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(1 edit) (+10)(-5)

Okay, I had reservations when I found out that there was no traditionally male identifying love interest in this game. Those reservations are now allayed. I have only just met Qiu but if anything were to happen to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.


But isn't Qiu Non-Binary?


Yes, I'm saying that I find the character great even though I generally prefer a traditionally male identifying LI, rather than a non-binary one.


Oooohhh! Thanks for the explanation!


Amazing game I've just finished it and overall introduction is great same goes to the art and background music and pictures I sooo look forward to the updates !!

though how do I change the Dialogue box?

(1 edit) (+1)

If you want to test dialogue boxes you should double click somewhere on the screen when picking a dialogue box to save then test out the different dialogue boxes because I don’t think you can change the boxes half way through the story.


You can change it on the setting screen by clicking "Simple Texbox". If that button is highlighted, you have the bigger textbox. If that button isn't highlighted you'll have the smaller textbox.


was amazing to try it out and it looks like its going to be adorable, btw i love the little release date saying when the seasons right i was smiling so much because you meant autumn. anyway small ask for when it does actually come out and its not necessary but the little mcs picture always seems to have ginger eyebrows and it bugs me bc my character is dark skinned with brown hair lol. if you could have a eyebrow matching hair system that would be so appreciated! good luck with your project :)


Just finished the Mini-demo and I love it! I already love the characters so much and it's just the prologue. I'm really excited to play more of it when it comes out!


Awee, i finished the mini-demo. I want so much more! this has so much potential to go far. i LOVE the customization, its one of my fav aspects in a game. Seriously, it makes it so much more personal and exciting. I cant cant CAAAAAANT wait for more.


Just tried the mini-demo and yet fall in love with the game (the art, the characters and mainly my boi, Qiu <3 ) 


Words can't describe how excited I am for this game. This is my third time playing the mini demo and choosing the same options over and over again lol.


It's currently downloading, and I just decided to play this after buying and playing the cove wedding DLC all in one day (OL: B & A) and I won't spoil anything, but I am very excited to have this demo because of the attachment I gained from OL and the sadness that I was struck with after completing the game. I looked at those 30+ hours I'd poured into OL and It just made me realize how much you guys and your characters have become a part of my life. And that, in my opinion, is what makes your games so good. 


This game made me tear up just because of how cute it is!!! I'm FLOORED by the quality – I can tell that a lot of thought has gone into this, and I can't wait to play it when it's finished! The art is amazing, the characters are adorable, and it has such unique, innovative, and refreshing gameplay mechanics. Already one of my favorite games – and this is only the demo! :D

I'm super excited for this game, just finished the demo and I loved it so much!


Ahhh~ I already love Tamarack, She's So cute 🥰, I'm very excited for this story, and hope to be able to Read more


i am absolutely excited for this game!!!!!! immediately when i had started, the ost and aesthetic of the game already drew me in. I had to stop myself from crying when i saw the customizable pronouns portion because it was the first time i saw a game with it.  i love this game already so much


Please play the first game as well! You'll love it, too!



I already love this game with my whole heart ♡


Is there a release date for the first step?

(1 edit)

they said the release date for the game would be when "the season is right" so maybe in a few months when autumn is here


thats gonna take forever 


yeah but it's worth the wait, as you see in the mini-demo!


Okay, this is so good and I love it and I love them and it is just great!! The art is giving me butterflies, this is so good already!! ^^


Well, I gotta say, I really love the demo and the first installment to Our Life. I even created an account to comment this lol. But I had a problem on OL:B&A, it was lagging. Quite a lot. I'm playing it on an Android phone btw. It took quite a bit of patience for me to wait over the lag and sometimes I got frustrated when my chosen option was wrong and when I accidentally pressed twice and missed the previous text and I had to press the log to check it (which also lags). The story was too great for me to stop tho. I checked my other apps and they were fine. I'm worried if this game will lag, too, once it's fully released and all. And actually, I'm kinda having trouble with how small the buttons are. When I try to press the "back" option, I missed it sometimes and it forwards the scene when I just wanted to go back and undo things. And sometimes I accidentally press the "skip" or "auto" button when I try to move on to the next text. Tho these are pretty trivial and it doesn't stop me from playing and loving the game. Hope you continue on your work. 


I'm so excited for this game! I've played the previous game by GBPatch, Our Life: Beginnings & Always multiple times over, and every playthrough is a new experience. I feel so included and seen just by playing that game, and I can't wait to see what's in store this time. The demo was wonderful and chill as well.

