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(1 edit) (+1)

Does anyone know how to fix it when you're pressing the new file thingy and then it suddenly makes you go back to home? Just pls i need help i want to play this game i tried to installed and uninstalled it and still same thing happened. I don't know what to do anymore. Also same thing happened to other games that i downloaded here at the only game who work for me is the seiyuu danshi and the banana batch demo. The other's dont when i press start it goes back to home. 

is yours already fix? pls teach me how to fix it! 😭


I would play the game but Cove is male and I'm straight.


Nothing wrong with a little bromance bro


Yeah, of the NON-SEXUAL kind. At least for me.


You're actually allowed to maintain a platonic relationship with cove for the entire game if you want! You're even allowed the actively hate him for the entire game, hilariously enough.

Ehhh you cant hate him but you can be disinterested


You reckon if I gave him the cold shoulder all throughout the game I'd enjoy it the same as everyone else?

A good point lmao

you can play thru the whole thing with friend as the set feeling, and their next game has a girl love intrest!


here idea dont listen to it if you dont want to if you dont like it ignore it i think it would be fun dlc if there was somebody breaking into the house or something mysterious  or danger or idk something fun once again dont listen or hate if you dont like the idea i aint up to dealing with hate for only idea


Does this game have a, uncensored patch


I love this game so much 😭😭 the amount of freedom you have in the game is astounding. The art is just beautiful and the characters are soo lively ❤️  there is so much content in each step that it makes you get attached to the characters very quickly 🤧 and every time a step ended I was really excited to see what would happen in the next one. It's full of many heartwarming scenes which made me feel super nice :> and I absolutely loved Cove! He is so precious! im really glad to have played this game and I thank the developers for working so hard to make it ⭐🐚🌊

(1 edit) (+2)

I've recently had a really big fight with my mom, and playing this has been sort of a coping mechanism, thank you so much for making this amazing game <3


Good lord I've actually fallen in love with a fictional character


not gonna lie, same.


Dont feel bad, so did i. i fell HARD and FAST <3<3<3




omg, i binged this game from 1am to 8am this morning and didnt even realise till i saw the sun come through my window, then i had a 4 hour nap and got straight back into playing, needless to say i am knackered but i cant stop playing :') god damn this game is crazy good and im only step 3...


As is often the case for me luckily I work a night shift job which isn't very active so I Can do pretty much anything I want during my 8 hours


omg, i need to find a job where i can do night shifts ASAP...

I dont have the dlc's so i was able to finish the first playtrough i just 9 hours. I wish it took longer


i'm on pc but why is it so hard to download it :(


Hi! I LOVED THE GAME just finished it a day ago 😭 on the PC. I tried downloading the android ver, but It just says there's something wrong with the file and it can't be installed. Okay thank you in advance 💗


I don't know how to install the game in android.


You have to download the android version, it will ask you if you are sure as it could cause harm to your device, click yes or ok. Then, go to files and click on all or search up our life app and then click on downloads or the apk. Then it will ask you if you want to download it and click yes. When it is done downloading it should ask if you want to open the app or not. There should be an app for our life on your phone now.

I love cove omfg he so cool

(1 edit)

i messed up the trying to update the game omg T-T i got all the DLC's and i finished step 3 but without the wedding so i tried installing the new version but it wasn't working (more like idk what i was doing) so i ended up moving some files and deleting a folder and even uninstalling and reinstalling it. at the end it won't open and i'm panicking because i don't want my progress to be deleted and having to do everything again since i've already done that a couple of times. anyways i really hope someone can help me :') and sorry for the inconvenience!! is there an email or something so i can send screenshots or explain myself properly or even join a meeting or something to fix it bc idk what else to do OTL also this game is great that's why i'm so <//3


Saves are stored separately on your computer, deleting the game build won't erase your progress! And it sounds like the build is broken from a loss of needed files. I would suggest just deleting everything, downloading the main game again, downloading the DLCs again, and adding the DLCs into the game folder of the current version. 


