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Hey I've been meaning to ask, do I have to buy the DLC's again to see the new updates or how does that work?

You can just re-download them from your library! There's no need to buy them again.

Ohhh alright, thank you so much! By the way I really love your games hehe


Aw, I'm glad you like them!

(1 edit)

will there ever be able to work on iPhone?

Maybe, but I have no idea when. 

(1 edit) (+1)

i cried hard, very hard during the wedding and credits


For some reason, when I try to download the dlc files on my phone, it says they are forbidden? If anyone knows how to fix it that would be greatly appreciated 

(1 edit) (+1)

i stayed up all night for 7 hours and i just want to say.... 

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS!!! Also is it just me or did derrick get a MASSIVE buff huh? XD

Proud of that guy! And the hang outs with cove were super fun, and honestly this was just an amazing game experience.

I loved this like it was so emotional that I actually cried at some parts lol but anyway 10/10 game :)

hiiiiiiiii thank you so much for having this wonderful game.  I really like Cove and I want to see more DLC.  Please do honeymoon DLC and then maybe when they have kids and stuff like that.  I really want to keep playing this game. Thank you so much developer <3

Does anybody know if you can mod this game, and if you do can you tell me a website to download.

I can install the game but whenever I try to play it exists me out. Does anyone know how to fix it or it's normal, I'm an android user.

Does anyone can play it on Android? I am trying to figure out if a problem is with my phone. I can't install it. :(


I don't think I've actually left a review since I originally played it when it first released.

Genuinely such a lovely and immersive game though I'm sure that's been said many many times. One of my favorites, honestly! Though Cove isn't as much my type as Baxter and Derek are, I still love him lots, he's wonderful and has a special place in my heart. 

Seeing this project grow and get the recognition it deserves made me so happy.

I have recently finished Derek's DLC and I freaking love it, is there any chance of Derek's marriage DLC in the future?


I'm glad you like him! But unfortunately, not. The final DLC expansion will be the Baxter DLC and then Our Life will be considered complete, outside minor bug fixes.


Please update the other game </3

Honestly I like to play this game again and again with some periods of time in between to see all the different Coves I get.  It shows how much I changed within those periods of times. <3

I download the Derek DLC and redownloaded the base game like it said. Now when I open game, it closes whenever I press anything. What is wrong?

It's possible something went wrong with the install. It might help to install again now that a little time has passed.


Now says "Problem parsing the package". Why am I doing wrong?

You might need more space than it seems or your phone's virus scanner/firewall might think it's dangerous. Every time there's an update, a few people have the game be falsely flagged as a suspicious. Since there's new files, there's a new chance for part of it to seem too unknown to let run. Seeing if you can tell the phone to trust it or adding more space could held.

Ok so I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to technology, so this could be an easy fix, but can somebody help me? 

I'm replaying through the game , I'm on step three. When I get to the moment selection screen is where I have the issue. Whenever I click on one of the Step 3 DLC moments I get an error. It says "I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: ScriptError: could not find label 'reflection'.". 

I thought that maybe I didn't have the Step 3 DLC rpa file in the game files, but I checked and they are there. So can anyone help me out and help me figure out what's going on? 

That error means the DLC isn't in the right place. Can you show me what your folder looks like? And did you ever redownload the base game? If so and this isn't your first time downloading it, it's good to make sure there's no older OL files still around on your device. Getting rid of all of that and having just the most recent stuff can make sure there's no issues with mixing up where things are put and what's running.

Okay that was really helpful, thank you so much. There was an update and I didn't move the files to new folder, that's my bad. That's really embarrassing and I'm very sorry. Thank you for your help ^^

No worries! It's easy to miss something like that.


The game was an amazing emotional roller coaster to me. After playing several other "choose your path" stories through my IPhone, I was very happy to see there were more than just two choices to everything. Always glad these games give me the chance to experience a better life than I had, even if they are virtual. ;P

(1 edit) (+2)

🤨 normally avoid VN with only 1 LI,but cove is,yeah..... ><Coves dad is HOT


the way i own every dlc and will continue to purchase every release for this game because it's just. the absolute best. chef's kiss. cove james holden baby you are my everything. keep up the good work!


hey how do i update the game from online?? do i just redownload all the files?

