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Wooooooo SPOILER ALERT - Don't read unless you really want to!










I nearly chocked from laughter from the booty option xD! My heart just exploded from this; gosh darn it, I need to steady my heart xD The creators pulled a sneaky one on me, heck yeah! You guys rock ;D!


I didn’t get the butt and chest options... Do you know what could have unlocked them for you? I kinda wanna check them out too... 😳

Hey hey! :) I've lost count of how many times I replayed this game and I honestly don't know which options lead to this result but I can take a gamble; what I did: at childgood I selected max comfort and a crush level, for step 2&3 I maxed both meters. I often selected actionss that showed upfront fondness (there's no right or wrong, it probably just shows how direct or indirect you are at being close); I had the first kiss scene in step 2 where the MC and Cove can't oficially date yet since they're not adults yet. In step 3 I chose options where both characters were dating for years, maybe this had an impact? Uff it's hard to tell, but I think if you replay the game it's bound to happen :D this game is just too amazing to play it just once! xD I hope this helps!


Thanks for help!! I think that the upfrontness was the thing that did it for me! 

Again, thanks for responding!! ❤️

I'm happy that I could help :D!


I actually made an account just to write this review so uh here goes-

I've been waiting for this game to come out since like May or June when I found it and when I got the notification that this game came out I couldn't wait to play it. And when I did play it I was blown away. This game passed all my expectations, not that I even had many but I just eajfewcejvfbg. I can't rlly describe the feelings this game made me feel but I stayed up till 2 am playing this and when it ended I had a heck of a crying session. It makes me sad to even think about it :') plus i'm a closeted bisexual and having parents in the game who actually supported me and loved me regardless of who I was just made me so so so sad.  And Cove oh my gosh I just- 

Sentimental stuff aside, the game was just *chefs kiss* There were literally no mistakes, everything was so smooth and the dialogue was so believable it made me cry :") The personalization rlly made the entire game hit especially hard. 

The writing, the art, the music, the vibes just everything about this game was perfect. Thank you so so so much for making this game, it will always have a special place in my heart :)


I feel the same about it. The game is beautiful.

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey, I'm not the creator, but I just wanted to say that you are lovable and worthy of love and I hope you can find and surround yourself with people who do love you, support you and make you feel happy the way you deserve! I know we don't know eachother, but I think you sound like a sensitive, thoughtful and kind person and I think those qualities are miles more important than a lot of others, and definitely something I cherish a lot in friends, as do many others! 

I'm always happy to talk when you need somebody to talk to, and I can tell you are going through a difficult time, but you are loved! Even Cove said it <3


To be honest, I don't know what to say.  The same offer applies to you and anyone reading this.  I feel lucky to belong to such a wonderful community.  Thanks a lot for what you said.  Even though we don't know each other, it means a lot to me.  Unfortunately, I am not yet able to believe most of these things, but the fact that someone thinks so makes me happy.  Thank you for being so nice to me.  Hope you will have a wonderful day, take care of yourself and remember to drink plenty of water <3

First off, your comment is not long and boring.  It is thoughtful and open. I think you expressed very well how you felt.

I agree with you completely that it is more than a game, game seems totally inadequate to describe it.  Many of us grow up feeling bad about ourselves.  I didn't understand my sexuality growing up, I wasn't certain if I was gay, but I didn't feel straight either.  

What you say about 2D Cove is not at all pathetic.  But it amazed me too how a cartoonish image could come to represent someone so completely adorable and loving.  I know what you mean about how it takes you to another place, away from your worries.  Maybe it takes you to where the most important things in life are?  Love, friendship, honesty, forgiveness,  understanding, caring.

This game means a lot to me.  I am an old guy (57).  I have spent my life not knowing my sexuality.  A friend took me to a brothel while on holiday, I felt nothing, no desire, no embarassment, I might just as well have been in a pub.  I know it would have felt the same in a gay brothel. I only feel any attraction to people after knowing them well for a while, an then they would need to make the first move for any sexual intimacy. So you can imagine how getting to know Cove felt, and then when he revealed his orientation, that hit me hard.  I'd never heard of it, but it seems to describe me completely.  I cried uncontrollably after that revelation.  I grew so attached to Cove, that I just keep going back and playing through again.  I don't want to leave him.  (can you belive it? a 2D cartoon image as you say).

