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(2 edits) (+3)

Will you continue updating the game (with cove)

i love it so much i don't want it to end 🥺I would love to see kids stories and more :) Pleaseee never stop making games like this i live for them :D 


(1 edit)

I know that all good things know when to end and not drag on but I would literally play and pay all the time if they wrote content for Cove constantly and treated it like some mobile otome games where you log in daily or MMORPGs that constantly get updated with new content. 😂😂 Just going through different days and scenarios and conflicts of Cove and MCs life.  This is just one of those games mann...


I have a question: Do you accept money other than dollars, or does it have to be dollars? (And please reply me)

I'm sorry, the types of money and cards accepted on this site is decided by itself not the game developers who host their games here. You can check their FAQ or contact Itch support if you'd like to know if a certain type of payment would work!

Thank you


First and only game on itch that I bought and it's honestly amazing how much you can customize your personality and story. Anyone who is on the fence should absolutely give this game a chance (and get it on steam!)


This game was so good and I had the biggest smile on my face everytime I knew I had time to play. The story was beautiful, I loved the characters and the choices were so nice and felt so real . Such a lovely way to look at our life, our relationships and decisions. Teared up a little at the end because I got so attached to it <3

Hi! I usually play this on my computer, but I want to travel and play it on my phone. How can I transfer my data to my phone from my computer? ( I play on windows 10 btw)

Hi, I'm playing the Mac version, and for some reason, I'm not getting any audio; can someone help me?


I'll be back for the dlcs next payday but I'd like to make special mention of how in the fireworks section if you showed signs of discomfort at the fireworks being so close by and noisy he offers to cover your ears for you! I was moved to tears at that option since I struggle with a fear of loud noises and fireworks. not to mention that I quickly fell in love with this sweet boy. i will most definitely replay once I've bought the dlcs but for now playing your new our life game will have to suffice since I cant bring myself to restart just to scour the beginning for anyway to get Shiloh to recognize you when He's out on the school field trip, I wish we had more interactions with that sweet boy, especially since hes an option in step 4 to say you wish was there...

how do i update my game if i downloaded via the website? i'm stuck at 1.5.1.


You have to delete your old file, download the base game and any DLCs you own from their game pages again, and add the DLCs to your new "game" folder. Your saves will still be there even if you delete your 1.5.1 version!


Hey there! I originally found this game 3 years ago and commented on my old account [Momo~Senpai]  and I can't express how proud I am of this dev team! Your games are truly a work of art and inspire me 3 years later! I'm inlove with this game and how far it has come! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you because you guys even inspired me to make my own game <3


This game is so great. So much work put into this, it's amazing! I cannot recommend this enough. The customizations, the character designs, the representation. Its all just so refreshing and so sweet. It feels so nice to have a character that is actually me and not just a preset. Thank you for making this game

Hello, I wanted to comment on an error that happens to me.

I have a Samsung A10 and when I open the application and press any option the game closes, I don't know if it only happens with my cell phone.

if they asked to fix that mistake I would be very grateful 😊

Maybe there's something in your permission settings or with your virus scanner that's stopping the game from being able to launch. Unfortunately, I can only guess what about your phone is having troubles. I hope you're able to figure it out.


I played this straight through for five hours on a school night, till 4:30 AM. Made me cry at the end, to feel so loved and appreciated, even though it's not real. Beautiful piece of work. Also loved the nonbinary options. I will definitely play it again to see how things change. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Definitely enjoyed playing this! There are lots of new dialogues and interactions to discover even after you have finished 1 or 2 playthroughs. This type of game mechanics is something I really wanted to see, and it was done so well.

The one thing I didn't like as much has more to do with character creation, and it's that freckles are too dark, especially if you have the lighter skin tones... Plus, there are so many options for hair, it can get quite tedious having to manually click through them all. 

And while the baseline interest mechanic makes sense, I wonder if in future builds it will be possible to go from Crush to Fond (though not to Indifferent).

