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the step 4 is gonna count as a dlc (in the matter of being paid) or is just the wedding that is gonna be a dlc?


Step 4 itself is a totally free expansion! The wedding DLC is the extra paid part.

Deleted 236 days ago

They'll come out separately.

I wanna restart the whole game I tried redownloading it but still has everything from before, might know how to restart the whole game like deleting everything and restarting everything?

Did you try hitting new file?

I wanna delete everything and start all over.

If you can find the AppData\Roaming\RenPy folder on your computer and delete the persistent data files for Our Life there and then delete the whole game, you should be able to redownload it fresh like your computer never had it. But it might be different depending on what operating system you're using and this won't work for Android.

Thank you! ill reply again if it works tysm <3333

No problem ^^


Great game :) Excited for step 4


amazing visual novel , i love it :)

How do I unlock the DLC things for Baxter and Derek? I played through the full game and reloaded a few times and don't know how to get to those

Deleted 331 days ago

I thought they were supposed to be a part of the 3rd dlc

I downloaded it but when I try a install the app it says it's can't... help please


I'm genuinely in love this game! I got it on steam but it's become one of my favourite games after having it for one day. I got all the dlc because of how much I love it. You've got to be one of my favourite game developers out there!!

Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to the rest of your content
Side note: The music is so good it keeps making me cry in a good way <333


Amazing!! Couldn't stop smiling. I ruined my sleep schedule, playing this in the dark til' 3 in the morning. But it was worth smiling so hard, my cheeks hurt. So thanks, to all the lovely people who made this. Can't wait for Step 4 and whatever comes next. <33


so for step 3 i chose relaxed love because at that point i was pretty head over heel with the dude. tho i didn't pick the boyfriend option. throughout the entire step i was pinning so hard. 10/10 gonna go buy the dlcs.


Damn, i thought id never see the day that id cry to a story. Im gonna wait for stage 4 or whatever more stages you add so i can buy the DLC's all at once <3


I normally don't cry to games, but this one got me crying crocodile tears. The story line was amazing and Cove is very dear to my heart now. I can't wait for Stage 4 to come out, so I can cry more. This was the best game on I have ever played, and will never forget this.

-A very satisfied(Currently Crying) player <3


I wish I can buy the DLC but I can't cause I live in Turkey so 3.99 is literally 34.83 here I'm soo poor I wish I can buy it cuz I love this game so much :(

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

Ok, I'm not the most emotional person in the world, but this game made me tear up like a puppy through the whole gameplay! It's a true masterpiece, a simple story of 2 people and their families, but this is exactly how a true art appears. No big dramas, no big plot twists, just a story of 2 kids, then teens, then grown up people. My big thanks to developers, its truly awesome game. l definitely will support you guys on Patreon and already waiting for a part 4.


i have never  read somthing as goood as this, i enjoyed every second of it , this game is a masterpiece!!!

cant wait for more to come:)


I love the game so much! If it's not too much to ask, could you please add more save slots? Thank you very much for making this game, I'm really looking forward for the release!


i just finished the game and i can't explain how much i LOVE this game. it made me tear up. this is my first time being attached to a game. thank you developers!


I was a bit on the fence to start out, but now... now all the fluff and gratutuitous wholesomeness of the game got me right in the feels. This is a wonderful little game.


Just binged this game in 2 days XD

I have a question though, is there a reason why the MAC OS version is not available through Steam? I'm glad the mac version was available on this website but would have preferred it on Steam. 

:) wonderful game! Excited to see what else you create!


Apple requires special notarization that many indies can't get in order to officially have approval for release on their devices. Right now our game is an unauthorized third party app, which Itch doesn't mind. Steam does and will not let us put up a Mac version on their site without the extra approval that's a hassle to get. I'm sorry for that.


Oh, that's fine! I was curious :)

Keep doing what you're doing!


Thank you!


