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It's a good game, great game to be honest and honestly, I've fallen in love with Cove. But I have some issues with the android version. It feels slow and even though i "tapped" the screen to go on the next dialogue and it sometimes acts on it's own (on my experience) that I can't catch up, and it doesn't respond very well (for me ig) I hope you show the minimum requirements on the android version because I think my phone is the problem lolol. 


I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm sorry it's running slow. Sometimes the game struggles if there's limited space on the device. We can also see if we can optimize it more in the upcoming update, though.

im losing my mind im at the AB part and i can't believe its canon that cove likes feet

I love this game !! I used to have this game on my old computer, but that broke. I've made it quite far in the game and its probably one of my favorite games on Itch! <3

I've been playing this game for more than a year now. It still gives me the same comfort it always does :>

It's a very good game :^)


This is probably my favorite story game of all time. T.T

It feels like you have relationships with all of the characters.  Sure there's the schtick where Cove actually grows and changes depending on your interactions and relationship, and that's super cool, but I feel like I have meaningful interactions with all of the characters.  I remember them so fondly, and I love feeling like I'm actually interacting with them.~  I legitimately cried when I opened the game again recently and heard the music. xD 

I guess, there's a sort of distance in Otome games because the situations, people, etc. tend to be kind of far-fetched and out there.  There's also the understanding that you will get with one of the characters.  In this game, it's not like that.  You don't even have to be romantic if you don't want to, or if the character you're interested in doesn't like you that way.  It's not a given.  It feels... realistic in a way that other games don't, and not just because of the slice of life.  If you set this game on a spaceship during an alien invasion between firefights, but still had all the choices, variable relationships and interactions, memory system... it would still be amazing.

That being said, I'm super curious about all of the things that can happen in the game!  Is there somewhere where all of the different branches and differences are listed?  I feel like I don't want to replay making different choices because that wouldn't be MY life. xD


Thank you very much for the kind words! There was a doc going arounf in our Discord that kept track of alterations between Moments. But I didn't make it and don't have the link myself, unfortunately.



Thanks so much! :D  Happy Holidays!

And I checked on the lovely Discord and was shown this link ^^ -

Thank you so much!

What a really great game


Really wished we could of had a wedding if we wanted as I think that would off been cool and i would of wanted to see their future together <3


Really adore this game! I bought all DLCs and even got a patreon account just so I could witness the NSFW moment too, lol. It's definitely one of the best VNs I ever played and I just love everything about it. It's also super fun to replay the game from time to time since it never gets boring!

I've got a little question tho: I know you wrote on your release structure that the next one will be Step 4 Cove Wedding DLC with estimate release on Fall 2021. Unless I missed out big time, I think that's not up-to-date anymore? Could we get a newer release structure or is it all still too difficult to pinpoint a time span? No worries if you can't or don't want to say any specific dates, I'm just curious and keep on checking every few days whether there are any news lol


I'm glad you enjoyed the game! The Wedding DLC is coming kind of late, we posted about it on social media if you want to see our full explanation:

Thank you so much for the quick answer and the link! I look forward to the DLC and hope you have great holidays! Stay healthy and happy :)

No problem :D

I absolutely love this game! I keep replaying it ahhh. Thank you so much for making such an open and wonderful game! <3


Non-voice version is not working  in Android 11. Please fix it. I really wanna play the game. Thank you.


so i bought the DLC's awhile ago but im trying to play the step 2 DLC's but it wont let me, its saying "im sorry but an unexpected error occurred, script error could not find label 'reflection'" and it does that to all of the other days/"rpyc" i try to click on, how can i fix this??

The error sounds like the Step 3 DLC isn't properly installed any more. Maybe something happened to that part. Downloading the all the DLCs again to be safe and adding them back might be for the best.


A very well written and animated visual novel to be honest, the flexibility for character costumization, choices and routes are wide that let the game replayable unlike others with on way route(not saying those vn arent good enough) it also gives you freedom whether how you will act with so much choices letting you feel you're actually making realistic actions and not limited by few answers that sometimes feels like you're controlled. Play it guys and you won't regret


I love this game so much but on the step 3 dlc boat ride it kept saying their was an error and now it won't let me play.. any help?

I'm sorry for that. Can you tell me what the error says? And you can potentially just close the error report screen by hitting "Ignore" and then continue to play from there.

