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How do I update my game build to 1.5.1??


This game is absolutely amazing! The art is so cute, the backgrounds are stunning, the music - Oh, the music!! - flawless!! 
The characters are lovely and Cove mah boy is just perfect - with all his flaws, he is just perfect ♡( ◡‿◡ )

This game is so beautiful that I lack words to describe it ;-;  It just one of those game that you'll keep forever in your heart.  You will laugh, you will cry - this I promisse!!!!- You might look deep at yourself and question some things ~ and you'll absolutely enjoy every second of it (and probably buy the dlc because you'll just *need* more Cove in your life, your heart will demand it! 

I don't have any kind of complain to make about Our Life, honestly :v

Hi there. I'm just gonna post this here to ask if you have any plans of like 'making', 'reprogramming' or whatever you call it the Android version available to those devices with Android 11 and 12 OS. 

I've tried installing the game in my device but it force closes after a few seconds. I also tried using the Joiplay emulator on the Windows version but it's not playable. And lastly, the game isn't compatible with my laptop. 

I really wanted to play the demo myself, so that I'll know if I'll be purchasing the DLCs. The android version now is the only way, I think, would let me play the game. 


This game will forever be one of my favorite games I've ever played (no lies) I like that you can see from the beginning to end how your relationship progress with everyone in the game, especially Cove. Tbh, I haven't finish reading the final step because I don't really want to end it yet q w q


Cove ♡ best boi


I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! The art, the music, the characters hgghghh (o≧∀≦)o I LOVE you can customize the MC how much as you want. The LGBTQA+ representation is so perfect! This really takes the phrase "let's grow old together". Cove best boy, you cannot change my mind (´ ω ` )

....... i have an unhealthy emotional attachment to this game...everytime a finish  i start over to see what else i can change. 

.... I'll acknowledge my birth name of Jamie just for this game 🤣  which is perfect; since I didn't change it until my 20s...


I just finished playing this through 3 times, twice without the dlcs,  then lastly with all the dlcs, except the wedding ( i can't bring myself to play it, because then I will have to accept that it is truly over 😭) please please please I need more step 4 Cove, or even step 5 and 6 🤣. He is the most perfect version of Cove to me cause he is finally close to my actual age ( 37 😅🤣) yes I am very much obsessed and will probably never get over how good this game is. Thank you 🤩


Im all for a Atleast a step 5... im not interest it adult content in games... but seriously... you have the option to wear an anklet ON YOUR WEDDING DAY.... like... we know where thats heading... 🤣  ...... but really going through adoption/surrogacy and raising a kid would be amazing

Love your suggestion, but just to clarify I wasn't requesting 'adult' content. I was referring to getting to spend time with cove at different ages because I am older 🤣 so step 5 would be cove at 28 if I am calculating correctly and step 6 would be cove at 33. So ideally I would actually need a lot more steps than I stated in order to get cove into my age group 🤣 so that would be step step 7 ( 38) but I figured that would be an even more ridiculous ask than I was already asking 🤣 although considering that his parents clearly age in reverse I would really love to see how cove ages into his 50s even. Only fear there is that the MCs parents would also be aging and I am scared to lose them, yes I am that attached to the characters in this game 😅


oh no need to clarify anything.. I understood XD... I just find the obviousness amusing....  

 A step with Kyra getting together with the guy from work would be fun.. having Cove getting a younger (step/half) sibling would be a fun story.. .. but I want Coves and MC's story to go up to their kid turning 8.. like full circle

Oh, ok. I misunderstood 😅🤣awww, love that full circle idea

Does anyone know where I can find the saves file on mac? I want to transfer my saves from v1 to v1.5

(1 edit)

It was worth my money, time, and tears. Definitely play it! Prepare yourself for the emotional rollercoaster it provides. I can't express how happy I was playing and reaching the end. Out of all visual novels I have played this one definitely is my #1 go to! Each character has a unique personality and it's all full of love! Please give it a chance! Ever since I played it for the first time 5 days ago I couldn't stop playing it since.


