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This game is literally so good?? I can't explain it but it genuinely made me cry 😭 The colors, the art style, and the UI are all so soft.. The character customization is so good too. It's SOOO CUTEEEE!!! I genuinely will play this so much I cannot wait for the full release 😭😭 I'll make sure to play every demo expansion <33

(1 edit) (+10)

As someone who did indulge in the last game Our Life: Beginnings & Always

I have to say, looking into this one as a author myself, I do think this one has the same potential if not more potential, Let me explain why

1. Unlike Our Life: Beginnings & Always this game starts out with two potential romances, which makes the game, from full release, longer.

2.  having a They/He Character and a She/her, makes for more diversity, which is a good thing for marketing and for drawing in players

3. Though this was seen in Our Life: Beginnings & Always , This games also has a fully customizable character creation system, which is mostly overlooked in many games, Having a main character that the player can shape as they will, is great for diversity 

4.Something I see overlooked is the calming nature of the game, the soft color used for art and UI is easy on the eyes and makes this in a way, Comforting.

5. This game has self voicing which is great, customizable text is always a plus.

6. And something I see which again was the same thing they did in Our Life: Beginnings & Always , Is the concept of growing up with the characters, this builds a sort of connection through the screen with the characters, like your along with the ride of life

7. The last thing I like to add is the concept of the seasons, which is what I see a lot of players commenting on, Personally this idea is a double ended sword, because the seasons add a uniqueness to each game and a sense of familiarity and nostalgia, But if GBPatch is gonna keep on with the Our Life Series, There's only two more seasons left which would mean its likely there wouldn't be to much left to do after those two seasons, again double ended sword


That's all I have to say,  Great Game so far

- E.J.M

Im just wondering with the seasons, in winter is there gonna be christmas and other holidays?


i cant wait for the full game!! i made sure to get all dlcs from the previous our life series (well, except for derek's) so I'm pretty sure this time wont be different. looking forward to it!! <3


Why didn't you get Derek's? :(


maybe they didn't have money or just simply didn't want to get it..? it's their money, they get to spend it however they want 😭


i know its probably gonna be an amazing dlc with a great chance to deep dive into his character, i simply wasnt that interested in derek. 

(2 edits) (+1)

I have the Derek DLC, can confirm: It's very fun! Though I do still really like to go through the  different events with Cove a lot haha!

now you make me want to buy the derek one! hmmhmm thanks for your testimony <3


i love how its the same baxter from the other our life game ^^


this question has been bugging me so I need answers!

Is Baxter in this game the same in the other  our life game????  Help


Yep, it's the same guy in both games!

(1 edit) (+3)

I am happy to say that i have now played this short demo around 100 times. Still some more combinations to go, I wanna see all dialogue!

I think i can replay enough till September when it hopefully gets extended more :DDD


Why the demo is so short TwT


Omgg I just realized that the first Our Life game was all about the summer season, and this one is all about autumn! What if there are future games about winter and spring? oohh :))


how dare you give me an existential crisis and make me question life as i know it ? I AM ENLIGHTENED 


Omg wait.. i think your on to something.. NOW I NEED THIS.


I  can just imagine it taking place in the mountains, and the MC's family always has an annual trip during christmas break staying at this festive inn, mc ventures out & meets a young boy who lives in a cabin nearby. 


Gb Patch: taking notes rn


I was just thinking about this lol

I'm so exited for this possibility ahhhhh

Imagine how pretty the color schemes would be if they ever decide to do thattt :0


i cant wait from full game!

i also love the part where baxter compliments your birthmarks if u have them


baxter looks like quackity💀💀💀






nice pfp

Ayo thanks


This was amazingly great ! I'm getting excited for there full release, they all seem like very interesting characters. I really want to know more about Darren, he seems like such a cute character (platonically or more).

My my is the Baxter in this the same as in beginning and always ? *interested eyes*

I am already in love with Qiu, and Tamarack seems like such a sweetie !

As always I'm so pleased with the fact that we can choose the pronouns, that makes me, someone who uses They/them, much more comfortable with the overall game.

Also : the musics are really pleasing to hear :DD

Keep going ! (It must be a really tedious work...)


I enjoyed every moment!! I'm so excited for the release, thank you for the demo and making these cute games <3


In the beginning of the demo, in the dialogue introducing our mother there's a bit of a grammar mistake. "She also told you a long time ago that her name was not Ma, was Opal." I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but I'll let you know, just in case.


(Sorry if this comes off as offending it's not supposed to be aaaa)


No problem. Thanks for letting us know!

When I tried to play the game it hadn't updated yet, but when I checked it said there weren't any updates. So I tried to reinstall, that didn't change anything. Then I tried to uninstall and reinstall and now I can't reinstall. What do I do? 😭 I really want to see the new update.


If you're downloading through the app, sometimes errors happen. Usually downloading directly from the webpage can have the file go through.

ah I finally figured it out. Thank you so much.


I'm glad it worked out!

Deleted 1 year ago

if you were using the itch app usually the website is the best way to download the game, hope this helps :]

That means the device is having trouble loading the images. You may have drivers/graphics cards that need updating on your machine. Turning the animations off on the settings screen might make it easier to run to display things.


I accidentally uninstalled and for some reason it won't let me reinstall. It keeps giving me a message that says "cannot read property of 'build' undefined". Am I doing something wrong?


i've also got this bug, unfortunetly its something to do with itch itself but your still able to instal and play the game if you get it through the website. hope this helps :)

If you're downloading through the app, sometimes that happens. Usually downloading directly from the webpage can have the file go through.



