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This game is the perfect romance visual novel


Tried downloading it on my phone, when it was done i opened it and like, pressed "new file" but it kicked me out😭 it's been doing this for like a long time now... I've played our life on both my laptop and other devices but for some reason it just kicks me out on my phone?? 😭😭 Is the problem my phone or.. I need help asap


Sorry about that! Is it an Android phone?


Mhm! The model is a Honor X6a! :D


OK, thank you. Recently we've been having a few people struggling with the Android version of the game, and are still trying to work out what might be happening. I have a potential fixes, but they might not work:

You can try clearing space on your phone, in case there isn't enough storage; you can try turning in game animations off from the settings menu; you can see if there's a security feature or virus scanner blocking the game from running.

Again, other people have had issues as well that were not fixed by the above solutions, so I apologize if none of those work. We are still looking into the matter to see if there's a more reliable solution!


honestly? best indie game I have ever played.


oii, vi que provavelmente nao irao traduzir o jogo para portugues, mas eu to em duvida em relaçao ao motivo, se for por falta de pessoas pra fazer a traduçao eu ficaria muito contente em me voluntaria para poder traduzir!!


hi! im new here, i downloaded it but how do i actuallly find the game to play it?


did you download it in PC, Mac, or Android?


¿Alguien sabe si tiene versión en español :C?


Hello! I hope I translated this correctly, but unfortunately, there is no Spanish version of the game, and probably never will be. We're sorry about that, but we're very grateful you have such interest in our game.


Ou, no problem. It really looks like a good game so I'll try to translate it a few at a time, thanks for replying ヽ(❛֊←✿. 


Tem em português? 😭🥺




Hello! I translated this as best I could, and unfortunately, the game does not have a Portuguese version, and probably never will. We are sorry about that, but we really appreciate your interest in our game.


AAAAAAAAAAARGHHH HELPPPPPPPPPPP!!! I really really want to play this game!! I already played Our life: now and forever and i absolutely loved's perfect, i can't wait for the full game (that's what made me want to play this one actually) so i installed the game since i heard it was complete and the first buuuuut i'm on android and no matter what i do IT. DOESN'T. LET. ME. PLAY! I can get in the options sometimes to turn off the animations with the music and voices BUT whenever i click in "tutorial" or "new game" or even "continue" it A.L.W.A.Y.S turns white and then black and goes to the home screen, i already tried to clean the cache, uninstall and reinstall, close and reopen a muuuuultiple of times, i have enough storage space: 25gb to be full it would need to be like 30gb or something like that, i even updated my phone's software!!...i'm absolutely hopeless, please someone be my hero, pretty please? :(

(Also sorry for the text and bad english, it's not my first language and i'm really in dispair at this point lol ;^; )


woah we're in the same situation i thought i was the only one


So sorry about that! The only other thing I can think of at the moment is that there might be some kind of security feature on your device that's blocking it. But if that doesn't work, we'll have to look into something else.


Firstly, thankya for reading it<3 and now, well, i honestly don't know if that's right but i guess the only security feature i have is the Play Protect so i checked it but it didn't said nothing about the game and i also allowed all the app's permissions (which in this case was just the permission for memory and notifications) nothing has changed though 😔


Subject your phone to torture, maybe it'll work


I have this game (and lots of DCL) on Steam, but I just wanted to say thanks for creating such and amazing, AWESOME game!!! ^_^


why when i press the new file i be back at my home screen i downloaded this game Multiple times it still doesn't work it will get black then im back at my home screen


Sorry if you've been having any issues! Are you playing on PC, Mac, or Android?


im playing on android 


OK, there's a few things that might help: You can try to clear out space on your phone, in case the game doesn't have enough storage to run. You might have a virus scanner that's blocking it, or your device might be preventing it from running as a security feature, so you can try creating exceptions for the game in those. You could also try turning off animations in the settings to see if that works. If none of that helps, let me know and we'll try something else. Hopefully we can resolve the issue!


i deleted a few apps in my phone and delete the game and download it again and at the home page i press the new file again but still didn't work  and uh you mentioned that turning off animations btw any buttons i press in the home page will turn my screen back and get me to my home screen ( im not good at English sorry ) thanks for the help though!

