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Honestly best game I've ever played with, this is my first proper visual novel experience and I have to say this is amazing! I seriously fell in love with Cove and adore him as well as the others character! Thank you so much for this game and all the hard work you all put in it! Patiently waiting to be able to buy the DLCs!!!


i was hoping to see JB (Jelly Bean) from XOXO Droplets :(

Loved it!

This game is so amazing I've put in 100 hours and i'm about to put in more. 

i loved it


This game was very nice, and I loved the freedom of choice but knowing me, all the choices I chose were probably the most indifferent ones lmao. A quick question though, how many endings does it have? Or is there just one no matter what you choose? Sending love and support <3


As someone who has played the game many many many times I feel qualified to answer this. Altho I am not part of the project or anything like that, just another fan. So this is all just IMO.

It's mostly what is your relationship like with Cove at the end.  Like you can be anything from just former neighbors who don't really talk all the way to a married couple and many things in-between. 

You can love Cove and never admit it or never like Cove and admit it during stage 2, 3 or 4.  Or just be friends or best friends or almost family without having to fall in love or have a crush. If you do have a crush or fall in love, when you admit it (or if Cove is the one to confront the issue) all changes the story. Also what events you  do or don't do etc impact what Cove will talk about, say, feel etc. 

Also Cove can end up being super shy or not so shy or somewhere in between. He can be athletic or studious or some mix of the two. These are things you can set at each stage to override things or you can let this all be based on the choices you make. 

They really let the player control the narrative and its really cool IMO.

You should replay a few times :) 


Wow that actually makes a lot of sense, thank you for taking the time to reply and explain this to me! 


There's no "true" ending to the game! It's very much dictated by what the player does, so in that respect there's a variety of endings you could end up with. I haven't gotten to the end yet myself, but with as many choices as there are, even just in the base game, I'm sure there's a countless number of endings to reach.

Hmmm, that was what I was thinking too actually! I just wanted to be sure if there truly are so i can think about what choices to make to get different endings!


This game was beautiful! I loved every second of it! The fact that we have the freedom to be ourselves and shape the character with our personality (and appearance) is an amazing experience! I totally fell in love with Cove, he's so precious! A game that I definitely won't forget anytime soon! 


This game changed me. I think about it everyday since it was first released as a demo. It's all I talk about help lmaooo /lh 


What I'm not crying i just have something in my eyes

(1 edit) (+3)

ugly crying noises// damn you and your wholesome game ಥ‿ಥ

Deleted 1 year ago

yes. I hope that is done one day.  I hope adaptation is also an option, seeing as how the Mc is adopted. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Agreed. If it is too much for a DLC then maybe one day we will see a "Our Life - The Next Generation." (Okay the developer would probably come up with a much better title than that)...  Regardless I would love for something like that to happen :P. 

I'm pretty sure the developer finished it. They had 4 chapters in mind.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hello there! :)

Just wanted to say how I fell in love with your game, to the point I became a patreon right after my first playthrough and am currently replaying it: you did such an amazing job, everything about it is so beautiful! I'm so looking forward the wedding dlc after downloading all the previous updates <3 

If it is ok, I wanted to ask something though. I'm not really sure why but I couldn't unlock an image in the gallery, more specifically the one labeled step 2-3 .. can you help me, please?

(1 edit)

For that one (2-3), you need to tell Cove about the Deal. That happens in the Dinner Moment.

I love how different his reaction is based on when you tell him. 

Thank you for telling me!


omg i love cove really,this is a great game it's really a masterpiece, sometimes i feel like i'm in love even though i've never been in love :)) but every time i look at his eyebrows I still find him funny haha but it's okay I still love him, hope you make more masterpieces and

 I recommend this game you won't regret it:^))


What I wanna know is why no Pretzel Shop DLC where the MC and Cove pursue the pretzel shop for real, ha ha ha ha ha :P


I've played step 1, 2 and 3 and am playing step 4 without any DLCs but I can say with absolute certainty that this game is BEAUTIFUL! Many things are connected with each other and the development of the relationship with Cove is excellent! I got scared when I heard the song and saw the credits at the end of step 3 but seeing there was step 4 cheered me up A LOT, this kind of games deserve to be very popular, really, a lot of effort was put into this game and it really payed off, the way Cove's personality changes depending on your decisions, the customization of your character, the form of affection you choose to have with Cove and your relationships with others, along with different issues, the hardships of growing up, lots of memorable moments and a great OST, made this game my personal favourite, I've played it for days, a few hours at a time, and I can tell you that I 've never played a game that not only entertained me, but also made me feel such emotions with such ease, I really hope this game becomes way more popular because it deserves the popularity.

