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when will the full release become available 

Maybe 2023 or 2024

Iv been dealing with sone lag and freezing on the android version has anyone else?

No but i suggest you reinstall it

(1 edit)

OMG, this is the cutest game, I've ever played, but would you also be putting this game whenever it's complete on Google Play? 


Hopefully it will be, but we're not 100% sure yet!


whufidxfvdik i can harDLY wait TT

(1 edit)

omg i cant wait for the full release :D i love the new gender customization and relationship system. also the characters are soo cute !


I love it!! I wish there was more tho...


Can't wait for full release


can't wait for the whole game! even this demo made me AWWW a lot


I'm so glad Our Life is a series, it's a really unique take on the genre. I spent over 100 hours in the first game just exploring all the different dialogue and I'm looking forward to doing the same with this one.


Im firmly addicted to Our Life, and I need more content to avoid withdraw symptoms. I'm broke as heck but I'm desperate so I'm heading to Patreon! 


Let me know if there's already a full version!!(≧▽≦)


Wishing I could play the full version as soon as possible! I really like those people from Our Life world!! Everybody is so sweet, adorable, live,and different. Those people created a beautiful world that I really want to live in.

I really appreciate the feeling of playing the game, the freedom to choose the details about MC and the things gonging on, which makes the experience itself so wonderful.At least for me, the experiences are more important than what the end is , that's why I love Our Life.

The atmosphere and so many things are just like b&a,but I love the difference that the choices in this demo is much more than what in b&a.In b&a, I can choose what kind of sandwich I want, but the respond of Cove is a little bit flat. In this demo, the more enriched interaction between the MC and characters make them more specific, and the emotions are more enjoyable.

I'm so sad for my poor English,I can't express well…Plus, is Our Life a serious with 4 seasons or 4 games, if so, it will be a great suprise!!!


Adorable game, wondering when the full release is gonna be out though? Also, I gotta go with Qiu!! I'm a raging gay.. 

let me know when u find out i'm dying to play the rest!!


Thank you! But I'm sorry, there's no estimate except that it won't be any time soon. We have to finish a couple DLC expansions for the first OL still before we can fully start development on the game. We'll add more content to the demo periodically, though. So, there'll be at least something to try during the long production period.

Is it gonna be free? Crossing my fingers!! I'm really excited for this game. 


It will be free with optional paid DLC!

Cool! Thanks for telling me.



I love it so much! the story is so cool and interactive!


This has to be one of the best games I've played. I cannot wait for it's release!


This is such a cute game! I love the level of customisation - it's so considerate and open-ended. Keep up the great work, I can't wait for the full game!

(btw I'm team Qiu - how about everyone else?)


Tamarack shes sooo cute! 

I did name my MC Katie and compared to their names i feel inadequate with my choice lol. 

I did really love the fact that when i made my MC black that mom followed suit. Ive played some games where they forgot to fix that. (Dragon age being one) lol


Tamarack is undeniably adorable. But I have to say I'm team Qiu. Sorry ya'll but I'm weak to chaotically charming characters.


Team Tamarack! Qiu is attractive, but I'm a lesbian so I'm naturally biased. Her design for Stage 2 is really nice. I can't wait to play this game when it releases!

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm team Qiu, too!



I loved playing it so much, and i am looking forward to playing the full version. However one critique would be that there is a little too much dialogue, and it was a bit difficult for me to remember everything, otherwise the game was wonderful! I especially love how much customization is available and the adorable artstyle!


I cant wait for the full version, KEEP GOING WHOOO :D


SCREAMS I PLAYED OUR LIFE BEGINNINGS AND ALWAYS WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT, haven’t gotten the chance to play the step 4 update but OHMYGOSH i cant wait to download this, i hope this time its maybe a female you’re growing up with instead, or a chance to choose the gender you prefer or both. Who knows!!! Guess I’ll seeeeee


I was such a huge fan of Our Life: Beginnings and Always, and have always absolutely adored slice of life, growing up together type stories, so the fact that a new game is coming out from you guys is amazing! I am so tremendously excited that I can't even put it into words, and there are so many more options and customization, I was amazed! I'm literally so excited, I will be awaiting the release with anticipation. :D


I'm so exited for this game to come out in full! Our life; Beginnings and Always is one of my favourite games of all time, so you can understand how i'm literally BUZZING for this one too!! The artstyle is so charming i literally cant wait.


Can't wait to play the full version!


Interesting. I hope to be able to play the official version of the game soon. I really want to see more of Qui Lin!!!


I can't wait, I wanna play the full game alreadyyyy xD


The demo is beautiful! I fell in love with the characters and I can't wait for the full game! If you haven't already do check out their previous game Beginnings and Always it is an equally amazing game as well!


ITS AMAZING I CANT- gimme the full game rn


The custom pronouns just single handedly added 20 years to my lifespan

Give me the full game pls 


I can't wait for the full release!! I just bought all DLCs for Our Life with Cove and I can't wait for this game!! I already know it's gonna be just as wonderful <3


Please keep making more of these games im obsessed!!


Oh my GOSH! I can not wait for the full game. I'm in love with the characters already. 

