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yup yup this is the one

Deleted 2 years ago

Hey! For this game no other LI is planned. But GBpatch announced their second game (Our Life2) which is in production! One of the LI is a female ^^


Wait, is Our Life 2 a separate thing from them planning on releasing other romantic routes in DLCs? 


Yes ! :)

(1 edit)

Hi! I'm sorry if this has already been answered, but how many steps are you planning to release? The game is absolutely awesome btw!


It's been answered but to save you the scrolling they plan on having 4 steps and we currently have 3 rn :)


(1 edit) (+2)(-56)

 You made only 1 LI and its a male? You cant customize that person gender? How? You did lesbian moms but couldnt do that option to LIs? Ugh

(1 edit) (+17)

The game was designed to have Cove as the main character, male and main LI (of 3). And I don't see the problem. Like you can choose YOUR gender (many others things).

There are other games that do allow you to choose the gender of the LI but not this one and it's okay. 


The problem is that by not giving a choice between a male or female love interest, the devs are explicitly excluding anyone who would otherwise be interested in the visual novel. That was the make or break for me, for example, when it showed up in an email Itch sent me for a game I follow updating. I was quite interested in it until I found out that the only love interest is a single male character.


Cove is semi-customizable because people can change as they grow depending on their experiences and we wanted to show that. Letting his gender magically be whatever the player wants isn't what we had in mind, he's still a normal person. But it also wasn't possible for our small group to give a totally separate female LI equal time as Cove. The game would've been so large we'd have never finished it. It's a downer, but we, and players, have to accept that means some people won't be able to play. Our Life is a series about quality in the love interest, not quantity. We weren't going to make a female LI second fiddle purely for the sake of having one. It would've been insulting to ask people who love women to still play our game 'cause we threw them a bone while giving every spotlight to the male lead. So, B&A stars Cove while having minor side romances for a couple other dudes.

People who want to romance a woman will have to wait for Our Life: Now & Forever. But, honestly, the first game was made with a 'seeing if it's possible' approach where we figured it out as we went along, with a pretty modest budget too. The next game is in early development but is already simply better in terms of features/how everything works together. We've learned a lot since first starting the franchise. People who prefer ladies are gonna have a lot of extra quality in their game thanks to their patience, haha.


As someone solely attracted to women (and sometimes nonbinary peeps) I can understand the disappointment of not having a female-presenting love interest. However, this game is an absolute diamond for friendship. I can truly say that I don't feel left out or that I have had a "lesser" experience of the game because I became best friends with Cove. Sure, I miss a few CGs, but I personally don't mind. I encourage you to enjoy the friendship route if you haven't already - it's golden.

(1 edit) (+2)

Just to give my input, I agree with being put off due to it not having a female love interest. It sucks not getting that option. That said, I have played through this a couple times and I really enjoyed it, and that's with not being on good terms with Cove. This game is still really well made and plenty enjoyable even when rudely ignoring all of the dudes. At no point did I feel like I was getting a lesser game/story for not being friends with them. Since it's free, I'd completely recommend giving it a try. There won't be a romance aspect, but it's still great without.


Honestly, it's one of the few VN's with a special feature that allows you to fully customize your personally preferences in any way it allows you, and it makes it one of the best. The game is simply about growing up with a boy named Cove and it's your choice to decide how you feel about him.


Okay I just want to highlight my absolute love for this game ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love it so much! I orginally saw someone review it months and months ago before the last part of the game had come out and I remember getting so hyped and excited whenever new updates would come out, this game has brought me so much happiness over the last couple of months. I was sad when I finished it recently, but when I saw that a little something was coming out later this year I got so excited, I think my family is sick of hearing me talk about it.  I truly love this story so much, I love the world, the characters, just everything. THIS GAME IS AMAZING IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED IT PLEASE PLAY IT!!!!!!!!


this game is truly so heartfelt

How do you download the dlcs? I want to buy them before playing the free version. Is that possible?


So Version 1.3 also will be released on 16th April, right?

