this from? :0 gb patch is feeding us for real !!

I saw GB Patch replied to a comment here and that's what she said!! Here's what she fully said though: "There won't be other LI DLCs, sadly. The game is gonna be so large with the Qiu and Tam content, I can't get myself to do even more for this game, aha. It's already gonna be longer than the first OL including the DLCs for other leads in that game." anddd yeah! ^^


:0 tysm for telling me !! the amount of effort and time being put into ol2 is already INSANE honestly I totally understand this sorta decision they're taking

sorry for asking but what are LI DLC's??  sounds awesome though!

i just figured it out and feel stupid;; my bad

Pls help me figure it out then!!

pretty sure it means love interest!! lol

well isn't this game supposed to be a 'romance' game if so that wouldn't make sense now would it?

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