I would but it won't let me into the game anymore, it crashes every time I hit continue and I can't rlly remember what it said, I had pressed ignore at first and once it popped up again my game started crashing

"Continue" means you're booting up the most recent save, which sounds like is the one with the error. Using the "load" option to choose a different save file could help or you might want to try a making new game. It sounds like that save might be corrupted or broken rather than it being a normal error. I'm really sorry that happened.

alright, thank you

this happened to me at the soiree i just reinstalled the game and it worked again, the save didn't get erased too, so all is well


Is Baxter and Dexter love not a thing now? there's pictures for it, but I can't find any information about them anymore. Or am I blind?


Those are still coming. There's a "Release Structure" section at the bottom of the game page you can check that to see our plan for new content!


Thank you

Tem tradução para PT-BR?

I love to play the demo but the visual novel isn't working on Android 11. Is there a way to fix this problem?

Have you fixed it yet? Mine isn't installing

No, I haven't. Can install the app but cannot play it. The visual novel closes after being used for a minute.

Did you downloaded the voiced name version? Some Android types just can't run it because of font issues, but the non-voiced version works in those cases.

Thank you. I'll try it now and get back to you later.

(1 edit) (+1)

I playd games were no romo route existed, but (aside NPCKC games) it is 1st time i fell the friendship is on 1st place, normally no romo routes seems just 'romance route but wihout romance', like someone take a story and just cut out some parts. This game is different, you do not feel like you miss something, no-romo route is a story on its own (and not a downgraded romance route)

(1 edit)

I LOVE THIS GAME SOO MUCH!!!! It is rare for VN to allow MC having a strong non-romantic bond with LI, i like playing romance routes but it is so good to have a choice and develop other kinds of commitment. Finally i can hug a character in game or spend whole night with them without it turning in romance. I love Cove personality, and MC personality too! One of my fav VN developer said that MC is the hardest one to create, and it seems true-so many MC are too plain, without anything special in them ( i know, Cove dad would disagree ;p), very uhmmm...basic, if not silly and/or irritiating. But my precious MC (named Veru) is really relatable, not only bc of gender and sexuality and romantic orientation I choose for them, but also in general vibe...and choice options feel so natural! I often experience 'ughh none of these option seems right for me! Who would ever do/say something like that' but not this time! Choices are great! And colours works great, there is nothing more frustrating than choosing something that you think will be consoling or funny etc and discover that full sentence is rude or unvalidating! colours indicators help avoid such mistakes! generally it feels like anything i hate in VN has been solved in this game!!!! i am on step 2 right now but i already know i will play multiple times to see how my choices shape MC and Cove.
Oh, and moms personalities and relationship is great too...and just everything is great? w o w.



During step four when i press the option "Hey cove is there anything you'd like to  see me in today?" cove doesn't reply back and it skips as if i never said that

I dont know how to apply the DLC purchase i made for step 2 do you think you can help me

Windows, Linux, & Mac Instructions:

  1. Download the file after purchase
  2. Extract the zipped file you downloaded
  3. Open the extracted folder and copy the rpy files inside
  4. Open the folder of your current Our Life Build and find the "game" folder inside. To view folders on Mac you might have to right click the application launcher and select "view package contents" and you may have to open a couple different folders before you find the "game" folder tucked away inside
  5. Paste the new rpys you got from the DLC into the Our Life "game" folder

After that, the build you already had will now include all the extra content this DLC gives.

Android Instructions: Download the .apk file and install it to your device. It will update your current game version to have all the new info. Or, if you haven't downloaded Our Life before, the complete game (with DLC included) will be installed. The file size is large, but only the files you don't already have will be kept. It won't double the amount of memory used if you already have the game installed.

Creator, could I ask when the baxter and derek dlc's will be released?

i don't think they have a set date yet. They're still working on the cove wedding dlc and after that i think they'll work for baxter and derek's dlc

Thanks for the update!

How can I download the our life android? It keeps saying "App not installed" and "package installer stopped" or something like that

I'm sorry you're having trouble. That is unfortunately some kind of compatibility or internet issue, I can't say for sure what it is. It could be:

-There's not enough space, even though it says there is

-You should try downloading through the Itch app instead of the webpage, or vice versa if you were already using the app

-You have a virus scanner that won't let the app install

-You have settings on that don't let third party apps install

-The internet connect isn't strong enough

-Something is going wrong with Itch itself

And things like that.