I can not say enough how amazing of a game this is. I was leery of trying it at first, it didn't seem like something that was quite to my taste, but I am so glad that I changed my mind. I was so engrossed with playing this that I stayed up for 30~ hours cause I just couldn't justify closing it and I got all of the dlc first thing this morning. 

It's so fun, I love all of the characters and the banter is so good! The art is just absolutely stunning and this is just such a great experience, I really really enjoyed it and I couldn't stop smiling from how sweet and cute everything was even well after my face started hurting. 

Legitimately, one the best things I've read in a long long while.

So when I download the game for my phone (android) and load the game I will be on the front page but when I click a button it will close out the whole game what do I do

Uninstall and reinstall it, sounds like something got corrupted..

So I tried that but it still closes the game

Your virus scanner might not trust it because it is an app not from a normal app store. You can check the settings for that.

forget buying it here, go to steam, you’ll thank me later 

If steam was possible for my phone then i would XD

lol yeah i just mean on computers, people seem to just have endless problems with the dlc on itchio. steam does it for you. 

(1 edit)

hellooo i downloaded the one for windows and i went into the game folder but i don't really understand what to do from there. can someone with windows guide me through what to do? do i need to purchase something?

this is my first time downloading a game like this and i dont know what DLC means or anything lol

pls help :')

The main game is free and you don't have to add anything to play it. There are DLCs to buy, but you don't have to.

(7 edits) (+4)

/!/ To all the people who have difficulties with the DLC installation on PC : you only have to download them and copy them into the inside folder called "game"(this is not the main folder of the game called "our life" but one inside this one) then you just have to launch the game and all will be installed. If you not put them in the folder "game" that will not work even if it is inside the Our life main folder. /!/

What is up with the game firstly i purchased all the dlc's and installed but the files that come with the dlc's is no longer there so its not giving me access 

The dlc's are not working and at this point i just don't understand i recently purchased the newest dlc wedding and when i try to lead the story towards a wedding end it gives me codes saying it an error

I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game,

It worked very well for me. You just had to download them and copy them into the folder "game" (which is into the folder of the main game, called simply "our life").

I've done that, and I'm still being told "an exception has occurred."


I finally wanted to leave a comment and I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for making this game!! This game brought me a ridiculous amount of happy tears and it's just such a wonderful experience. Not to mention, Cove helped me learn more about myself that I didn't and couldn't even recognize before. This is definitely one of my favorite visual novels I've ever played. Please keep it up! c:

(1 edit)

Hello, I downloaded the main 1.5 update and when I was on the home screen and clicked " DLC INFO " in the upper left hand corner, it has that Step 1 - 3 / 4 (?) aren't downloaded so when I clicked the link to bring me back to here to download the dlcs that I already purchased and install them, it says the file isn't there or that it can't be installed. I deleted the original to install the 1.5 update


The DLCs won't be in the new base game, even if you own them. They have to be downloaded and added in fresh to the most recent build. So, you'll need to go into your Itch account  library to the games you own and download the DLCs there, then add them into the Our Life "game".


Thank you so much, that helps a lot!

These pictures below are mine?

Can anyone tell me exactly what to do to add the files I have purchased?

/!/ To all the people who have difficulties with the DLC installation : you only have to download them and copy them into the inside folder called "game"(this is not the main folder of the game called "our life" but one inside this one) then you just have to launch the game and all will be installed. If you not put them in the folder "game" that will not work even if it is inside the Our life main folder. /!/

it's working now thanks for your help 

How can I play it on pc?


Hey it's me again I was wondering is there a way to put your PC save data over to the android version so I don't have to start all over again on android?

I'm afraid I don't know a method to transfer PC data to an Android version. I'm sorry!


hello, can someone help me? I have an HP pc and I'm with window, I downloaded the new DLC and I followed the steps by putting it in the "game" document. Despite everything, it does not appear in my game and it continues to tell me that it is not installed. I don't know what to do anymore T_T

did you redownload the base game again? you need the 1.5 version to use the new dlc

thank you for replying to me! No, I am using the version that is available on Steam. I have to redownload the version here? and if so, will my save game still be available or will I have to start a new game? thanks again for the help!^^

If you're on Steam, you don't need this version and you shouldn't need to add the file to the game folder. Steam adds DLC files automatically, you just have to let the game update on Steam.