I love this game so much but the question is When is The Step 4 gonna come out cuz its already summer 2021 right? or I don't know I just love this game too much <3


We can't say a specific day, we only announce release dates like a week or two before it's gonna happen, but it is gonna be this summer!


i binged the whole thing yesterday and adored it, and you can bet i'll be getting the dlcs. <3

It's a very beautiful game and I can't wait for step 4, I have a question about the 18+ part of the game, I mean is it a patch on patreon? Can it be downloaded for Steam? How would it be installed? Thank you very much for all the hard work you make!

Thank you! The 18+ stuff is just an optional, bonus side story. It's not added to the main game or anything, and it's not gonna be on Steam. Patrons will simply be given a link where they can download the side story file from where we store it online and then they can read it. There's no patching required. I'm sorry for the confusion.

Oh! I see it's like a narration then! I'm sorry, I was so confused. Thanks for responding! I love this novel so much <3

Truly my favorite game of all time. I've played it so many times and think about the story constantly. I recommend it to everyone I know that likes slice-of-life stuff, even if they're not really into VN. Thank you GB Patch for bringing this creative wonder into the world

This is my favorite Visual Novel and, actually, I would say that Our Life Series, are going to be my favorites for a long time. The amount of choices is great, and all the characters have a way to be enjoyable. The choices do matters, since the MC can have  a personality.

Can’t wait to play the DLCs!


this game has a special place in my heart, all i have to say is thank you sm for making it :)


sappy af, some cringe moments, but all in all cove is great.


i don't have words to describe how much love i have for this game, i play it endlessly... thank you for making it, really

but i just wanted to say that i laughed embarrassingly hard at "it's colden here"

(1 edit) (+1)

hi i wanted to buy dlc but it says it doesn't accept paypal? balance?


I'm afraid that sounds like a problem with Itch itself. You'll need to contact their support if the site isn't accepting normal payments. But when this happens, usually the issue just goes away after a day or two!

ah alright thank you for responding


when's the epilogue 4 coming out?


this vn stole my heart when i played the demo on steam at its release, and it holds a special place in my heart. 

 refreshing art.  a highly customizable mc.  realistic experiences yet not overly gritty.  a steady progression that's easily digestible wether you're looking for leisure play or to throw yourself all in.  it has all around healthy relationships and well built characters.  it's safe, comforting and sweet.  i find it unbelievable that the majority of the game is available for free.  there's no winning or losing, it's simply life.  n ofc bestest boy: Cove, he's not only extremely lovable, but realistic, whole, and a personal comfort character.

 with the amount of branches i constantly find myself returning to explore new paths.  your choices greatly impact and shape the story, yet i don't find myself fretting over every decision i make.  if i were to be critical, i doubt i'd find many flaws.  

the concept and the whole system is new and fresh.  overall this vn is just generally well made, and even if i was neurotypical i don't think i would like it a normal amount.  i bury myself in interactive worlds to escape my own reality, but this was more than that.

i was tempted to give a short 'great game!', but you won, this deserves more.  i apologize if i ,or any of my wording is confusing.  i have a hard time expressing myself, especially through text

(on a side note, going down romantic paths was a lil weird to read bc my cousins are all holdens)


Literally one of the best visual novels I've ever paid! So awesome


this is one of the best visual novels ive ever played! i loved that there are soo many choices and you can customize a lot of things! Can't wait for step 4!


Thanks for making this game.

It was nice to invest myself completely in all the little moments Sunset Bird had to offer. Never thought I'd shed tears so often over the simple acts of fictional characters, but with the way you've written these people, I can't help myself when they go ahead and melt my heart. I guess this should've been expected when I saw the "feel-better" descriptor.

But really, I'm glad I got to stumble upon this. Just hope you'll continue to knock it out of the park with any future stories; your writing talents deserve it.

I'm confused. I want to get the DLC packs, and also the 18+ moment when it comes out. I have the game on Steam. Can I buy all the DLC packs on Steam, then get the 18+ moment through Patreon and use it with my Steam game? Or should I download the game through Patreon/Itch, then buy the DLC packs and 18+ moment through there as well? I just want everything to all be in the same place. I don't want to have my Steam game + Steam DLC, then a whole seperate game version just for the 18+ moment. Also, would I get to access Step 4 sooner as a patron, or would it be immediately available on Steam?

