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Qiu and Tamarack are both depressed, anti-social, and hate each other. Was that destined to happen or did I big time fuck up


I had the same thing happen to me. 

(1 edit) (+6)

It always happens, you can't make them not have teenage angst, haha.


Baxter what the fuck are you doing here


in LOVE with this game already <333


Hi! I was wondering when do we get to activate the jealous options. Is it in Step 2? Thanks!! I'm loving the demo, just curious about that in case that we can activate it in Step 1 and I missed it :)


At the start of Step 2 on the dynamic screen,you can move the Dynamic Elements to jealous of or envious over for yourself and the leads. It's the same screen where you choose if you're friends, neighbors, or crushes. Jealousy isn't on the dynamic screen in Step 1. You don't know the kids well enough to have that be part of your actual dynamic, but there are choice options to express jealously in Step 1.

Many thanks!! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I've got a question.  Do you get to pick your Extracurriculars? And if so, depending on which one you choose, do you get to meet specific characters and not meet others? Or is it like no matter what activity you pick you'll still meet characters like Viance? Also, since when was Pran a character in our life NF? Are there more characters you'll meet in step 1 and 2? Like even more then we have right now?

Also I'm very confused about the different hairstyles and stuff, Like what options will result in them getting different hairstyles? Like, If your really kind to them will they get hairstyle A but when your mean they get hairstyle B? or is it relationships like if your crushing on Qui from the start he get's hairstyle A but if your friends from the start he gets hairstyle B?


You will get to choose extracurriculars eventually, but no matter what you pick you'll meet the whole cast!

Currently, the system to determine hairstyles and accessories for the leads hasn't been implemented. It's totally random in the game.

(1 edit)

fav game, fr. but i cannot updatee (i ended in the children phase)


it's still just a demo, so i think that's why it doesn't go past the child phase?


It gives you the full demo if you download it on steam, absolutely worth it by the way


Glad you like it! Did you delete the old version of the game and are playing only the most recent build? Removing older versions won't delete your saves.


Are there any plans to add eyebrow color that is different from the hair color in doll customization?


Yeah, but only in Step 2. Your eyebrows automatically match your natural color and you can't have dyed hair in Step 1, so whatever you pick then is your natural color. In Step 2 you can dye your hair and control the color of your eyebrows.

(1 edit) (+2)

Will the proluge 3 also be relased before game? And when will full step 2 be relased? I really like this game just like 'our life beginnings and always' so I can't stop wondering and checking if there are any updates weekly, and i cant wait for the relase! :]


The full version of Step 2 won't be out until the game releases in Fall 2025. There might be a small preview of Step 3 in the demo eventually, but maybe not. We're not gonna update the demo super frequently, only twice a year or so. But I'm glad you like it!


Hi, if you don't mind me asking. Since the game is getting released till two years from here, do you possibly know what the date may be when it comes out? I want to set it in my calendar, so I don't forget that's why.


It's Fall 2025, but there's no specific month or day yet!

Deleted 315 days ago


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God the demo was so good! If I could ask do you have a rough estimate for when the full game would be finished?


It's coming out Fall 2025!


Thank you for the answer and as sad as I am I have to wait 2 years for the full game. I can already tell that the games gonna be really good, so keep up the good work.👍


i literally cannot wait time machine time see ya'll in 2025


I  love this demo and have replayed it so many times I can't even!!!!!



Hello! I would like to know if a translation into Spanish is planned.

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Unos 7 u 8 comentarios más abajo hay uno que pregunta algo parecido y respondieron que no tenían pensado traducir a ningún idioma, pero ven bien que otra gente cree traducciones.

rayos, sera complicado que alguien lo haga una en español, hay como un millon de palabras en todo esto


I'm sorry, it's not. We don't have any translations planned.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for creating my favourite game (⁠^⁠^⁠) one question though. There will be more step 1 content when the game is fully released or this is the full content of the step 1?


There will be a lot more Step 1 content in the full game!


This game was the second game I was introduced to in

I remember first playing this game, when the game cut off at Darren and Baxter going to their homes with Qiu and that was it. But after a few months, I finally came to this game by chance and replayed it with full version this time.

it is legitimately one of the best games I have ever been introduced to my whole damn life

I'll wait for the full version, never stop blowing up your ideas, love you creator 


you should try playing our life: beginnings and always, is the previous game by these exact creator and its pretty similar, it is already complete with around 6 DLCs , and it is an amazing game <3


Maaan, I'm so in love with this game and so excited to play the full version of it! This is one of the best games I have ever played!! It's really really good!!!

I love this game, but I was wondering if you would be able to do after-school activities in the future as it is mentioned in Step 1.

Deleted post

Wow cool rhymes...Wait what?

Deleted post

This game feeds my autism and I feel giddy when I play it, since I was a very sheltered child and never got to experience life like this. :) The walk section and the moment where you get to visit Omi is so endearing and comforting to me!!

If a translator into another language appears, would you be willing to allow it?


Free fantrasnlations made for fun are okay! But I'm afraid we're not going to do  official translations ourselves, even if a translator was interested in working with us.