Your English is very good, don't worry! But darn, two of the things didn't work. The only other thing it might be is a security feature or virus scanner that's blocking the game for some reason. Maybe a permission or something. I don't know what path you take on your device to access that, I'm afraid, but hopefully you can find it and see if you can allow the game to run.


Amo el juego pero necesito ayuda seme queda pegado

I'm sorry, I translated your message to try to understand, so hopefully I can help. Are you unable to access the DLC? If so, you might have to reinstall the game completely with a fresh version and start that one.

I already solved it, thanks <3

OK! That's great. Thanks so much for playing the game, and we hope you enjoy.


Playing this game isnt enough. I need it in my veins. To say this game is amazing wouldn't do it justice- truly. Before downloading, I wasnt happy about having only one love interest. I was all, "It's a dating game. I should have more than one guy!"

Man, was I wrong. So horribly wrong.

If you're having this mindset before downloading, let me tell you this: With Cove Holden, you don't need anyone else. While you can customize his appearance and personality, I personally didn't touch anything(aside from his hair.) Having to watch someone grow and change with you while you develop is a beautiful thing, and I can't believe I missed the point of that. The Cove I had on file grew to be a sweet and caring man, and I bawled like a damn baby because I loved him so much. I found myself screaming "THATS MY BOY" multiple times when I watched him and MC grow and navigate not only their feelings towards each other, but to their family and peers. They had big (and I mean BIG) feelings and issues to work out, but that's just part of growing up and maturing, and that's just beautiful.

Now another thing I want to yap about is MC, the fact you can customize them as a person is INSANE. No, seriously. It's detailed as hell. I was pleasantly surprised because no game ever has put that much thought into an MC. You can customize their height, weight, body type, religion, dietary needs, sexuality and gender, and much MUCH more. 

I'm just being a little nitpicky, but I do wish you can see more of them in CGs, but I understand with all the options you have, that can be a coding/artistic nightmare, so I can't deduct any points for that. The options are still amazing and shows representation!

I originally just got it on a whim because Spotify recommended me the "Our Life" soundtrack and the game was free. I mean, who turns down free random games?

Now I'm buying all the dlc packs and whatever other expansion packs I can get my mitts on. The hold this game has on me is crazy. I mean, I stayed up late for 2 nights trying to speed thought 

10/10 This game is on my list of visual novel recs. Kudos to the creator and everyone else who made this game possible! <3

I had to cut this review short because it was getting long but MY GOD theres so much to say. Play it. Everyone play it. Tell you parents and grandparents to play it. ❤️

Deleted 27 days ago

Hi! I love this game so so so much, honestly one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had :') 
I was wondering how to access the save file on mac to export it? Is there one single file I should be looking for or a folder? Thank you in advance! ^^

I don't own a Mac, so can't really say for certain, but I think this is a path to find your save files:


To access the above path:

Open up a Finder window


Paste/enter the path (~/Library/RenPy/game_directory) into the text field and hit Go

Hopefully that helps! And thanks so much for playing.

(1 edit) (+1)

I LOVED IT, the characters, the vibes, the relationships, everything is amazing. I just wished that there was more drama like fights revolving around the main character.

plus mom remimd me of Toriel

I really like this game, I haven’t finished it yet, but I noticed that the background keeps flickering. I’m not sure if that’s just a problem on my end

Sorry about that! There should be a simple fix: while in the game, press Shift + G and change the renderer to ANGLE renderer. That usually does it. If not, then you can turn off animations in the settings menu instead. Hopefully that helps, and thanks so much for playing!

Alight ty! I'll try that.

My absolutely favorite game! A true masterpiece! Couldn't do anything with myself after playing the Patreon Beta of Our Life 2 , got so nostalgic that decided to come back to the first game. It's been a while since I've played it and since then I have updated my PC to a Mac and the Mac version is not available on Steam, where there are all the DLCs I have bought. My only option is now. 

I wanted to inquire if it's possible to somehow download the game with all the bought DLCs still without repurchasing them for the second time again but on Through the connection with the Steam account maybe?

