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More otome should be like this one. Designing your own character the way YOU want, not preset in the game with everything decided for you. That is why I avoid the genre mostly, but this is special. This is what otome should be. More than happy to support this as much as I do.


I totally agree with you =3


Just downloaded DLC 3 for $10, I hope it's as great as the others


I love this game so much:'D Cove is such a loveable character and I can't imagine anything better than this! I wish someone like Cove actually existed in my life but oh well~I am super excited for the 4th Step coming soon and if it somehow ends at the 4th step then I hope the ending will be a banger for sure!


The ending track got me all emotional and this game got me so immersed.I love it!Been playing it over and over since the demo release it's great seeing how far the team has got.Big props to you guys and thanks for blessing us with such an incredible game. 

hi, I'm Aurora and I play from Italy, I liked it a lot, this game took me a lot, I found it on Steam but I couldn't download it so I got it on the site. I would play it a thousand times now I wait to get the DLC because now I can't but I wanted to bring it to youtube, can I do it?

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(1 edit) (+4)

I LOVE THİS GAME AND THİS İS THE BEST VİSUAL NOVEL GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED İN MY WHOLE LİFE I cried sometimes I dont want this game to end and Im soooo excited for step 4 I love cove so much this game made me feel better cuz I have manic depression I shared my manics and my depressive episode's with this game I love this game Im looking verryyy forward for the next updates SHOTOUT TO THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THİS GAME AND HELPED İT AND EVERYONE WHO WORKED ON THİS I love you guys so much u guys are amazing talented people I dont know how many time's I can say I love you guys just YEH I hope this game never ends cuz I HATE WHEN SOMETHİNG ENDS sooo yeh Bye!!! <3 <3 ) ) 

(1 edit) (+1)

I loved this game! I've played this game four times already, and I'm going to play it all again because this is the best visual novel game with a customizable protagonist I've ever played. I'm so freaking excited for the Step 4 to come out !!!

I'm having a hard time working out how to add the DLC's to the game so I can play them, I'm playing on Mac. How would I add them so I can get the DLC's unlocked?


OKAY this might be really hard to follow since I suck at computer things and English is my second language but I'll do my best: so obviously step one is to buy the dlc and download it. Then, when you're at the itch-page for the dlc, press the little cog symbol in the right corner and then press "manage". Press "show in finder". Your computer will now show where it has neatly stored the files and stuff in a little folder for you. Open that folder and duplicate all of the files and put them in a new folder and name it something so that you'll remember which DLC it is or whatever. Put that folder on your home screen in the meantime (just drag it over there and plop it down). You'll need it soon but for now just put it there so you can easily access it in a minute. 

Then you go to the itch page for the main game. Again, open it up to find the "manage" and then "show in finder". The computer will now open where it stores the files for the game. Double click on it. Then right click on that and click the "show package contents" option. The next folder should be called "contents" or something similar. Double click that. Then choose the one called "resources". Then "autorun". And then lastly the folder called "game". Hopefully it's stored here, otherwise just click through all the folders until you find the one called "game". Open it by double clicking. Then you take your dlc-folder you left on the desktop/homescreen thingy and just drag it in here. Just plop it down. 

Basically what it boils down to: the dlc files needs to go into the "game"-folder for Our Life. 

That should be it and the dlc should be added to the game. 

I'm really sorry if it was hard to follow, if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best. This is what I did to install the dlcs  because it was the easiest and they work perfectly so hopefully it will work for you too.

hi! thank you so much for the help, I tried to follow your instructions but sadly it didn't work for me. I tried to find the folder called "game" when I tried to open the game but I didn't find any files instead I just saw this. So I tried to just add the DLC files to that but it still didn't work out for me.