So please don't hate yourself, or think that you are being pathetic.  If your comment is any measure then you are a very nice person who should feel much better about yourself.  If I can give you any advice at all, then do not waste your time trying too hard for too long with people who seem not to accept you for who you really are.  Move on, get to know more people, there are lots of good people out there, and you will meet someone who you need and needs you, I have no doubt of that.

My very best wishes to you for happiness and contentment.

(1 edit) (+4)


I love this game so much. It feels me with warmth and causes me to jump out of my chair in excitement whenever something cute happens in the game. Which is all the time. All the characters were awesome and the relationships with them felt natural. And Cove is such a sweetheart! I'll definitely be buying the DLC in the future!


I came back after beating the game a second time just to share my thoughts and gush I guess? It might be pretty long & cringy so just be warned lol

It was really cool to experience this, truly. After I finished the game the first time, I immediately bought the dlc. It was nice to feel loved by my parents, have friends, excursions and feel so loved and cherised. It was something I never had growing up and that basically didn't change into adulthood. The crazy car ride with Kyra was something I absolutely adored. I found myself smiling and laughing from all of the dlc but that one memory stands out to me. She tried so hard to be the cool mom while still being a disciplinary figure. Same with MCs mom. It was nice to not be belittled but instead to have things explained to you. Not only that but to also try to understand it from your point of view. They were kids once. With the runaway dlc moment, when Mom finds you and she's clearly very mad and worried she still tries to get you to understand why she feels that way without yelling. Im sure theres plenty of people who think "well no duh, of course" but I have never experienced that. My personal mom was always yell first and only yell. Cliff was such a good example of someone trying whats best for their kid and it not always working out. His and Kyra's relationship was so nice. They didn't hate each other they just couldn't be together and did what was best for their family. I liked seeing them get along as the game progressed, I liked that their split wasn't entirely horrible and that they really did try to fix it. They weren't always perfect but that's what makes them relatable. 

And Cove. My sweet Cove. I didn't think I would come out of the experience loving him as much as I do. I loved that he wasn't afraid to show his emotions, I loved how close we got over the course of the game.  Seeing the self centered boy grow up into a shy pre-teen and then an outgoing teenager was so...different and I loved it. Noticing everything he remembered about me over the years was wonderful. It was so nice to be so cared for and loved. Not just from Cove but everyone else as well. Gosh Lee, I love Lee. She's such a sweet girl and I wish we got more time with her as well as Miranda and Terri. I actually really enjoyed Liz's teenage phase too. Looking at it from an older persepctive, of course she's like that, she's just being a kid. It was hard to ever really be upset with her. Especially since you could tell she did still love you even if she didn't say it. The diversity in the cast was fantastic. I got to see myself in a character! And it wasn't played for jokes or laughs! She wasn't a token character! That means so much to me. 

As much I absolutely love Cove and can't wait for his dlc, Im also very fond of Baxter and Derek and can't wait for their dlc either. This is the first game in a very very long time to make me feel so emotional and connected. I cried both times I beat it. I cried when Cove told me he loved me, I'm crying now as I reminse. It resonated so much to me because for once im my life I mattered to people. My thoughts, opinions and feelings mattered. And they loved me unconditionally. I'm sorry about this post being so long, I haven't had anyone to talk to about this game or express my feelings about it.  


you said it all! i couldn't articulate my feelings well when i left my review, but reading yours really helped my sort out my feelings? i cried a few times through my play-throughs too— just feeling loved and considered by the people around me. I don't know if i'll ever have that in the future, and it was just very... reassuring to hear it, even if it was from a buncha pixels! :) 

Yes it was so reassuring to hear! Especially when it came to college and Cove and Moms told you it was okay that you were unsure about it. That's so validating because I definitly didn't know what I wanted to do for college and if we're being honest I still don't. To have them be so frekaing supportive throughout your whole journey is...wonderful. I'm glad I could help you sort out your feelings even if mine were sort of jumbled. I didn't think anyone would actually read the review so thank you for taking time out of your day to do so!


