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I've never written a comment on games before but the creators of this game LITERALLY ATE SO HARD OMG. All the little details and callbacks and sweet moments and how real everything is ugh I can't even get into everything bc it would take forever.  Such such smart decisions when making this game-- ex. having mc be adopted makes so much sense bc ur character most likely isn't gonna look like ur family's -- keeps the immersion ykyk. And all the customization and choices!! I like so much that the characters and stuff can change depending on you and your choices. I was reading about how Cove changes with how you treat him and I'm honestly just amazed at how thought out and complicated everything is. Also having two moms and a nontoxic divorce and friends that come and go jsdfladjfalikjdfa;lsdfj I'll probably find even more good things to say about this when I play it a few more times, but I'm not even joking I played this game for almost two days straight LOL. The little memories thing is also such a good idea and great for adding free aspects and paid aspects. This is the most impressive visual novel i have ever seen; I cannot believe I waited this long to play it. If the creators of this game are reading this please know that this was such a cute and ingenious game and you did such an amazing job with this !!! <33 Time to go play more of these games (some of them are in the same universe too???? SLAY FR)


To be honest, when I first played Baxter's  dlc, I couldn't understand the guy at all. Why did he feel the need to dump me as soon as he left? He acted like it was a fling even though there were clearly emotional connection between him and my mc. But then I realised this guy is just like me. Building sets of relationships based on reason. And if there's no longer one, I'd just leave. My high school friends were only high school friends. I never made the effort to reconnect with them after I graduated. It was the same for university. The only reason I became friends with them is because of circumstances (I had classes with them, I had projects with them). I only knew them on shallow levels. The only difference between me and Baxter is that he realised what kind of person he was and kept making similar decisions to further rationalise his social relationships. Whereas I never even realised I was the closed type and keep wondering why I never have any lasting friends. I'm used to keeping my distance from people because deep down I have this hidden feeling of "unworthiness" to keep hanging around people due to crippling self-asteem and lack of confidence. Like, who am I to butt in when I'm not close friends with them? (Even though everyone starts somewhere). And it sort of felt weird for me because why did I not understand Baxter the first time even though we're the same type of people?

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There are some things you keep finding yourself coming back to time after time-- and this bundle of joy is one of them for me. Never has a game roped me in as much as this one has, as I've recently completed my third playthrough in 2.5 years.

Remembering the small details of your own life at the same life stages MC, Cove and friends go through make you feel a fuzzy type of way that's hard to put in words. Perhaps it's because their timeline matches my own, in an instant, the memories of my own childhood summers,  silly teenage years, and the fear of the unknown adult world rush back every time I visit the Sunset Bird world again. It's a mix of nostalgia and bittersweetness, enveloped into the beautiful story of two individuals as we watch not only their relationship, but themselves grow from innocent youth to wonderful adults.

Cove is one of, if not the greatest love interests in the VN universe. His admiration, care, and love for MC  through the years is a heartwarming journey to play through. I hope you all can find someone that makes you feel like this, no matter what stage of life you're in. 

Time and aging, despite being unknown and scary, can also be a beautiful journey and there is so much love in this world we have, or have yet to be discovered. Our Life: Beginnings & Always is a true encapsulation of unconditional love that remains no matter how many summers pass. Whether it's platonic love, family love, or romantic love--  this game serves as a reminder that love is simply just the most wonderful thing.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this gem. 

hi!! i played this game a couple years ago, remembered loving it, and decided to buy steps 1-3 for a rerun :3 

i've seen a couple comments talking about deleting old save files by hovering over the file and pressing delete on our keyboard. for some reason, it doesn't seem to work for me? I'm running it on Mac, if that helps at all. thank you so much in advance!! I can't wait to spend the next 24 hours of my life playing this :D

Try holding CMD (command key) and then tapping backspace


hmmm yea I tried that but it still isnt working D: ty for the advice though!! maybe its something on my end?

It might just be backspace on its own? after that i have no clue as i dont have a mac. hope you get it solved :)

this game... my heart has been melted i cant. like i cried so many times and had to get up often to jump around from cuteness overload. 😭😭 i love this game smm

I genuinely can't express my love for this enough. There are SO many amazing qualities about this that I could list off. I don't think I could've ever thought about getting so attached to a visual novel and wanting more out of it. I definitely want a sequel of this of either continuing the story from Step 4, or from Cove's POV. I'd even be happy with DLC that continues the story with more steps. You all made an amazing game, with beautiful writing, beautiful characters, beautiful art, beautiful music, just a perfect game overall. And I don't think I'll ever find any visual novel better than Our Life: Beginnings & Always.

So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. <3  

the `long day` one was kind of disappointing, when i chose popsicle i was expected the main character to be smart and pick one of those double popsicles that can be split in half.... [image for reference]


I honestly don't know what to say , there are tears in my eyes as I write this.(/srs) This is definitely the best vn I have ever played , I had to take like 10 minutes after it ended to be able to do anything. I actually felt like the story was my life and this is the first time I have ever felt this way. I teared up SO MANY times it's actually ridiculous. I really hope there will be a Step 5 in the future because I'm not going to be able to get over this game for a year or more :( I KNOW THIS SOUNDS RIDICULOUS but I actually started contemplating life , and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to find something like this ever again. The sounds track fits the games atmosphere too it gave me a lot of different emotions at once. I'm probably rambling but the positive things I can say about this game are too much. and the soundtrack playing probably influences me too. To the creator and everyone who worked on this , you did such a great job ,  this is exactly what I needed and I hope you keep putting out games <3

this was so sweet and beautiful. it literally took me to a sunny island with endless summers and days by the beach. I felt as though I was creating actual memories along cove and every other character! the perfect summer dating sim - I will always look back on it with fondness <3