Well, I think I made it pretty clear, I love the game, I wrote the whole Bible in a comment expressing my love for it and I wish you good luck finishing everything in this game and the next ones you make! I'll most likely comment when I finish step 4, I already got some spoilers from the internet, but it only makes me more curious about everything!

I also love the game, probably a bit too much. It's just so wonderful. 

i need a bit more info on how cove personality works ;-;

I'm sorry but I don't understand your question.

(1 edit) (+1)

Loved this game, beautiful music and art style. Very wholesome. Maybe a little too sweet for me, (but that's just personal taste)  but AMAZING  job!!!

l just played  through without the DLC, but will buy when I have money. If they could come in one big DLC group once the wedding DLC comes out, that would be really cool. (not changing the price, just for one download). 

Does someone know if the DLC for the wedding or Derek and Baxter Route are already out?

I searched Online and looked on Patreon but despite the mention of this DLC there's nothing that either talk about a release date, them existing or a possibility to buy them in the future.

I tried to ask to the game developer on Patreon or Tumblr but never got an answer so I'm trying here or some other people who maybe know when they will come out on Patreon because they probably saw when the post that talked about a possible date release was shared until I wait for a answer from the developer.


I really appreciate that you're interested in those pieces of content, but the answer to that question is on this store page ^^;. It says under Release Structure what's been released, when it came out, and what we're working on next. The Derek, Baxter, and Wedding DLCs are still in-progress but are definitely on the list of what we're working on. I have seen your comments but they've all come in recently and I'm afraid I can't reply to everything super fast all the time.

Thanks and sorry!

I don't really know how it works, also this is not to justify my asking too many questions, but despite the young age I have slight memory issues so I end up forgetting I already wrote something so I usually end up writing too many things at once (whetever it's the same question or a different one) but you can ignore the other ones that's fine.

I was a bit more curious about the DLC at the moment so you don't need to answer the others, don't worry about it.

I would delete some of them but I don't know how so if you see any other question from me (wherever it's the same or a different one) you can ignore it since it's usually just me forgetting that I already received an answer or already know the answer.

Sorry again for the inconvenience, hope you have a great day/night!

It's okay! I feel bad when players feel like they're being ignored and appreciate when askers are understanding that it can take some time to get to their comment, but I know not everyone is super familiar with reaching out to devs or best places to contact and that sort of thing. It's not a big deal to try figuring out how to get a response when you're unsure about what to do. Thank you for understanding :]

Thanks to you for being so nice and available despite surely you are already full of questions and work, take care all of you working right now!

Thank you and no problem :D

I have a lil question...So I bought all three dlcs on steam but I also wnat o play the game with the dlcs on my phone...Do I have to buy the dlcs again here?

(1 edit)

Steam and Itch are competitors and Steam doesn't want key trading like that to happen. And they also don't deal in Android builds. Because of that we can't have a way to make a Steam purchase give Android content. Unfortunately, you would have to try to get a refund on Steam and buy them here or not be able to use the Android version. I'm sorry. But there are pros to Steam that Itch doesn't have, so it's not a total loss to get it there.

One question, I downloaded the voiced lines for the names and selectEd Josh (since it's the closest one that I could find for Joshua), Steam automatically put the voiced lines in the game and I clicked on the name similiar to my name but I couldn't hear the characters say it, I thought that only Cove could when my mom didn't said it but I never heard Cove said my name as well and I don't know what to do.

I also tried to keep the base name Jamie just to hear him say the voiced name even if it wasn't mine, but it still didn't worked.

Did I do something wrong?

In case I did there's a solution for it?