HIIIII! If you need a partner to talk about this game with, I volunteer myself !!! I read your review and I like your vibes oh and I kinda see myself in you (weird right?) But anyway, I'm  really looking forward to talk with you 👉🏻👈🏻

Well hello! I was actually very afraid people were going to make fun of me when I posted that review but I had to get my feelings out somehow. Thank you for taking the time to read it! Is there anywhere we can talk? I don't wan to crowd up their comments section. 

Make fun of you? No way! You seem so nice! We should really make a discord server for this game

They have a discord for their patreon members and I'm thinking about subscribing to it when I get the chance. 

Ah so patreon only discord huh? I really wish there is a free one too for all of us. I still can't figure out why steam declined all of my cards. I really want to buy the dlcs and join the discord by patreon:((

ayy noooo. From what I see around here they all very nice people. So don't worry about them making fun of you. I feel really great after reading your review. And btw if you got discord, I can add you there if you wanna 👉🏻👈🏻


Wow, this was exactly how i felt minus the Baxter part, he rubbed me and Cove the wrong way ^_^' i'm 31 years old and I have never had anything like that in my life, such an intense experince, so many wondeful, caring cast of characters. I wanted parents like ma and mom. my real parents were the exact opposit as they did not care when me or my brothers got home or anything like that, we did not have rules or chores, looking back I really wanted that. 

I liked Lee she reminded me of my relationship with a cousin but we had a falling out  this year and we don't talk anymore, and i kinda miss her.

Cove, sweet sweet Cove, what i experinced with him romanticly, that is what i wanted in real life when I was in my teens, but I was a shy kid and a shy teen and i'm still a little shy. Back then it hold me back from alot of things, I had a small group of frinds quality over quantity right?. And they tried their best to get me out of my shy-ish shell, they really did but it did not help. 

Anyway back on track, (SPOILER) when Cove came to "my" room at night after the orca event and showed the firefly, i could not contain myself (I would have done it the same way in real life) i flew right at him and kissed him.

At the restaurant when he told everyone that he was getting his own place and such it actually hurt my feelings and somehow i felt betraied, I'm used to being hurt by people in real life, but this was way different, like being hurt by my real life boyfriend. I began to tear up for real. When "i" ran to the car and cry my heart out i did so for real, after a text to Cove to come and talk, when he said that "i" could live with him i felt a warmth inside I have not felt in a long time. I was so happy i tried to "jump" him even though i kept sying it was moms car and he had hight issues, that made me giggle.

And I also realised a thing about myself while playing this wonderful game, when Cove told "me" that he had trouble getting words out but not in his head becuase of the what-ifs and all that, at that moment it just clicked in my head and i knew that is how i am when i'm talking to my boyfriend.

Sry but I just nedded to share my wonderful experince with you all who are reading this, i finished this today and I have cried the most of the day bacuse of all the feelings i have never been used to, when my boyfriend came home he asked if something was wrong and I just shook my head and cried. I am a very emotional guy and a hopeless romantic, so he knows that I am prone to tears so he just kissed my cheek and hugged me. 

Anyways with all that said. I cant wait to see where my adventure with Cove (and the others of course but mostly Cove) leads in step 4

(1 edit) (+1)

You are so right! This whole experience gave me such bittersweet feelings and had me love all the characters, not just Cove who basically is the main focus in the game. I have a loving family so I sadly can't relate to the part where the game made people feel loved for once but I so agree on the parts that you explain about Kyra and Cliff. You could really tell they wanted to really try for Cove and their own sakes. (Spolier alert for those who haven't played the newest release yet--) My favorite and absolute FAVORITE part is when Cove at the very end explains how MC made such a big impact on him by just listening and basically being there for him as a amazing friend. It honestly made me feel proud about myself, which is something some of us may not feel often and it was such a amazing feeling to experience for the first time from a game~! :D (sorry about my long rant. Your comment just made me spill my heart out as well ^^"

I'm glad my long rant could illicit such feelings! It's good to talk about them! It's amazing how normal things like listening and being there for someone can make such an impact on their lives! It was so nice knowing the MC helped him out during a really hard time in his life and how wholeheartedly he appreciated it!