I am looking so forward to this! It is great that you are still working so hard on this and don 't just abandon this! I am excited like a child.


Just want to say, I really like your game  ❤️❤️

It's not just about romance like every otoge that I have ever played..   

I really want to buy the DLC but sadly I have no money  🤧 

Hope someday I have money to buy the DLC 

Keep working hard  ( *˙ᗜ˙ )و✧


So, for those having trouble with downloading both DLC's on Android and getting them to both work, I've found a solution. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but it worked for me. First, make sure your phone is COMPLETELY up to date; if you don't know how to update your phone, you can look it up as it's pretty easy :). Once your phone is completely done updating (make sure to go back and check that there aren't anymore updates, because it doesn't notify you if there are), go and download the step 2 DLC FIRST and install it. Then download the step 1 DLC and install it. You don't need to have the base game already downloaded for the DLC's to work! So sorry if this doesn't work for some people, but it worked for me and it doesn't hurt to try! If it doesn't work for you, reply and I'll try to figure something else out! :) 

(2 edits) (+1)

Is the non dlc complete? Kids to young adult?

edit: how do i go back to a previous screen when customizing cove? seems like theres no back button only a done button which forces me to start the next step. Trying to customiz his looks and personality seems to be impossible.

Lol a few tries later i noticed the both and neither options. XD I'm blind and dumb.


this happend to me too lol

(2 edits) (+2)

oh also, I’m waiting on money right now I’m not sure w long it’ll take sadly but I was wondering where I go to buy all the dlcs and stuff all at once? Like all together plus the game because I’ve always had problems with androids dumb files and stuff with certain types of phones, and I don’t want to lose it and stuff like that and any of my saves or have any problems with crashes and stuff. ^-^ So I like to do the whole downloads and stuff at once if possible. Or like a place that has a purchase button for all dlcs and the price. And also if I do buy the dlcs now and then the other dlcs come out for like Baxter and stuff will I have to re-download the game or anything and have to lose my saves and stuff?

i to want DLCs about babies with Cove looking like his father but hotter


when is step 4? T-T I’ve been waiting for months now since 2020. Not trying to be pushy.. I’m just wondering.


Release schedule says summer 2021. I too am dying of impatience. We will make it... somehow XD


i need more of this HOT MAN


Adorable, I got so invested in the story. My first (and so far only) playthrough took me 22 hours (might have left the game running for a bit lol).

I have a lot to say, so, please if you awesome developers are reading this, I just want to thank you for this awesome, beautiful game. Now, lets get onto my nonsensical rambles.

1. The scenery:

I could not- not talk about the setting. I love how you set the scene of the cozy, little beach town. It instantly made me feel comforted and relaxed. The player family's house is beautifully decorated with it's sort of minimalist-modernish style. And I absolutely loved the player's room in all of it's iterations. Cove and his father's house is just, so... them... Idk, it just felt right for them and reflected both of their (generally) chill and relaxed natures while showing off their inner interests. Lastly is basically everything else about Sunset Bird. 

The hill? A wonderful place for characters to often hang out and share deep feelings.

The shops? Lovely. They helped to elaborate on the bustling (but somehow comforting?) town vibe. 

All in all, a stunning and gorgeous setting for the game.

2. The writing:

The writing is hands-down phenomenal. I didn't think I could get so attached to characters purely based on their dialogue. I truly felt that every character had their own unique style of talking and interacting with the player. The scenarios brought up were just magnified by the lovely writing.  I laughed, I cried, I personally had so much fun with this in general.

3. The characters:

Oh. My. Gosh. 

Where can I even start? 

I could honestly sit here and analyze every character in-depth, talking about things I liked (or didn't) about them, but we both know we don't have that kind of time ;] So I'll break it up for you.