Yep, just download the newest version available from here! If you got DLCs, you need to copy the files into the new version as well 


I've got to say... After playing it until like six in the morning because I just couldn't stop playing after finishing the whole game. I wish I had a job and not going for job Corp, as I really want to get every single DLC now 😅 that has been all I've been thinking of lol. Amazing game honestly, and one day. One day I shall buy all the DLC's and probably replay it alllll again to another 10 hour game play because it's to good 😊👍🏼

Hello, got to download the game into my phone but I seem to run into the problem of it not running and crashing when interacting with anything in the main menu. It might be my phone but if this is something that happens , can some tell how to fix this? It'd be greatly appreciated 👍🏼

I'm sorry it's not working on your phone, though I sadly can't give any for sure ways to make it run on the device. It's possible the game needs more room to run properly or that your virus scanner thinks the game downloaded from a website rather than the googleplay store is dangerous and won't let it run properly. 

Ah, ok that does make sense that it would probably think of it as something dangerous. But then again it's also probably my storage. But I thankfully got to finish the play through on my computer so I still got it play nontheless so it's not all bad ☺️ but thank you for the help either way


I'm glad you had a way to play it after all!

I was thinking "Why is this in my feed (the DLC)? Why do I know the name?? I need to check something" and found out why. This is one of the few (I think only) dating sim games I have that you don't make love (sex scene/nude MC and/or NPCs). 

Turns out I have it in steam and after seeing how hot Derek looks and his rocking body at the beach (VERY nice btw 😁) I got all the DLC (on steam). Look forward to getting back into the game and playing more then a few minutes

Deleted 1 year ago

The DLCs can be downloaded for Mac, but they're third party apps and some mac devices will only run officially approved apps. So, they may or may not be easier to run, depending on which mac you have.


Is there a female RO? Or only male.. I would like to know if its possible to play as female and romance a female character, that would make the game interesting


There isn't buuuutt! Our Life; Now & Forever does, it's still in early development but it has a beta out!!!

Heya! I've been loving the game since first meeting Cove! And now I'm so glad the Derek DLC has finally come out. Have been playing its Step 2 stuff and LOVING it so far - Super great stories. It's weird how much I relate to Derek a lot, going through the story... So I felt even more connected to him than I've known him outside the DLC (fret not, Cove is still a good boy for me).

Though unfortunate that there seemed to be some problems with some stuff in it; still loving it though, and can't wait to go through Step 4 stuff soon.(Am hopeful that there will be some patch fixes for the problems encountered, since this is still early after full release!)

Last words, I wish you luck on the next DLC development and other games in the future! (Rest assured I shall get it the moment it comes out too, hah!)

Is there a way to reset your progress (meaning everything being "unread") on Android version?


Downloaded version 1.6.0 of the game. Paid for and downloaded the Derek.rpa file. Stuck the rpa into the game file and can't access the Derek dlc pages. What am l doing  wrong? Love this game and eagerly anticipated the Derek additions but now l feel like a noob. Please help.

Are they locked or do you not see them at all? Did you click the yellow button on the Step 2 Moment selection screen to swap from Cove's moments to Derek's?

They are locked. I have gotten all of the Cove docs and the wedding dlc and they all worked great. But the Derek is blank when l get to that page. Thank you.

Do l also have to have the Cove rpas in the game file to make the Derek rpa work?

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Oh, I reread your first post and saw. You don't need Cove's DLC. Can you send me a picture of your folder?

Found it!!! Yeah, l am a noob, found the arrow on the right side of Moments 2 and found Derek's moments. Thanks so much for your time and effort.  Love this game so much.

I reinstalled the game and all the DLCs after getting the Derek DLC. It all works fine (and I'm excited to play the new DLC), except for the sound. I had sound in the beginning, but it just all stopped (music and everything) somewhere during the first Step 1 Moment I played. Is it something I did? Is there anything I can do to bring it back?

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I tried restarting, and now it doesn't start anymore :s

Edit: it was the launcher somehow. I started it from the folder and it both runs and the sound is back.

Wow can you believe it this game is already 3 years old


"where painful emotions such as sadness, anger, stress, and worry can all be expressed, then met with reassurance, understanding, and support."

