A downloadable project for Android

Buy Now$3.99 USD or more

Make even more memories during your summer of adolescence by doubling the amount of Moments available in Step 2! This is an optional DLC for the free game Our Life: Beginnings & Always.

  • Unlocks 5 new Moments: Mall, Birthday, Summerwork, Escapade, & Soiree
  • Includes new character sprite art, background locations, and 1 new CG image
  • Provides even more options for adding custom qualities to your character. Does your protagonist stress about grades or stay relaxed when it comes to school? 
  • Unlocks bonus scenes in the original Step 2 Moments and in Step 3 Moments where what happened in these events is referenced and reflected on
  • Increases the overall playtime by multiple hours

To use these files you'll need to have the free base version of Our Life. It can be download HERE.


1. Download the zip file after purchase and extract the zip to get a folder

2. Open the folder of your current Our Life Build and find the "game" folder inside. To view folders on Mac you might have to right click the application launcher and select "view package contents" and you may have to open a couple different folders before you find the "game" folder tucked away inside

3. Move or copy/paste the rpa file into the Our Life "game" folder

After that, the build you already had will now include all the extra content this DLC gives.


1. Download the apk file after purchase.

2. Locate the file in your file manager and install it. You may have to give your file manager additional permissions to install from external sources.

3. Open the app after installation. You should see a message confirming you've successfully installed the DLC.

4. If you have any more DLC to install, repeat steps 1-3 with any other DLC you're installing.

5. Download and install the base Our Life game (the voice or no voice version). When you open the app, any DLC you installed through steps 1-4 should be available.

You can click the "DLC Info" button on the main menu to check if your content has been successfully installed, or for troubleshooting advice.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(459 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction, Visual Novel
TagsComedy, Dating Sim, Gay, LGBTQIA, Meaningful Choices, Multiple Endings, Otome, Romance


Buy Now$3.99 USD or more

In order to download this project you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Our Life - Step 2 DLC 2.1 MB
Version 1.7.1
Our Life - Step 2 DLC (Android) 40 MB


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I wanted to download the DLC, the only problem is that the payment methods, which in this case are only 2, do not match the one I pay with in the case of Pix. Could this be changed somehow? Excuse the question.  😓

I'm sorry, you'd have to ask Itch.io itself. We can't decide how this storefront accepts payments. But I appreciate you wanted to get the DLC.

(1 edit) (+1)

GBpatch honestly I don't know what to say but gosh dang it I love  our life:  Beginning and Always and our life: now and forever Ibeg you on my knees please make more like these games I know it's  hella work but it will be  so worth it 


when 14 y/o Baxter showed up and asked to dance, i was literally giggling and kicking my fucking feet. i recognized him immediately and obviously danced with him, and he was, as expected, nothing short of adorable. and when he recognizes us in Step 3? i just. i love him SO much it's genuinely insane. can't wait to get his DLC<3!

when i put the Zip into the "game" folder the whole thing closed but when i reopened it the "game folder was completely gone and i cant even get into the game anymore. i have no idea what to do T-T 

You have to open the zipped file to get the .rpa file out of it and then put just the .rpa into the game folder. You can fix the game by deleting the zip from the game folder!

ahh ok i got it, thank you!! :D

I figured it out! It was my browser😅 now i have the dlc installed and everything looks fine

¡¡¡Ayuda!!! ¿Cómo compro esto? Después de poner los datos de mi tarjeta no pasa nada 😭😭😭

(1 edit) (-1)

i just bought this but its not giving me the download SOS


nvm i got it yall🙏🏼

Hey! I placed the dlc_step_2.rpa file into the "game" folder on the base game. Unfortunately, I encountered an exception:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

Exception: Could not load from archive DLC_Step_2/moment_selection_dlc2.rpyc.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/bootstrap.py", line 331, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/main.py", line 492, in main

    renpy.game.script.load_script() # sets renpy.game.script.

  File "renpy/script.py", line 283, in load_script

    self.load_appropriate_file(".rpyc", ".rpy", dir, fn, initcode)

  File "renpy/script.py", line 706, in load_appropriate_file

    raise Exception("Could not load from archive %s." % (lastfn,))

Exception: Could not load from archive DLC_Step_2/moment_selection_dlc2.rpyc.