  •       player's family                                                                                                                              I genuinely LOVED the players family and each member's unique traits and personalities. I 100% love and respect the decision to make the player's family a same-sex couple and loved how supporting and adorable Ma and Mom are. Liz is such a relatable older sister (I can relate obviously as I am one) and even if she comes off as bossy and rude at first, you know she loves you. I love how Liz's relationship with the player can evolve of over time and eventually you both can obtain a healthy, adult relationship. 10/10, adorable family, loving parents, great sibling.
  •       cove's family                                                                                                                                   The Holdens have such an interesting dynamic, and to be honest, I love it. Cliff is a great dad, even if he has a tendency to go overboard while trying to make his family and friends happy. Cove's mom is a genuine stereotypical clingy-ish mom and I absolutely adore it. I love Cove and her dynamic, how he acts like he doesn't care or is embarrassed when everyone knows he likes it. And lastly, Cove? well, I feel like he needs a segment of his own, so we'll get back to him. 10/10 cause their dynamic is so interesting.
  •       friends and everyone else                                                                                                         Each and every group of new friends instantly got reimbursed in the characters. I always got a bit sad when some of them didn't stick around, but all in all, they added so much to the story and added many conflicts, twists and so many feels. I wish I had focused on more than Cove in my first playthrough (Though I can't complain, the ending I got was pretty sweet) and was able to better into the lives of the various friends and acquaintances I met along the way. 10/8 cause I didn't get to hang out with them enough!
  •       cove                                                                                                                                                    When I first met Cove, I was instantly interested in his character. His character design was stunning and different. He instantly stuck out from anything I had seen thus-far (hadn't seen that much, but still-). Cove's quiet, wholesome and emotional personality got me so hooked on wanting my character to interact with him and learn more about him. As a child he is quiet, just getting to know the player. Later on, since I went on the crush route, his little awkward baby-teen romance interactions were absolutely adorable. Lastly, I loved how fleshed out he ending up being and how well the player and Cove were able to mesh together and hang out. 10/10 for his adorable wholesomeness and awkwardness.

Final Thoughts:

This game is a true testament to what visual novels can really be, the customization, story, scenes, and characters are just on a completely different level and I applaud everyone for making this fantastic game. I look forward for the next part to come out and home this can really thrive ^^


Can someone help me with this I don't know if it a bug or something or is it meant to be like how it is. I downloaded both DLC from one and two they worked perfectly but there all these weird photos of every characters spread everywhere on my phone with every detail of the game which caused an issues on my phone  there like nearly a thousand of different details on file to photos I was just wondering if it normal to be like that. Sorry for bad English 


That is not normal... maybe try redownloading all of them and checking the file location?

Okey thank you


I love it so much! The art style is amazing, the story is amazing, everything is just wonderful. I'm so glad I finally decided to play  this game! It's been in my recommendation for quite a while and I finally finished it. Really can't wait for the next step.  


How many steps of life do you guys plan to have? I'm someone who likes to play games when they're fully complete, so I will patiently wait even if you guys go to Step 99 and they're gray and old LOL.


They're planning on having 4 steps (childhood, young teen, late teen, and adulthood). Right now there's only 3 steps with the fourth coming around Summer 2021.


Thank you for the help!


I know you've said it before, but I can't find where you said it nor what you said. What is the timeline for Step 3 DLC and such?

Deleted 3 years ago

This is such a good game for this current time period. Every time the game checks in on how I feel about an activity I'm like "outside with other people? It's amazing!"


this game is my everything. It's so wholesome. I love all the characters and their relationships. I can't wait for all the dlc's and step 4 to come out!!


So, for those having trouble with downloading both DLC's on Android and getting them to both work, I've found a solution. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but it worked for me. First, make sure your phone is COMPLETELY up to date; if you don't know how to update your phone, you can look it up as it's pretty easy :). Once your phone is completely done updating (make sure to go back and check that there aren't anymore updates, because it doesn't notify you if there are), go and download the step 2 DLC FIRST and install it. Then download the step 1 DLC and install it. You don't need to have the base game already downloaded for the DLC's to work! So sorry if this doesn't work for some people, but it worked for me and it doesn't hurt to try! If it doesn't work for you, reply and I'll try to figure something else out! :) 

The dlcs still dont work for me T^T I've uninstalled and reinstalled, made sure I've got the right versions and theyre in the right places and it still doesnt work. T^T 


I bought the DLC on steam, but I want play the full game on android. Is there any way to get access to the Android build files if one already paid for the DLC on another platform? 