Admitedly, people were pretty excited about the idea of new content and it's unfortunately been kind of overblown. The Patreon Moment is just a bonus reward side story. It's not comparable to the actual DLCs and it isn't part of the real game. The file for it is a separate download whether you got Our Life on Itch or Steam. There's no way to combine the bonus scene with any of the main builds, since they're different things. I'm sorry for the confusion.

There will be Step 4 beta builds available early on the Patreon, but the fully polished version won't be released ahead of time on the Patreon.

Thanks for the quick reply. It's all okay! Now I can buy the DLCs today and enjoy them. This is currently one of my favorite VNs, and I've played a lot of them. I also have to express how happy I am that my name (Ren) is voiced. 

Thanks for understanding! I'm really happy you like the game that much :D

Ok so I really love this game more then anything just won't you to know keep up the good work plus the cove sporty with tattoos so super cool can't wait for part 4 😆😆😆

my favorite part is when we made sandwiches and we both chose to make one with peanut butter and banana slices. we were truly meant to be <3

Deleted 1 year ago

I’m having the same issue.

I said this to the other commenters, but in case you don't get the alert I'll reply directly again.

It's possible you have a pop-up blocker/virus scanner that's stopping the download. Maybe see if you can temporarily turn those off or using a different type of browser to try downloading it. Or sometimes it says 'forbidden' but what it really means is that it can't be done because there's not enough space on the device. So clearing out room for it might help. I hope one of those works!

It's possible you have a pop-up blocker/virus scanner that's stopping the download. Maybe see if you can temporarily turn those off or using a different type of browser to try downloading it. Or sometimes it says 'forbidden' but what it really means is that it can't be done because there's not enough space on the device. So clearing out room for it might help. I hope one of those works!

Hi, today I bought the DLC for step 3 and tried downloading it on my android and updating the app but when I did so, my previous files disappeared along with the events from the two previous DLCs. I tried reinstalling the app and the previous DLCs but the events still wouldn't unlock. Could you provide me with a solution?

I'm sorry for the trouble! There was a problem where older versions of the DLC would go ago when you added a new one. But if you uninstall everything, install the current base version of the game, and then add the DLCs it generally works with everything there. Did you only try uninstalling/reinstalling the DLC parts or have you gotten the most recent base game too? Also are you downloading through the App or directly from the game's page? You could try doing the opposite of whichever method you used before. Some devices work better one way and some work better the other.


I came into this game thinking the extreme emphasis on player choice was interesting conceptually, but pretty skeptical that it would really work in a way that didn't just feel like a high effort gimmick. I am pleased to report that was not the case at all.

It's honestly really hard to describe my experience with this game and how it made feel. The story of the game and it's mechanics mesh together beautifully. It doesn't feel tacked on, it feels like a really crucial part of the experience. I'm used to branching conversions in games being a strategic thing, puzzling out the “right” responses to get the the “good” ending. But this game truly doesn't have any wrong answers or bad endings. But at the same time it still really feels like your chooses are significant and meaningful. It matters that you're you. If you where swapped out with any other generically nice person the story would be very different.

As a fairly anxious person it was honestly really cathartic for me to be able to get into that head-space for a while and feel like what I was saying mattered, without worrying about saying the “right” thing. Kinda brought home for me how much I sometimes struggle to achieve that in real life. (Though in a way the felt reassuring rather than simply making me feel bad about myself.)

Obliviously, I can't guarantee everyone will get as much out of this game as I did, But I can confidently say it's a unique experience that's worth your time. <3


Ive always sucked at RPG kind of games like this, but because there was only one love interest, it was easy ti go all out on him haha. Cove is a sweet and sensitive boy and this game was so wonderful to play, I couldn't stop! Loved all the personalisation details and although it doesn't really matter, it also does! At one part, MC could even wear headwear which made my hijabi little heart very much included <3 highly recommend this wonderful game.

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