I can't stop replaying the demo, it’s so good! There’s so many different choices to make and I never get bored of it. I am eagerly awaiting the full game and will keep checking in everyday for updates 😊.


just got done playing the demo and I giggle every time I think abt it. It's suuuper cute <33 I can't wait for the full game to come out!! <3

Hello! I'm sorry to bother but I've been trying to download the android version for 2 hours now and everytime, it just tells me 'App not installed'. I've even restarted my phone and cleared my storage but it still doesn't work.

Your settings might not allow you to download apps not from the Google Playstore, or your virus scanner might be blocking it because it seems unusual. Checking your permissions could potentially resolve the issue.

Or if you're downloading through the Itch app, you can try installing from the direct webpage. And if you're using the webpage, you can try using the app. I hope you're able to get it to install!

I've allowed permission to download outside apks and that solved it. Thank you! 

I'm really glad that worked!


Thank you Team! What a surprise in Christmas!!! 

But hey, I just wonder...can we romance Baxter/Darren???

i think you can, they have they're own dlc if I'm not wrong

I'm afraid not! Qiu and Tamarack are the only romance options in the game.

owhh- I'm so sorry, I thought it was the other...our life- idk whyy 


No worries. It's true that you will be able to date Baxter in the first Our Life when his DLC launches next year!

I think you can only romance people your own age in this game, and quite frankly only Qiu and Tamerack are your own age... TwT

(3 edits) (+2)

I played through the game and based of what the dev log says about the update i think it hasn't actualy updated. I'm like 75% sure that there might have been a error because i was using the itch app. I'm not sure what to do, has anyone else had this isue?

Edit: I just tried to download the game of the website and it didn't work, i also found the error, i really don't know what to do. 

I'm also getting errors, can't download the demo at all as i click install and nothing happens. Think it needs to be updated to fix the bugs

I'm afraid that error is likely related to Itch itself or the apps your device will let you download. Sometimes there's compatibility problems with the app, however the game is only a zip file and can't stop itself from being downloaded straight from the browser no matter how many errors it potentially had in the game.

You can try using a different browser to download it or check your settings to see if certain apps are no long downloadable for your device. It seems there has been some kind of device-specific update that limits that for certain people. I'm sorry if it happened to you.

i finally managed to install the game through the website thanks for the help :)

Glad it worked out!

OMG i love Qiu sooooo much!! I saw a Twitter when Qiu compliment MC eyes, how do i get that??? Helppp >.<

I think your character needs to have golden eyes


I know this isn't what you asked but there is also a cute moment where Tamarack compliments your eyes if you have Heterochromia (two different eye colors)

I can't download this game anymore. I tried uploading to the new version and nothing shows up for me to download.

Are you using the app? Sometimes that doesn't work and you need to download directly from a browser.

I've downloaded from the site and I still can't get to it. But I think it has to do with my computer not accepting certain apps.


Yeah, I think there might be an update on some devices that now limits what you can download and so quite a few players can no longer access it. Unfortunately, I wouldn't know how that could be fixed. You'd need to look into your device and see if the setting could be changed.

I loveeeeee this game! I just have one question: do you think that there will be a Halloween thing in this game. It’s set in fall and I would love to see them in Halloween costumes.

halloween is a thing in the game! if you go to their twitter account or tumblr blog and scroll down quite a bit, you can even find the costumes for some of the characters

0o0 Really!!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

hi! I have small problem. In step 1 ( prologue ) this bug of Qiu and Tamarack images has been happening too :(  I already tried to uninstall and download again but the bug still persists

Can you check if you need to update any drivers or your graphics card on your device? The images aren't loading properly. You could try turning off animations to see if that makes them easier to display.

Hello, I seem to have problem in downloading the PC version of the game:


Are you trying to download through the Itch app? If so, that error sometimes happen and usually downloading directly from the website works better!

Hello! Yes, it was on the app. I decided to download it on the browser and it worked. XD 

I hope I can still download it through the app so that all of my itch games are in one place. 


Hello! I downloaded and played the update. And I would first like to say, thank you for making the buttons more accessible! It's been a minor issue and it's great now. I also liked how you can have your own character sheet by having a template of it in the game. And I'm absolutely thrilled to have met the boy's club. I already kept pestering my friends about Our Life, they haven't finished the first game yet tho. But there are already other players for this one. And one of my friends absolutely has a crush on Qiu. Awww. Qiu and Tamarack are pretty great. And the type of friends I want to have, personally. 


For on the itch app, the update isn't available. When clicking "Install", there just isn't any option for what to actually install, and it just returns "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined". 

Downloading it directly from a browser works just fine, it's just the app. Dunno if you can do anything about it, just wanted to bring this to your attention.


Thanks for letting me know! I'm not sure we can do anything to change that in the app, but maybe there's something that can be done on our end.


I played the new update to the demo, and it makes me so excited to play the full game, I literally cannot wait for this game to be fully released!! and omg I love Qiu so much T-T 



In character creation can the mc be chose to be male? Or is it just female mc only?


The Mc can be any gender you want. It's way more custom and you can have split pronouns.




The update was so so so good omg I cannot wait until the game is finished


Thank you so much for demo update. Playing it makes me feel extremely warm inside. The BGM, for how resonating it is , I cannot put my full appreciation into words. And the casts...they feel so alive, me and my character are very much charmed by them. What you guys are doing with the Visual Novels/Interactive Fiction genre is really special for me. I'm looking forward to what the season would bring!


Love the update!! Im caught up on the fact that Qiu can just freehand little stars like he did in the note?? Like no outlines or anything lol thats pure talent right there

(+7) I spent more than just as much time on the new MC description as I did her looks? I am overcome with joy? This fulfills the writer in me so MUCH? (Oh wait - there's still expanded demo to play... 🤣❤️) 



Second Baxter DLC

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