Also, Our Life is so amazing. I have replayed it so many times. The writing is amazing and the soundtrack is beautiful.


I downloaded the game to my phone and yes, you can, access the dlcs from the android version as long as you have confirmation of buying it through your email.


I've replayed this game time and time again, and it still brings me excitement and joy every time. This is my comfort game that I can't get enough of,  since I'm almost to adulthood and unsure about what may happen next. Cove is for sure my comfort character, and immersing myself into the story and other characters brings me a sense of peace and comfort that I don't normally have. It's especially great that there aren't any bad endings, so I don't have to stress over walkthroughs or anything to get good endings. It's all good! Can't wait for more updates, keep up the good work!! <3


I found this game through itch, but I want to transfer the data to steam. Is that possible? And if it is, how do I do it? I was trying to search it up and it said something about a steam key, but I have no idea. This game gives me so much serotonin


ahhh i just finished playing and i love this vn so much!! it's so cute and i'm so in love with the relationship between the mc and cove :')) i can't wait for step 4 to come out!


Hi everyone,

I played the game on PC (and didn't finished it yet) and I was glad to find out it was also released for Android devices. But now I'm just full of frustration, as this apk (the last one on the page) only offer me to open it with other apps, and nothing to install it. I tried other various apk, and I'm able to install them, but not the game...

Is there anybody else in the same case ? I don't find if there is some instruction to install this apk... Is there some ? Can you point me these ? I'll love to play the game on my phone too.... I'm just so sad I can't...


Oh, that seems to happen with some apks for some reason, I was also really confused at first. :P

You have  to use an apk installer, the one I use is SAI, which you can find on the Google store.

Thanks for your answer ! I figured out that my mobile Firefox was corrumpting the apk each time : even with a package installer it will not see it as an apk.

When I tried to download the apk from my computer, put it in my personal cloud and get it from the cloud to my phone, my package manager would see it and I could finally install it.

Hope it could help some people with the same issue in the future !

Oh, that's interesting! :o I'll keep it in mind for the future, since I also use firefox.


This vn is probably my favorite I've ever played so far, the writing is amazing and the characters are so lovable! I especially loved the scene with the MC's moms telling them about their biological parents, I felt it was very realistic and bittersweet <3


i love this game so much it makes me feel so happy when i play it


As soon as I turn 18 in a few months Im instantly buying the DLCs. Ive played this game I believe a year ago and still do to this day. Its just amazing to play out different routes with Cove whether as a gf, or a friend, or just nothing but neighbors heh. I can't wait for Step 4 to come out whenever its done! 

i do reccomend you buy them because i bought them yesterday and im really glad i did

oh i definitely will as soon as I can hopefully :) Ive just seen screenshots of it and its already worth it


hello! Me again, last time I commented on here was 258 days ago wowza! Anyways I redownload the game and replayed the entire story to see what’s new and good god I AM AMAZED I was brought so much joy by all the updates and changes I’ve noticed to the game, I can definitely say it’s improved a ton! Another thing I was wondering, is there a set date for phase 4 or atleast a near by time that it’ll be completed no rush tho, I could play this game forever over and over, but yeah you get the idea right lol? Also thank you to all the devs, and people who helped make the game you don’t know how much joy this game brings me not only the game but cove too hes just a bundle of joy, boys irl should take notes!