Though overall, that's all I can think of worth mentioning.

I appreciate how diverse and wholesome this game is. Both platonic and romantic relationship with Coven is worth pursuing. Would recommend and play again.

Looking forward to future DLCs (Derek and Baxter)!


I love the art and this made me realize on HOW HOT PEOPLE WITH GREEN HAIR IS 😍😍

Are men the only love interests in this game? The art looks cool and I love a good story. Can Cove become a best friend instead of a love interest?

Currently, men are the only possible LIs (Coven, then Derek and Baxter in their DLCs). 

Cove can be your best friend instead of a LI only if you have Fond level of interest, or if you have Crush/Love but are not interested in pursuing the relationship further (I would also recommend choosing Low Initiative then, too).

Aww shucks. I wish there was a female love interest in the game. I'm a guy so I hoped for female characters. I love the art, it looks so cool and fantastic.


Yeah, this one is for male leads. But we're working on a new one with a female lead!

Awesome!!! Can't wait : )

Can i buy the dlcs with a gift card or no?

I don't believe you can. It's Paypal or a debit/credit card on Itch. I'm sorry.

thats ok guess ill just have to get more money lol


I played this game 5 times already...its that good... and i almost cried too, and i love the customization options for the player! Like we even got to add acne if we had any- it made me feel better about myself tbh :DD


um after you guys updated it today the Beaded hair became a error and if you ignore it, it turns invisible to make it look like your MC is bald XD


This was a really cool game. I enjoyed it a lot. There were some parts that felt a bit long winded, but overall the writing was really good. I wish there were different routes of romance. (Baxter, Derek, maybe Shiloh) Romancing Cove was really nice. He turned out to be a sweet, emotional, loyal guy. Concerning gameplay, I did not like that there was no sprite for the MC. It would have been nice to see your customizable character at the side of the screen. That being said, Good game overall. 

DLC is currently being developed for Baxter and Derek routes. They won't be as long or as involved as Cove's story I think, but they are definitely in the works.


This game is absolutely beautiful. It made me tear up a few times and I love the messages that it sends. There doesn't seem to be too much unnecessary drama and the characters are all absolutely amazing. The soundtrack was beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed this game.

I have done many play throughs, all on steam but i plan on playing on, but I dont have money for the dlcs D: I love this game


I currently finished playing putting in 30 hours but, I enjoyed every minute. This is such a well made and written game and I absolutley ADORE it! To see everyone progress and grow is amazing. Great work ^^


this game is super based. love it

I’m currently playing this game and I absolutely adore it! I just have one question: I’d love to purchase the DLC’s but with steam because it’s easier due to the country where I live. So, the thing is that I originally downloaded the game in this page, is there a way that I can pass the saved files to the steam files so I don’t lose my hours of playing and I can play it with the DLC’s?

Thank you for making such a beautiful game 


Absolutely adore this game just like all these wonderful people. It is so therapeutic to play through, and Cove is such a dear <3 I played through Step 4 multiple times to see the different routes and they're all so heartwarming. What a wonderful game. Thank you so much to the team for creating this and making it free to play! I'll be sure to support with purchasing the DLCs <3


I'm going to try not being (too) sappy about this, I just really wanted to thank the Dev team for making this game.

I've been playing it since 2020, but every time I do it's beautifully bittersweet. This game's basically the life I wish I had, especially since I'm particularly socially challenged (really bad anxiety and panic disorder), so I have a hard time going near people, let alone making friends with them or even get to a relationship like you can with Cove in the game. I wish I had grown up like this, carefree and very clearly loved. I really wish I had grown up being able to make friends like Cove, Derek, Lee, Miranda, Terry, Baxter. Really, the whole crew.  I'm just becoming an adult, so I know the time to make those friendships isn't over, but my anxiety is just getting worse, so I most likely won't be able to. Because of this, it makes the game all that more precious to me.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making a game which I can adore so deeply and give me a sliver of something I so dearly wished for growing up. So, thank you again Devs!