I really don't know what to do😅😂


You have a typo . If Cove wins the "You are cute" hangman game he says a nonsense phrase "But... I can still tell what you what it was" 


On my nth playthrough I spent the whole game pining after Cove, entered a relationship with him in Step 4 and proposed to him the very next day. I nearly died laughing at everyone's flabbergasted reactions, especially Liz's, when they heard the news! Oh my god GB Patch thank you so much for creating this masterpiece!! I really enjoyed spending time with everyone, especially Cove, and having my chaotic MC wreck havoc as much as possible 

I can't stop replaying this game and crying. OMG its so good. Thank you for creating this. 


Hello! I've replayed the game entirely to enjoy step 4 properly, but I somehow can't get the dialogue option at the end of step 3 to propose to Cove. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Help please?

correct me if im wrong, but i think you need to be at the "love" level of the interest scale. i dont know if the comfort level matters (direct, relaxed, nervous) but when i went on i was at direct love and was able to. it makes sense, you cant marry someone you arent in love with. so maybe try your relationship levels.

Hmm, I think I was at direct love on step 3, but why not I'll try again and see if that was the cause. Thank you for your reply!

i didn't know that you could propose to him? when exactly do you get the option to do so? :o

In episode 3 on the hill in the ending scene before the credits, when it's still night, so not right before the credits but the scene before that.

Or you can do it in episode 4. Or Cove can do it in episode 4 via another hangman game.  It's soo cute.

On step 3 in the end? I didn't get it.. What choices did you pick? I want to propose to him so bad.. TT

(1 edit)

In order to propose to Cove at the end of Step 3 you need to have the Step 3 DLC, specifically you need to have played the Reflection moment. During that moment ask Cove what his views on marriage are. Just everytime the word marriage comes up you need to hit that option and be positive about it. 

And yes, you need to be in love. Don't forget to choose at the start of Step 3 to tell Lee that you're in love with him but haven't admitted it yet.

If you don't have the Step 3 DLC, no worries! You can still propose to Cove yourself in Step 4. Don't have Cove as a fiance, but express a desire to be committed to him someday. Choose to make preparations for your proposal on the second day, this will prompt a dialogue option later in the night to have a proposal in Sunset Bird, which requires you to sneak out. Then finally, all you need to do is actually propose to him on the last day. 

In order to propose to Cove at the end of Step 3 you need to have the Step 3 DLC, specifically you need to have played the Reflection moment. During that moment ask Cove what his views on marriage are. Just everytime the word marriage comes up you need to hit that option and be positive about it. 

And yes, you need to be in love. Don't forget to choose at the start of Step 3 to  tell Lee that you're in love with him but haven't admitted it yet. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

i need another bl from you guys

this is so perfect..

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'summerwork'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "/Users/chantal/Downloads/", line 326, in bootstrap


  File "/Users/chantal/Downloads/", line 617, in main


  File "/Users/chantal/Downloads/", line 148, in run


  File "/Users/chantal/Downloads/", line 922, in run_context

  File "prologue.rpyc", line 2576, in script call

  File "s1_shopping.rpyc", line 1483, in script call

  File "s1_grownup.rpyc", line 1497, in script call

  File "s1_long_day.rpyc", line 1469, in script call

  File "s1_sandcastle.rpyc", line 1586, in script call

  File "s1_firefiles.rpyc", line 1623, in script call

  File "s2_intro2.rpyc", line 2724, in script call

  File "s2_wave2.rpyc", line 2429, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 173, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 115, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 151, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 132, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 63, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 51, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 144, in script call

  File "s2_growing.rpyc", line 2495, in script call

  File "s2_family.rpyc", line 3740, in script call

  File "s2_dinner.rpyc", line 4048, in script call

  File "prologue.rpyc", line 2576, in script call

  File "s1_shopping.rpyc", line 1483, in script call

  File "s1_grownup.rpyc", line 1497, in script call

  File "s1_long_day.rpyc", line 1469, in script call

  File "s1_sandcastle.rpyc", line 1586, in script call

  File "s1_firefiles.rpyc", line 1623, in script call

  File "s2_intro2.rpyc", line 2724, in script call

  File "s2_wave2.rpyc", line 2429, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 173, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 115, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 151, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 39, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 132, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 63, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 51, in script call

  File "hangman_step2.rpyc", line 144, in script call

  File "s2_growing.rpyc", line 2495, in script call

  File "s2_family.rpyc", line 3740, in script call

  File "s2_dinner.rpyc", line 4048, in script call

  File "/Users/chantal/Downloads/", line 918, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'summerwork'.



