After deleting and installing the newest version of the base game, I'm having issues playing the newer versions of the DLC from a previous load file. For example, when attempting to play the "Late Shift" content, I get the following error message when accepting Baxter's invitation to his condo. Here's the error message in its entirety:
I've checked my computer drivers and they're all updated. So I'm honestly not sure what's going on with this newer version...
Quick addition: I do have the latest versions of the DLCs I've purchased on my system to. When the laptop version wouldn't work, I tried to access everything through the app. Still no luck.
I'm sorry, if a save file is too old it's possible it won't be able to work with the new content. If your prior file can't function, often the only option is to start a new file fresh in the most up-to-date version of the game.
There should be a "save" folder in the overall Our Life folder where you can see the files. If those are missing, they might be saved elsewhere on the device, but I wouldn't be able to say where. It'd depend on your specifics.
I havent replayed the game in awhile and saw this. I was just wondering if i had to do anything to update these? Like do I redownload the DLCs? Or is this telling me that they have been updated?
It's saying you should remove the DLC files for Step 2, Step 3, and the Wedding DLC, download the latest version of those, and add the updated files into your Our Life game! folder
I'm sorry, this is an issue that's appeared since the engine we use updated. Unfortunately, it depends on the device for what's going on and I can only guess what needs to be changed to make it run better. Here are the usual suggestions, though none of them are guaranteed to work.
Updating graphics cards and/or changing their settings. If you have multiple cards, switching the one you're using.
Updating drivers to the latest version. And going out of your way to try making them update rather than leaving it up to the device to register on its own that an update is needed. Sometimes updates aren't pressing enough to be reported automatically but can still be done.
Turning off the game's animations
Turning off "Game Mode" if you're on Windows 11
Enabling "Optimizations for windowed games" Windows 11
Verifying the integrity of the game files through steam
Playing in windowed mode, or trying to reduce the size of window mode
Creating a desktop shortcut and launching it from there
If there's something we can do about it on our end, we'll try to make that happen!
Thank you for taking the time to help me! I really enjoy this game and have always and always will be grateful for your dedication to create something that many people enjoy (Me included!). Every time I play I am always surprised and excited about the details and reactions each character shows alongside the vast customizability of the mc and their personality. I love the different branching paths and choices you can make and the love and support you feel no matter what you do or who you choose to be. Even after finishing the main game you have continued to provide various extra content and events that I am excited to play through in the future when I am more financially stable so I can afford the different patches. I am in love with this game and I am looking forward to what you do in the future!
This game literally had me kicking, screaming, giggling, and regretting big time that I kept my crush on Cove hidden for too long. HE IS SO CUTE. And I love how inclusive this game is, my gosh! I still have Step 4 to go, but when I say I dedicated my entire day to this... it's my first game and I'm so grateful it's available!
I downloaded it on the android version but whenever I press start it kicks me out! I got the new version our life n&f and it was fine idk why it's kicking me out?
OL1 is much, much larger than the OL2 demo. It's possible your phone is having trouble loading it. You could try opening up more space and closing other things that might be running!
can i just say, i downloaded the base version 3 hours ago, and im now pausing midway to scoop up all the DLC before i make it to step 3. love this game so much and i cant wait for the NF!
Gah!!! This was so amazing and wonderful, thank you. <3 ^^ I got all the DLC at once and played through everything, and man, my heart was NOT ready. Funnily enough, as I've recommended this game with my friends, one asked if I had taken part in making it because it "sounds" like my writing. I was so flattered, haha. And also happy because I got an amazing sense of kinship from playing this game. <3 <3 I felt like.... there are people out there who feel the same things I do, you know?
The one thing that was a bit confusing for me was *spoiler land*
In the Baxter DLC, he asked my character out. In the next scene, they had a kiss and it was... like.. no big deal? So I assumed they must just have that kind of relationship? They also exchanged hotel room keys, so I assumed they were intimate. Then though, with the kiss scene in the hotel room, the MC was thinking to herself that this relationship was just supposed to be short term or for the summer or something like that, and I was like- when did this conversation happen? I felt like I had missed something.
When I read your blog, I saw how Baxter wouldn't have been intimate with someone when it was supposed to be such a short time (despite his intro). Which- fair, fine. But then... my character felt like she psychically knew about this somehow? I didn't think I had heard any stipulations in the asking out scene. And from the way they say they are boyfriend and girlfriend, it sounds more committed than that? And other people also treat your relationship as a committed thing?
I kinda understood some of the setup when we got to the most painful, visceral ghosting I've ever seen in my life (oof x)). Basically though, all the pieces feel like they're set up to have the MC thinking they're dating and can continue a relationship but Baxter cuts them off at the end. But, the scene in the hotel room didn't read that way. Plus, would've been nice to have some sort of acknowledgement for the first kiss with Baxter.
Anyways though, this game is amazing and transformative and wonderful and GAH. I have so many FEELINGS. >o< Thanks for giving us a wonderful life.~
I'm sorry, I don't know what choices you made but Baxter is always meant to say quite directly that he's only a suitor for the season when he asks you out and it's essentially a fling. He shouldn't ever ask the MC out as though it's a normal relationship. If you missed the conversation about that perhaps there was a bug where it got skipped.