I know! It's amazing! :D I can barely wait until part 4 and the final release of the whole game with come out along with the DLC's for part 3 & 4. 


Thank you so, so much for sure a wonderful game. I have been waiting for it for such a long time and I was not disappointed at all ! Will definitely buy the next DLC -it is worth it. Thank you for helping us to find some solace this year ! 

Ok, Im in dire need of knowing everything about this game, for example, Jeremy could have stayed or he was just there?  or could sailoh have stayed in town? or more things but ther isnt a wiki ;-;

The game is amazing by the way, Im currently playing it as it was myself, aperarnce included, when I finish it Im gonna replay it till I get every posibility 

Also, Im definitelly buying the DLCs in the future

(1 edit)

There isn't anything you can do to keep those two from leaving, but that's because this developer already had another game with them in it called XOXO Droplets, so you might want to check that out if you want more of them


Deleted 4 years ago

The game doesn't have an affection point system. You choose the level of affection yourself.

That's right. Sorry the screen wasn't clear, but all you gotta do is click on the bars to move them. Our Life doesn't care what Cove thinks when determining your feelings. You and you only decide if you like Cove/are comfortable around him. You don't have to jump through hoops and try to say certain things to increase your own feelings of affection towards him. I hope that helps!

Yeah, I thought that was really cool, you can create your own novel, kinda, with the ups and downs that you want, thats something I apreciate, instead of "Wrong answer affection down"

That makes more sense! Thanks. I was thinking that there were right answers but you could change the affection level if you wanted a higher one between stages.

No problem! Sorry it didn't come across better. We're probably gonna update the screen to be more straightforward. 

(2 edits) (+11)

I have only one complaint about this game - you have ruined every potential real life relationship that I will ever have. How am I supposed to find someone like that IRL?!

On a more serious note, I enjoyed this game very much, I will play it many times for many years to come, I would even name this game GOTY (at least for me it is) of 2020 (because it made me feel all warm and giddy inside when nothing else could), I can't imagine this world without Our Life.

Thank you very much for providing one of the only things that made 2020 worth it.

P.s.: will the 4th step have different moments like the first three steps, or will it be a separate single moment (it's just that at the end of the 3rd step it was called Epilogue, so...)?

(2 edits)

We can't go on a date with Derek during step 2 ? Or start his side romance with the step2 DLC  ?

Our Life is awesome. The characters were all lovely, the parents so sweet and i really fell for Cove. Everything was just so full of love and healthy dynamics, it cleansed my heart.


If I'm not mistaken in the DLC we can pursue Derek and Baxter but I guess it won't be as deep as Cove's route. I mean he is the main and ultimate love interest afterall.

Thanks for the answer! I have Step1+Step2 DLC but it doesn't seem like i can start getting closer to Derek. At the end of Step2 i couldn't go on date with him, so i tried asking him out as a friend but his parents were like nope ^^'


This game is the best, I love every detail of it, you guys did a wonderful and incredible job. I am a Spanish-speaking person, my English is not very good, but I managed to understand the game well, so I wonder, will there be versions of the game in other languages?

It would be very good if this game could expand to people who speak different languages, in this way it would gain more recognition.
Thank you for this great experience, for working so hard on this game and filling each person who plays it with such sweet feelings.

(1 edit) (+6)

Okay, so, I'm loving everything about the full release. The DLCs are *chef kiss* just beautiful. But my favorite parts are when you can declare you're going to marry Cove right from the get go and when he steals the fruit from the fruit bouquet even when you tell him no. Like, I don't know why I love those two little moments so much. But gods, I love this child.

But then, THEN he has to go and "You're my very best friend. No one else comes close." And I'm trying not to squeal and wake people up.


This game is truly wonderful. It gave me such a bittersweet feeling. Made me love the moments with Cove and the rest of the Characters while also crying when we had to separate from everyone. It was a really nice feeling and it made me overjoyed! :D I am so going to pay for all the DLC's once the complete game is released!(and that means when part 4 comes out) Thank you for all the hard work with the amazing game! ^^


This is seriously the best game I've ever played. It was so nice and sweet, and I always looked forward to what was going to happen next. I never expected myself to feel so sad when the game ended, but I did. I kind of cried a little too. Anyways, this game was so amazing, and I wanna thank you so much for making this!