Actually, I'd like to do a free Korean fan translation for your game. Your game is absolutely perfect! But I can't find the file containing the dialogue for your game! If you don't mind, can you tell me the location of the dialogue file? If translation is not possible using this method, can you tell me how? If you feel uncomfortable, please feel free to decline.


Thank you for the interest in that! We use an engine called Ren'Py. There are methods to get into a game's files, but I don't know how, I've never tried, haha. You could attempt to search online for more info.


Thank you for allowing me to translate! I knew your game was made in Ren'Py, but I tried translating it using the same approach I've taken with other Ren'Py games. But I ran it on an older version of Ren'Py! (Mistake😅) Now the problem is solved! I've just started translating, and I'll always support your games! I’m really looking forward to the full version!❤️


I'm glad it worked out :D. Thank you for wanting to share it!

Hello i wonder if you can explain me how to translate the game?i want to do that in french but i don't understand 😅

That's so amazing to know! I would love to try my hands on translating Our Life 1 or 2 in french, if it's not done already. I want to share this amazing game with my french speaking friends <3

Why does the file appear empty when I extract it?

(Windows version btw)

Maybe your virus scanner or firewall won't let the data download because it has decided it's dangerous randomly. Or the internet connection might just have an issue right now. You can try downloading the demo through the app instead of the direct webpage.

K ill try

I can't download it, my browser keeps saying "Forbidden"


You may have to change your browser settings or firewall trust for the file. And if you're on a PC or Mac you can try downloading the demo through the app instead of the direct webpage.


This is easily the most impressive VN I've ever played. The amount of care put into every facet of the game is staggering. I hope you all take your time with this one.

I do have a question about the relationship standings though. Will it be possible to go from friends -> best friends -> crushes/BFFs -> partners -> fiances only through dialogue options without manually changing relationship standing between Steps? I ask this because I'm a huge sucker for the "best friends suddenly realize they're in love" trope and it would be far more satisfying to watch it play out naturally than to have it take place during a time skip.

Yes I think, because I remember while playing the demo after a dialogue with Tamarack a pin appeared on the screen saying that the relationship changed from friends to best friends.


Thank you for the kind words! And yes, it will be possible to progress the relationship to all different levels entirely during the Steps. But we include the option to swap between Steps for those who don't want to wait for certain scenes or want to imagine some other way of getting together besides what we come up with.

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100/10 so far, the best game of this type i've ever played and it's not even fully released yet. huge fan of GB Patch's games since our life 1 and i've waited for this game since it was first announced here. ^^ so excited to see how it will turn out in the release!

( i made 4 characters for each save thingy just to get different personalities afsjegwjwn )

hi! i would like to ask how do you download the demo expansion pack? thanks in advance! 

If you have the older demo, you can just delete that and download the new build on this page!




oh and...your a GOD for blessing us with this (and the others) game!!!!!!!! easily my favorite visual novel creator (and i say that alot!)





it's so realistic I forget im not friends with them irl okay sorry for spamming bye ❗❗😆😆


OMG I LOVE THE UPDATE SO FAR I CAN TELL HOW MUCH WORK WAS PUT INTO IT 🫶🫶🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯 I LOVE THEM BOTH THERES SO MANY OPTIONS AND I'M SO INDECISIVE >__< anyways I still LOVE the music and the artstyle !!1 it's so cozy and the characters r so silly and funny and goofball (⁠^⁠^⁠) anyways here's my mc....he's so 😊😊😊



omg thx!! 


cute,both u and ur mc

(1 edit) (+4)

Im on my hands and knees begging, BEGGING there to be more games like this, I am in SHAMBLES after playing both this and Beginning and Always. Its left a void that craves more of these kinds of games PLEASE if any of you know any games like this let me know. I NEED IT, you have no idea /Sadness


we are 2 bro we are 2


We are...we are



THE MAC DOWNLOAD ISN'T WORKING FOR ME I'M IN RUINS (i played the game on my friend's laptop and it's absolutely amazing so far)

Really wish I could get a 2K wallpaper with this games logo or something like that

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game, and can't wait to try the full version once it's out!

Also I am glad this game is available for android, many visual novels on this website aren't available for android. 




This one is so adorable and nostalgic, makes me almost tear up, the full version will be awesome


The only thing I hate about this game is that there is nothing like it and I've been starving for more of it lol I've been following it since the first demo and have loved it ever since. I know when it's fully released, it'll probably be one of my favorite games



hi!! quick question since i'm not really familiar with games as a whole. i downloaded the demo quite a while ago and never had a free moment to play it, and thus the version is outdated (i think). i was wondering if it'd need to be reinstalled for the new updates to load in, or is there some other way we're supposed to do that? thank you~

So you just delete it and redownload this demo, unless you have the app, in which case it can just be updated. Also if there are any saves delete them and start anew as they will not be compatible.


I can already smell how heart-breaking this game will be </33


this game is so so cute i can't wait for the full version! i'm just wondering, is there a year/time period this game takes place in?

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2010, 2014, 2018, 2022 (from their tumblr faq)



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