I went back and chose some other things, and I see what you mean. What I chose:
***Spoiler land***
B: To cut to the chase, I'm asking you out
MC: I don't treat things that lightly.
B apologizes, expresses his interest, etc. Says he's not incredibly romantic, but... (kinda sounded like "but I like you" >o<)
MC: Maybe... I'd be ok with that.
Then, he doesn't give the suitor of the season line or anything. MC just asks if they should tell people, they talk about it, etc.
When I went to my family, I said I had a boyfriend. Like, not an option to just be like, I am going on a few dates with this guy, full-out boyfriend. xD Which is a conversation I thought most couples usually had after... a while. Not right off the bat xD. Being able to say that you are just casually going on a few dates with this guy might've been a nice option (plus being able to have a first kiss >o<... and actually having some kind of conversation about physical boundaries. Or, it might come up at some point within the story!)
As described below, I didn't kiss him in the asking-out scene, only in the hiking scene on the log, and there was no particular reaction there. Maybe you react as if it's your first kiss in other scenes?
Thank you for letting me know about the confession scene! Though, there isn't meant to be a reaction to whatever your first kiss is with Baxter because the relationship isn't the kind where the first kiss is a big moment like it is with someone like Cove. It's just very casual and not something he has a real reaction to, haha.
Ah, I see! My character hadn't kissed anyone ever before, so since she didn't react to it at all, either, I assumed they must have kissed before... like, more time had passed or something? Anyways, that's the impression I got, so I was confused for a while. x)
EDIT: And especially since she was catching feelings, even if she had kissed someone before, I feel like the first kiss with a particular person*can be* special >o<
A fellow recent player of Baxter's DLC here to address the spoiler question/concern as best as I can:
So it might play different depending on dialogue choices and how direct/shy your character is set to be towards Baxter (this creator does an AMAZING job making every playthrough unique if you choose different traits and options), but I do know that for my playthrough (direct crush stage with him, with an MC who leans towards playful banter and direct statements) Baxter says upfront that it's only going to be a summer fling. Quoting from that scene in my save file: "Well, before I get too carried away in excitement, I must own the fact that this is not a grand romantic overture. I doubt you would believe me if I was claiming to be your one and only for all time. I am nominating myself as a suitor for the season. A charming summer adventure: no more, no less. I don't care what label you'd choose to put to this arrangement. I could be your boyfriend, or nothing at all."
And then it sort of does develop-- or can be allowed to develop-- where MC really catches some serious feelings and it's not just a fling for them after all. MC does tend to refer to Baxter as something more than a mere fling, giving friends and family the sense it's a more serious thing than it is. And Baxter can (potentially?) hint he's feeling more than a fling too. But given how he sees himself and how his character is (beautifully) written, just because he might want something more doesn't mean he will let himself have that.
I'm not sure I know what you mean as far as the first kiss and reactions (or lack thereof) and how that translated to their intimacy. It was described as 'chaste' and 'tender', and afterwards Baxter "laughed quietly behind his hand. There was no chance of you making Baxter shy, but there was a definite coyness to his temperament, and a faint flush to his cheeks." (again, just copying from my save file, and there's every possibility it plays differently to different MC attitudes). To me, he came across as just a smooth 'player' (in the most innocent and childlike sense) who rolled with the punches from a forward MC. But I do know what you mean that the exchanging of keys can imply there was a much more intimate relationship happening off-screen, I suppose!
Oooo, interesting! Yeah, I went back and chose some other things. Replied above. I do find it odd that you go straight to boyfriend. xD That implies a lot more commitment to me. It's usually a whole thing, I thought, in real life. xD But this isn't discussed really in the game at all?
As for the first kiss, my MC didn't kiss him in that scene. She just hugged him. She kissed him went they went on their nature walk on the log. <3 It was cute, but given the absolute lack of reaction (I guess the first kiss reaction only happens if you do it in the ask out scene?), and the earlier exchanging of keys, I was like, OH, ok, they're in THAT kind of relationship. xD Just a bit more conversation, or thoughts, or something, I feel like, could smooth it all out. But yes, it's all amazing and I adore how much personalization goes into everything!! >o<
I cannot describe my love for this game omg, it's so cute and I adore it. I really wish more dating sims were like this honestly. So looking forward to the full release of the next game too!!!
Amazing game. And I got to say, that each of the other character DLCs are filled with content and great for purchasing as well. Loved Derek's route. And now I'm excited for Baxter. <3
am about to finish the base game and just wanted to say thank you for making such an amazing game cause even without the dlc's its a game i would play over again and try out different things to have said or done if i had the time to do so if i ever do end up playing the dlcs when i get money for it i will probably hard reset my save and play it over again like it would be my first time doing so (btw should probably mention I love the character creation and i felt grateful for being able to dip he character in purple and although I didn't see any scenes depicting my character unless described textually, (Raven Fawks) in what clothing he wore I'd like to imagine him wearing a purple hoodie and sweatpants on most days and when it was super-hot out had put on shorts instead. NEVER taking off the hoodie unless he was chilling with people he loved)(i may not know where the sequel takes place in the timeline but id like to imagine that the character i will be playing as in this game is a descendant to Raven if this takes place years later)
What program are you using to unzip the file? And it's possible a virus scanner has decided it was dangerous and impacted the file. Turning that off before downloading/unzipping might help.