I had no issues with the game besides one small visual "glitch". In the last minute or so of playing (right before you go into the house with the mother) it tried to bring a drop-down of the mother so you could see/read her facial expressions. While doing that it kinda freaked out and glitched when coming down, and again when going back up.

 But otherwise, completely perfect game so far.


I'vee been playing this for a few minutes now and everyone keeps trying to refer to me as a girl. even though I'm pretty sure I made it so I was a boy. (because I am one.)

maybe it's because I look like a girl, but I don't think the coding is that... word. good? complex? something like that.

Interesting game already. I don't really understand it though


I come from Twitter and friends, I discovered that the game is not coming out this fall as we thought... and probably not even this year! Everyone, cry with me! TT


Bro what???? q-q I don't want to wait that long


they said it’s at the earliest next years autumn, so we are in for the long haul 🥹


TwT damn

Deleted 106 days ago

I've literally been counting the days since there's been a development log, lmao. It's been pain, and my friends have gotten so annoyed at me going: "Ugggghhhh, it's been 43 days since this game got a development update (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"
Tl;Dr: I love the game and cannot wait for it lol


Gb-patch actually post a lot of content that you don't see here on tumblr! It's mostly just little sneak peaks about future features / scenes but they post very often!


I loved Our Life: Beginning and Always so much and I still do, but Now and Always floored me with how much improvement happened between the two games, from the art style to the game mechanics (especially the character creator <3)

Both games give me such warm, happy feelings, thank you so much for your hard work!

I'm looking forward to the full game :)


i am excited for the full game to come out. With or without DLCs, your games bring my heart to tears.


  I fell in love with Our Life: Beginnings and Always, the first game with Cove, over and over again every time I played. There were so many reasons for it, but the first was the incredible queer representation. Not only do you get to decide your sexuality in this visual novel, but you get to decide if you want your character to be transgender. BUT, on top of binary transgender representation, you also get the chance to be nonbinary! And the implementation of that in the story is so perfect, as young kids may politely question what that means and you just explain it and they accept it and move on. You also have the opportunity to transition later in life, if you prefer to have a character that doesn't know they're trans as an 8/10 year old. And the characters are all supportive and use your pronouns and preferred titles and terms, and the story also occasionally references that you're queer when it's relevant, which adds so much realism for an entire community of people who are almost never represented in visual novels. And I cannot tell you how excited I was to see that not only included in Our Life: Now and Forever, but that it was IMPROVED. There's even more nonbinary representation and customization, with the option for multiple pronouns (which you can customize the frequency of usage for), assigned sex at birth, gender identity, and you get to choose a nickname and how often characters in the story use it in place of their birth name. 

  Moving on past the LGBTQ+ stuff, I want to mention the NEURODIVERGENT (ND) REPRESENTATION. This is arguably an even bigger deal (to me, at least.) The language in these games doesn't feel at all like someone picked up a DSM-5 and picked random traits to give characters, they feel like real neurodivergent people that I'd meet and be best friends with. As an autistic person, I related so much to Cove that I was freaking out and telling all of my friends when he was officially diagnosed in the story, and even just seeing Qui in the demo feels so familiar as a person also with ADHD. It's really so important for people with different neurotypes to see not just positive representation, but see that representation in multiple places, and these creators really do that. And that's HUGE for the ND community. It's so beautiful to see a melting pot of neurotypes and personalities, and it's perfect for a game that's all about growing up and becoming your own person, and helping (or preventing) those around to grow alongside you.

  Another beautiful thing about this game is the customization of the story. You're given so many choices to choose from almost every time you're presented with a choice, and I feel that the choices in this demo cover an even greater range of personalities than even the last game did. I am an autistic person, so the choices I make in social situations aren't usually options in visual novels; I'm used to getting stuck at choices and having to choose whatever is the closest to what I'd do, which often isn't remotely how I'd respond. However, in this game, I get stuck at choices because there's multiple that appeal to me equally. I truly feel like, in this game, I could create a character that I feel perfectly represents me, and I could play the game with a character that truly feels like I am a part of that world if I wanted to. You can make such incredibly different characters each playthrough and experience the story entirely differently with a drastically different personality. Hell, there's still dialogue I've never seen in the first game because of choices I've never made. 

  Another thing I love is the change to the relationship dynamic system. In Our Life: Beginnings and Always, you choose how close you feel to Cove and whether it's nervous, relaxed, or direct. In this one, you get a bit more customization over the relationship dynamics. You still choose how close you feel to Qui and Tamarack, but in addition you get to see how they feel about you in 3 categories, which you also get to choose how you feel about them in. The first is leadership; the choices are to, in general, prefer to lead, follow, or compromise. The second is comments you make to other them: you can be teasing, prefer not to comment, or complimentary. The third is how you see the person: do you place them on a pedestal, see them as an equal, or want to look out for and protect them. I think that this dynamic will add a lot more to the gameplay during the next steps than in the previous game, and I'm super excited for what's to come. I'm in love with the characters and the game, I know I loved the last one, and this one just seems better. 


Nice, but did you enjoy it?

With all my heart. 


the customization is really nice! seeing your character's portrait in the dialogue was especially a nice touch :) can't wait for the full game


OMG! this finally came outtt!!   can't wait for the full version! tysm.




I fell in love with this game, it's so well-made!

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