(Sorry I ended up being sappy even though I said I'd try not to lol ^^;)

So for the DLC players, Derek and Baxter are romanceable?


They will be, but their dlc romance routes are not out yet. Right now, they're working on Derek's route.


Warning: slightly spoiler

This game seriously saved my life TT-TT i was in a rlly bad state and i didnt enjoy doing the things i used to love, everything feels so dull. When i was talking with my friend, she recommended me this game so i gave it a try. And i cried so much while playing it TT-TT i felt like i was being craddled by my moms and cove's warmth :") playing the game and growing up with cove really made me happy!! Especially the scene where i got to say how scared i am for the future after graduating highschool, because thats my situation right now. I feel so loved by cove and that actl legit helped me😭 The game gave me so much courage and hope and love, i cant thank you guys enough

I hope one day when i have the money, i can buy the DLCs and support you guys❤❤ thank you so much❤❤😭 

right me too!! that scared for the future thing resonated so much that i was brought to tears,, planning on buying the DLCs in the future 😩

I've not tried the DLC yet but I absolutely adore this game.  I'm excited to see more from this creator because it's so well done.  Highly recommend.


Ack, I love this game so much! Cove is adorable, I love that romancing him is optional. The thought that went into this game is incredible. I would totally buy the dlcs but unfortunately, I am completely broke TwT I hope I can get them soon though. Good job! :D

Deleted post

i love this game with all my heart, with all the tiny shattered pieces included! absolutely worth all the hours i've spent trying to see each and every perspective of the main story. its like i actually lived a whole new life within the duration of the game and got to experience so much, got to be a version of me that i never thought i could. it's absolutely amazing and so well made. watch me gather everything i own just to show my support because it feels so unfair that i got to enjoy this much even without dlcs :'))

I just want to say, I've been following the development of this game ever since step 2 comes out and I have played the last step a couple of months ago (and even spammed my friends to play it) but I still find it very surreal (in a positive way) that it's been all this time since I first found this VN. Back then I would check this website to see if there was any update and end up getting very excited when I see that there is an update. It's a very wonderful game and I want to thank everyone who are involved for making this VN which is now my favorite VN I've ever played. I can't wait for what you have in store for Our Life: Now & Forever. Keep up the amazing work :D


amazing game, i fucking cant anymore, the story-telling, cove's personality(which is adorbs) i love every single part of it, if only i had money to donate or buy a dlc i would 100%!!

I'd be happy to gift all the DLC to you, just need your email address :)

omg no its fine don’t worry, i would be happy to get it but i want to support the creator through actually buying it with money 

(1 edit) (+3)

Silly! That's what I'm intending. I'm not super familiar with itch but a google search told me that I can gift things to your email. I was going to buy it all again and send the gift links straight to you! I've already bought it all for myself once and it was worth every penny. It'd mean a lot to me to be able to share that happiness!


hey! i just wanted to say that this is so absolutely kind of you!!! everyone should get a chance to experience the wonderful dlcs and it is so so nice that you intend to share that happiness <3


Thank you, your words really made my day :) Our Life became very special to me in a very short amount of time. I just want others to feel the same happiness I did. Especially since I know a lot of people suffer with depression (myself included). It's so easy to get swallowed up in negativity.


Is the spot still available? For uh, research purpose... (^^;)


Haha no slots here, only my soul-sucking job paving the way for a little happiness! I'd be happy to gift you as well.