I just want to say, I love this game. I love how many choices it has, how it actually has you able to tell about your self in such extensive measures. I've never seen a visual novel like this, and I'm so taken aback with joy. My first play through took me a good while to do (didn't have much free time) but it was the best game I've ever played, honestly. I've played through it so many times and even made the same sandwich Cove made (liked the little dialogue there c:). I also like the addition of being able to change your pronouns and name throughout the years, that was a really big part and made me really happy to see such thought put into a visual novel. I've bought both DLCs, and have been planning on either buying the soundtrack or donating when I have some pocket cash. I'm very excited for part 4 >:D

I do have a few questions, I'm curious sorry

When the Derek expansion comes out, will we have the option to take him to the dance? I remember him and the MC making a pact to get married in the future if they are still single since they were just kids atm, but I'm just curious. Along with this, how will the selection screens look when the expansion packs for Derek and Baxter come out? Will there be a wider/bigger screen, or will their stories be merged into the current memories, or totally new selection screens? And even if you are still single in the 4th step, will you still have the option to back out of the pact even if you agreed? Or will Derek stick you to it? 

I now realize most of my questions were about Derek, whoops. I just love them both, Cove is quiet and sweet and just an all around cinnamon bun. Derek is more out there and talkative, reminds me of one of my friends. I haven't leaned into Baxter's story quite yet since the first time playing through I wasn't expecting him to show up, my second time I was leaning into Derek's story, third time I was going through without romancing, fourth time I did another Cove route, fifth time...I haven't leaned into his story yet basically. But I'm super excited to next time I have the chance to play!

You guys are doing a really awesome job, and it's amazing what you've made. I've recommended it to everyone I know.  Keep going!!<3

(1 edit) (+3)

Can I just say how much I love this game (and Cove)! I keep coming back to it, replaying it over and over just to see you different choices and personalities would change entire scenes in the future! Well now I have no choice but to buy the DLCs and become a Patron so keep up the great work :) Can't wait for Part 4!


I'm new to this beautiful visual novel/game. I've play one of the events each day. At this rate I'll be done with the last stage in less than a week. Which is soul crushing!!!
When is the 3rd DLC gonna come out? I don't really know where to look info about it.

Thank you very much! We're hoping to release it in about a month from now :D

Just playing through the DLC's now, and I'm so disappointed I couldn't take Derek dancing

(1 edit)

I see people talking about the voiced names not working, and I'm wondering if maybe you guys didn't accidentally upload the non voiced version two times? I remember the voiced version being a bit bigger than the not voiced one, so I think that would maybe be the reason why people aren't getting the names? Or maybe you forgot to add the voice files? That feels like something I would do if I knew how to make games. :P


After a few more plays, there are a few things I would change. First, I wish there was an option to make Cove a girl, since I'm a bi guy and like women too. Second, I would change the character figure, as for things like the scars and freckles on the body, you can't see what it's talking about at all, other than the face


I get your point about the making Cove a girl option. But when I think about it, that would be a lot of extra work, all the sprites they'd need to make, as well as changing the script throughout the entire game to use the correct pronouns. It honestly wouldn't be worth the trouble for the makers, unless they made it as an expensive DLC, but at that point everyone would have already replayed the game multiple times, so nobody would buy it since it would only change Cove's appearance, and add nothing to the actual story.

And I'm just happy for the character editing interface we got, lol. The options, although simple and limited, are a nice bonus since the makers honestly didn't need to give us them.


I agree it would be a lot of work, but I know when I get the money I will definitely be buying the DLC, I would definitely buy that one too

(1 edit) (+3)

I know it's a little too early to ask, but I must know, are you planning on steps beyond 4?  Will the production continue for as long as possible or is there plans on wrapping it up? This game brought me too joy and warmth to know that it will end, I just want to live a happy life together with my baby boy, Cove.


I'm afraid we do plan to end it at Step 4. We're so happy people want more content, but unfortunately as an adult there's just too many possible ways things can go and we can't properly depict it all. Hopefully our future projects will be as enjoyable as this one is ^^.

(2 edits)

I am not going to hide it, I am sad, but you are correct, too many possibilities and things to do. But I'm guaranteed that it will be better. I believe that you will outdo yourself on the later projects. After all, there is only up when we are talking about skills and ideas.


Thank you very much for understanding!

One more question, is there a known date on step 3 DLC, or is it still just that it will be this or the next month?


I'm afraid there isn't a set date, we wouldn't want to disappoint people by missing it. But it will be about a month or so from now!

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