Love this game! Also I have a question, I sadly cannot play the paid dlcs (I bought all of them and baxters too) on my mac book, I had a windows laptop before and so I bought them on steam but now I can't play it on my new macbook, is there any way I could get the dlcs on here? Or would I have to pay for it again T-T
I'm afraid buying the DLCs on one storefront can only unlock them on your account for that storefront. However, nothing will stop you from moving the DLC files from your Steam folder to an Itch folder!
Hi, sorry to bother but I have the game on Steam and its giving me problems. It keeps glitching and it crashes whenever I try to do Cove's Step 3 DLCs I'm unsure if its the game or my laptop?
If it's crashing without an error report it could that a virus scanner is preventing the game from running. Or if there is an error report, could you mention what it says?
Hey there, I have a question. I bought some dlcs via Steam. However, I would like to play it on my phone as my pc is having some problems + its more convenient. Is there a chance I could get access to the Android versions of the dlcs that I have already bought (I will provide proof and everything ofc), or would I need to buy them again in order to get the android versions?
I'm sorry, buying the DLCs on Steam can only get you the DLCs on Steam. You could try to see if Steam will give you a refund for the DLCs and then buy them here instead.
So I’m having some troubles. I had this game already installed on my laptop and it ran smoothly with no problems whatsoever. I had to delete it and install it again cause it wasn’t letting me open the application. No that I have it again, every time I open it it gives me a Performance Warning
Thanks for sending it! I'm afraid that warning wouldn't impact the DLC. It would just mean the images might flicker or the game could run slowly. The fix would be updating drivers/graphic cards.
If you're having issues with the DLC there's something else going on. Can you show me your "game" folder. I could try to see if there's anything missing or out of place. And when you check the DLC info does it say the DLCs are unlocked?
The device is struggling to run the game because of a driver/graphics card issue and that may be why it's closing. But for the DLC, I don't see that the file has been added to the game folder, so it wouldn't be able to unlock.
Once more I am here again to dump my appreciation for this game.
Genuinely, I'm so so happy that I found this over four years ago. The wait was long, but it made the finished product even better. Every single DLC was so sweet and refreshing and I cried multiple times if I'm being honest, haha. I think I'll always have a soft spot for this game.
I seriously want it to be known how much of an impact this game has had on me. It was a sense of comfort when things were rough, it helped me feel less lonely at times, and it taught me to appreciate the small things more.
It also taught me to be patient. I can only hope people can be patient for the second game and realize how much effort and work goes into this. It's not something that can just be finished in under two years. Please be patient with the developers! It'll be more than worth it, I promise! <3
On another note, though, I always knew I'd like Baxter and Derek, aha. Thank you so much for this wonderful adventure. I had fun growing up with the charming characters of Sunset Bird, and watching this game come to life.
Hey, sorry to trouble you guys again, but it really doesn't work on my phone, it gave me the same error message as before. I didn't download any of the DLCs and I turned off all my device security too. 😥
I'm sorry. You could try downloading with a stronger connection and more memory, sometimes a bug is blamed for an install just not being able to happen.But that is a stock answer from the device rather than an accurate description of the situation. If the issue isn't downloading struggles, than there might not be anything that can be done. Not all phones can play it either because of compatibility issues or because some phones won't run things not from the Googleplay Store.
Heya, just wanted to let you know that I came across an error screen. It's my first time during all my playthroughs and, while I've never made these exact choices, figured the error is either related to Derek DLC, or Baxter DLC.
I'm in the Step 2, Soiree with Derek's DLC, and this appeared after making the choice "You didn't want to bring anyone"
Code is:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
ScriptError: could not find label 'soiree_walk_meet_cove'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "s2_soiree_all.rpyc", line 486, in script
File "renpy/", line 1974, in execute
rv =
File "renpy/", line 927, in lookup
raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))
ScriptError: could not find label 'soiree_walk_meet_cove'.
Update: After going back and making a few other choices, I've gotten a similar error at any point in which I'm, likely, supposed to walk out of the house (to meet up with Cove).
Did you start a brand new file or load a save from an older version? If it's a brand new file for the updated version of Our Life, can you show me your OL game folder? A DLC file might be missing or in the wrong place. The game can't load the next scene and those are usually the reasons why.
I had to reinstall the itch app and it updated everything when I did so (I believe), then was able to purchase Baxter's DLC. I had to copy paste all the other DLCs back into the game folder, but made sure that each of them were considered installed by the front menu screen. I did start a new game, but still have bunch of old saves accessible. I was able to go back and choose the other soiree option on Cove's side, with the same game, choices made, etc, and there doesn't seem to be any issues in this particular moment. Anyway here's a screenshot of the game folder.
It looks like you have old versions of the DLCs in there. There shouldn't be individual files for the DLC Moments anymore, just dlc_step_1.rpa, dlc_step_2.rpa, etc. Can you delete those old DLC files? That's likely what's confusing the game.