Here's a folder path for Mac. You might have to right click the application launcher and select "view package contents" to reach the proper folders.

it worked! Thank you for the help :)

Great :D

Yes! Right click on it and then "view package content". 

it worked! Thank you so much for your help :)


Yay I'm so happy for you! Hope you have a have a great time playing the dlcs, I know I did :) 


I played this game and I just have to say that its was amazing and I fell for the boy next door who lives with his single father and in game has known me for over a decade


This game is too good and now I'm sad that it isn't real :,(


@GBPatch, I really enjoyed the game yesterday and I'm really excited to play and go crazy for the step 4 which is their wedding day (MC is a boy) and hopefully there's another step after their wedding and epilogue DLC... Is it really the end for them? Expecting to have step 5 which is they will have family (but MC is a boy) and they gonna have a child (for female MC), adoptive child (for male MC)... Cove is PERFECT in everyTHING aspects and maybe their kissing scene will be full CG not like their 1st kiss which is like an small alert box popping up  and that Jeremy brat he's creepy than the 17 year old self and to think of it I think Jeremy I think had a crush on Shiloh but he want it to be in secret. HAHAHAHA I THINK THAT I WROTE THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME, YEAH 1ST TIME :)


There's only going to be step 4, which is the end of the main game( at least, the part of the game that doesn't involve buying the dlcs.) I don't think you can marry cove in step 4, since that's a seperate DLC. 

Apologies if this has been asked prior to now, but is there any intent to add the option to attend the soiree in act two with Derek instead of Cove? I know right now you can only even consider it by selecting to go with a friend, but he is unavailable to attend.


Derek is getting his own DLC later! And in that you will be able to take him to the Soiree ^^.


Awesome! I'd seen that he'd get a DLC, but I wasn't sure if there'd be a revision to the soiree for him along with the new memories. Thanks for clarifying; looking forward to seeing if he can use his feet for sports AND dancing lol!

No problem!

i might need a video on how to play this... i extracted the files and everything and it still isnt popping up, do i copy the GAME file that contains the R files and paste them in the main Our life 1.3.1?


Yeah, you place the files into Our Life 1.3.1.  It should look something like this for PC/Mac. I hope that helps!


one of my favourite games and defiently my favourite visual novel! Once i finished it i played it again to get the other choices! The amount of representation between the whole cast made me so happy and when cove started talking about how he was scared for change when we were on his bed i teared up a bit T_T  The amount of ways you can  play this game is amazing and it never stops becoming interesting!


I love this game so much, i was hook since the first moment, its amazing the level of detail and having so many choices even on minimal stuff was refreshing and incredible, you can really feel the dedication that went into making this game, thank you so much for creating something this great. Needless to say, its my new favorite.


Charming, endearing, and tremendously delightful. One of my absolute favorites!


Just...yes. this is the ONLY game that I've seen that let's you really create your person. You can be a girl, boy, or trans. Has different race option (hoping for more black hairstyles in the second one since there wasn't very many nature black textured hairstyles but there were some) you can really let the MC's personality shine through and can even customize the main LI. All around this is a ground breaking game. I cannot recommend this enough


I remember when i found this game back when it was just a demo and like cove himself it was worth waiting for,im extremely happy with the game you made its so wonderful! It definitely helped me get through a rough time in short thank for pouring your soul into this amazing game

(1 edit)

okay so there is a CG bug in the Late Shift one. Where is his arm! XD (btw before the update he had a arm)

So his arm is relaxed behind the chair and he's whistling instead of sipping a milkshake haha.


Hahaha yeah looks like it and his milkshake magically appears and disappears! I knew Cove had a uncle that can do magic tricks but this is literally Cove doing some real magic! 😆

(BTW this only happens in the story but when you look in the gallery it's normal)

That error is fixed in general, but save files before the update may still have it!

I see thanks you for the reply!

At least it's a funny glitch!


While I love the game, it's still REALLY weird that Cliff tries to warn about pregnancy when you and Cove are both men or a FTM on/after hormone replacements (which make the person infertile).

I'm sorry, I'm kind of confused. He doesn't warn you about pregnancy, it's a general warning that unexpected things can happen and is using the unexpected thing that happen to himself as just an example. If you're not able to get pregnant the game directly has a character say he didn't mean it like that and doesn't think you're going to get pregnant to make sure it's known. Can you let me know what part made you think he did mean it towards the MC so we can check?

This sounds like a "hey, you could get pregnant" warning to me. I've played the game more times than I can count, but I've thought that's what it was saying every single time I saw this part.