Ok, so I'll wait for the DLC to come to steam. If I encounter any other problem later I will come back. thanks!^^

If you're on PC, it is on Steam! If you're on Mac, it's not.


~android users - dlc installation help~

These steps worked for me and at least one other user on here (I have a samsung s10. Also, I know there are a lot of steps, but it took me less than 5 minutes):

1. Download the base game (this is an .apk file) 

2. Download the DLC(s) you purchased or the voice name one (these are .rpa files) 

3. Download and install Amaze File Manager from the Play Store 

4. Install the base game by clicking on the .apk file and following the prompts to install 

5. Open the Amaze app and follow the prompts to allow access to your files, as well as grant "All files access" (clicking Grant will take you to the Settings location, but you'll have to find Amaze in the list, click on its name, and toggle "Allow access to all files" on) 

6. Once that setting is toggled on, go back to Amaze and find your Downloads folder there. Inside should be all your .rpa files. 

7. Long press on the first .rpa file you want to install and then click on the rest. All of them should be highlighted before the next step. 

8. Once highlighted, click on the copy button (an icon of two rectangles in front of each other) at the top of the app 

9. Navigate to your Android folder within the Amaze app, then the data folder inside of it. You might have to allow another access prompt here. 

10. Scroll down to the "ourlife.demo.apk" file and click on it, then the "files" file inside. 

11. At the top of the app, there should be a new folder button (picture of a folder with a +). Click that and make a new folder called "game". 

12. Click on the "game" folder, and then click the "Use This Folder" button at the bottom of the app. You will again need to grant access through a prompt. 

13. Finally, click the "Paste" button at the bottom of the app, and you should be all set! Open the Our Life app, and enjoy your time with the best boy!!!

YOU ARE THE BEST HONESTY THANK YOU SO MUCH🥰😅🤣🥳 your way was really simple for a dummie like me


You are an absolute angel 😇 


Thank you for the explanation

Thank you so much for writing out your process!

OMG thank you so much for this step by step. I was about to get really sad and give up!!!

YOU'RE A GENIUS!!!!!!!! TYSM!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


can someone help me? i've played this game a lot of times but i cant seem to find the CG for step 1. it's the second one from the top. a lot of guides says i should play the moment 'long day' and just choose anything from the choices, but i keep doing it again and again and there's still no CG for it. it's the only one i'm missing :(

You have to be fond or crushing with Cove to get the CG in long day, it happens when you're on the hill at sunset. But maybe it's being mixed up with the CG for Sandcastle, for that one you have to choose to tell Cove about the money deal and a lot of players prefer to wait for later in the story to do that so it's often missed.

hello again! i already got the money deal cg from step 1. i repeatedly played the whole step 1 earlier and i still got none :(

Are you Indifferent during Step 1 with Cove? The CG happens when you go to the hill with Cove, Shiloh, and Lizzie.

Hello! I played it earlier and it showed up! Tho, i was confused why i only got it now since i've always been at Fond or Crush on step 1. Anyway, thank u! ♡

Glad you got it in the end!

Hi there can you please tell me who can I open step 1-3

I already told him but it didn't work what should i do can you help me please?

I'm sorry, I don't know what you need help with. Finding a CG?

no problem at all my big brother helpe me and it's worked Thanks for your attention

I'm glad it worked out!



when you are on itch here, click the settings icon for "our life: beginning & always" then go to manage and click "show in finder" you'll find your folders there. then click the game "our life" inside the folder (the picture with the two feet) and click the drop down with three dots. click "show package contents" ---> "contents" ---> "resources" ---> "autorun" ---> "game". once you're there, drag the our life rpa file (you have to download it from the website and not the desktop app of itch) into the game folder. re-launch "our life beginning & always" and then it will be there!

the feelings i feel for cove is so strong i dont think ill ever be able to put this game down, its honestly so good i couldnt get over how good the art is, i played this on steam instead.


I really, really want to play this game on my Android device but I can't because the app isn't compatible with Android 11.