(1 edit)

AH! Super cute! I played one of their other games —the original Our Life— and I loved that too. The art is so pleasing to look at, and they were consistent with their color palette and aesthetic of it, I just think that's so cool! Can't wait till they finish :)


I really love this game so far! The art's adorable, and the amount of customization makes it feel a lot more personalized which I really enjoy. I'm also already in love with the characters personalities, it'll be hard to choose who to get with when I play through for the first time because they're both so loveable. I look forward to playing more in the future!


it's so adorable!! i'm so excited for the rest of the game.  everyone is already so loveable!! 
also loving how the characters notice things about your choices right off the bat ^^

It's amazing, i can't wait for the full version 🥰Qiu Lin is by far my favorite character

(2 edits) (+8)

As of completing the demo, I have to say that I can't help but like the experience so far. The game is so much more in-depth with the customization, which is a large improvement from the last game. The characters are likeable from the moment you meet them and give off a ton of personality through text alone. The art is extremely well done and breathes a ton of life into the visuals.  The music is well done, and really sets the mood of the game. It seems every aspect of what I enjoyed from the previous Our Life: was expanded upon and improved. You can tell that a ton of work was put into the prologue alone. Now, there is a very small "issue" I would like to put out, and that is the hair color options. With all natural hair color options, the eyebrows don't change color with them. That seems to be the only issue I've found, and in the end, it isn't that important to me personally. I look forward to the future of the game, and wish GBPatch a very bright future, and my full support. If I could support you financially, I would. A lot of effort is put in, and the games are released for free, and feel like they sell for $20. Once again, I wish you good fortune. I'm looking forward to the next part.


So from what I gathered.... people come here from the original Our Life!? omg same lol


this game is sooo swag. cant wait for the full release. i love the customizations, its epic

Can`t rate this game yet but i really like previous "Our Life" and i think GBPatch would make something special again, i hope.


i love it ,i love it ,i love it ,i love it ,i love it ,i love it ,


same :,)

AAAAA I LOVE IT ALL!! the art style, the music!! even the character customization is wonderful! It has similar mechanics to our life& always so its easier to understand. The characters are so fun to interact with already! keep up the wonderful work!!

First sentence of the game and i was in love, i loved playing our life: beginning & always and i know i'll love this one as well. Like the last one, this game brings such a calm vibe! i can't wait for the full game and thank you so much for making this!


this is such a cute game i can't wait for the full release

Adorable! I'm looking forward to this VN.

ahhh i can't wait for the full game to be out! I played the demo and i love it so much it really good!

(1 edit) (+6)

Just stumbled into the previous game a few days ago, and I kind of adore it.  So I decided to take a look at this, downloaded the mini-demo and honestly I love it. 

The autumnal vibes are off the goddamn chart and it's amazing. The setting is great. I love Qiu so far, and Tamarack is delightful. They're both very distinct and full of character. I'm looking so forward to the full game and seeing how these two grow up.  

Something I do want to make note of is just a tiny, minute little thing- the PC's eyebrows in the dollmaker. They don't seem to change color with your hair, and you can't seem to change them on your own either, so they're always that kind of brownish-orange color [which is a nice shade, mind]. I'm sure this is just something that you hadn't added yet[provided it's something you want], but I wanted to mention it. It's kind of strange to have brown or black hair and ginger eyebrows. 

Regardless, I wish you the best of luck and swift, easy development. I can't wait for the finished product [actually I can, take all the time you need, not that you need my permission to do so]. 


cant wait for the full game since i started playing life beginnings and always after i finished the game i was bored bc there no other game good as it and its exciting to see that there new game im sorry if you dont understand what im saying im not american i cant speak english perfectly but im trying my best to / i love your games /


Its a game suggestion for both the GBPatch team and random people who are looking at this visual game for inspiration. After I completed the Our Life Beginnings and always I was left wondering if we can ever have a child with Cove, It might be on the new game with marrying Cove but having a child and having another game purposely and just for them would be like a series, and what if the other MC from this game had a story with the MC of the original Our Life, It would be an interesting experience, I've never played or saw a game do this so I think it would be an amazing touch to continue the Cove story and have this one in mind. Another suggestion is free movement, what I mean is letting the MC touch things or move to places, like going to the bedroom and doing your bed, making your hair, and more, doesn't have to show the entire MC just the head, and sleeping past bedtime, not going to bed at the time your mothers tell you and that. Also cant wait for this game to get released! I've been hovering this website like an alien wondering when humans are going to believe in them.




can't wait for the full game


Can we have a mute route/option? I would be interested in a deaf mc or an mc that doesn't want to talk!


There are a few options where you can stay quite





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