This feels rude to ask but, do you think you could also gift them to me? my parents are strict and don't let me buy things like this and it would definitely be a lifesaver. If not I totally understand, you are super kind to do this for people and I don't want to take advantage of it or anything <333 

Aww, it's not rude at all! I understand being limited by strict parents. They never trusted me even though I was a good kid, and as a result I feel like I have to explain every decision I make in detail. Great way to get me to not share anything with them. Well, times have changed, and for the better, so no one knows what the future will bring :) I'd be more than happy to gift you also, you can send me your Discord or Steam. I'm busy with work lately so don't panic if it takes me a minute to get back to you. I get paid in 3 days so the timing is good!

woah that's so cool of u,,, :0 erm i wanna ask if it's ok to have the dlc gifted to me but i don't wanna be shameless abt it and pressure u or anything- i understand if there's already too many ppl asking (^^!!) hope ur having a nice day ! it's always fun to see nice ppl on the internet :D<3

That's okay hun, I'm still in a celebratory mood from my recent promotion (even if I'm tired 24/7) so I wouldn't mind spreading the love around some more. Feel free to send over your info and I'll package it right up! :)

Deleted 113 days ago

this is an amazing thread, if someone could maybe gift me the wedding dlc id be the happiest man ever since i could marry this amazing boy- cove holden has a special place in my heart as someone whos seen a lot of heartbreak. <3

Deleted 2 years ago

My gosh I cannot cannot express enough how AMAZING this game is. Gosh I stayed up all night and all morning playing this game til I passed out. I couldn't stop myself or make myself peel off from my phone THIS IS SO GOOD I for sure will one day get the dlcs YOU GUYS DESERVE IT!!!!! I adore the writing, the characters, and most importantly, COVE. Gosh this is such a good game

(2 edits) (+1)

The writing, the art, everything about this is amazing!! (´͈  ᵕ `͈ )it's such a comforting and sweet game, and i really felt immersed in all the moments and dilemmas of growing up. and a Lot of them definitely resonated with me. from how the moments play out to the diversity among the cast, to how well this addressed stuff like feelings about identity,,,,man ;v; . 

on a more technical side, i really love the interest/comfort and initiative mechanics. they're comprehensive (but not obtrusive or tedious) and they're really nice touches. all in all, this is For Sure one of my fave games! keep up the good work! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ


Not to write an obscenely long post about how much I enjoyed this, but...

Seriously, guys. This is one of the best VNs I've ever experienced. To think that I'd play a VN like this, at this point in my life... almost feels like destiny itself, in a way. I'm getting older, just moved up at my job, and the existential anxiety sets in... it sets in a lot. I often think about how I had a fragmented, unsupportive family, and how I felt ostracized throughout my entire childhood. As corny as it may sound, reading through this made me feel like I went back to a childhood that I could much more fondly remember. It was like a second chance to relive those young summer days. 

This story filled me with a fond nostalgia of a place where I belonged, and surfaced in me feelings that I had long since forgotten. We don't always have to follow a timeline in our life, and we don't always have to know what we're going to do next. There are people in our lives that care about us, and we are going to be okay. We're going to make it. Spending precious moments with those close to us, as well as accepting the good and bad things that come our way makes life bloom into a beautiful thing; when it can often feel so dark in our day-to-day lives.

It was this VN which reminded me that I don't have to meticulously plan out every detail of every action I want to take at all times. Being spontaneous can be fun, and it can sometimes be what I need. I had a two-week vacation coming up... I was planning on just staying home, but I suddenly decided that there was a person I really needed to see. Time only goes forwards, not backwards... so there's no reason for me to wait. It was a strange yet motivating wake-up call. For that, I'm really grateful. 

Our life really touched my heart in ways that I can't describe. It's an experience that I'll come back to time and time again, and one that will always remain with me. Thank you for the love and care that you put into it. It's been worth every single penny. 

every time i try to download it on mobile it just stops downloading and say "forbidden" any help pls? 

I have downloaded the game through the link but am unsure how to actually open it and play, can someone help me please????

(4 edits)

You simply need to unzip it to play!

If you have Windows, Right-click the folder and select "Extract All".

You can choose whatever destination you want to unzip the files.

(This goes for every game on!)

Hope this kind of helps ( ̄ω ̄)

Why do i need to reinstall the new dlc's???

because they added new dialog to the soiree event according to their progress report on twitter and edited some stuff

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