I really like this, how you can be silent or miserable or cry about everything, it's a really sweet and emotional game


i just played this again to get ready for the derek dlc and i am once again reminded how much i love cove holden 


My Life is divided into before and after playing Our Life.

Love Cove Holden : Beginnings & Always

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I’ve loved this game for an INCREDIBLY long time, and I’ve just bought all 4 current (Paid/Not counting the voiced names, having already had that one!) DLCs back to back to enjoy from now on! (And I WILL be ensuring my hands are laid upon Derek’s DLC when it releases on the 29th, AND Baxter’s when the time comes! ;w; ♥♥)

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This game became my emotional support. I am thankful for having the chance to play, after so LONG of not playing any video games, this beautiful game. This is a good start hehe. The game is entertaining, the art style is attractive, the soundtracks are so nice and it's lively when you interact with the characters. They ALL have personalities and they show it!!!  I really love the characters in this game, and I'm excited to play the different route DLC's (Derek & Baxter) once they're out someday. Truthfully, good job and keep it up hehe

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I will never emotionally recover from this. Cove Is the perfect human and I will no longer be accepting anything less than this amount of effort in relationships. 



(2 edits) (+6)

I only recently found this site and I honestly wasn't expecting much from free games, but this one has really surprised me in the best of ways. I've played plenty of dating sims/visual novels/otome games and this is the first and only one that felt this rewarding. Most of the time you have the childhood friend trope and are expected to suspend your disbelief and just accept that you have some shared history that you really have no knowledge of but with this one you make those memories first and so the experience is more immersive and feels more natural and real and the relationships feel truly earned. I really appreciate that. Also that it's inclusive and includes more than the typical boy/girl dynamic. On a more personal note, having grown up partially in a small beach town myself I really related to some things that happened like collecting things you find on the beach, making sand castles, just enjoying the day, even a cute one where you're trying to find loose change to get ice cream is something I experienced with friends and my sister as a kid. But anyway this game feels under appreciated over all. It's a really beautiful game and deserves all the credit it can get. 

hiii I bought the game but I can't play it just stays on the home screen

(2 edits) (+14)(-2)

Rather than just being a "dating-sim", this game made me feel loved as I am. It was interesting how the choices available allowed much freedom and tried to make me comfortable, which allowed me to become absorbed into the game. Family and friends in this game were so loveable and supportive, and the narrator constantly spoke of my feelings. 

And Cove, the main character of the story was so CUTE. I loved the moment when we went to sleep on poppy hill, and waking up to see him saying something along the lines of "See, I told you I'll be here in the morning" which struck my heart. And the time when he waited outside the car... 

It actually felt like I had a life at Sunset Bird, with my moms, Elizabeth, the Holdens as my neighbors, listening to the ocean waves, taking a walk to the shopping district, and going to the (oh so memorable) poppy hill. The characters remembered the choices I took and reacted accordingly. Totally stunned when I was left back at the title screen. 

Dear GBPatch, thank you for this amazing game. It made me feel so loved and let me wonder what kind of a life I want in the future. I was actually feeling quite dead for a few years, having lost light and energy to do anything. 

Really sad that it ended, but I loved "Our Life" with Cove at Sunset Bird -. Thank you so much. It must have taken so much effort to create and finish this, and all the while leave it to be free. 

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You couldn't have worded it any better. I completely agree! I genuinely feel like a lot of visual novels in the romance genre are nowadays too focused on making their individual plots unique and interactive, which ends up lacking the actual relationship/build up between the routes. This leads to it mostly feeling shallow and not giving me enough time to care about the characters.

When I first played I was bawling just because it gave validation that not a lot of people gave to me at my many dark points in life. Everyone supported me no matter what decision I wanted to make. Both friends and family both constantly communicated their own feelings and thoughts to avoid misunderstandings. There were a lot of times where they made a lot of effort to stay in touch like our favorite (and only I think) cousin!

I'm sad that it ended too, but I always end up playing again just because of how much I enjoy myself. I swear the first time I played Our Life it felt like I had so much content to explore, now on my many attempts later I feel like I go through it so fast! I'm always happy to "come back" and start a new life :)

To stop myself from continuing to ramble I'm happy you were able to experience it the same way I did.

Thank you GBPatch!!!


If there was a like button I'd use it fit your post. Very much this.



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