This game us amazing, truly. The story is captivating and it makes you want to know what will happen next. Your choices have an impact on the characters and the characters even feel real. You guys have made an awesome game with lovable characters and a I do not regret taking the time to play it. It was long but it was so enjoyable that I didn't even fell the time slip by. Honestly its just so polished and amazing. You guys did a great job!!!


P.S : contained a little spoiler of the story and very loooong.

I enjoyed this game so so much. Like daaaaamn, I didn't expect to fall so deep with the storyline and Cove himself. Also the "side" characters are so lovable too. I love the parents, I saw em and think "Oh, that must be how my parents felt in real life." They only wanted the best for their child but sometimes they took the wrong approach and ended up hurting their child. 

I also love Lil Derek, He's a bundle of Joy, I'm planning to buy The DLCs just to have more interaction with him. I mean I love Cove, but DEREK IS JUST AAAAAA HE IS JUST TOO CUTE IM GONNA SCREAM RIGHT NOW. HE REMINDS ME OF MY CHILDHOOD CRUSH ASHSJDKL 

I almost cry when he wants to make a pact with MC. I mean I knew he likes MC from the start, it was sooooo obvious huhuhu my precious little bun. He is so innocent and so free, and I could go on and on and on talking about Derek but I gotta move to Baxter now.

Well Baxter, I actually kinda annoyed by his ass. I tried to befriend him but it looks like he prefer to get to know Cove more, and honestly I even screamed "THIS GAY BOY ISTG IM GONNA URGHHH STOP FLIRTING WITH MY MAN." why I screamed that? CAUSE LIKE THE MORE I SAW HIM FLIRTED WITH COVE THE MORE I SHIP THEM TOGETHER INSTEAD OF MC AND COVE. GOD DAMN IT BAXTER. 

Btw I saw the gallery and Baxter got 3 locked cgs, does it mean he is also another love interest for MC in the DLCs just like Derek? Cause ooooh, I'm looking forward for it. Idk how he actually felt for MC and it would be a great discovery if somehow he secretly likes MC too.

Liz and Lee.... I LOVE THEM BOTH. I was kinda pissed at Liz but then I realized as the oldest sister I acted exactly like her, so I shouldn't have judged her. Playing as MC, a younger sister, really gave me a taste of what my little sisters might have been gone through all their life haha, it's really amazing how this game let me experience a lot of new things in life. 

Lee? she really reminds me of my own real life bestfriend. I don't have any close cousin so its really great to meet Lee here. The way she supports MC is how I want to be supported in real life. I just love this girl and I wish I know a lot more about her. 

Terri and Miranda are just chef's kiss. I know they didn't appear a lot in the game but they have this chill vibes around them. They are the kind of person I usually hang out with in real life so I still like em no matter how small their role is in the game. 

SHILOH AND JEREMY, IDK WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS PURPOSE IN THE GAME BUT I WILL FIND OUT IN THE DLCS I SWEAR TO GOD. LIKE FIRST OF ALL SHILOH, I GAVE YOU MY HAND AND YOU TOOK LIZ'S HAND INSTEAD???? YOU ARE CUTE BUT IM STILL GONNA SMACK YOU FOR THAT AAAAAA. I truly feel so embarrassed for the MC when I saw that scene coming. It's also painful because I made MC acting really friendly with Shiloh but at the end of the day he likes Liz more. Ugh :(

AND JEREMY.. WHY YOU HAVE TO BE SO RUDE?!?!?! I WAS- I MEAN,, I JUST WANT TO BE FRIEND WITH EVERYONE IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD JEEZ. And I'm still confused why he got the same hair like Kyra's ? If the DLCs didn't give me the answer I'm looking for, I'll legit cry out of frustration :")

Last but not least, MY SPACE CADET.

That nickname, I love that. It warms my heart for some reason. When I read it I can't help but smile. Seriously that nickname have a special spot in my heart and I'll totally used that nickname for someone special in my life. 