Someone please help me! For some reason my game crashed even before I begin to play! I installed the DLC first before the base game, and now it keep crashing! I'm using android by the way. It is my phone fault or something? Really appreciate any helps, thanks!
Edit: I found out what's the problem. Turns out it's my phone's since the game runs smoothly on the other devices. Now I can enjoy the game :)
I'm glad you were able to get it to work! Though, I'm sorry it couldn't be downloaded on your phone. It's possible your virus scanner or app settings were stopping the game because it seemed untrustworthy. That can happen to apps now downloaded from the Googleplay Store.
I purchased cove's wedding dlc & the step 1-3 dlc but they wont show up after I've redownloaded them and updated/downloaded the newest version of our life I've even deleted the older versions
I'm not sure what you mean when you say they won't show up. Do you mean you don't have the rpa files at all or that you have the rpa files and put them in the game but can't access those scenes?
I just downloaded this game on my new laptop but for some reason, the game UI keeps on flickering. I'm not sure if it's an issue with my computer or not
You should be able to play your save files from the Steam version by default, as long as it's on the same device. If it's not registering you can take the saves from the Itch build save folder and put them into the Steam one. If you're playing on a totally different device, you'll need to transfer the saves by uploading them to a storage sight or onto a hard drive and then downloading them onto the new device.
I feel like there's an opportunity to add one more CG in Step 4. Specifically during the breakfast party at the Holden household. It would be really nice to see the whole cast in their glory. I haven't played the wedding DLC yet, but I hope there is a CG in it too
hellooo i actually love this game so much i actually got the game with the DLC's on steam unlocked since i couldn't afford paying it but i'm actually kind of struggling to get to step 4 i asked from a friend who played the same game but as soon as i proposed to cove it immediately gave me the end credits was there something that I've done wrong in the past steps? send help T^T
Are you saying you got the game from somewhere other than Steam or Itch? Or you're playing the Steam version without any DLCs? I'm not sure, unfortunately. I would suggest deleting the build you have and trying to download it again from the official store pages to be make sure that you have the most up-to-date version. There are older versions of the game that didn't include Step 4.
here's a copy paste of my review because i am totally in love with this game <3 :
I've got this game on Steam already, but I just needed to come here too to say how freakin fantastic it is and how happy it made me!! hands down one of the best VN i've ever played , if not the best tbh. my hopeless romantic heart could'nt be happier. this game made me live so much emotions, it's so warm and relatable.
also the options for gender identity have made me incredibly happy! and i'm loving the various answers options, most VNs are very 'black and white'/either this or that but this one gives so many in between options, it's absolutely amazing
seriously Bravo <3333
ps: Cove Holden , my beloved , you have my heart now and forever
ps 2: my main OC is named Jamie (and is transmasc) i was so pleasantly surprised to find out the default name for the MC is Jamie :')))
i just bought the wedding dlc and the file didnt show up as being compatible with windows and when i downloaded it it downloads as the wrong file type, saying that i need to open it in an app and cant be added to the game. i was hoping someone might know how to help! thank you :)
Hi! I wanted to know if there was a way to play the dlc if i already bought it on steam? I can play it on my pc, of course, but I'd also adore to play it on the go on my phone. Is that feasible?
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After deleting and installing the newest version of the base game, I'm having issues playing the newer versions of the DLC from a previous load file. For example, when attempting to play the "Late Shift" content, I get the following error message when accepting Baxter's invitation to his condo. Here's the error message in its entirety:
I've checked my computer drivers and they're all updated. So I'm honestly not sure what's going on with this newer version...
Quick addition: I do have the latest versions of the DLCs I've purchased on my system to. When the laptop version wouldn't work, I tried to access everything through the app. Still no luck.
I'm sorry, if a save file is too old it's possible it won't be able to work with the new content. If your prior file can't function, often the only option is to start a new file fresh in the most up-to-date version of the game.
Oh thank goodness! I thought there was a much more major issue. What an easy fix! Thank you so much for your help!
No problem!
hi! where can i view my saves in my files because at the moment i can only access the game and its contents?
There should be a "save" folder in the overall Our Life folder where you can see the files. If those are missing, they might be saved elsewhere on the device, but I wouldn't be able to say where. It'd depend on your specifics.
I havent replayed the game in awhile and saw this. I was just wondering if i had to do anything to update these? Like do I redownload the DLCs? Or is this telling me that they have been updated?
It's saying you should remove the DLC files for Step 2, Step 3, and the Wedding DLC, download the latest version of those, and add the updated files into your Our Life game! folder
Thank you!!
No problem!
I noticed in the game the screen was flickering? Is there a way to fix this?
I'm sorry, this is an issue that's appeared since the engine we use updated. Unfortunately, it depends on the device for what's going on and I can only guess what needs to be changed to make it run better. Here are the usual suggestions, though none of them are guaranteed to work.
Updating graphics cards and/or changing their settings. If you have multiple cards, switching the one you're using.
Updating drivers to the latest version. And going out of your way to try making them update rather than leaving it up to the device to register on its own that an update is needed. Sometimes updates aren't pressing enough to be reported automatically but can still be done.