Mon May 22 17:55:55 2023

The exception also occurs with the step 3 dlc too.

It appears that I might be missing a .rpyc file. Do you have any tips or solutions? Thank you!


The updated version of Our Life, 1.7.0, just got released. I originally had only version 1.6.3, so I downloaded the newer version. Then, I placed all the .rpa dlc files into the "game" folder of the newer version.

Everything runs without exceptions! I suppose I simply needed to update my game to the newest version.

Anyways, thank you GBPatch for the game and dlc!


i just finished this fukcing game after a week, i bought the step 2 dlc and everything and im literally hyper fixated on cove now help 

hi, i've recently bought this dlc and was planning on buying the others after i finished downloading it but there been a error. i keep gettin a textedit that reads

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

Before loading the script.

OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Users/imac/Desktop/dlc_step_2.rpa'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "/private/var/folders/9q/sbsx02bj7mz2nmxqcdm19w_40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/FF81C0F7-4725-45B3-A3B5-861C9A15A71D/d/OurLife 3.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/bootstrap.py", line 331, in bootstrap


  File "/private/var/folders/9q/sbsx02bj7mz2nmxqcdm19w_40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/FF81C0F7-4725-45B3-A3B5-861C9A15A71D/d/OurLife 3.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/main.py", line 398, in main

    for fn in os.listdir(dir):

OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Users/imac/Desktop/dlc_step_2.rpa'


i was just wondering where i went wrong, sorry for the trouble

The DLC doesn't seem to be in the right place. Can you place it in the folders so it's in the 'game' folder? Though, the DLC itself won't be a folder, that was an old arrangement. Now the DLC files are a single .rpa file. You still put that in the same place.

omg thank youuuu, its finally working now. about to buy the others

No problem!

Hello! I recently bought the DLC's and have had no problems with them thus far, but when I try to play the soiree DLC on step 2 it says "could not find label 'soiree_common' , but I have been able to play all of the other DLC's for step 2? Any idea on how to fix this? Thanks !

Have you updated the base game recently or did you download the DLCs and add them to an older game folder? The versions may not match and something might be changed in the Soiree DLC that requires a later version of the base game to access. If you do redownload the game, remember to add the DLCs to the new folder instead of the old one since they won't be in there by default.

Okay that was the problem, the update actually worked, thank you so much!! :)

I freaking love this dlc. I have yet to finish it but the sweet slice of life scenes. Are so adorable!!!


Hello sorry for the trouble. When I try to install the dlc it will stop downloading and will say "An error occurred during the installation No manager for installer unknown." Just wondering what I need to fix for it download.

Are you downloading the Itch App? For some reason the app doesn't work and it needs to be downloaded directly from the website.

Ohhh yeah thank you so much I’ll go do that

No problem!

I need some help please!

I played through this game a while back, including the step 2 and 3 dlcs (for Jeremy King lol), and now I've gotten the updated dlcs and the wedding dlc and it's saying that there's an error when I try to play the game.

This is what comes up as the "ScriptError": "Name (u'game/moment_selection_dlc2.rpy', 1604799707, 1) is defined twice, at DLC_Step_2/moment_selection_dlc2."

Hello! Did you remove the old Step 2 DLC and Wedding DLC files from the folder? It says it's in there twice.

I'm such a dummy XD

I didn't. How do I know which are the ones that need to be deleted? I see there are rpy and rypc files. Are one of those the old files? 

The new ones are rpa files, the old ones are rpy and rpyc!

hi i am in love with this and with cove. i wanted to play the dlc as well. i have the step2 dlc but i cant play it on my phone. i tried following the steps on how to fix it. i  have granted access and all. i cant move the .apk into my internal storage data, as well as the dlc. what should i do?

There's basic instructions on the page but for a more step-by-step guide, you can follow the points omniastarr wrote:

These steps worked for me and at least one other user on here (I have a samsung s10. Also, I know there are a lot of steps, but it took me less than 5 minutes):

1. Download the base game from itch.io (this is an .apk file) 

2. Download the DLC(s) you purchased (these are .rpa files) 

3. Download and install Amaze File Manager from the Play Store 

4. Install the base game by clicking on the .apk file and following the prompts to install 

5. Open the Amaze app and follow the prompts to allow access to your files, as well as grant "All files access" (clicking Grant will take you to the Settings location, but you'll have to find Amaze in the list, click on its name, and toggle "Allow access to all files" on) 

6. Once that setting is toggled on, go back to Amaze and find your Downloads folder there. Inside should be all your .rpa files. 