But also, some Android builds don't work with the Voiced Name version but do work with the Non-Voiced name version. I hope you're able to get it to work!

Do you know what Android build the voiced one requires? maybe my build is the problem since I don't have any problems with the one you listed.

i love this game so much! i've finished it a few days ago and been replaying my favorite scenes ever since. thank you for making such an amazing game ❤️


I loved the game a lot but i felt like i had a bit too much control over things i should not have control over but that did not spoil the fun for me too much,

perhaps give option at the beginning for those options to be chosen at random or perhaps an option for mini-game style approach which i think would be much better then simple picking things that i would not be able to pick if it was real life.
just my opinion though XD games great regardless i just figured there is some room for it to be even better but such is pretty much everything in life i suppose.

I also didn't look through the comments before playing the game and i'm kind of thankful for that but i suppose it should have been so obvious but it makes sense now why i understood cove so well :)

another potential idea for future dlc could also be furry related content, i want to show up at cove's house randomly wearing a blue dog fursuit XD but i suppose that'll have to wait if it ever happens or i'll just continue to imagine it in my head *shrugs*.

don't know why, but it doesn't want to start on win 10, but much earlier it was working properly (untill i deleted it for quite a while, but i want to experience this amazing game again)
i'll try a couple times more, if i won't add anything to this comment for a couple of days, this means that it's not working


it's working! i think it has something to do with the fact that i have a 32bit system, but it's fine now


i loved this game it was so fun i was actually sad when it ended i love that you have the choice to be trans and stuff it made me super happ6y and i loved all the representation in the game <3 i really love this game alot!


This is a wonderful and warm game that brings a different and frankly long-awaited (at least for me) perspective on these types of games. I loved the story and the characters. And I must say that I fell in love with Cove. Thank you very much for bringing us this story.

This game is beautiful and sweet and comforting, and I've already played it so many times, and I feel like that pattern is going to continue (possibly forever). There's just so much warmth and thoughtfulness in it, and I always catch myself with a big, goofy smile on my face. The characters are all wonderful.

Plus, as a queer, demi, trans, autistic person... it's really nice to see all those facets represented in a game, in a non-stereotypical way. (I actually cheered out loud when it was confirmed that Cove's autistic. I'd headcanoned that based on earlier-game content, but I wasn't sure if I was just reading too much into things or projecting, lol. Downside is, I was playing in the middle of the night and the neighbors might not have enjoyed the sudden "woo!" they heard through the wall. My bad.)

This has become one of my go-to comfort games for when I'm having a bad day after work or for any other reason. And from there, I started looking into your other games, as well, and enjoying those. I can't wait to see what you do next. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us. <3

(4 edits) (+2)

I just finished the story today and it was amazingly beautiful 😭 i want to buy the dlc but i will wait for the wedding dlc.  Just want to say thank you for making this beautiful warm story ☺️


If i buy the dlc for i need to redownload back the game? For each dlc?


No it's ok already got it.... Can't wait to play again with the dlc's!

Hey! I tried downloading this again and it keeps telling me the file is 'forbidden'. I don't know what the issue is since I have an account as well as have tried it on multiple browsing apps. If anyone could tell me what the possible issue is, I'd be thankful!

That probably means your device doesn't want it for some reason. Different builds can be accepted differently by the same device. Maybe this time your virus scanner thinks it's too risky, or it's too large to easily be downloaded without better connection or even more extra space, or that you should download it through the Itch app instead of a browser app. I'm sorry it's being finicky!

I was wondering why isn't the Mac version available on steam?

Our App is third party and not officially approved by Apple. That's a hard thing to do for small groups. Steam requires that special notarization and Itch doesn't. Hopefully someday we'll be approved by Apple and therefore Steam.

Just a question: sometime earlier this year I think I remember hearing that the Baxter and Derek routes would be optional DLC, so I was just wondering if anyone has any news on that? Sorry if I remember incorrectly or I've missed something :)

We're still working on them! But they are coming along.