(wouldn't be the biggest problem if it's impossible though, such a great game with such a skilled talented team deserves all the support in the world)

We can't do key swapping, but you can take the Steam DLC rpas out of the Steam Our Life game folder and add them to the Mac game folder of the Itch version. No need to buy them again! Thank you so much for playing the game, and we're glad you enjoyed it.

I saw this game and have been wanting to play it for so long, but when I download it on my android tablet, i wait for it to load and when I get to the home screen and actually be able to play it, it crashes out and I can never get past even a few seconds of the tutorial. I am not sure if it's just a android thing or if it happens with others. Im hoping to try this game out soon and amazing style designs as well!! >_< 🩷

Sorry about that! Are you getting some kind of error message when it crashes, or does it just close? Hopefully I can help you get it to work properly.

It just kicks me out of the app to my home screen, and when I open it again it does the same thing with having to reopen on the loading screen. I tried many times, anything with having to actually play the game such as ,new file, continue, or the tutorial button it crashes and just closes. It loads the preference settings and gallery but not for me to actually play the game.

Darn. There are a few things you can try that might help: You can try clearing some space on your tablet, in case it doesn't have enough space to run. You could try seeing if there's a virus scanner or security feature that thinks the game is suspicious. Or you could turn off animations in the game's options menu to see if that makes it easier to run.

I got it to somewhat work, thank you for your help!! ^_^ 🩷

OK! Glad to hear that. Hopefully it keeps running for you. Thanks so much for playing!



since ol1 is summer and ol2 is fall...

olwinter could be in the midwest !!! northern wisconsin rep frfr. 

AND HEAR ME OUT !! olspring in the dc area. the cherry blossoms. like northern virginia or capital area maryland. AURGH AURGH AURGH!!


i've played this game like. 5 times at LEAST and on my latest playthrough i have realised something.

lee's design (at least in step 2) is kind of giving masako natsume from penguindrum. i think its the hair

anyways 10/10 game i just had to tell the world my truth



I loved it... and i bought the step 2 dlc pack but it won't let me play it? it only says open and not launch and when i go into the file there is nothing in it because im playing it off of itch and i didnt download the game itself or something?/ idk i need help ;(

Sorry you're having trouble! Hopefully I can help. You'll need to download the base game from itch, and then move the DLC files into a folder within the base game. There are instructions on the DLC pages themselves. If you still have issues, just say so!


This game changed my life omg it was so well put together and that's just from the base game and no added dlcs. The team for this game did a wonderful job at the graphics, the storytelling, and the overall vibe of it all.  I finished this game almost 15 mins ago and I'm still sitting here with a heavy heart cause it had to end </3. I've played plenty of vns in my life, yet this one has left a standing impact like no other. I'm even too scared to go back and try different routes because I'm so satisfied with how I originally played through it. Keep up the amazing work so we can keep getting graced with other phenomenal games!!!

I'm so confused, how do I download this game? I downloaded the file but I have no idea where to go from there (I'm using Windows)


After you downland the file, go to downlands-> right click on file then press "extract all", after that you should have two files of the game, in one of them you can open the game. (hope this was useful)


Just to reiterate the other reply, if you find where you downloaded the file, you can extract the game files from it. If you still need help, just say so!

Got it, thank you!


I FINALLY GOT MONEYYYY! So i can get the dlc's ACK so excited!

(1 edit) (+2)

sup creator.....i am real into da game!! u put A LOT of effort in!!

which is crazy 4 me as i don't do stuff like that.....ANYWAY!! just wanted to tell u i love it!! keep going with the hard work!!!  I AM  PART OF DA FANDOM!!! 



i can't play the game whenever i press one of the buttons it just suddenly be black and im back at my home screen i try it many times but i really can't play it


I have a question, How do I get images 3 and 4 of the second step? (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


BRO this game is sooooooo good 


I love this game so much! This might be my favorite visual novel. My only complaint is the Noogie option should appear more often!

how to download


just press the download and pick what type of brand of phone or tablet you have

(4 edits) (+7)

i love this game so much, my standards for other visual novels have increased, and if Cove Holden isn't in any of them, then i'm not buyin!     

ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙


This is why I love this website -- everyone on here is so sweet :)

It seems the game allows you to setup a name or last name in unicode (like “López”) but in the game dialog does not load it correctly (loaded it as “LÛpez”).

Could this be fixed?

Unfortunately, that seems to be an issue with the font we're using in game, and I don't know if there's a way to fix or change it right now. Sorry about that!

(1 edit)

I have a doubt: if I buy the three DLCs, will I have to play them separately or are they added to the normal game or how? I just want to buy them


I bought the game on steam, they automatically get added to the game. Not 100% sure on here, but I'm sure they get auto added.


In you have to copy and paste them manually inside the game folder of the game.


The DLCs are added to the normal game, and happen at different times in the story, if that is what you mean. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding your question!

(1 edit)

I'm having a problem on erasing the name and putting my own, it won't erase or anything

(On mac)

Sorry, I don't quite know what you mean. Could you explain a bit more? Hopefully I can help.

Well, I try to erase the name that's already on, but it doesn't let me erase it for some reason.

Do you mean your character name?


Are you starting a brand new file? In later Steps you're not able to change your last name. If that's not the issue, maybe you just need to click around a bit more on the name section to get the game to trigger the typing option.


Eu acabei de jogar hoje e não sei mais o que vou fazer da minha vida.

Sinceramente, quando eu comecei, não tinha lá grandes expectativas (até porque eu estava saindo de uma sequência de jogos yandere e jogos de terror, ou seja, um jogo saudável e fofinho não era exatamente o que eu estava procurando) 

Independente de como eu acabei baixando e jogando, antes de terminar o ano eu estava apegado o bastante para comprar as dlcs (coisa que eu não tenho o hábito de fazer por que a conversão real/dólar não é brincadeira kkkkkk) mas minha obsessão foi mais forte que minha determinação. Eu queria ver mais aquele garoto chorão.  

Passos se passaram e eu acabei comprando todos os dlcs. E não me arrependo. Vale muito a pena.

E a dlc do casamento então? Um primo. E um bálsamo pra minha alma triste e vazia com o final do jogo. Aquela placa de saindo de Sunset Bird junto com texto de que você poderia voltar quebrou meu coração em mil pedacinhos. Eu precisava de algo fofo e doce e do Cove pra superar... o Cove kkkkkk

Não superei, mas foi tão lindo que me senti melhor.

Só que eu estava jogando vagarosamente, curtindo, eu não queria que acabasse. Uma semana se passou e o acontecimento aconteceu: eu terminei. E agora não sei mais o que fazer. Eu perdi até a vontade de jogar outra coisa, de tão maravilhosa que foi essa experiência. Eu só consigo pensar no Cove kkkkkk

Meus parabéns e obrigado a todos os envolvidos nesse jogo. Foi uma experiência realmente incrível. Eu amei cada minuto. E recomendo muito.

Can we pay in another method then card and paypal?,I don't have PayPal nor do I have a bank account?.I do have an online balance though but there's no other choice but to pay those two ways


Hihi!! you can buy the dlcs on steam too, they have more options for the purchase & it's bit cheaper


I finished this game with about 10-11 hours (NO DLC!!!) during the summer vacation. I've written a review on steam already but thought I should also write one here and must say this is honestly one of the most touching games I have ever played. You can feel the love put into this game and everything involved in it.  Def recommend

I've had this game for a while now but HOW do I get Step 2 2-3 gallery photo? I've been racking my brain, and I can't figure it out TT

you need to tell cove about how his dad paid you while you're in his room, i don't think it's available if you already told him in step 1.

OMO!!! THANK YOU!! <<<333 I'm gonna go back rn! I'm happy I saved, but yeah normally I wait till step 4 to tell Cove, but I'll do step 2 rn!

hi! i love this game so much and i have every dlc, and i was wondering if it was possible to get steam keys for the dlcs so i can have them there? if there is anywhere i need to email to provide proof of all of my purchases, please let me know!

Unfortunately, we can't do key sharing. We really appreciate how much you enjoy the game, though!

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