Anyway yeah I love Cove. The development of his character is just amazing. I grew up with him in a very short amount of time (I played this game 2 days straight and come here to spill all the good things I feel after playing it.) ; I love how the game didn't rush the story by rushing their relationship. I love how it takes time for both him and the MC to be comfortable with skinship and all that romantic and sexual stuff between the two of em. I JUST LOVE THEIR CONNECTION, THEIR RELATIONSHIP, THEIR LOVE AND SUPPORT WITH ONE ANOTHER- AND YES I'M LITERALLY CRYING WHEN COVE TOLD MC THEY SHOULD MOVE IN TOGETHER AND START A PRETZEL BUSINESS. IT JUST SO CUTE AND SO PRECIOUS THAT I THINK I COULD DIE FROM PLAYING THIS GAME WAY TOO MUCH.

Okay I guess I need to end this "review" at some points right? hahaha. 

Well I'm sorry to write such a looooong review, I just want to show you guys how much this game entertained and affected me so far. I'm glad I stumbled upon this game when I feel so low in my life. This game gave me hope and I'm so looking forward to step 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you guys can even make it to step 100 and I'll still be there rooting for yall. I'm also looking forward to buy the DLCs once I figured out another payment method. Sigh I've tried to buy it before but somehow steam declined all the cards I used ( I even tried my parents' and still got declined.); Once I purchased it I'll comeback and give yall more "review" hahaha

So yeah, see you later to whoever read this at the moment.

- XO, from another nameless space cadet.


Shiloh and Jeremy are actually cameos from another game made by GBPatch, called XOXO Droplets, and are both romanceable in that game (as is Nate, the rude guy that yells at you during the Shiloh 'reunion'). If you'd like to learn more about them, I'd suggest playing it (though I believe Jeremy's route requires a purchase, while you can do Shiloh's route for free).

OH MY GOD. I PLAYED XOXO DROPLETS BEFORE AND I DIDNT EVEN REALIZED IT AGSHDJDKLFL its been so long since the last time I played xoxo so maybe thats why. Thanks for the reminder btw. I'm gonna play xoxo again now, wish me luck tho since I have to deal with shiloh's manipulative ass in that game 😔👌🏻

where do we download the voiced name DLC?


It'll be linked on this page once it's done, but we're still working on it ^^

Deleted 4 years ago

Hopefully it'll be out in less than a week from now C:


I've played with three different OCs and Cove and it has been wonderful every time. I love love love how there are endless possibilities with MC and Cove's personalities and their relationship. I've played an OC who had a crush from the start but was always nervous around him. I've played one that had a gradual friends to lovers route and one that was enemies to friends to lovers and who was always very comfortable with him.

I've been following this game since the Kickstarter and have been so excited with every update. When it finally came out, I was blown away. GB Patch delivered. They did more than just deliver. They excelled. This game is so thoughtful and heartwarming. Every choice counts but not in a punishing way. Sure, some have consequences but they're logical consequences. They don't lead to some imaginary affection level dropping. They simply shape your experience. I am so thankful to the thoughtfulness when it came to creating the choices. We need more games that have this level of inclusivity. 

I look forward to the future DLCs and the second Our Life in the works. I am so happy that I live in a time where I get to experience this lovely story. Thank you so much. (Now I'm going back for my fourth round -- an OC that is convinced they're going to marry Cove from the start haha)


This game was amazing! I got sad when I finished it! Def will get all the other dlc so I can get even more out of the game! Hope you guys are thinking of even doing a 2nd game like this but diff characters :) loving story!


I love this game sososo much :(( cove is such a cutie <33 so glad i got to see this game grow :D


I don't usually play dating sims but something about this game caught my eye. I'm so glad it did, too, since I've been going through a pretty rough spot in my life right now but this game was so wholesome and sweet that it cheered me up almost immediately.  I  enjoyed it so much I had to buy the DLC asap - I honestly can't recommend this enough.