I love the game! I love how you can make your own choices in the game unlike other games where its kind of automated.. I absolutely love the art and story! The characters are unique in their own way and the story itself if amazingg! :D I'm obsessed with this game and hope to have more steps/parts soon! Keep up the good work! :D <3 

Is there a way to change font size on Android? It's a little too small for me :(

Hi, does anyone know how to use the dlcs on Android?


i finally played through step 4 and i was reminded of how much i love this game <3 at first i was hesitant to list off all the things i love about this game but im gonna go ahead and do that because if a game is so good and so immersive that i play it in basically one sitting, i am obligated to praise it. (potential spoiler warnings idk i dont really go in depth about anything)

  • this may not be important to some people but i love that step 4 mentions cove is autistic. it made me connect with him a lot more now that we had another similarity and its always nice to see more characters in media that just... are autistic.
  • the customizability !!! and decisions !! outside of the character creator, i loved that we were able to make our character feel a certain way about their body and identity, and theres even a part to define your sexuality if u want. and even changing your pronouns in-between steps has an effect, even if its a small one like the story mentioning that characters used your new pronouns. just the fact you can be lgbt warms my heart.
  • speaking of lgbt i love that there are multiple lgbt characters within the story !! especially terry it made me happy when it mentioned that terry and the player would confide in each other about changes and gender if the player was also trans.
  • the description mentions this but it really is a "feel-good" and "feel-better" game. maybe not in the way they intended but i played through as myself so to hear characters i loved reassure me and tell me things would be okay about situations i had dealt with / am dealing with, it did make me feel better <3
  • more of a different vibe than the other points but i loved that shiloh and jeremy were here :) its cool to see characters from a creators other game make an appearance but it was like a little treat this time because those two are actually my favourites from xoxo droplets
  • honestly loved drawing out the confession until the very last moment, to the point that cove was the one who confessed. and in general i love that there are different ways to establish their relationship whether its at the beginning of a step or in one of the moments.

these arent all my thoughts but hopefully it gets the idea across<3 i stayed up way too long to finish this in one go so if you see any typos: no you dont

Do you have a recommendation for a app for editing the android files for the dlc?

This game was beautifully made. Love the storyline so much! Amazing Work!

did anyone have a problem with typing a letter for the hangman game in step 2? 

i did but i found that saving the file then loading it fixes it


This game is soooooo damn good <3 I feel so attached to all of the character especially Cove, he's so cute and sweet. I really want to squeeze him :') I love Cove and MC relationship.  Now I need someone like Cove in my life :') thanks for develop such a great game!

(1 edit)

why deos it say im forbiden from downloading the game

i really want to play it

(1 edit) (+6)

I honestly love this.

The game is so adorable and its just. perefct, i got attached to this and when i tell you i started crying cause i thought all my memories and progress had been lost when it suddenly shut down. i realized all my saves were ok and i was better. the options are amazing also and love the fact you were able to choose gender,pronouns,gender identification,how you looked like,etc. everything was customizable and perfect, i havent seen any problems of this game and that just proves my point why i will never delete this file. i have bonded with cove and i just dont have  the heart to delete it..i was thinking of buying the other packs cause, why not? its a cute experience and it makes my day better just opening my laptop to see cove <3 please keep me or the rest updated if any updates come :) anyways i dont know if anyone actually read this but thanks for hearing me ramble about how i love this 😃❤️ have a nice day/night <3 side note: i actually stayed up til 5AM reading this and crying with cove 😭


ok so I just made a account to comment this but-


I also love how much freedom there is for the player, there's a lot of variety when it comes to dialogue choices and I really enjoy how theres mostly different reactions to each of them. 
The whole time I was playing I was sending my friend texts about how much I was enjoying the game and I think they got tired of me and went to bed but I kept gushing about how pretty Cove was and how adorable he was when he got flustered.

Ok that's all!

P.S. Shiloh watch your back

(1 edit) (+3)

The following is me gushing so not a review. 