Turning off the game's animations
Turning off "Game Mode" if you're on Windows 11
Enabling "Optimizations for windowed games" Windows 11
Verifying the integrity of the game files through steam
Playing in windowed mode, or trying to reduce the size of window mode
Creating a desktop shortcut and launching it from there
If there's something we can do about it on our end, we'll try to make that happen!
Thank you for taking the time to help me! I really enjoy this game and have always and always will be grateful for your dedication to create something that many people enjoy (Me included!). Every time I play I am always surprised and excited about the details and reactions each character shows alongside the vast customizability of the mc and their personality. I love the different branching paths and choices you can make and the love and support you feel no matter what you do or who you choose to be. Even after finishing the main game you have continued to provide various extra content and events that I am excited to play through in the future when I am more financially stable so I can afford the different patches. I am in love with this game and I am looking forward to what you do in the future!
Aw, thank you! That's very nice of you to say. I hope my suggestions will help.
This game literally had me kicking, screaming, giggling, and regretting big time that I kept my crush on Cove hidden for too long. HE IS SO CUTE. And I love how inclusive this game is, my gosh! I still have Step 4 to go, but when I say I dedicated my entire day to this... it's my first game and I'm so grateful it's available!
I downloaded it on the android version but whenever I press start it kicks me out! I got the new version our life n&f and it was fine idk why it's kicking me out?
OL1 is much, much larger than the OL2 demo. It's possible your phone is having trouble loading it. You could try opening up more space and closing other things that might be running!
Ho do you play? xD
Omg, I am so dumb-
can i just say, i downloaded the base version 3 hours ago, and im now pausing midway to scoop up all the DLC before i make it to step 3. love this game so much and i cant wait for the NF!
This game made me feel things. Never has a game made me feel nostalgic for things that I never really experienced.
Gah!!! This was so amazing and wonderful, thank you. <3 ^^ I got all the DLC at once and played through everything, and man, my heart was NOT ready. Funnily enough, as I've recommended this game with my friends, one asked if I had taken part in making it because it "sounds" like my writing. I was so flattered, haha. And also happy because I got an amazing sense of kinship from playing this game. <3 <3 I felt like.... there are people out there who feel the same things I do, you know?
The one thing that was a bit confusing for me was *spoiler land*
In the Baxter DLC, he asked my character out. In the next scene, they had a kiss and it was... like.. no big deal? So I assumed they must just have that kind of relationship? They also exchanged hotel room keys, so I assumed they were intimate. Then though, with the kiss scene in the hotel room, the MC was thinking to herself that this relationship was just supposed to be short term or for the summer or something like that, and I was like- when did this conversation happen? I felt like I had missed something.
When I read your blog, I saw how Baxter wouldn't have been intimate with someone when it was supposed to be such a short time (despite his intro). Which- fair, fine. But then... my character felt like she psychically knew about this somehow? I didn't think I had heard any stipulations in the asking out scene. And from the way they say they are boyfriend and girlfriend, it sounds more committed than that? And other people also treat your relationship as a committed thing?
I kinda understood some of the setup when we got to the most painful, visceral ghosting I've ever seen in my life (oof x)). Basically though, all the pieces feel like they're set up to have the MC thinking they're dating and can continue a relationship but Baxter cuts them off at the end. But, the scene in the hotel room didn't read that way. Plus, would've been nice to have some sort of acknowledgement for the first kiss with Baxter.
Anyways though, this game is amazing and transformative and wonderful and GAH. I have so many FEELINGS. >o< Thanks for giving us a wonderful life.~
I'm sorry, I don't know what choices you made but Baxter is always meant to say quite directly that he's only a suitor for the season when he asks you out and it's essentially a fling. He shouldn't ever ask the MC out as though it's a normal relationship. If you missed the conversation about that perhaps there was a bug where it got skipped.
But I'm glad you enjoyed his story!
Oh wow, thanks so much for responding!! >o<
I went back and chose some other things, and I see what you mean. What I chose:
***Spoiler land***
B: To cut to the chase, I'm asking you out
MC: I don't treat things that lightly.
B apologizes, expresses his interest, etc. Says he's not incredibly romantic, but... (kinda sounded like "but I like you" >o<)
MC: Maybe... I'd be ok with that.
Then, he doesn't give the suitor of the season line or anything. MC just asks if they should tell people, they talk about it, etc.
When I went to my family, I said I had a boyfriend. Like, not an option to just be like, I am going on a few dates with this guy, full-out boyfriend. xD Which is a conversation I thought most couples usually had after... a while. Not right off the bat xD. Being able to say that you are just casually going on a few dates with this guy might've been a nice option (plus being able to have a first kiss >o<... and actually having some kind of conversation about physical boundaries. Or, it might come up at some point within the story!)
Anyways, hope that's helpful?
Thanks! :D
As described below, I didn't kiss him in the asking-out scene, only in the hiking scene on the log, and there was no particular reaction there. Maybe you react as if it's your first kiss in other scenes?