Our Life 1.4.1

Sun Oct  3 22:58:10 2021

That error is happening because the DLC files are missing or in the wrong place. Can you show me your folder?

I cant download it for some reaso


this game really did boost the sales of anklets lolol


just played step 4 and i wanna say thank you again for this beautiful, genuine game! i cannot WAIT to see what you guys do next <3

(1 edit) (+5)

Simply the best VN/otome I've ever played, well done, no other comments, you're just so underrated. You deserve World wide recognition. Can't wait for OL2. Please never stop making games. You're way too good at it.


omg! Step 4 is out?!?


trust me when I found this game I was glad because I LOVE life simulators and I was just happy. And today I was like I wonder if there were more updates So I went to check it out. And there was. So I downloaded the stuff and started to play. And when that was happening I wanted to scream. I was sooooo happy.  I finished it just now and, well, its really really good. I felt so sad right when it said "the end". I really hope its not the end of the story(I wanna see the wedding). And if it is then, well, time to find a new game. But thank you so much for making this game I will remember it literally forever :D

but well said

damn that's a lot of words @gardenfairy


This game is honestly one of the best games I have ever played. I'm so glad that I decided to download this game ten months ago, and I'm super glad I stayed along for the journey. This game was absolutely amazing and it made me cry tears of happiness on multiple occasions. This game was beautiful and it's hard to describe in words of how happy I am that I played this game, if I could, I would rewind time and let myself experience this game all over again. I am so thankful to the devs for putting their time and effort into this game. I just love this game so much and I will be definitely playing it over and over again for many days and or months. This was such an roller-coaster of emotions and a wonderful experience for me, and for everyone else. I thank you so much for creating this game. <3


I finally finished the game after staying up for two days straight. I am seriously crying just by listening to the soundtrack of the main menu. This game was so beautiful and amazing in ways words can not describe. There are no wrong choices in this game  but so much emotion. I honestly wish I could rewind before I played this game for the first time just so I could experience it all over again. I am seriously crying as I write this and there is just so much wholesomeness. I actually may have to take a sick day from how moved I am by all of it. Please, no mater what you are looking for, this game has it. Platonic, Romantic, it doesn't matter. Any game that can bring you to tears without angst is a game worth playing and that is what this game does. Cove is such a wonderful character and I simply can't get over it.  I have played and written reviews for many games, and this game is on par with if not better than Cinderella Phenomenon and Mystic Messenger, which, for years, were the best games in the industry in terms of story and emotion. Except this game you don't need to worry about wrong choices. Each playthrough is going to be unique from how ingenious the game was programed. The graphics are beyond beautiful in every way imaginable. There is a reason this game has 4.9 out of 5 stars and it shows. I hope the developers know how much of a blessing this game is, and that they continue to make amazing content if that is what they choose to peruse in life.  Thank you so much to everyone who has worked on it, you are deserve the world and I mean that fully.

(1 edit) (+4)

This game has been such a joy and comfort in the last month since I've discovered it. <3 Step 4 was the perfect closer and I just know I'll be replaying this for many more months to come. (Can't for the wedding and Derek/Baxter DLCs!!) Thank you, devs, for such a beautiful game <3

Side note if anyone knows how to fix this on Android-- I seem to be having trouble proceeding past input text options (i.e., when writing down names in the character creator and inputting letters for the hangman scenes in step 2 & 3). Pressing enter doesn't work. Does anyone know how to fix this? I used to be able to play just fine but haven't been able to since the Step 4 update. I've tried re-installing from scratch after the 1.4.1 patch as well but I still have the same problem.

(1 edit) (+5)

Holy Shit, I liked this game, and then when I found out Cove was demi!!!! OMG I cant be happier! Im demi as well and this makes me so fucking happy i simply can not. Thank you thank you thank you i have never seen demi inclusion before in these games i actually might start crying

Update, when I found out about Cove being slightly autistic, omg. I am slightly autistic as well, this is just another amazing point that was added and i actually am crying with how touched it made me.

im demi and nd too!! i totally understand how u feel about the rep in this game, esp bc cove is the main love interest and there typically haven't been any other demi or autistic characters in games 

yes yes yes

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