This game set the standard so high for customization and fluff romance!!! I love the premise of growing up with your love interest (if you choose to build that type of relationship with Cove) and just the way that it feels like every event matters even when the only real outcome is a mention to that same event in another scene. Overall, great game and would highly recommend! An amazing game AND for the base price of FREE! an easy recommend for anyone! Love it! Great Job! Thank you for creating this masterpiece. Can't wait for the next game/DLC!

Btw, Will you guys ever release this on the Nintendo Switch ? or is that beyond the scope of what you guys were looking to do?

Wait so there's only one lover? Who is it

i follow them on twitter but i remember them working on Derek dlc i think he's also a love interest same as Baxter but the main couple i think is Cove.

so is there isn't a female character?

No, but the next game will have at least one female love interest. This game focuses on male love interests.

oh ok another time 

(1 edit) (+1)

This has quickly become one of my favorite games. It is so very comforting and uplifting, I feel genuine joy and happiness during my playthroughs and I just want to thank the developers from the bottom of my heart. They're literally making the games that I have always wanted to play. On that note, I am definitely looking forward to their future projects!

Hey there

I've gone through a single playthrough of version 1.5.3 without DLCs and thought I'd leave an honest review (skip to summary if seems like a rant).

First off, the devs did an all-in-all amazing job with this game.  

The base game's biggest selling points would definitely have to be its down-to-earth realism and the amount of influence and control the player has through the even greater amount of choices you're offered. It really does feel like you're 'living a life' so to speak, with all the emotional attachments that entails. This, I believe, represents the true essence of a visual novel, and the Our Life embodies that really well. And the fact that they're still working on improving the game makes it that much better.

Moreover, I couldn't really point out major flaws in the gameplay or story even if I tried. But if I were to truly be a nagging nancy about this, I think that, though it is probably not planned and never will be, the story itself could have really done with at least a DLC of 'school life' considering how important it is in shaping a person - as much as that is annoying to admit.  I think the dynamics between the player, Cove, and the other characters at school would have done well to fill in that 'gap', so to speak. With that said, I'm not really expecting it considering the way the game was designed and how much of a hefty undertaking it would be to actually forcefully include something like that at this stage. 

There was one other nit-picky thing I wanted to say about one or two lines of text somewhat neglecting the choices I had made almost entirely during steps 1 and 3 (I think), but I honestly forgot what those lines were.  I might leave another review after another playthrough or two, and I'll let you know what the lines were after my next playthroughs, which I definitely plan on considering I'm super excited to see Derek and Baxter action when their DLCs come around.

Speaking of, I sure hope that, at least with Derek, we could influence their personality and appearance through our interactions with them (or by force) like we do with Cove. That would be really neat.

In summary, even without DLCs, this game is amazing and would recommend to anyone interested in the concept of visual novels. It is, in so few words, the ideal I think VNs should aim to be. 

Thank you, GBPatch!


omg i cant even describe how much i love this game. i especially love how you dont have to be in a romantic relationship with him and you can move in together while staying besties :) as someone who dreams of doing that with my best friend someday, i really appreciated that.

i wish i could marry him for free. im so close from finishing this and i dont like it..

Um, question. How do you add the DLC files to the game on a computer? I tried to search it up and stuff but I haven't gotten any responses that would help me. If anyone could kindly help me I'd appreciate it. Thank you!

1. Download the rpa file after purchase

2. Open the folder of your current Our Life Build and find the "game" folder inside. To view folders on Mac you might have to right click the application launcher and select "view package contents" and you may have to open a couple different folders before you find the "game" folder tucked away inside

3. Move or copy/paste the rpa file into the Our Life "game" folder

(1 edit)

Hi! Just reporting because I was playing the game and it exited itself then I went to the folder to find the game file and it was deleted. So instead I did the back up one, our life-32. It worked for awhile then did the same thing. I tried refreshing, nothing. I was sad because I was almost at the 3rd step. So if you could please try to fix this or help me try to fix it. That will be really helpful thank you. 

Edit: Tried to download the game again didn't work for some reason. It won't let me because it said I didn't have permission?