I see; thanks for the response! :) <3


crying and shaking im so excited to play this ending

(4 edits) (+3)(-1)

So... I made a comment on the game saying I'd maybe come back to talk about the game once I finished Step 4 and so I will, this game is absolutely amazing, the moments I had with this game are great, it took me many nights to finish the game because I only played it at night when my mom and sister were asleep, this game made me have many emotions and some moments made me feel extremely good, like the failed kiss in the road trip, the first kiss and the confession with cove in Step 2, the fireworks that made me feel amazed and very energetic along with the fireflies that made me feel calm and happy in Step 3, the party and dance was for me the best thing in Step 3, at that point I felt nice, blissful and just... Calm and relaxed, like nothing was wrong, everything was perfect...

There were other very memorable moments for me that I remember with fondness because of some things of mine, like the road trip in Step 2 in which Elizabeth gives you a bag of chips that you can take a fistful of or the little road trip to Kyra's house in Step 3 in which you go to the same place as the road trip in the previous step, I have an older sister that's 3 or 2 years older than me so there were some things I could relate with (depends on the days we have our birthdays) and I used to go to road trips with my mom, dad and sister to some places in the province we live in, one road trip every summer, for 5 summers, we'd prepare things the previous day, wake up early the next one, put the things in the car and get pillows so my sister and I could rest, the places we went to were good and I had happy moments there, times in which I didn't have to care about many things, but the travel to the place is the memory I hold in my mind the most and remember the best.

I got kind of off topic there, sorry... What I want to say is that Our Life: Beggining & Always is a great game, even with a direct crush and love later on, the relationship didn't feel rushed at all and had a good development! I love the last dialouges, about "Our story" and I thought "The end of the story of our life..." both refering to the game's name and the end of the story of the life of Cove and the protagonist, a game that I didn't think really had a certain plot, it had a timeline and events, but it was always about experiencing life, its small details and strong happiness and hardships, it's a game about life and a good one at that, maybe that's the plot, life itself... Our life, the beggining and the always of it...

This game is a game I HOPE and BEG to remember to play again later in life, even if it means next year, 2022, following another route or with DLCs because in this game there are so many different choices and outcomes interconnected with eachother and it's certainly worth playing 3 times or more.

To the person who's still reading this, thank you, you're patient enough to read all the text I wrote, I most likely don't know you and probaly never will and you most likely don't know me and probably never will, but I hope this game has taught you something and I hope you enjoyed it, after all, we're also living our own life, just like the characters in the game, every action and dialouge in your life is like in this Visual Novel, you have choices you make in every step of your life and in the end all of the moments you experience become a memory of what they once were, like the game says.

I hope you have a great life as much as I hope to have a great life myself, I wish you the best and, understand, life is very complex and many things are interconnected, so try not to make a bad use of it and learn from other people's mistakes, if you know you can do something bad for you and/or someone else or follow someone's advice and not do it, don't do it.

I love all who read this VERY long comment and... Well... Not much else to say really, have a great life and have a great rest of your day, just remember that our lives have the potential to be beautiful with our decisions, let's make the best use of it before dying.

Goodbye and good luck.

Deleted 104 days ago

There is a nsfw moment available on patreon that it set after the events of step 3!

I was surprised by how much I really enjoyed this game! I especially loved seeing everyone grow up, parents included. It was fun to see what changed about them as you got older, like in real life, especially Lizzie and her name changes as she grew up. They all have a soft spot in my heart. 


I just finish the game and its really good I am mad that I didn't get to see JB (Jelly Bean) from XOXO Droplets >:( she would fit so perfectly in this game but hey it is what it is.

I just finished this game in pretty much one night and I absolutely loved it! I remembered playing the first Demo when it came out, checking again later for the full first chapter and now I'm glad to see it came to it's happy end, which is fantastic! Good job to everyone who made the game possible! 

Also, randomly added comment: For those of you that have seen the movie "Crazy Rich Asians" I feel like that sort of firefly theme of wedding matches this game perfectly <3


i need this in portuguese (brazil) 😭

eu tbm queria aaaaaaa, mas como é um jogo grande e não é nada  conhecido, praticamente, no brasil, é dificil :(, mas eu consegui jogar ele em portugues com o textractor, tu conhece amg?

(1 edit)

não conheço, vou ver, quero muito terminar esse jogo, não sei muito inglês :/ é pra celular? 

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