So, this is a bit of an awkward workaround for this issue, but look in the Google Play store for an app called JoiPlay. Install it, and then look for Renpy for Joiplay module, also on the play store (I don't know why it's separate). Download the WINDOWS version of Our Life and extract it (doesn't matter where, just remember where it is). Open Joiplay (not the Renpy for Joiplay icon, if it pops up. That's just a mod for the app), there'll be a big + icon on the bottom, click that and set the exe to the OurLife.exe which is in the game folder that you extracted. You can put the game's name and the icon, if you want. Then there's an accept or save button. Then, the game will be on the Joiplay app. Just hit it and you'll be able to play it. I can't attest to how well it'll work, since I never actually sat and played it this way, but it definitely opens, I remember that. If you buy the DLC, you can just move them into the game folder like you would on a PC.

I did play a couple other Renpy games this way and they worked, for the most part, so it might at least let you play it, lol.

Joiplay doesn't work for me too. And the windows version, idk why, won't work with my device despite being brand new. Sadly,  might just watch a gameplay..

whenever i try to install/update  any of the dlc I've bought while on the itchio app I get the message " an error occurred during installation no manager for installation unknown.  And When trying to download/install through the website i just get a blank file.  

The files you download from the website are .rpa files. Move them into the game folder (the folder within the OurLife folder that's actually called "game") and then the DLC will show up. You can still launch the game through the itchio app and it'll work, but it's not downloading DLC for some reason.


where is everyone finding the 1.5 version? for the life of me, all I can get is 1.4

I uninstalled it and downloaded it again

When you open the game, look at the bottom left corner and it'll say what version you're playing. It confused me, too, bc when I opened it, it showed the big update notice for 1.4, but I looked in the corner and it was 1.5.1

I figured it out! Thank you :)

Deleted all the DLCs i had but I downloaded everything back including the game but now I can't open or use any of the DLCs. Feels like a part of my soul/heart has been stripped from me. ;^;

Hi! :) 

Random question but it seems like the background of the game tends to glitch while playing. Is there a fix to this? 


That's generally something that happens if there's some kind of graphics cards incompatibility. Either the settings should be changed or they need to be updated or something along those lines.

(1 edit) (+3)

So, my solution to getting the files on Android is the following:

1) Download the Game (1.5 version) and DLCs.

2) Install the Game.

3) Go into the files app (usually called My Files) and either search for a file called "ourlife.demo.apk" or go to the "internal storage" tab and then the "Android" tab in that and then the "data" tab in that to find it.

4) Once in "ourlife.demo.apk", go to the files tab (should be the only option) and then create a folder within that (just name it "game").

5) Finally, move each of the DLCs/Voice Pack .rpa files into this file ONE AT A TIME (doesn't work when you do it all at once, for some reason). Once you do that, just start up the game and it should all be installed. (I recommend checking the app as you do each one to ensure that it is installed).

(2 edits)

The desktop app won't update the base game or any of the DLCs, it giving me the message 'An error occurred during installation. No manager for installer unknown'

(1 edit) (+1)

same :( no matter what i do it doesn't work

I tried completely closing/quitting the desktop app  and opening it again, it's updating now =D

did the game work for you?

Yes the game was able to update when I reopened the app, then I redownloaded the updated versions off all the dlcs and cope-pasted the rpa files in the 'game' folder like the instructions.


I can't open the file to install the game 😕 might be an issue with the android version


Here's what the Android programmer says about that: to help add the DLC you can download an external file management app like Amaze File Manager ( or to connect your phone to a computer to move/update the files.

You'll need to redownload and install the base game and any other DLCs you own to have them be up-to-date as well. I'm sorry for the trouble!


I am in love with everything about this, but I am so confused on how to attach/add the wedding DCL to my game on android

Here's what the Android programmer says about that: to help add the DLC you can download an external file management app like Amaze File Manager ( or to connect your phone to a computer to move/update the files.

You'll need to redownload and install the base game and any other DLCs you own to have them be up-to-date as well. I'm sorry for the trouble!

thank you

did it work for you?


Hey theres a user on here who explained it to me and i got it downloaded within a few minutes, you just need to follow the steps step by step. If you click into my profile and see my most recent reply, youll find it written out there

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