It was removed by your virus scanner, most likely. Sometimes the game is falsely flagged as dangerous and the scanner quarantines the file. You'll need to tell your scanner to trust it or turn the scanner off while running the game. I'm sorry for the trouble!

Oh ok thank you! I'll try to turn it off! Thanks again for the help.

No problem!

Deleted 92 days ago

I'm afraid I'd need more info to give any concrete advice. But it's possible you're using a save file that's too old to work with the current version or some part of your game isn't fully updated (the base version of the game and/or the wedding DLC file). Those are usually the causes of problems in the wedding DLC.

Love the game so much I just wish I could buy the dlc's but yeah. Its just quite too expensive for me (in our currency I mean). Well I can make it 20 dollar. Just wait. TvT. 


So good that it ruined other visual novels for me (/hj) I've played MANY VNs and I genuinely believe that this is the best i've ever played! Can't wait for the second!


Honestly, Tik Tok doesn't have enough hype for this wonderful game. I saw this game being promoted on itch's website in 2019 and even downloaded the beta version. It sounded interesting; a visual novel/life sim game where your MC bonds with their new neighbor Cove. It sounded right up my alley so I think I donated some funds to help its development. I soon forgot about it though but it was saved in my favorites. I finally got around to downloading the game and the dlcs that came with it and OMG!!! This game turned out better than I ever expected. And now I'm fangirling so bear with me.  Obviously, this game is amazing and well-executed. But what really got me for the game was how nostalgic and relatable the game was. There were some scenes in there that I had done myself in my youth. Like the scene where the MC and her cousin put on a show for their family. I did the same thing with my cousin when I was younger. Or how the Mc's moms would always tell Mc "Good night, sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite" before bed. My mom said the same thing to me every night. And don't even get me started on Cove. The Cove I had was a really sensitive guy who was prone to crying when his emotions got the best of him and he was terrible at intimacy or sexual situations. All in all, he was an adorable crybaby. And I was honestly wondering if that would put me off the game because I've never gone for sensitive partners in rl but no. I found myself always cooing and reassuring Cove whenever his crying sprite would come up. Like full-on, "No Cove baby, don't cry." It was...definitely a new experience for me. And I loved how the game tackled the serious topics presented, like divorce, adoption, pressure, etc. Cove's parents' story was my favorite one to experience because my parents' story was similar. I feel like stories of divorce are always seen in a negative light when that's not the case. Some people don't work out or click in the end and that's okay. Of course, I totally cried. I could go on and on about the many ways I loved this game but I'm going to end with the final dlc; the wedding. My god, that was amazing. A fully customizable wedding; from the colors, to the cake design, to the music, everything. I appreciated how the game added traditions like jumping over the broom or breaking glass (I picked the jumping over the broom option because my family does that). And maybe this was because I was already 10 hours into the game but when I did the wedding planning, I was tired. At some point, I was frustrated that there was so much to decide on. Really nailed the frustration and mentally exhausting ordeal of planning a wedding there. I'm a little peeved there wasn't a garter toss option for the wedding but maybe it was personality-specific or something. I would have liked that as an option but the bouquet toss makes up for it. I had to videotape the game because I was so impressed with it. I'm excited to see what the alternative love interest routes have in store.


One of the best games I've ever played, brings so much comfort its unbelievable! Thank you to the devs, I'll buy any future dlcs to support the amazing work you guys bring<3

This game was beautiful and heartwarming, I'm so glad I stumbled upon this.


I love this game so much!! It always lightens up my mood. Just impossible to play this game without smile

 Once I have resources, I will definitely buy all its DLC.


I think it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. There are a lot of positives: Cove is first of all an extremely touching character, the other characters of the game are as endearing as he is, the graphics are incredible, the music too. I love that we can personalize Cove’s appearance as well as ours! The fact that we can really create our own story with several different choices is fabulous! The only "negative" point, even if it’s not really bad, would be to be able to see the entire appearance of our character when we customize it and to have the French version (well that would be just a little extra).

Anyway, I thank the developers for this beautiful game, it’s a very good job!

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