That line can come across that way, but that's why in most cases he says a few lines later that he knows you're not getting pregnant and that's not what he's saying, he's trying to bring up how fast/unexpected things can be. If you're not able to get pregnant, there's also an extra side conversation with Cove after the dad leaves where he also reassures the MC that his dad was being dumb and doesn't mean it that way. It's supposed to be that only if you're able to have kids and decided that you want to have kids that extra conversations about how that was the wrong thing to say might not come up. What's the circumstances of your MC and what is the rest of the conversation until they leave the room? Maybe all the details you have together has a bug and is missing the next parts.

My MC is FTM, going through hormone replacement therapy, and I've honestly never seen any clarification like you're describing so maybe it is a bug. I figure it's because in Step 2 I say I was assigned female at birth.

His dad has never said he knows we're not getting pregnant, and Cove has never reassured me that his dad was just being dumb.

Thanks for letting us know! We'll check the flags and see where something might be falling through. I'm sorry you've missed them.


I love Cove he is my boy...
But is anyone else fanning hard for Baxter? Like I cannot wait for his Romance DLC to come out.

Definitely. I wish you could dance with him at the soiree even if you have a crush on Cove and have him with you.

I could've sworn you could in the past, knowing how uncomfortable Cove would be with dancing, but I may be confusing it with one of my many other playthroughs.


Can I just say how much I love this game? The graphics and art are really nice, I like how we can customize our character and our character's pronouns, be able to customize Cove once we got older, and make the MC have actual personalities and freedom to choose any variation of choices. The story of childhood-to-adulthood love is really sweet and heartwarming too, I think I almost cried happy tears. This is a true gem, I can't wait for Step 4 to release!

Hello, quick question, is there a way to change the MCs name after the first character creation?

I'm not the dev but I have played the game, no, you cannot change the name after making a character, but you can make multiple different MCs


You can change MC's first name after the first character creation. Last name stays the same after the initial naming.

I tend to play Step 1 as a girl and then the following steps as a male, so changing a name can be necessary.


Wow just wow, I haven't played a game that genuinely had me smiling like the absolute soft girl that I am for the entire base storyline. 

I related heavily to the progression of change and growth the characters went through every summer and I guess finding myself in a position like that now in real life made me feel all the feels. 

To the game developers and everyone who contributed to the game, thank you sincerly. You captured what it feels like to be a kid and in an instant and adult wonderfully. I look forward to Step 4 and future DLC's!


Holy smokes! Words really can't do justice to what I'm feeling right now. I finished the game, with all the DLCs, earlier today and I am absolutely floored.

From beginning to end, this was fantastic. The personalizing and customization, the insane number of variations in scenes, and the amount of content even just in the base game is amazing, let alone the DLCs. The story is sweet, the characters sweeter and more like people than I've seen in many published stories.

To get a little personal here, as a gay adult man who is extremely closeted in near-all aspects of my life, this nostalgic, sentimental work taking you from childhood to young-adulthood really hit me. This virtual little slice-of-life, where growing up in love with another boy gets you supported and loved and yeah, teased a little, well. I did cry a bit (a lot). Especially at the end, haha.

Thanks folks, this is a real gem. Worth more than all the pennies paid, that's for sure.


Oh, God, I just finished the game with DLCs and I'm gonna cry in this corner, thank you very much. xD


Can I ask when the step 4 stuff is estimated for release? I know it says summer but I'm in Australia and I'm sure our summer isn't at the same time. So what's summer for the developers' time zone? 

Amazing games and DLCs btw!!! Love, love, LOVE!!!


Summer for America (where I believe they are) is end of May, June-August. So it'll be released in just a few months... Unless it's delayed for some reason.


Heart officially so full! I'm so glad I waited until I was off to do a full replay. Just gosh! I love this DLC too. It's all so good!

Hi, I updated the game (1.3) and when I got to the customisation page for the In-Between stage after Step 2, I found there was an error detected for one of the hair fronts. I checked to see if there were any other errors on there, I may be wrong but that's the only one I found.

This is what it said:

While loading <'Image' u'images/character_creation/Character Pieces/Hairbeaded/bangs 63 13.png'>:

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/character_creation/Character Pieces/Hairbeaded/bangs 63 13.png'.