I love this game so much, I miss it too. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for the past year, every time I play a new game I find myself comparing it to Our Life. No game has ever come close to being as beautifully written as this one, it will always have a place in my heart; and I secretly hope that we'll get more content from it in the future, even though the game is already lengthy as it is, I just can't help it :( I'm looking forward to Our Life Now and Forever!

i just had to say. this game made me cry multiple times. I really resonate with cove and his family problems, and even the way he portrays them. and the way mc loves their moms so much and how supportive they are makes me bawl. this game is beautiful. i get so much comfort from this, thank you.

(1 edit)

<3 There's a little bug during the Second Step Wave Scenario; if you go to the beach with a surfboard and then decide to hang out on the beach with Cove it sends you to the cg where you're surfing with Cove anyway. ((the cooler option 8), but not the right one))

Thank you for the report!

>v< ur welcome!!!

So quick question I've got some unwanted saves in the game how do i delete those because I assumed it was deleting the save files in the saves folder but that didn't work


On PC or Mac you can delete saves by hovering over them with the mouse and hitting the delete key!

thank you for the tip it worked


Literally the best game I have ever played. It really captured the beauty of growing up and relationships, platonic or otherwise. I loved it and I'm currently about to replay it! <3

wait, is this a gay game


depends on if you choose to be a guy or a girl. Or if you even decide to date Cove.

(1 edit) (+2)

I wish there was a game like this ,but for straight guys,dont get me wrong,the game is awesome,but i couldnt really feel atracted to cove,if anyone knows a game as good as this,but with girls as partners,id be thankfull

Ps:i know about The other our life game,but its still a demo


definitely one of the better games on here - creations like these make me wish love like this really did exist and sends me in an unrealistic spiral which isn't normal for me lol. Touching, beautiful and worth downloading 

it really feels like we grew with cove 


This game is awesome, hands down. One of the best games I've ever played and I'd do anything to play through this for the first time again.


I cried so hard through the game and when it was all over and I had to come back to reality without my beloved Cove, I actually felt sick. I still do


one of the best games ive ever played, i dont regret spending a single dime on this


i finished the game in one day and im crying right now. This game was great i dont want it to end..


I'm right there with you. I can't get Cove out of my head and my heart and I don't want to


I can't thank GB Patch enough for making this game. It truly deserves every single bit of praise that it receives. It has been months since I first picked up this game and yet the amount of love I have for it hasn't faltered in the slightest. Playing this visual novel feels like wrapping yourself up in a warm blanket, when I've felt low this game has been my go-to to help lift my spirits again.

The amount of love and care that was poured into this is so evident throughout the entire playthrough. It is a beautiful, fantastic visual novel. I truly can't put into words just how much fun I've had through my various playthroughs!

I'm sure I'll play many, many more playthroughs of this game, and I'm excited for the next instalment of the Our Life series (and any future projects) and will eagerly support their upcoming releases!

(1 edit) (+10)

It was nice to feel loved and be apart of a good family for a while :) amazing game! 

Also, I cannot stop crying my eyes out. I wish I had a life like that


Hello! I absolutely adore this game. I was told about it when I was going through a rough time and it was my biggest source of comfort. I've played it and all the Cove DLCs multiple times both on Steam and on Mac, which allows me to bring my adventures in Sunset Bird everywhere. Our Life has probably been one of my favorite gaming experiences in general!

I tried to go back to it today on Mac OS, but when I downloaded version 1.7.1, my laptop refused to let the file launch as the developer couldn't be verified. I tried multiple fresh installs and I dove deeper into the comments here to try and find a fix (I tried one from a few years ago to try and force a verification through launching the scripts and while the game did boot, it crashed upon trying to load my local save history).

Is there a workaround for this? I had no issues downloading the previous version last year. I'd love to be able to play the game again whenever, I've been itching to replay it but haven't been able to dedicate time to it on my Windows PC.

I'm sorry for the trouble with that! There are workarounds but it depends on the exact type of Mac OS you have. Basically, you need find a way to allow third party apps to run. Some people can right click the launcher and choose an option that makes it open. Other people need to go through more hoops and change settings. You could try searching on google for your device and using third party apps on it. And hopefully we'll be able to get approved on Mac this year.

Thanks so much for the reply! I'll keep that in mind - I was able to get it working again, I don't know what exactly I did but the OS allowed it and is happy again so we take that as a win. I was able to start another playthrough after redownloading my DLC purchases and loving every minute of it as always! 

Crossing my fingers for the Mac approval; I was really happy when I saw I could download it here. it's hard to get my favorite games on my laptop as a lot of them are locked to Windows, so having Our Life on it has been really amazing. Thank you for creating a Mac compatible version! 

That's great! I'm really glad it launched. And thank you :D


Hello, I once played this game a really long time ago and now I'm wanting to get all the DLC to play again. Is there a way I can buy all of them in one go, or do I need to go to a different platform or otherwise buy them all individually here on Thank you for your time!


Thank you for wanting to get them! I'm afraid the DLCs do need to be purchased individually. There is a bundle on Steam with all the DLCs in a single bunch, but that also includes the soundtrack and artbook. If you only want the DLCs, you've gotta get them as their own things.

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