(1 edit) (+3)

The next parts coming out in 2021 I CANT WAIT ITS TOO LONG I WILL CRY TILL THE TIME COMES THAT OLDER COVE IS REVEALED I WILL SAVE SO MUCH FREAKING MONEY SO I CAN PLAY THE DLC for part 3 and play part 4 even tho it cheap and my family says I'm horrible for spending money on this game I cant help it its so bootiful I need it coves my love i needed to see more of it and coves ankle bracelet fetish tho OwO it made me laugh I never want it to endd


This game is so amazing i cant put it into words. I waited so long for this full game from since i played the demo and the wait was worth it i fell in love with it. I dont know how many times i will play this game i will never get bored of it.  Its just so amazing and wholesome . Im even more excited for the 4 stage of this game. Aaah its just so hard to express it into words. But THANK YOU for releasing this woderfull game !!!!! 


I just finished my first play through and god do I love this game. I can't wait for more content to be released and I'm immediately starting another round of the game. first one I was aro/ace this time imma make be demiromantic i think. god I'm so excited


I... just finished my first playthrough and after playing for around 11 hours straight cus it was soo addicting... AND omg what a ride!! I cried, I laughed, I felt genuinely touched. This is too wholesome. I always loved the premise of Our Life, but actually experiencing it was an absolute journey that I'm honoured to be a part of. It was just so beautiful!! The music, the art — the diversity and the takeaway shown in the writing made my enjoyment a 10/10! There's some real good advice that people can take from the dialogue in this game. GJ to the dev team, seriously!! I still have to replay to get some missing CGs and try a different perspectives. Looking forward to step 4 and more DLCs! (PS. I love Cove so much.) 

i downladed the android ver. of it but it keeps showing the "can't install app" everytime  i try to, any ideas on how to fix it? 🤔 thanks

Do you have a virus scanner or the like on your phone? For some reason a few people have had the game be considered untrustworthy and their device either won't allow it or delete it after it installs. If you can turn that off temporarily or find a way to mark the file as trustworthy, the install might go through.

Also, did you download it through the App or straight from this page? Using the App can potentially add to the confusion scanners have with the file.

my phone is able to install apps outside the playstore, so it's fine. i downladed the game from this page, i really don't know what might be causing this 😟 thanks for the support tho! played the demo when it came out and i'm so excited about the full game


Even if the phone can normally install apps not from the playstore, this apk in particular sometimes is blocked by any firewall or virus scanner you have on your phone. It didn't happen with the demo or our previous games really, so we're not entirely sure why it's happening now. But if you can check for anything on your phone that might scan files before they install, turning that off could help the download go through. Or maybe there's not enough space? The demo was a lot smaller. I'm happy you're excited for the game.

solved it!! had some anti virus app on even after turning it off. thank you!


I'm so glad it worked out :D!

is there gonna be DLC 3?


Yep! It'll be coming out early next year.


Sorry, need some help.  I just finished sTep 1 and all the additional chapters, but after switching to "end of summer" and step 2, I can't increase the level of interest. Is it okey? What I have to do?


Are you at Crush? If you are you can't increase interest again until Step 3 ^^


Yeah, I chose high Cruch, thank you a lot *3*
Couse I started to panic a little (Cove is too cute and deserves max attention I think)


I'm glad you like him so much <3


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i am so in love! This game is so special to me and i have seen nothing like it! i can honestly see the hard work and the animation the art and story line! i truly felt like im with cove! this honestly was such a mental boost for me and i cant help but lay it over and over again! cant wait for step 4!


Is there a way to add the DLC to a game without upsetting your saves? I'd like some DLC but I'm not emotionally ready to start the game again


You can keep your save files as long as they're from the finished game! The DLC works seamlessly with the free base build. If you have saves from the old demo, those won't work.

Good to know, thanks!

Is there a way to delete your save files (specifically on a Mac)? I tried hovering my mouse over the saves in game and pressing delete but nothing happened.

Hm, I'm not sure. Usually that works on most computers. But you can try right clicking the application and viewing package contents. There likely will be a folder with saves somewhere in there and you can try deleting them. Sometimes the game just restores the saves, though it's possible they'll stay gone. And you can always just overwrite them with new save files.


Thanks anyways! I figured it out, I had to navigate manually to the save files and delete the unwanted ones. In case anyone else has this problem, I went through folders /users/username/library/RenPy/OurLife/ and then deleted all the files ending in ".save". 