Thank you for letting me know about the confession scene! Though, there isn't meant to be a reaction to whatever your first kiss is with Baxter because the relationship isn't the kind where the first kiss is a big moment like it is with someone like Cove. It's just very casual and not something he has a real reaction to, haha.
Ah, I see! My character hadn't kissed anyone ever before, so since she didn't react to it at all, either, I assumed they must have kissed before... like, more time had passed or something? Anyways, that's the impression I got, so I was confused for a while. x)
EDIT: And especially since she was catching feelings, even if she had kissed someone before, I feel like the first kiss with a particular person*can be* special >o<
That's understandable. Though, I'm afraid it's not something we'll be able to add into the story!
A fellow recent player of Baxter's DLC here to address the spoiler question/concern as best as I can:
So it might play different depending on dialogue choices and how direct/shy your character is set to be towards Baxter (this creator does an AMAZING job making every playthrough unique if you choose different traits and options), but I do know that for my playthrough (direct crush stage with him, with an MC who leans towards playful banter and direct statements) Baxter says upfront that it's only going to be a summer fling. Quoting from that scene in my save file: "Well, before I get too carried away in excitement, I must own the fact that this is not a grand romantic overture. I doubt you would believe me if I was claiming to be your one and only for all time. I am nominating myself as a suitor for the season. A charming summer adventure: no more, no less. I don't care what label you'd choose to put to this arrangement. I could be your boyfriend, or nothing at all."
And then it sort of does develop-- or can be allowed to develop-- where MC really catches some serious feelings and it's not just a fling for them after all. MC does tend to refer to Baxter as something more than a mere fling, giving friends and family the sense it's a more serious thing than it is. And Baxter can (potentially?) hint he's feeling more than a fling too. But given how he sees himself and how his character is (beautifully) written, just because he might want something more doesn't mean he will let himself have that.
I'm not sure I know what you mean as far as the first kiss and reactions (or lack thereof) and how that translated to their intimacy. It was described as 'chaste' and 'tender', and afterwards Baxter "laughed quietly behind his hand. There was no chance of you making Baxter shy, but there was a definite coyness to his temperament, and a faint flush to his cheeks." (again, just copying from my save file, and there's every possibility it plays differently to different MC attitudes). To me, he came across as just a smooth 'player' (in the most innocent and childlike sense) who rolled with the punches from a forward MC. But I do know what you mean that the exchanging of keys can imply there was a much more intimate relationship happening off-screen, I suppose!
Oooo, interesting! Yeah, I went back and chose some other things. Replied above. I do find it odd that you go straight to boyfriend. xD That implies a lot more commitment to me. It's usually a whole thing, I thought, in real life. xD But this isn't discussed really in the game at all?
As for the first kiss, my MC didn't kiss him in that scene. She just hugged him. She kissed him went they went on their nature walk on the log. <3 It was cute, but given the absolute lack of reaction (I guess the first kiss reaction only happens if you do it in the ask out scene?), and the earlier exchanging of keys, I was like, OH, ok, they're in THAT kind of relationship. xD Just a bit more conversation, or thoughts, or something, I feel like, could smooth it all out. But yes, it's all amazing and I adore how much personalization goes into everything!! >o<
I cannot describe my love for this game omg, it's so cute and I adore it. I really wish more dating sims were like this honestly. So looking forward to the full release of the next game too!!!
this game made me cry 3-4 times thank you for your services
I’m totally in love with this game, the characters, the story, everything<333
My comfort game<33 I’m so attached to it, it’s a masterpiece fr
Amazing game. And I got to say, that each of the other character DLCs are filled with content and great for purchasing as well. Loved Derek's route. And now I'm excited for Baxter. <3
It's such a great game! I can't tell you how much joy and comfort it bring me, thank you for creating this wonderful experience for us.
am about to finish the base game and just wanted to say thank you for making such an amazing game cause even without the dlc's its a game i would play over again and try out different things to have said or done if i had the time to do so if i ever do end up playing the dlcs when i get money for it i will probably hard reset my save and play it over again like it would be my first time doing so (btw should probably mention I love the character creation and i felt grateful for being able to dip he character in purple and although I didn't see any scenes depicting my character unless described textually, (Raven Fawks) in what clothing he wore I'd like to imagine him wearing a purple hoodie and sweatpants on most days and when it was super-hot out had put on shorts instead. NEVER taking off the hoodie unless he was chilling with people he loved)(i may not know where the sequel takes place in the timeline but id like to imagine that the character i will be playing as in this game is a descendant to Raven if this takes place years later)
everytime i download and go to unzip the file, it says the archive.rpa is corrupt
What program are you using to unzip the file? And it's possible a virus scanner has decided it was dangerous and impacted the file. Turning that off before downloading/unzipping might help.
Love this game! Also I have a question, I sadly cannot play the paid dlcs (I bought all of them and baxters too) on my mac book, I had a windows laptop before and so I bought them on steam but now I can't play it on my new macbook, is there any way I could get the dlcs on here? Or would I have to pay for it again T-T
I'm afraid buying the DLCs on one storefront can only unlock them on your account for that storefront. However, nothing will stop you from moving the DLC files from your Steam folder to an Itch folder!
