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I just played through the base-game, that has to be the most heartfelt and genuine feeling story I’ve played through/read in quite some time.

That is a lot of quality content for free. I’m glad though, I’m not big on VN’s so I probably wouldn’t have given it a chance otherwise and I would have missed out on something special.

I’ll definitely be grabbing the DLC at some point in the near future, I want more time with Cove and Jamie.

I really loved the game!

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Uncool dude i have to play it all again after update:D??


I have played this game three times now trying to find different routes and I love every second of it (For 1/2 days). Btw Cove is so cute.


I had butterflies all throughout the game it's adorable asf

I've never been so emotional at games like these before in my whole entire life, THIS IS AMAZING! And it made me cry my hearts out 😭 


Wow! This is a really cool job! I am very inspired by this game! Author, if you have a wish, I could help you with the translation of the novel into Russian or Ukrainian for free. I am sure it will not be difficult for me, since I am a native speaker of these languages. If you are interested, write to me at


I had put this in my wishlist on discord when it wasn't out yet. at first, I was sad to see that it was only on. pc and not mac, until I found it here a long time later! I'm glad I didn't forget about this cause it's a really, really, great game, and I love it very much! ill definitely be buying the other DLC's sometime 


I have fallen in love with this game, it's so alive and has so much emotion that it makes me want to play it all the time! I've bought all the DLC for it so far, are you planning on making more or is this the very last version of the game and the last few DLCs?

I can't save my files over and over again, anyone knows why? :(


this is my favorite game of all time.  everything about it felt good, the love interest Cove is adorable. Your friends and family in the game are all very likeable. And this game gives me comfort and reassurance more than any other. I love it so much, it made me cry but in a good way lol. 10/10


I don't know if this has happened to someone else, but the game keeps kicking me out after a few minutes of being in. I thought that it could be due lack of storage, but I barely have any apps installed and I don't have many pictures. Does someone know how to fix that or what is causing it?

(2 edits) (+3)

This game was beautifully made, one of the best games I ever played! The storyline is amazing!  I'm so sad that it ended. 10/10 recommend this game if you like a bit of romance. Also, Cove is so cute!! The relationship between the MC and Cove is very wholesome! I made an account just to post this comment and show my appreciation.  Thank you so much,  GBPatch for working so hard to create this amazing game, keep up the excellent work!!!

we have the same problem, can i ask did you already fix it? can you share it too pls 😢


I'm super emotional now. I think this may be one of my favorite games of all time. I didn't want it to end. For the first time, I felt special. Thank you for creating this game, keep up the excellent work!!


This is the first game ever that made me tears, i have never expected that to happens 

the thing is why i feel like there is a hole now in my heart after playing it like something is missing but i don't know what it is maybe i just want to keep playing and don't want this game to end

i have all the dlcs from steam and i'm glad i did also can't wait for bexter and derek dlcs, i hope that you guys the devs keep adding more dlcs in the future 

Good job GBPatch devs you guys have special place in my heart 


might have cried a little at the end. 10/10


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Does anyone know how to fix it when you're pressing the new file thingy and then it suddenly makes you go back to home? Just pls i need help i want to play this game i tried to installed and uninstalled it and still same thing happened. I don't know what to do anymore. Also same thing happened to other games that i downloaded here at the only game who work for me is the seiyuu danshi and the banana batch demo. The other's dont when i press start it goes back to home. 

is yours already fix? pls teach me how to fix it! 😭


I would play the game but Cove is male and I'm straight.


Nothing wrong with a little bromance bro


Yeah, of the NON-SEXUAL kind. At least for me.


You're actually allowed to maintain a platonic relationship with cove for the entire game if you want! You're even allowed the actively hate him for the entire game, hilariously enough.

Ehhh you cant hate him but you can be disinterested


You reckon if I gave him the cold shoulder all throughout the game I'd enjoy it the same as everyone else?

A good point lmao

you can play thru the whole thing with friend as the set feeling, and their next game has a girl love intrest!


here idea dont listen to it if you dont want to if you dont like it ignore it i think it would be fun dlc if there was somebody breaking into the house or something mysterious  or danger or idk something fun once again dont listen or hate if you dont like the idea i aint up to dealing with hate for only idea


Does this game have a, uncensored patch


I love this game so much 😭😭 the amount of freedom you have in the game is astounding. The art is just beautiful and the characters are soo lively ❤️  there is so much content in each step that it makes you get attached to the characters very quickly 🤧 and every time a step ended I was really excited to see what would happen in the next one. It's full of many heartwarming scenes which made me feel super nice :> and I absolutely loved Cove! He is so precious! im really glad to have played this game and I thank the developers for working so hard to make it ⭐🐚🌊

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I've recently had a really big fight with my mom, and playing this has been sort of a coping mechanism, thank you so much for making this amazing game <3


Good lord I've actually fallen in love with a fictional character


not gonna lie, same.