I'm glad you found a way and thank you for sharing what you did ^^

No problem, I really love the game and I'm excited to play the DLCs and any future content!


In case someone needs it: On Mac, you can delete save files by hovering the mouse over a save file and press the "delete button + fn + small upward button (above fn button)" at the same time :)

im not sure if anyone else may see this but I did find this and actually tried it and was frustrated when it didn't work. found out that in order to delete save files you actually  hover over the in game slot with your cursor, then press the fn button, THEN press delete! hope this helps anyone who may come across this!!

Thank you so much, that worked for me!


is there any y'know ;))) moments that go further than lip touching or... pls the otome gods have spoiled me one too many times before 


Well, considering how nervous Cove gets when it comes to being near mc in the same bed, it makes complete sense why there wouldn't be any "going further",  not at this point in their relationship. 

Unless mc is an asshole who would push Cove into doing something he clearly wouldn't be comfortable with yet. But that would turn their relationship into a very toxic one, wouldn't it?

p.s.: I apologize if I come across as rude, that is not my intention.

 Have a nice day!


there's going to be an 18+ patreon exclusive dlc... not sure when, but it'll be available to the $5 tier and above


I simply agree with all comments here. This game is one of the very few things which saved this year. Everything is simply perfect, I love my sweet marshmallow boy Cove and I adored the small family interactions we had through the game (as someone who didn't have the luck to grow up in a happy family, these small words of comfort were incredible heart-warming). I'm already super excited for the third DLC and the epilogue! I really thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful and sweet game, i think it really changed the way I view my own life


Absolutely stunning and lovable game. It brings this nostalgia feeling of childhood and warmth. Excellent execution of atmosphere creation, character developement, the story itself, and stunning visuals with beautiful music. I absolutely had to buy the DLCs! I just finished the free game and I haven't been this content in a loooong, long time. Going to replay now with the DLCs :D! Thank you for creating such a masterpiece. ^^

(1 edit) (+13)

i've been a supporter of this game for several months, and bought both dlc the moment i woke up on release day. late last night, i completed my first playthrough. there's no telling how much our life has lifted my spirits— it's a beautiful experience, with every detail and interaction breathing life into the setting and characters. and cove, my sweet boy!! there were so many times when i had to walk away from my laptop just to recover from how cute he was... i love him so much that i cried all the way through his confession and the rest of the ending.

thanks to all the writers, artists, developers, producers, and others who made this game happen! i can't seem to find enough words to express how grateful i am to play such a wonderful game— our life has filled my heart with so much joy. i'm looking forward to the upcoming dlc as well!


I just spent two days playing this game nearly non stop. I can't express how much I love this game. I love my friends, my parents, Cove's parents. Cove himself. I haven't cried playing a game in a long time but man I bawled. This game hit really close to home and its so wholesome. It was what I needed right now and it holds a special place in my heart. I don't think I've ever been attached to fictional characters as much as I was attached to the family and friends you crafted for me here. Thank you so much.


came for the cute boy, stayed for the gender affirming juice


Is ther going to be a step with them being elderly, I would love that, also, this is the first game of this type that I actually enjo


a whole rant coming!!!

i have been following this game for awhile and im really excited for the release. so i update the game and bought the dlc right away when its available. but i cant bring myself to finish the game quickly, just to think that i will finish the game hurt so bad. so i play it slowly, taking brakes in between moments and just taking my time with it. and i loved every moments i spend with this game! it truly felt like being alive once again and be excited for whats coming next! every character holds a special place in my heart and i love each one of them, everything about this game is just full of live and it capture the nostalgic feeling very well. saying that im emotionally attached to this game is an understatement.. wanna hug my game fam and friends so bad</3

i dealt with goodbyes really badly so at the last moment in step 3 i just cried the entire time lmaooo. you gave us the perfect ending for cove and mc, i felt resolved even tho it hurts, and the ending song!!! it capture the moment perfectly!!! GOD i cant help but to just break down and sob my eyes out

thank you so much for creating this game!!! i will cherished and love it forever, hehe! cant wait for the next dlc and step 4! i wish you the best in life<3

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