7. Long press on the first .rpa file you want to install and then click on the rest. All of them should be highlighted before the next step. 

8. Once highlighted, click on the copy button (an icon of two rectangles in front of each other) at the top of the app 

9. Navigate to your Android folder within the Amaze app, then the data folder inside of it. You might have to allow another access prompt here. 

10. Scroll down to the "ourlife.demo.apk" file and click on it, then the "files" file inside. 

11. At the top of the app, there should be a new folder button (picture of a folder with a +). Click that and make a new folder called "game". 

12. Click on the "game" folder, and then click the "Use This Folder" button at the bottom of the app. You will again need to grant access through a prompt. 

13. Finally, click the "Paste" button at the bottom of the app, and you should be all set! Open the Our Life app, and enjoy getting married to the best crybaby!!!

omg you are a godsend. i didnt have that amaze app before.. it worked! thank you so much! I will go spend time with the crybaby! thank you so much!

Glad it worked out!


Been working hard and decided to treat myself with the dlcs to this game, and so far they're not dissapointing! Thank you so much for this wonderful game, can't wait to run through the step 3 and wedding dlcs next! Love this game, there's nothing else like it, and I for sure hope to see a dlc for Derek, even if there isn't though I'm still so glad there's a wedding dlc out now, so excited!!! (For anyone who had issues downloading the dlc through Mac you just have to unzip "compress" the file then move it to the game folder, you can do all this in finder- I'd do this with the game closed then reopen after inserting the file into the game folder)

I have the DLC's and they're all clickable but when I click they say things are missing but I copied everything into the game folder 

This is what it says:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'library'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "/private/var/folders/1j/w415gz1j2rlgfbx5ql4c1qhm0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F6405CFA-0836-4B49-A27C-8804A54F1932/d/OurLife 2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/bootstrap.py", line 326, in bootstrap


  File "/private/var/folders/1j/w415gz1j2rlgfbx5ql4c1qhm0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F6405CFA-0836-4B49-A27C-8804A54F1932/d/OurLife 2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/main.py", line 617, in main


  File "/private/var/folders/1j/w415gz1j2rlgfbx5ql4c1qhm0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F6405CFA-0836-4B49-A27C-8804A54F1932/d/OurLife 2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/main.py", line 148, in run


  File "/private/var/folders/1j/w415gz1j2rlgfbx5ql4c1qhm0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F6405CFA-0836-4B49-A27C-8804A54F1932/d/OurLife 2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/execution.py", line 922, in run_context


  File "prologue.rpyc", line 2574, in script call

  File "s1_shopping.rpyc", line 1483, in script call

  File "s1_grownup.rpyc", line 1842, in script call

  File "s1_long_day.rpyc", line 1469, in script call

  File "s1_sandcastle.rpyc", line 2087, in script call

  File "s1_firefiles.rpyc", line 1623, in script call

  File "prologue.rpyc", line 2574, in script call

  File "s1_shopping.rpyc", line 1483, in script call

  File "s1_grownup.rpyc", line 1842, in script call

  File "s1_long_day.rpyc", line 1469, in script call

  File "s1_sandcastle.rpyc", line 2087, in script call

  File "s1_firefiles.rpyc", line 1623, in script call

  File "/private/var/folders/1j/w415gz1j2rlgfbx5ql4c1qhm0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/F6405CFA-0836-4B49-A27C-8804A54F1932/d/OurLife 2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/script.py", line 918, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'library'.



Our Life 1.4.0

Thu Dec 23 19:46:21 2021

For some reason the DLC isn't in the right folder any more. Did you redownload the base game and potentially not bring over the DLC files? Or did you do anything else with the base build since the last time the DLCs were added? Once the DLC Moments are unlocked they'll always be unlocked but if the files aren't there, the game gets an error.

Wow, such an amazing game!! The art, story, characters and different environments were so well created! I loved how much customizability there were in the choices you could make. It was so engaging and heartwarming...the DLC was absolutely worth it too. Thank you all who worked on this!!