Dont feel bad, so did i. i fell HARD and FAST <3<3<3




omg, i binged this game from 1am to 8am this morning and didnt even realise till i saw the sun come through my window, then i had a 4 hour nap and got straight back into playing, needless to say i am knackered but i cant stop playing :') god damn this game is crazy good and im only step 3...


As is often the case for me luckily I work a night shift job which isn't very active so I Can do pretty much anything I want during my 8 hours


omg, i need to find a job where i can do night shifts ASAP...

I dont have the dlc's so i was able to finish the first playtrough i just 9 hours. I wish it took longer


i'm on pc but why is it so hard to download it :(


Hi! I LOVED THE GAME just finished it a day ago 😭 on the PC. I tried downloading the android ver, but It just says there's something wrong with the file and it can't be installed. Okay thank you in advance 💗


I don't know how to install the game in android.


You have to download the android version, it will ask you if you are sure as it could cause harm to your device, click yes or ok. Then, go to files and click on all or search up our life app and then click on downloads or the apk. Then it will ask you if you want to download it and click yes. When it is done downloading it should ask if you want to open the app or not. There should be an app for our life on your phone now.

I love cove omfg he so cool

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i messed up the trying to update the game omg T-T i got all the DLC's and i finished step 3 but without the wedding so i tried installing the new version but it wasn't working (more like idk what i was doing) so i ended up moving some files and deleting a folder and even uninstalling and reinstalling it. at the end it won't open and i'm panicking because i don't want my progress to be deleted and having to do everything again since i've already done that a couple of times. anyways i really hope someone can help me :') and sorry for the inconvenience!! is there an email or something so i can send screenshots or explain myself properly or even join a meeting or something to fix it bc idk what else to do OTL also this game is great that's why i'm so <//3


Saves are stored separately on your computer, deleting the game build won't erase your progress! And it sounds like the build is broken from a loss of needed files. I would suggest just deleting everything, downloading the main game again, downloading the DLCs again, and adding the DLCs into the game folder of the current version. 


I love the game! I love how you can make your own choices in the game unlike other games where its kind of automated.. I absolutely love the art and story! The characters are unique in their own way and the story itself if amazingg! :D I'm obsessed with this game and hope to have more steps/parts soon! Keep up the good work! :D <3 

Is there a way to change font size on Android? It's a little too small for me :(

Hi, does anyone know how to use the dlcs on Android?


i finally played through step 4 and i was reminded of how much i love this game <3 at first i was hesitant to list off all the things i love about this game but im gonna go ahead and do that because if a game is so good and so immersive that i play it in basically one sitting, i am obligated to praise it. (potential spoiler warnings idk i dont really go in depth about anything)

  • this may not be important to some people but i love that step 4 mentions cove is autistic. it made me connect with him a lot more now that we had another similarity and its always nice to see more characters in media that just... are autistic.
  • the customizability !!! and decisions !! outside of the character creator, i loved that we were able to make our character feel a certain way about their body and identity, and theres even a part to define your sexuality if u want. and even changing your pronouns in-between steps has an effect, even if its a small one like the story mentioning that characters used your new pronouns. just the fact you can be lgbt warms my heart.
  • speaking of lgbt i love that there are multiple lgbt characters within the story !! especially terry it made me happy when it mentioned that terry and the player would confide in each other about changes and gender if the player was also trans.
  • the description mentions this but it really is a "feel-good" and "feel-better" game. maybe not in the way they intended but i played through as myself so to hear characters i loved reassure me and tell me things would be okay about situations i had dealt with / am dealing with, it did make me feel better <3
  • more of a different vibe than the other points but i loved that shiloh and jeremy were here :) its cool to see characters from a creators other game make an appearance but it was like a little treat this time because those two are actually my favourites from xoxo droplets
  • honestly loved drawing out the confession until the very last moment, to the point that cove was the one who confessed. and in general i love that there are different ways to establish their relationship whether its at the beginning of a step or in one of the moments.

these arent all my thoughts but hopefully it gets the idea across<3 i stayed up way too long to finish this in one go so if you see any typos: no you dont

Do you have a recommendation for a app for editing the android files for the dlc?

This game was beautifully made. Love the storyline so much! Amazing Work!

did anyone have a problem with typing a letter for the hangman game in step 2? 

i did but i found that saving the file then loading it fixes it

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