Unfortunately, it sounds like you're using a too old save file or some part of the game didn't get updated to the latest version (maybe you still have older DLC files). That error is from two builds ago but isn't there in the current version. I'm sorry for the trouble.

That's alright! Thank you for replying. I'll check if the DLCs are up to date.

Sorry about that! It probably was my save file since I hadn't updated the game since the first build and had decided to continue it after purchasing the DLCs (Already loving the new additions they bring to the game). Thank you for clearing this up ^^

No problem! Let me know if you have further problems.


Hey I want to let you know there are some names that don't have a voice in the voiced names and they are Cléo, Anaïs, Héloïse, Illdan, Laëtitia, Rémi, Quinn and Raphaël.

I just pay for the DLC with PayPal does it work now? can I get a refusal if it doesn't work so I can play again later when working? 


For me it worked so I hope for you too


if it doesn’t I would hope there’s a way to get your money back just in case.


The problem before was that Paypal simply denied the payment outright, rather than taking the money and not giving the product. If Paypal says they'll take your payment than that means everything will be fine and you'll get the DLC!

Thank you for your reply! I end up fixing it and was able to get it to work. 

just start to play the DLC they're amazing and there then better than I expected ( if that how you spell that word )!


That's great! I'm glad you like it ^^


I am incredible happy with this game, I found it back at October 2019 and I am glad the wait was absolutely worth it, for the few scene we got to changing the whole design your mc system, this game delivered every single time, I am anxious for the futures dlc and also dreading the moment we won't have new content to consume, but i just wanted to say thank u


I bought this game's DLCs on steam and will try to make a proper review there. 

I finished the whole game for the first time. This is probably one of the most heartwarming game/story I've ever encountered. I am stunned. I will cherish the characters forever, especially the relationship built between Cove and my MC. 

What I'm trying to say is that I'm glad that I got to experience it and I cannot wait for more! Thank you ^_^


Hi. I have the 1.3 version for android but in step 3 there are a lot of bugs like "an exeption has occured" someone know how I can solve this problem?  Thanks.

Sorry for the trouble. Some people did have issues and we released an updated version. If you redownload the base game/DLCs you own the problems will be gone.

Thanks. The game is amazing thanks so much🥰

No problem!

(1 edit) (+4)

Warning to all who read this!! It contains spoilers!!!!

I just finished my first run through with the Step 3 DLC and I was hoping before it released that MC and Cove would get engaged and OMG DID YOU GUYS NOT DISAPOINT!! :') When I found this game, I was not expecting much, not gonna lie. I had just finished Ebon Light and was looking for another romance story. But sadly most of the games I've played on Itch were mediocre at best. But I saw this game and thought the art was cute, and became increasingly interested when I saw how much you could change the story to fit you. When I booted up the story, I nearly instantly fell in love with the characters, every single one of them (Except Cliff, but I later learned to love him too). This game is truly unique in almost ever sense and I must thank you for making it. 

I went through the path where the MC proposes to Cove on the poppy hill, is there any other ways for the proposal to happen? I absolutely love how the proposal went, I'm just curious if there were multiple routes to that. 

Also kudos to the team for touching on the feelings of the child of divorcees. Coming from a person who's parents divorced at a similar age. That hit home!!

Er...wait...there's a proposal scene? When was that? I didn't get that. o_O

It's in the last scene, when you wake up on the poppy hill with Cove. There were options to tease about marriage, ask straight out, etc. I'm not sure how we get Cove to propose but honestly I enjoyed letting my MC do the proposing more.

I loved having my MC propose, I just was curious if you could have him do it as well. I loved his reaction.

(1 edit)

Huh...I didn't get those options. I wonder what required it. Hopefully, that's not the only time to propose? Like we'll get the option again in step 4? Ugh...


What level of relationship are you with Cove in at Step 3? Because my character was at the Love stage, already confessed their feelings, and everything happened the exact same, with the added DLC content, then after the final beach gathering with the family and friends, they went to bed, Cove asked them to come out for the final time, to the back of the hill, they talked and reminisced, then the options popped up. 

I don't know. 

I think the trigger also has to do with when Cove brings up whether or not your character is willing to get married in the earlier Moments, when they're going out to jet skii. 