Hello I have purchase this dlc but have some problem downloading the apk through the website. I always failed to download it. Could you guys help me? I really want to play the dlc

That usually happens for one of these reasons:
-You're downloading through the Itch app but your device would work better using the direct site. Or you're using the site and should try using the app

-There's not enough space on the device or the device doesn't allow apps not from the app store to be added or your virus scanner thinks it's not common enough to be safe or something

-The internet connection isn't strong enough or is having other issues

-Itch.io the website is having hosting issues

Unfortunately, we can't influence how Itch/the internet connection/the browser/the device handles things, so there's not really anything we can do for you. But I hope you're able to get it to work!

how do you install the game ! after i purchased it and downloaded the files I have no idea what to do..Please help me!

Here's a guide on how to add the DLCs! If you don't know how to install a game to your device, I recommend searching up whichever device you have and how to install games for it.

Windows, Linux, & Mac Instructions:

  1. Download the file after purchase
  2. Extract the zipped file you downloaded
  3. Open the extracted folder and copy the rpy files inside
  4. Open the folder of your current Our Life Build and find the "game" folder inside. To view folders on Mac you might have to right click the application launcher and select "view package contents" and you may have to open a couple different folders before you find the "game" folder tucked away inside
  5. Paste the new rpys you got from the DLC into the Our Life "game" folder

After that, the build you already had will now include all the extra content this DLC gives.

Android Instructions: Download the .apk file and install it to your device. It will update your current game version to have all the new info. Or, if you haven't downloaded Our Life before, the complete game (with DLC included) will be installed. The file size is large, but only the files you don't already have will be kept. It won't double the amount of memory used if you already have the game installed.

PC Format:

Mac Format:

Deleted 3 years ago

the game crashes..

Please make sure you've installed all the latest versions- from the base game to the DLCs. If you want to tell us what the error says we can let you know specifically what part likely needs to be updated.

that what the error said: 


While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'library'. 

The Step 1 DLC files are missing. Can you check to make sure they're in the right spot or that you have the most current version of those?

i managed to fix it thanks for the help! :D

That's great!

Do DLC need to be redownloaded/updated with each update?


Yes, you do have to reinstall and redownload the new files, unless you have the Itch App which allows you to add just the new parts.

I'm having some problems buying the DLC, today I bought DLC Step 1 and now I want to buy the DLC Step 2 but every time I insert my payment, it's said that there is an error, do you know what's happening?


I love this DLC so much, can't wait for the step 3 one! I will probably buy the step 1 DLC as well because I just want all the content there is, and I also want to support you guys!


I bought the DLC and oh my goodness. I am in love with the fluff and I can't wait for your updates!! Supporting you all 100%


wow i'm so excited to play this. I think i'll get it as a birthday present to myself in a few weeks! love you guys so much, thank you for this incredible story :)

(7 edits) (+1)

I really love this game so much and really enjoy to play it. However there are some problem with the Step 2 DLC Android version. 

  • I bought the second DLC and downloaded the Voiced name version and installed on the app. But when i try to open the saved data  of the Step 1, it shows "An Exception has Occured". when I choose ignore, it suddenly open to the beginning of the game. 
  • Also after I play it till the selection of the Step 1 summer section. when I open the scene, the app keep force closing. 

I'd be grateful if you could fix these problem soon. Thank you very much.

I'm sorry, unfortunately there is a problem where some phones uninstall the Step 1 DLC once the Step 2 DLC has been added. You can temporarily fix it by reinstalling the Step 1 DLC. That might fix things permanently or it might mean Step 2 starts causing problems instead. But we are working on an update that'll come out in a couple weeks that'll fix the problem for good!

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I reinstall the Step 1 DLC after I write the comment in here and it worked. But the Step 2 DLC scenes still keep force closing when I try to open it. So I think I'm just gonna wait for the updates :)

(4 edits) (+2)

Love everything about this game and the DLC are just so amazing, which i'm really grateful for. I got all the DLCs to work, so im really happy with that


I love the DLCs! I knew they were gonna be great. I remember saying I would buy it when it was released. I am so happy I got it ;) you all did a great job!