I didn't know you could move files to the itch folder! I did it and now I have the dlcs on my mac as well thank you so much <3
No problem!
hi! how did you manage to do this? i need to move my saves from mac to windows
Hi, sorry to bother but I have the game on Steam and its giving me problems. It keeps glitching and it crashes whenever I try to do Cove's Step 3 DLCs I'm unsure if its the game or my laptop?
If it's crashing without an error report it could that a virus scanner is preventing the game from running. Or if there is an error report, could you mention what it says?
its only glitching in the background and characters now, but i resolved the crashing part i just needed to reinstall it sorry.
That's alright, it sounds like the game is struggling to run on that device. You could try to see if you need to update a driver or graphics card.
Hey there, I have a question. I bought some dlcs via Steam. However, I would like to play it on my phone as my pc is having some problems + its more convenient. Is there a chance I could get access to the Android versions of the dlcs that I have already bought (I will provide proof and everything ofc), or would I need to buy them again in order to get the android versions?
Sorry to bother, haha;;;;
I'm sorry, buying the DLCs on Steam can only get you the DLCs on Steam. You could try to see if Steam will give you a refund for the DLCs and then buy them here instead.
Haha, its fine, I'll just buy them again. Thank you for the answer <333
Thank you!
I love this game! Although my native language is not English, the story is so fascinating that I can keep reading so many words
So I’m having some troubles. I had this game already installed on my laptop and it ran smoothly with no problems whatsoever. I had to delete it and install it again cause it wasn’t letting me open the application. No that I have it again, every time I open it it gives me a Performance Warning
Any idea on how to fix this?
Hello! Can you show what the warning says in a screenshot? Does the game crash after or can you keep playing if you ignore it?
I've been trying to upload a screenshot but it wont allow me to, sorry.
Also i can play the game if i just go to one of the options which say "Render options" and then got to menu. But then it wont allow me to play the DLC
I could try and email it to you if you have an email?
Nvm, here’s the picture
Thanks for sending it! I'm afraid that warning wouldn't impact the DLC. It would just mean the images might flicker or the game could run slowly. The fix would be updating drivers/graphic cards.
If you're having issues with the DLC there's something else going on. Can you show me your "game" folder. I could try to see if there's anything missing or out of place. And when you check the DLC info does it say the DLCs are unlocked?
So after I click to check the DLC info it takes me out of the app completely
I’m starting to think that it’s probably something with my laptop since I get the same thing for OL: Now&Forever
The device is struggling to run the game because of a driver/graphics card issue and that may be why it's closing. But for the DLC, I don't see that the file has been added to the game folder, so it wouldn't be able to unlock.
Once more I am here again to dump my appreciation for this game.
Genuinely, I'm so so happy that I found this over four years ago. The wait was long, but it made the finished product even better. Every single DLC was so sweet and refreshing and I cried multiple times if I'm being honest, haha. I think I'll always have a soft spot for this game.
I seriously want it to be known how much of an impact this game has had on me. It was a sense of comfort when things were rough, it helped me feel less lonely at times, and it taught me to appreciate the small things more.
It also taught me to be patient. I can only hope people can be patient for the second game and realize how much effort and work goes into this. It's not something that can just be finished in under two years. Please be patient with the developers! It'll be more than worth it, I promise! <3
On another note, though, I always knew I'd like Baxter and Derek, aha.
Thank you so much for this wonderful adventure. I had fun growing up with the charming characters of Sunset Bird, and watching this game come to life.
Hey, sorry to trouble you guys again, but it really doesn't work on my phone, it gave me the same error message as before. I didn't download any of the DLCs and I turned off all my device security too. 😥
I'm sorry. You could try downloading with a stronger connection and more memory, sometimes a bug is blamed for an install just not being able to happen.But that is a stock answer from the device rather than an accurate description of the situation. If the issue isn't downloading struggles, than there might not be anything that can be done. Not all phones can play it either because of compatibility issues or because some phones won't run things not from the Googleplay Store.
Heya, just wanted to let you know that I came across an error screen. It's my first time during all my playthroughs and, while I've never made these exact choices, figured the error is either related to Derek DLC, or Baxter DLC.
I'm in the Step 2, Soiree with Derek's DLC, and this appeared after making the choice "You didn't want to bring anyone"
Code is:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
ScriptError: could not find label 'soiree_walk_meet_cove'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "s2_soiree_all.rpyc", line 486, in script
File "renpy/", line 1974, in execute
rv =
File "renpy/", line 927, in lookup
raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))
ScriptError: could not find label 'soiree_walk_meet_cove'.
Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
Our Life 1.7.0
Sat May 20 00:11:49 2023
Update: After going back and making a few other choices, I've gotten a similar error at any point in which I'm, likely, supposed to walk out of the house (to meet up with Cove).
Did you start a brand new file or load a save from an older version? If it's a brand new file for the updated version of Our Life, can you show me your OL game folder? A DLC file might be missing or in the wrong place. The game can't load the next scene and those are usually the reasons why.