If you say not right now, or something, maybe that makes it so the marriage options don't appear?

Ah, I think I was Crush level, even though they were indeed dating by the end. Also, I hinted I'd only marry someone super special (which is you Cove, silly man). So maybe that's why. Still, hopefully we get a second chance in stage four. xD


What I love so much about this story is that while, yes, it is mostly about you and Cove, the love you have for your family and friends isn't lessened in any way, and in general, the game shows that platonic and familial love are just as important as romantic love (if not moreso sometimes!). Usually when I'm playing a visual novel type game, I'll just focus on the romance option to the exclusion of all else, because the game is set up that way. This game, not so much. While there is still a TON of sweet and amazing moments with Cove, I'd also find times where I'd reach out to my sister or parents for support instead, and the scenes were JUST as heartwarming and full of love.  

I love that you can be any type of person and as long as you're not like, cruel, your family and friends still love and care about you. And even then, just like in real life, you can be cranky at times and still be forgiven. There's no such thing as the "right" dialogue option, you don't have to like all the same things Cove likes in order to maximize relationship points, you can just chose to care about each other, and be yourself. That's enough :) 

The writers also really capture what it feels like at each stage of life, the way kids think, their logic, their mindset, their speech patterns etc.  The best-written child characters I've come across outside of famous children's stories like Junie B Jones, and I loved watching each character grow and change in a realistic way.

This reminded me of things I had forgotten about my own childhood, it even made me reach out to my former neighbors who I used to play with every day. I hadn't spoken to them in years, it was amazing to see them again (even if it was just over zoom) and I have this game to thank for that.


Honestly, I did not expect to enjoy this way too much. It's not just Cove that made me feel emotionally attached, it was the whole plot or the whole world of this game. It felt like I was also growing with everyone; Cove, Lizzie - and many others. I also like how inclusive the game is since I just recently changed my pronouns from She/Her to They/Them, and seeing these characters accept my new-found identity... I love it. They're just so accepting... I just kinda wish this was real too haha.

Thank you for making this game!!

(1 edit) (+25)

For those who are complaining about Cove not being able to be customizable, please don't, and enjoy the game as the contents are already planned out. You have the right to be disstatisfied about certain parts that is not your preference, BUT you'll be able to get it in the second game that is coming (Our Life 2), so please be respectable about GBpatch. If you want more information about the second game, please follow them on Pateron or available social media platforms, which you'll be able to keep up with the date-to-date that GBpatch will give out.


I just want to add something to what you were saying. This game is supposed to reflect real life, and in real life, you don't get to customize people. You have to accept them for who they are. That doesn't mean you have to like them, and this game reflects that. You can not date cove and you can even be rude to him. (enjoy the parts that you can customize) Like peachi, essentially said appreciate the game for what it is. If it's not your cup of tea, that is fine but don't expect them to change the game just because you don't like it.

I liked that I was able to at least change his hair style for my preferred liking. Sometimes to girlish or curly is a turn off for a person. As well as style of clothes. I personally sometimes don’t like certain clothes for a character as it can make them look or be portrayed as douchey or cold.

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I also have anxiety and I like soft and suddle things sometimes. That is my reasoning for liking that I was able to customize him just a bit when I played it a good few months ago in 2020. But to be able to customize him as you want like the MC would be a nice option for maybe a different gameplay or for people who like that sort of thing. But I also like seeing him grow and develop normally like real life. Sometimes tho if you’ve replayed the game more than like 10 times it can get a bit boring seeing the same thing over and over again with character styles, so sometimes it can be a plus to be able to customize in a more complex way for non serious play-throughs. ^-^ But I also understand if its too much for the makers right now and if looked into it should be done later on when they’re able! ^-^

(1 edit) (+9)

It had been so much time since I last fell in love with a character ;_; i'm starting my 30's and this game touched my little heart too much for some reason.

Can i meet a Cove in real life too? a live long friend that happens to be hyper cute and so much sweet for his own good? hahaha i suppose i should have meeted someone like him like 20 years ago for it to be real. It hurts xD Waiting for this feeling to go down and be able to calm myself down.

Note that I rarely comment any game.

Congratulations and i hope the best for the team :)

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