I had to reinstall the itch app and it updated everything when I did so (I believe), then was able to purchase Baxter's DLC. I had to copy paste all the other DLCs back into the game folder, but made sure that each of them were considered installed by the front menu screen. I did start a new game, but still have bunch of old saves accessible. I was able to go back and choose the other soiree option on Cove's side, with the same game, choices made, etc, and there doesn't seem to be any issues in this particular moment. Anyway here's a screenshot of the game folder.
It looks like you have old versions of the DLCs in there. There shouldn't be individual files for the DLC Moments anymore, just dlc_step_1.rpa, dlc_step_2.rpa, etc. Can you delete those old DLC files? That's likely what's confusing the game.
Can do, thank you!
Someone please help me! For some reason my game crashed even before I begin to play! I installed the DLC first before the base game, and now it keep crashing! I'm using android by the way. It is my phone fault or something? Really appreciate any helps, thanks!
Edit: I found out what's the problem. Turns out it's my phone's since the game runs smoothly on the other devices. Now I can enjoy the game :)
I'm glad you were able to get it to work! Though, I'm sorry it couldn't be downloaded on your phone. It's possible your virus scanner or app settings were stopping the game because it seemed untrustworthy. That can happen to apps now downloaded from the Googleplay Store.
I purchased cove's wedding dlc & the step 1-3 dlc but they wont show up after I've redownloaded them and updated/downloaded the newest version of our life I've even deleted the older versions
I'm not sure what you mean when you say they won't show up. Do you mean you don't have the rpa files at all or that you have the rpa files and put them in the game but can't access those scenes?
sorry for not being clear, I meant that the scenes in game wont show up after ive put in the files
oh nevermind I managed to fix it! thank you for trying to help though <3
No worries. Glad it worked out!
I just downloaded this game on my new laptop but for some reason, the game UI keeps on flickering. I'm not sure if it's an issue with my computer or not
That generally means a driver or a graphics card needs updating! The game isn't able to load fully for some reason, but I can only guess why.
I updated my computer but it is still flickering but not as often
is there a way to transfer saves to steam? :(
You should be able to play your save files from the Steam version by default, as long as it's on the same device. If it's not registering you can take the saves from the Itch build save folder and put them into the Steam one. If you're playing on a totally different device, you'll need to transfer the saves by uploading them to a storage sight or onto a hard drive and then downloading them onto the new device.
okay thank you! also i accidentally bought the wrong DLC is there any way i can get a refund on it? i did email support last night though
I'm afraid I can't give refunds. That's entirely done by itself!
cliff dlc when? ;
You gotta be gay ?
Na mate, she/he/they pronouns available for your mc AND can update through the years so you can transition between them.
I feel like there's an opportunity to add one more CG in Step 4. Specifically during the breakfast party at the Holden household. It would be really nice to see the whole cast in their glory. I haven't played the wedding DLC yet, but I hope there is a CG in it too
words cannot descript how much i love this game!!! the music, the art style, everything!!!!
hellooo i actually love this game so much i actually got the game with the DLC's on steam unlocked since i couldn't afford paying it but i'm actually kind of struggling to get to step 4 i asked from a friend who played the same game but as soon as i proposed to cove it immediately gave me the end credits was there something that I've done wrong in the past steps? send help T^T
i think you gotta let the credits roll and the next step/dlc will pop up after , at least it should ??
i did get to the credits roll but as soon as it ended step 4 hasn't shown up
oh that is weird ? i have the game on Steam so it might be different, wish i could help, sorry :/
Are you saying you got the game from somewhere other than Steam or Itch? Or you're playing the Steam version without any DLCs? I'm not sure, unfortunately. I would suggest deleting the build you have and trying to download it again from the official store pages to be make sure that you have the most up-to-date version. There are older versions of the game that didn't include Step 4.
step 4 should play after the credits rolled- did ya download it from here?
OMG this is so good I've been doing nothing but playing this game and already finished it two times. This game is so perfect
hello hello
here's a copy paste of my review because i am totally in love with this game <3 :
I've got this game on Steam already, but I just needed to come here too to say how freakin fantastic it is and how happy it made me!! hands down one of the best VN i've ever played , if not the best tbh. my hopeless romantic heart could'nt be happier. this game made me live so much emotions, it's so warm and relatable.
also the options for gender identity have made me incredibly happy! and i'm loving the various answers options, most VNs are very 'black and white'/either this or that but this one gives so many in between options, it's absolutely amazing
seriously Bravo <3333
ps: Cove Holden , my beloved , you have my heart now and forever
ps 2: my main OC is named Jamie (and is transmasc) i was so pleasantly surprised to find out the default name for the MC is Jamie :')))
i just bought the wedding dlc and the file didnt show up as being compatible with windows and when i downloaded it it downloads as the wrong file type, saying that i need to open it in an app and cant be added to the game. i was hoping someone might know how to help! thank you :)
You don't need to open an .rpa file. You just need to put in the "game" folder of the latest build of the base game.
Hi! I wanted to know if there was a way to play the dlc if i already bought it on steam? I can play it on my pc, of course, but I'd also adore to play it on the go on my phone. Is that feasible?
As far as i know, steam and are not compatible so if you want to play the DLCs on the phone, you need to purchase the DLC from itch